Two command lines working : read message log and add message but need to fix the length (calculated by the system and not provided

This commit is contained in:
alexandrasclapari 2013-04-30 20:49:53 -07:00
parent 26ca801006
commit b8bc580af0
6 changed files with 906 additions and 611 deletions

View File

@ -1474,206 +1474,92 @@ cleanup:
return status;
int app_meshms_write_message(const struct cli_parsed *parsed, void *context)
int app_meshms_add_message(const struct cli_parsed *parsed, void *context)
if (config.debug.verbose)
const char *length, *sender_did, *recipient_did, *send_date, *payload, *manifestpath, *filepath, *bskhex;
cli_arg(parsed, "length", &length, cli_uint, "0");
cli_arg(parsed, "send_date", &send_date, cli_uint, "0");
cli_arg(parsed, "sender_did", &sender_did, cli_optional_did, "");
cli_arg(parsed, "recipient_did", &recipient_did, cli_optional_did, "");
cli_arg(parsed, "payload", &payload, NULL, "");
cli_arg(parsed, "manifestpath", &manifestpath, NULL, "");
cli_arg(parsed, "filepath", &filepath, NULL, "");
cli_arg(parsed, "bsk", &bskhex, cli_optional_bundle_key, NULL);
int ret = 0;
//sender_sid = author_sid
const char *sender_did, *recipient_did, *payload, *sender_sid, *recipient_sid;
cli_arg(parsed, "sender_did", &sender_did, cli_optional_did, "");
cli_arg(parsed, "recipient_did", &recipient_did, cli_optional_did, "");
cli_arg(parsed, "payload", &payload, NULL, "");
cli_arg(parsed, "sender_sid", &sender_sid, cli_optional_sid, "");
cli_arg(parsed, "recipient_sid", &recipient_sid, cli_optional_sid, "");
/*---- Serialization ----*/
int offset_buf=0;
unsigned int length_int = atoi(length);
unsigned long long send_date_ll=atoll(send_date);
unsigned char *buffer_serialize;
ret = serialize_meshms(buffer_serialize,&offset_buf,length_int,sender_did, recipient_did, send_date_ll, payload);
/*---- Retrieve a manifest ID corresponding to a sender_sid and recipient_sid ----*/
const char *service, *name, *offset, *limit;
const char *manifestid; manifestid=malloc(65);
cli_arg(parsed, "name", &name, NULL, "");
cli_arg(parsed, "offset", &offset, cli_uint, "0");
cli_arg(parsed, "limit", &limit, cli_uint, "0");
const char *service, *name, *sender_sid, *recipient_sid, *offset, *limit;
unsigned char *manifestid;
cli_arg(parsed, "name", &name, NULL, "");
cli_arg(parsed, "sender_sid", &sender_sid, cli_optional_sid, "");
cli_arg(parsed, "recipient_sid", &recipient_sid, cli_optional_sid, "");
cli_arg(parsed, "offset", &offset, cli_uint, "0");
cli_arg(parsed, "limit", &limit, cli_uint, "0");
/* Create the instance directory if it does not yet exist */
if (create_serval_instance_dir() == -1)
return -1;
if (!(keyring = keyring_open_instance_cli(parsed)))
return -1;
if (rhizome_opendb() == -1)
return -1;
// if sender_sid and recipient_sid are not provided, an error occurs
if ((strcmp(sender_sid,"") == 0) || (strcmp(recipient_sid,"" ) == 0))
int ret = 0;
if ( (strcmp(sender_did,"") == 0) || (strcmp(recipient_did,"") == 0) || (strcmp(sender_sid,"") == 0) || (strcmp(recipient_sid,"" ) == 0) )
cli_puts("Error, you must provide a sender_sid and recipient_sid"); cli_delim("\n");
else {
ret=rhizome_list_manifests_forMeshMS(service, name, sender_sid, recipient_sid, atoi(offset), atoi(limit), 0, manifestid);
cli_puts("Not enough arguments"); cli_delim("\n");
/*------------------------ Serialization -------------------------*/
int offset_buf=0;
unsigned int length_int = 1;
unsigned long long send_date_ll=gettime_ms();
unsigned char *buffer_serialize;
buffer_serialize=malloc(strlen(payload)+100); // make sure we have plenty of space
// encode twice: first to work out the final length, then once more to write it correctly
ret = serialize_meshms(buffer_serialize,&offset_buf,length_int,sender_did, recipient_did, send_date_ll, payload, strlen(payload)+1);
ret = serialize_meshms(buffer_serialize,&offset_buf,length_int,sender_did, recipient_did, send_date_ll, payload, strlen(payload)+1);
/*------------------------- Look for an existing manifest -------------------------*/
int ret_rhizome_list;
