Tests assert that stderr contains no ERROR: lines after a successful exit
Rewrote sqlite_exec_int64() to separate error outcomes from legitimate
result values
Changed several WHY() calls to DEBUG()
Improved test framework
- new assert option: --error-on-fail causes an assertion failure within a test
case to result in an ERROR not a FAIL condition, so that failures to
correctly establish a fixture can be distinguished from the actual feature
under test
- new execute() option: --exit-status=N
equivalent to assertExitStatus --stderr '==' N
- new executeOk() function, shortcut for execute --exit-status=0
- add assertGrep function
- improve --matches option for assertGrep and assertStdoutGrep: now
accepts [min]-[max] range, eg --matches=1-3, --matches=4-
- Put common utility functions into testdefs.sh
- Add abspath() and realpath() functions to test framework
- Test framework now executes all tests with working directory in a temporary
directory, to avoid pollution of caller's working directory
- Improve test log verbosity
- Name test log files by test script name