ret_rhizome_list=rhizome_list_manifests_forMeshMS(service, name, sender_sid, recipient_sid, atoi(offset), atoi(limit), 0, manifestid);
if (ret_rhizome_list != 2 ) {
cli_delim("\n");cli_puts("Existing ManifestID:");cli_puts(manifestid);cli_delim("\n");cli_delim("\n");
} else {
cli_delim("\n");cli_puts("No existing ManifestID");cli_delim("\n");
/*---- Read a manifest from the database and the file associated ----*/
/*---- Read a manifest from the database ----*/
unsigned char manifest_id[RHIZOME_MANIFEST_ID_BYTES];
if (fromhexstr(manifest_id, manifestid, RHIZOME_MANIFEST_ID_BYTES) == -1)
return WHY("Invalid manifest ID");
char manifestIdUpper[RHIZOME_MANIFEST_ID_STRLEN + 1];
tohex(manifestIdUpper, manifest_id, RHIZOME_MANIFEST_ID_BYTES);
// treat empty string the same as null
if (bskhex && !*bskhex)
rhizome_bk_t bsk;
if (bskhex && fromhexstr(bsk.binary, bskhex, RHIZOME_BUNDLE_KEY_BYTES) == -1)
return WHYF("invalid bsk: \"%s\"", bskhex);
if (create_serval_instance_dir() == -1)
return -1;
if (!(keyring = keyring_open_instance_cli(parsed)))
return -1;
if (rhizome_opendb() == -1)
return -1;
rhizome_manifest *m = rhizome_new_manifest();
if (m==NULL)
return WHY("Out of manifests");
ret = rhizome_retrieve_manifest(manifestIdUpper, m);
if (ret==0){
// ignore errors
rhizome_extract_privatekey(m, NULL);
const char *blob_service = rhizome_manifest_get(m, "service", NULL, 0);
cli_puts("service"); cli_delim(":"); cli_puts(blob_service); cli_delim("\n");
cli_puts("manifestid"); cli_delim(":"); cli_puts(manifestIdUpper); cli_delim("\n");
cli_puts("version"); cli_delim(":"); cli_printf("%lld", m->version); cli_delim("\n");
cli_puts("inserttime"); cli_delim(":"); cli_printf("%lld", m->inserttime); cli_delim("\n");
if (m->haveSecret) {
cli_puts(".author"); cli_delim(":"); cli_puts(alloca_tohex_sid(m->author)); cli_delim("\n");
cli_puts(".readonly"); cli_delim(":"); cli_printf("%d", m->haveSecret?0:1); cli_delim("\n");
cli_puts("filesize"); cli_delim(":"); cli_printf("%lld", (long long) m->fileLength); cli_delim("\n");
if (m->fileLength != 0) {
cli_puts("filehash"); cli_delim(":"); cli_puts(m->fileHexHash); cli_delim("\n");
int retfile=0;
// voir la fonction write file !!!!
/* if (ret==0 && m->fileLength != 0 && filepath && *filepath){
retfile = rhizome_extract_file(m, filepath, bskhex?&bsk:NULL);
if (ret==0 && manifestpath && *manifestpath){
if (strcmp(manifestpath, "-") == 0) {
// always extract a manifest to stdout, even if writing the file itself failed.
cli_write(m->manifestdata, m->manifest_all_bytes);
} else {
int append = (strcmp(manifestpath, filepath)==0)?1:0;
// don't write out the manifest if we were asked to append it and writing the file failed.
if ((!append) || retfile==0){
/* If the manifest has been read in from database, the blob is there,
and we can lie and say we are finalised and just want to write it
out. TODO: really should have a dirty/clean flag, so that write
works if clean but not finalised.
if (rhizome_write_manifest_file(m, manifestpath, append) == -1)
ret = -1;
if (retfile)
ret = retfile == -1 ? -1 : 1;
//if (m)
// rhizome_manifest_free(m);
FILE *f = fopen(filepath, "ab");
//if (f == NULL) { cli_puts("fail open");}
ret = fwrite(buffer_serialize, 1, length_int, f);
cli_printf("%d", ret);
if (ret == 0) { cli_puts("fail write");}
fclose (f);
//int rhizome_fill_manifest_for_meshms(m, manifestpath)
rhizome_bundle_import_files(m, manifestpath, filepath);
// int ret=0; */ }
return ret;
int app_meshms_read_messagelog(const struct cli_parsed *parsed, void *context)
if (config.debug.verbose)
const char *manifestid , *bskhex ;
//const char *manifestpath, *filepath, *manifestid, *bskhex;
if (cli_arg(parsed, "manifestid", &manifestid, cli_manifestid, "") == -1 )
return -1;
//else {
// cli_puts(manifestid);
// cli_delim("\n");
// }
//int extract = strcasecmp(parsed->args[1], "extract")==0;
// Ensure the Rhizome database exists and is open
if (create_serval_instance_dir() == -1)
return -1;
if (rhizome_opendb() == -1)
return -1;
// What does that mean ?
if (!(keyring = keyring_open_instance_cli(parsed)))
return -1;
int ret=0;
//manifestid is in hex
unsigned char manifest_id[RHIZOME_MANIFEST_ID_BYTES];
if (fromhexstr(manifest_id, manifestid, RHIZOME_MANIFEST_ID_BYTES) == -1)
return WHY("Invalid manifest ID");
char manifestIdUpper[RHIZOME_MANIFEST_ID_STRLEN + 1];
tohex(manifestIdUpper, manifest_id, RHIZOME_MANIFEST_ID_BYTES);
//cli_puts("manifestid"); cli_delim(":"); cli_puts(manifestIdUpper); cli_delim("\n");
return -1; */
unsigned char *buffer_file;
rhizome_manifest *m = rhizome_new_manifest();
if (!m)
return WHY("Manifest struct could not be allocated -- not added to rhizome");
if (ret_rhizome_list != 2)
//manifestid is in hex
unsigned char manifest_id[RHIZOME_MANIFEST_ID_BYTES];
if (fromhexstr(manifest_id, manifestid, RHIZOME_MANIFEST_ID_BYTES) == -1)
return WHY("Invalid manifest ID");
char manifestIdUpper[RHIZOME_MANIFEST_ID_STRLEN + 1];
tohex(manifestIdUpper, manifest_id, RHIZOME_MANIFEST_ID_BYTES);
// treat empty string the same as null
if (bskhex && !*bskhex)
@ -1681,18 +1567,15 @@ int app_meshms_read_messagelog(const struct cli_parsed *parsed, void *context)
rhizome_bk_t bsk;
if (bskhex && fromhexstr(bsk.binary, bskhex, RHIZOME_BUNDLE_KEY_BYTES) == -1)
return WHYF("invalid bsk: \"%s\"", bskhex);
rhizome_manifest *m = rhizome_new_manifest();
if (m==NULL)
return WHY("Out of manifests");
ret = rhizome_retrieve_manifest(manifestIdUpper, m);
if (ret==0){
// ignore errors
rhizome_extract_privatekey(m, NULL);
const char *blob_service = rhizome_manifest_get(m, "service", NULL, 0);
cli_puts("service"); cli_delim(":"); cli_puts(blob_service); cli_delim("\n");
cli_puts("manifestid"); cli_delim(":"); cli_puts(manifestIdUpper); cli_delim("\n");
cli_puts("version"); cli_delim(":"); cli_printf("%lld", m->version); cli_delim("\n");
@ -1706,72 +1589,183 @@ int app_meshms_read_messagelog(const struct cli_parsed *parsed, void *context)
cli_puts("filehash"); cli_delim(":"); cli_puts(m->fileHexHash); cli_delim("\n");
int retfile=0;
// ret=0 if retrieve manifest is ok
if (ret==0 && m->fileLength != 0 ){
// Rhizome_extract_file
struct rhizome_read read_state;
bzero(&read_state, sizeof read_state);
int ret = rhizome_open_decrypt_read(m, bskhex?&bsk:NULL, &read_state, 1);
if (ret == 0)
cli_puts("the file exist, we will read the file"); cli_delim("\n");
int read_byte_version ;
unsigned char *buffer_version;
int buffer_length_version=100;
read_byte_version=rhizome_read(&read_state, buffer_version, buffer_length_version);
int i=0;
cli_puts("read_byte_version");cli_delim(":");cli_printf("%d", read_byte_version); cli_delim("\n");
hex_dump(buffer_version, buffer_length_version);
ret = meshms_read_message(manifestid,m,buffer_file);
/*------------------------- Write the message -------------------------*/
sid_t authorSid;
if (sender_sid[0] && str_to_sid_t(&authorSid, sender_sid) == -1)
return WHYF("invalid author_sid: %s", sender_sid);
//ret = write_file(&read_state, filepath);
//return ret;
rhizome_bk_t bsk;
const char *bskhex = NULL ;
// treat empty string the same as null
if (bskhex && !*bskhex)
if (bskhex && fromhexstr(bsk.binary, bskhex, RHIZOME_BUNDLE_KEY_BYTES) == -1)
return WHYF("invalid bsk: \"%s\"", bskhex);
/*if (ret==0 && m->fileLength != 0 && filepath && *filepath){
if (extract){
// Save the file, implicitly decrypting if required.
// TODO, this may cause us to search for an author a second time if the above call to rhizome_extract_privatekey failed
retfile = rhizome_extract_file(m, filepath, bskhex?&bsk:NULL);
// Save the file without attempting to decrypt
int64_t length;
retfile = rhizome_dump_file(m->fileHexHash, filepath, &length);
m->fileLength += length_int;
rhizome_manifest_set_ll(m, "filesize", m->fileLength);
if (ret_rhizome_list == 0)
m->version = 0;
if (ret==0 && manifestpath && *manifestpath){
if (strcmp(manifestpath, "-") == 0) {
// always extract a manifest to stdout, even if writing the file itself failed.
cli_write(m->manifestdata, m->manifest_all_bytes);
} else {
int append = (strcmp(manifestpath, filepath)==0)?1:0;
// don't write out the manifest if we were asked to append it and writing the file failed.
if ((!append) || retfile==0){
/* If the manifest has been read in from database, the blob is there,
and we can lie and say we are finalised and just want to write it
out. TODO: really should have a dirty/clean flag, so that write
works if clean but not finalised.
if (rhizome_write_manifest_file(m, manifestpath, append) == -1)
ret = -1;
if (retfile)
ret = retfile == -1 ? -1 : 1;
if (m)
if (rhizome_fill_manifest_forMeshMS(m, *sender_sid?&authorSid:NULL, bskhex?&bsk:NULL, sender_sid, recipient_sid)){
return ret; */
return -1;
if (ret_rhizome_list == 0){
if (rhizome_add_message(m,buffer_serialize,buffer_file,length_int, ret_rhizome_list,manifestid)){
cli_printf("error dans rhizome_add_message 1");
return -1;
} else {
if (rhizome_add_message(m,buffer_serialize,NULL,length_int, ret_rhizome_list,NULL)){
cli_printf("error dans rhizome_add_message 1");
return -1;
rhizome_manifest *mout = NULL;
if (ret<0){
cli_printf("Error in manifest finalise");
return -1;
const char *service_manifest = rhizome_manifest_get(mout, "service", NULL, 0);
if (service) {
rhizome_bytes_to_hex_upper(mout->cryptoSignPublic, bid, RHIZOME_MANIFEST_ID_BYTES);
rhizome_bytes_to_hex_upper(mout->cryptoSignSecret, secret, RHIZOME_BUNDLE_KEY_BYTES);
cli_puts("version"); cli_delim(":"); cli_printf("%lld", m->version); cli_delim("\n");
cli_printf("%lld", mout->fileLength);
if (mout->fileLength != 0) {
const char *name_manifest = rhizome_manifest_get(mout, "name", NULL, 0);
if (name_manifest) {
if (mout != m)
return ret ;
int app_meshms_read_messagelog(const struct cli_parsed *parsed, void *context)
if (config.debug.verbose)
int ret;
const char *manifestid , *bskhex ;
if (cli_arg(parsed, "manifestid", &manifestid, cli_manifestid, "") == -1 )
return -1;
if (create_serval_instance_dir() == -1)
return -1;
if (!(keyring = keyring_open_instance_cli(parsed)))
return -1;
if (rhizome_opendb() == -1)
return -1;
unsigned char manifest_id[RHIZOME_MANIFEST_ID_BYTES];
if (fromhexstr(manifest_id, manifestid, RHIZOME_MANIFEST_ID_BYTES) == -1)
return WHY("Invalid manifest ID");
char manifestIdUpper[RHIZOME_MANIFEST_ID_STRLEN + 1];
tohex(manifestIdUpper, manifest_id, RHIZOME_MANIFEST_ID_BYTES);
rhizome_manifest *m = rhizome_new_manifest();
if (!m)
return WHY("Manifest struct could not be allocated -- not added to rhizome");
ret = rhizome_retrieve_manifest(manifestIdUpper, m);
if (ret==0){
// ignore errors
rhizome_extract_privatekey(m, NULL);
const char *blob_service = rhizome_manifest_get(m, "service", NULL, 0);
cli_puts("service"); cli_delim(":"); cli_puts(blob_service); cli_delim("\n");
cli_puts("manifestid"); cli_delim(":"); cli_puts(manifestIdUpper); cli_delim("\n");
cli_puts("version"); cli_delim(":"); cli_printf("%lld", m->version); cli_delim("\n");
cli_puts("inserttime"); cli_delim(":"); cli_printf("%lld", m->inserttime); cli_delim("\n");
if (m->haveSecret) {
cli_puts(".author"); cli_delim(":"); cli_puts(alloca_tohex_sid(m->author)); cli_delim("\n");
cli_puts(".readonly"); cli_delim(":"); cli_printf("%d", m->haveSecret?0:1); cli_delim("\n");
cli_puts("filesize"); cli_delim(":"); cli_printf("%lld", (long long) m->fileLength); cli_delim("\n");
if (m->fileLength != 0) {
cli_puts("filehash"); cli_delim(":"); cli_puts(m->fileHexHash); cli_delim("\n");
unsigned char *buffer_file;
int buffer_length=m->fileLength;
ret = meshms_read_message(manifestid,m,buffer_file);
int offset_buffer = 0;
ret = deserialize_meshms(buffer_file,&offset_buffer,buffer_length);
return ret;
@ -2668,9 +2662,8 @@ struct cli_schema command_line_options[]={
{app_meshms_read_messagelog,{"meshms","read", "messagelog" KEYRING_PIN_OPTIONS,
"List messages between a sender and a recipient"},
{app_meshms_write_message,{"meshms","write", "message" KEYRING_PIN_OPTIONS,
"[<length>]","[<sender_did>]","[<recipient_did>]","[<send_date>]", "[<payload>]","[<sender_sid>]","[<recipient_sid>]","[<manifestpath>]", "[<filepath>]", NULL},CLIFLAG_STANDALONE,
"Add a message to the messagelog file"},
{app_meshms_add_message,{"meshms","add","message" KEYRING_PIN_OPTIONS, "[<length>]","[<sender_did>]","[<recipient_did>]","[<sender_sid>]","[<recipient_sid>]","[<payload>]",NULL},CLIFLAG_STANDALONE,
"Add a file to Rhizome and optionally write its manifest to the given path"},
{app_rhizome_append_manifest, {"rhizome", "append", "manifest", "<filepath>", "<manifestpath>", NULL}, CLIFLAG_STANDALONE,
"Append a manifest to the end of the file it belongs to."},
@ -2753,195 +2746,3 @@ struct cli_schema command_line_options[]={
int app_rhizome_extract_for_meshms(const char *manifestid, const char *manifestpath, const char *filepath, const char *bskhex)
// int extract = strcasecmp(parsed->args[1], "extract")==0;
/* Ensure the Rhizome database exists and is open */
if (create_serval_instance_dir() == -1)
return -1;
if (rhizome_opendb() == -1)
return -1;
//if (!(keyring = keyring_open_instance_cli(parsed)))
// return -1;
int ret=0;
unsigned char manifest_id[RHIZOME_MANIFEST_ID_BYTES];
if (fromhexstr(manifest_id, manifestid, RHIZOME_MANIFEST_ID_BYTES) == -1)
return WHY("Invalid manifest ID");
char manifestIdUpper[RHIZOME_MANIFEST_ID_STRLEN + 1];
tohex(manifestIdUpper, manifest_id, RHIZOME_MANIFEST_ID_BYTES);
// treat empty string the same as null
if (bskhex && !*bskhex)
rhizome_bk_t bsk;
if (bskhex && fromhexstr(bsk.binary, bskhex, RHIZOME_BUNDLE_KEY_BYTES) == -1)
return WHYF("invalid bsk: \"%s\"", bskhex);
rhizome_manifest *m = rhizome_new_manifest();
if (m==NULL)
return WHY("Out of manifests");
ret = rhizome_retrieve_manifest(manifestIdUpper, m);
if (ret==0){
// ignore errors
rhizome_extract_privatekey(m, NULL);
const char *blob_service = rhizome_manifest_get(m, "service", NULL, 0);
cli_puts("service"); cli_delim(":"); cli_puts(blob_service); cli_delim("\n");
cli_puts("manifestid"); cli_delim(":"); cli_puts(manifestIdUpper); cli_delim("\n");
cli_puts("version"); cli_delim(":"); cli_printf("%lld", m->version); cli_delim("\n");
cli_puts("inserttime"); cli_delim(":"); cli_printf("%lld", m->inserttime); cli_delim("\n");
if (m->haveSecret) {
cli_puts(".author"); cli_delim(":"); cli_puts(alloca_tohex_sid(m->author)); cli_delim("\n");
cli_puts(".readonly"); cli_delim(":"); cli_printf("%d", m->haveSecret?0:1); cli_delim("\n");
cli_puts("filesize"); cli_delim(":"); cli_printf("%lld", (long long) m->fileLength); cli_delim("\n");
if (m->fileLength != 0) {
cli_puts("filehash"); cli_delim(":"); cli_puts(m->fileHexHash); cli_delim("\n");
int retfile=0;
if (ret==0 && m->fileLength != 0 && filepath && *filepath){
// if (extract){
// Save the file, implicitly decrypting if required.
// TODO, this may cause us to search for an author a second time if the above call to rhizome_extract_privatekey failed
retfile = rhizome_extract_file(m, filepath, bskhex?&bsk:NULL);
// }else{
// Save the file without attempting to decrypt
// int64_t length;
// retfile = rhizome_dump_file(m->fileHexHash, filepath, &length);
// }
if (ret==0 && manifestpath && *manifestpath){
if (strcmp(manifestpath, "-") == 0) {
// always extract a manifest to stdout, even if writing the file itself failed.
cli_write(m->manifestdata, m->manifest_all_bytes);
} else {
int append = (strcmp(manifestpath, filepath)==0)?1:0;
// don't write out the manifest if we were asked to append it and writing the file failed.
if ((!append) || retfile==0){
/* If the manifest has been read in from database, the blob is there,
and we can lie and say we are finalised and just want to write it
out. TODO: really should have a dirty/clean flag, so that write
works if clean but not finalised. */
if (rhizome_write_manifest_file(m, manifestpath, append) == -1)
ret = -1;
if (retfile)
ret = retfile == -1 ? -1 : 1;
if (m)
return ret;
int rhizome_fill_manifest_for_meshms(rhizome_manifest *m, const char *filepath){
/* Fill in a few missing manifest fields, to make it easier to use when adding new files:
- the default service is FILE
- use the current time for "date"
- if service is file, then use the payload file's basename for "name"
const char *service = rhizome_manifest_get(m, "service", NULL, 0);
if (service == NULL) {
rhizome_manifest_set(m, "service", (service = RHIZOME_SERVICE_MESHMS));
if (config.debug.rhizome) DEBUGF("missing 'service', set default service=%s", service);
} else {
if (config.debug.rhizome) DEBUGF("manifest contains service=%s", service);
if (rhizome_manifest_get(m, "date", NULL, 0) == NULL) {
rhizome_manifest_set_ll(m, "date", (long long) gettime_ms());
if (config.debug.rhizome) DEBUGF("missing 'date', set default date=%s", rhizome_manifest_get(m, "date", NULL, 0));
if (strcasecmp(RHIZOME_SERVICE_FILE, service) == 0) {
const char *name = rhizome_manifest_get(m, "name", NULL, 0);
if (name == NULL) {
if (filepath && *filepath){
name = strrchr(filepath, '/');
name = name ? name + 1 : filepath;
rhizome_manifest_set(m, "name", name);
if (config.debug.rhizome) DEBUGF("missing 'name', set default name=\"%s\"", name);
} else {
if (config.debug.rhizome) DEBUGF("manifest contains name=\"%s\"", name);
/* If the author was not specified, then the manifest's "sender"
field is used, if present. */
// if (authorSid){
// memcpy(m->author, authorSid, SID_SIZE);
// }else{
const char *sender = rhizome_manifest_get(m, "sender", NULL, 0);
if (sender){
if (fromhexstr(m->author, sender, SID_SIZE) == -1)
return WHYF("invalid sender: %s", sender);
// }
/* set version of manifest, either from version variable, or using current time */
if (rhizome_manifest_get(m,"version",NULL,0)==NULL)
/* No version set, default to the current time */
m->version = gettime_ms();
const char *id = rhizome_manifest_get(m, "id", NULL, 0);
if (id == NULL) {
if (config.debug.rhizome) DEBUG("creating new bundle");
if (rhizome_manifest_bind_id(m) == -1) {
return WHY("Could not bind manifest to an ID");
} else {
if (config.debug.rhizome) DEBUGF("modifying existing bundle bid=%s", id);
// Modifying an existing bundle. Make sure we can find the bundle secret.
// if (rhizome_extract_privatekey_required(m, bsk))
return -1;
// TODO assert that new version > old version?
int crypt = rhizome_manifest_get_ll(m,"crypt");
if (crypt==-1 && m->fileLength){
// no explicit crypt flag, should we encrypt this bundle?
char *sender = rhizome_manifest_get(m, "sender", NULL, 0);
char *recipient = rhizome_manifest_get(m, "recipient", NULL, 0);
// anything sent from one person to another should be considered private and encrypted by default
if (sender && recipient){
if (config.debug.rhizome)
DEBUGF("Implicitly adding payload encryption due to presense of sender & recipient fields");
return 0;

View File

@ -129,8 +129,8 @@ int rhizome_bundle_import_files(rhizome_manifest *m, const char *manifest_path,
if (rhizome_read_manifest_file(m, manifest_path, buffer_len) == -1)
return WHY("could not read manifest file");
//if (rhizome_manifest_verify(m))
// return WHY("could not verify manifest");
if (rhizome_manifest_verify(m))
return WHY("could not verify manifest");
/* Make sure we store signatures */
// TODO, why do we need this? Why isn't the state correct from rhizome_read_manifest_file?

View File

@ -777,3 +777,130 @@ int rhizome_fill_manifest(rhizome_manifest *m, const char *filepath, const sid_t
return 0;
int rhizome_fill_manifest_forMeshMS(rhizome_manifest *m, const sid_t *authorSid, rhizome_bk_t *bsk, const char *sender_sid, const char *recipient_sid){
/* Fill in a few missing manifest fields, to make it easier to use when adding new files:
- the default service is FILE
- use the current time for "date"
- if service is file, then use the payload file's basename for "name"
// Set the service if doesn't exist
const char *service = rhizome_manifest_get(m, "service", NULL, 0);
if (service == NULL) {
rhizome_manifest_set(m, "service", (service = RHIZOME_SERVICE_MESHMS));
if (config.debug.rhizome) DEBUGF("missing 'service', set default service=%s", service);
} else {
if (config.debug.rhizome) DEBUGF("manifest contains service=%s", service);
// Set the date if doesn't exist
if (rhizome_manifest_get(m, "date", NULL, 0) == NULL) {
rhizome_manifest_set_ll(m, "date", (long long) gettime_ms());
if (config.debug.rhizome) DEBUGF("missing 'date', set default date=%s", rhizome_manifest_get(m, "date", NULL, 0));
if (strcasecmp(RHIZOME_SERVICE_FILE, service) == 0) {
const char *name = rhizome_manifest_get(m, "name", NULL, 0);
if (name == NULL) {
if (filepath && *filepath){
name = strrchr(filepath, '/');
name = name ? name + 1 : filepath;
rhizome_manifest_set(m, "name", name);
if (config.debug.rhizome) DEBUGF("missing 'name', set default name=\"%s\"", name);
} else {
if (config.debug.rhizome) DEBUGF("manifest contains name=\"%s\"", name);
/* If the author was not specified, then the manifest's "sender"
field is used, if present. */
// Set the author if doesn't exist
if (authorSid){
memcpy(m->author, authorSid, SID_SIZE);
const char *sender = rhizome_manifest_get(m, "sender", NULL, 0);
if (sender){
if (fromhexstr(m->author, sender, SID_SIZE) == -1)
return WHYF("invalid sender: %s", sender);
/* set version of manifest, either from version variable, or using current time */
if (rhizome_manifest_get(m,"version",NULL,0)==NULL)
/* No version set, default to the current time */
m->version = gettime_ms();
if (m->version == 0)
/* No version set, default to the current time */
m->version = gettime_ms();
// Set the manifestid if doesn't exist
const char *id = rhizome_manifest_get(m, "id", NULL, 0);
if (id == NULL) {
if (config.debug.rhizome) DEBUG("creating new bundle");
if (rhizome_manifest_bind_id(m) == -1) {
return WHY("Could not bind manifest to an ID");
} else {
if (config.debug.rhizome) DEBUGF("modifying existing bundle bid=%s", id);
// Modifying an existing bundle. Make sure we can find the bundle secret.
if (rhizome_extract_privatekey_required(m, bsk))
return -1;
// TODO assert that new version > old version?
if (rhizome_manifest_get(m,"sender",NULL,0)==NULL)
if (rhizome_manifest_get(m,"recipient",NULL,0)==NULL)
int crypt = rhizome_manifest_get_ll(m,"crypt");
if (crypt==-1 && m->fileLength){
// no explicit crypt flag, should we encrypt this bundle?
char *sender = rhizome_manifest_get(m, "sender", NULL, 0);
char *recipient = rhizome_manifest_get(m, "recipient", NULL, 0);
// anything sent from one person to another should be considered private and encrypted by default
// if (sender && recipient){
if (config.debug.rhizome)
DEBUGF("Implicitly adding payload encryption due to presense of sender & recipient fields");
return 0;

View File

@ -925,8 +925,9 @@ int rhizome_store_bundle(rhizome_manifest *m)
strncpy(filehash, m->fileHexHash, sizeof filehash);
if (!rhizome_exists(filehash))
return WHY("File should already be stored by now");
if (!rhizome_exists(filehash)) {
cli_delim("\n");cli_puts("File should already be stored by now because filehash already exist in add manifest");
return WHY("File should already be stored by now");}
} else {
filehash[0] = '\0';
@ -1278,9 +1279,10 @@ int rhizome_list_manifests_forMeshMS(const char *service, const char *name,
while (sqlite_step_retry(&retry, statement) == SQLITE_ROW) {
// cli_printf("%d",rows);
if (limit>0 && rows>limit)
if (rows>2)
@ -1385,7 +1387,7 @@ int rhizome_list_manifests_forMeshMS(const char *service, const char *name,
//cli_put_hexvalue(blob_sender?senderSid:NULL, SID_SIZE, ":");
//cli_put_hexvalue(blob_recipient?recipientSid:NULL, SID_SIZE, ":");
cli_put_string(blob_name, "\n");
if (m) rhizome_manifest_free(m);
@ -1394,7 +1396,9 @@ int rhizome_list_manifests_forMeshMS(const char *service, const char *name,
while (sqlite_step_retry(&retry, statement) == SQLITE_ROW)
if (rows == 0) {ret = 2;}

View File

@ -19,7 +19,9 @@ int rhizome_exists(const char *fileHash){
int rhizome_open_write(struct rhizome_write *write, char *expectedFileHash, int64_t file_length, int priority){
if (expectedFileHash){
if (rhizome_exists(expectedFileHash))
{ cli_printf("error dans rhizome_exists");
return 1;
strlcpy(write->id, expectedFileHash, SHA512_DIGEST_STRING_LENGTH);
@ -280,10 +282,13 @@ int rhizome_fail_write(struct rhizome_write *write){
int rhizome_finish_write(struct rhizome_write *write){
//cli_puts("\n");cli_puts("--------------je suis dans finish write");cli_puts("\n");
if (write->data_size>0){
if (rhizome_flush(write))
return -1;
if (write->blob_fd)
if (write->buffer)
@ -336,10 +341,10 @@ int rhizome_finish_write(struct rhizome_write *write){
goto failure;
if (unlink(blob_path))
if (sqlite_exec_void_retry(&retry,
"UPDATE FILEBLOBS SET id='%s' WHERE rowid=%lld",
@ -466,11 +471,13 @@ int rhizome_open_read(struct rhizome_read *read, const char *fileid, int hash)
read->blob_rowid = -1;
read->blob_fd = -1;
if (sqlite_exec_int64(&read->blob_rowid, "SELECT FILEBLOBS.rowid FROM FILEBLOBS, FILES WHERE = AND = '%s' AND FILES.datavalid != 0", read->id) == -1)
{ cli_puts("no file found in the database _ rhizome_open_read");
return -1;
if (read->blob_rowid != -1) {
read->length = -1; // discover the length on opening the db BLOB
} else {
// No row in FILEBLOBS, look for an external blob file.
//cli_printf("No row in FILEBLOBS, look for an external blob file.");
char blob_path[1024];
if (!FORM_RHIZOME_DATASTORE_PATH(blob_path, read->id))
return -1;
@ -498,13 +505,9 @@ int rhizome_read(struct rhizome_read *read_state, unsigned char *buffer, int buf
int bytes_read = 0;
if (read_state->blob_fd != -1) {
//positionne le pointeur
if (lseek(read_state->blob_fd, read_state->offset, SEEK_SET) == -1)
if (lseek(read_state->blob_fd, read_state->offset, SEEK_SET) == -1)
RETURN(WHYF_perror("lseek(%d,%ld,SEEK_SET)", read_state->blob_fd, (long)read_state->offset));
// read buffer-lenght char and store in buffer
bytes_read = read(read_state->blob_fd, buffer, buffer_length);
if (bytes_read == -1)
RETURN(WHYF_perror("read(%d,%p,%ld)", read_state->blob_fd, buffer, (long)buffer_length));
} else if (read_state->blob_rowid != -1) {
@ -550,7 +553,7 @@ int rhizome_read(struct rhizome_read *read_state, unsigned char *buffer, int buf
char hash_out[SHA512_DIGEST_STRING_LENGTH+1];
SHA512_End(&read_state->sha512_context, hash_out);
if (strcasecmp(read_state->id, hash_out)){
WHYF("Expected hash=%s, got %s", read_state->id, hash_out);
WHYF("Expected hash=%s, got %s", read_state->id, hash_out);
@ -664,46 +667,431 @@ int rhizome_dump_file(const char *id, const char *filepath, int64_t *length)
/*int rhizome_write_messsage(const char *manifestid)
//if (config.debug.verbose)
// DEBUG_cli_parsed(parsed);
const char *bskhex ;
//const char *manifestpath, *filepath, *manifestid, *bskhex;
int rhizome_add_message(rhizome_manifest *m, unsigned char *message, unsigned char *buffer_file, int message_size, int manifest_exist, const char *manifestid)
rhizome_bk_t bsk;
const char *bskhex = NULL ;
// treat empty string the same as null
if (bskhex && !*bskhex)
if (bskhex && fromhexstr(bsk.binary, bskhex, RHIZOME_BUNDLE_KEY_BYTES) == -1)
return WHYF("invalid bsk: \"%s\"", bskhex);
int file_size = m->fileLength - message_size;
int ret;
// Stream the file directly into the database, encrypting & hashing as we go.
struct rhizome_write write;
bzero(&write, sizeof(write));
if ( manifest_exist == 0)
if (rhizome_open_write_forMeshms_manifest_exist(&write, m->fileHexHash, m->fileLength, RHIZOME_PRIORITY_DEFAULT,manifestid))
cli_printf("error in rhizome_open_write");
return -1;
} else {
if (rhizome_open_write_forMeshms(&write, NULL, m->fileLength, RHIZOME_PRIORITY_DEFAULT))
cli_printf("error in rhizome_open_write");
return -1;
if (write.crypt){
// if the manifest specifies encryption, make sure we can generate the payload key and encrypt the contents as we go
if (rhizome_derive_key(m, NULL))
{cli_puts("error in rhizome derive key");
return -1; }
if (config.debug.rhizome)
DEBUGF("Encrypting file contents");
bcopy(m->payloadKey, write.key, sizeof(write.key));
bcopy(m->payloadNonce, write.nonce, sizeof(write.nonce));
int i = 0;
if (file_size != 0)
for (i; i< file_size; i++)
if (file_size == 0)
{ i = 0; }
for (i; i<m->fileLength; i++)
//hex_dump(write.buffer, m->fileLength);
write.data_size = m->fileLength ;
ret = rhizome_flush(&write);
if (ret == -1)
{ cli_puts("erreur dans flush");}
if ( manifest_exist == 0) {
if (rhizome_finish_write_forMeshms_manifest_exist(&write)){
return -1;
} else {
if (rhizome_finish_write(&write)){
return -1;
strlcpy(m->fileHexHash,, SHA512_DIGEST_STRING_LENGTH);
rhizome_manifest_set(m, "filehash", m->fileHexHash);
return 0;
int rhizome_open_write_forMeshms_manifest_exist(struct rhizome_write *write, char *expectedFileHash, int64_t file_length, int priority, const char *manifestid){
//if (cli_arg(parsed, "manifestid", &manifestid, cli_manifestid, "") == -1 )
// return -1;
//else {
// cli_puts(manifestid);
// cli_delim("\n");
// }
if (rhizome_exists(expectedFileHash)){
//cli_delim("\n");cli_printf("expected filehash is %s",expectedFileHash);
//return 1;
//if (rhizome_delete_payload(manifestid)==0) {
//cli_printf("deletion successful in the database");
//} else {
//cli_printf("deletion unsuccessful in the database");
strlcpy(write->id, expectedFileHash, SHA512_DIGEST_STRING_LENGTH);
sqlite_retry_state retry_update = SQLITE_RETRY_STATE_DEFAULT;
sqlite3_stmt *statement_update = NULL;
if (sqlite_exec_void_retry(&retry_update, "BEGIN TRANSACTION;") == -1){
return WHY("Failed to begin transaction");
int ret=sqlite_exec_void_retry(&retry_update,
"INSERT OR REPLACE INTO FILES(id,length,highestpriority,datavalid,inserttime) VALUES('%s',%lld,%d,1,%lld);",
write->id, (long long)file_length, priority, (long long)gettime_ms());
if (ret==-1)
{ cli_printf("insert database fail");
goto insert_row_fail;
char blob_path[1024];
//int extract = strcasecmp(parsed->args[1], "extract")==0;
if (config.rhizome.external_blobs) {
if (!FORM_RHIZOME_DATASTORE_PATH(blob_path, write->id)){
WHY("Invalid path");
goto insert_row_fail;
if (config.debug.externalblobs)
DEBUGF("Attempting to put blob for %s in %s",
write->blob_fd=open(blob_path, O_CREAT | O_TRUNC | O_WRONLY, 0664);
if (write->blob_fd<0)
goto insert_row_fail;
if (config.debug.externalblobs)
DEBUGF("Blob file created (fd=%d)", write->blob_fd);
} else {
statement_update = NULL;
statement_update = sqlite_prepare(&retry_update,"INSERT OR REPLACE INTO FILEBLOBS(id,data) VALUES('%s',?)",write->id);
if (!statement_update) {
WHYF("Failed to insert into fileblobs: %s", sqlite3_errmsg(rhizome_db));
goto insert_row_fail;
/* Bind appropriate sized zero-filled blob to data field */
if (sqlite3_bind_zeroblob(statement_update, 1, file_length) != SQLITE_OK) {
WHYF("sqlite3_bind_zeroblob() failed: %s: %s", sqlite3_errmsg(rhizome_db), sqlite3_sql(statement_update));
goto insert_row_fail;
/* Do actual insert, and abort if it fails */
int rowcount = 0;
int stepcode;
while ((stepcode = _sqlite_step_retry(__WHENCE__, LOG_LEVEL_ERROR, &retry_update, statement_update)) == SQLITE_ROW)
if (rowcount)
WARNF("void query unexpectedly returned %d row%s", rowcount, rowcount == 1 ? "" : "s");
if (!sqlite_code_ok(stepcode)){
WHYF("Failed to insert row for fileid=%s", write->id);
if (statement_update) sqlite3_finalize(statement_update);
sqlite_exec_void_retry(&retry_update, "ROLLBACK;");
return -1;
strbuf b = strbuf_alloca(1024);
strbuf_sprintf(b, "SELECT rowid FROM FILEBLOBS WHERE id = '%s'",write->id);
sqlite_retry_state retry_select = SQLITE_RETRY_STATE_DEFAULT;
sqlite3_stmt *statement_select = sqlite_prepare(&retry_select, "%s", strbuf_str(b));
if (!statement_select)
size_t rows = 0;
while (sqlite_step_retry(&retry_select, statement_select) == SQLITE_ROW) {
if (rows>2)
{ break ; } // error , there is more than one message log file for one sender and recipient
write->blob_rowid = sqlite3_column_int64(statement_select, 0);
// Ensure the Rhizome database exists and is open
if (create_serval_instance_dir() == -1)
return -1;
if (rhizome_opendb() == -1)
if (sqlite_exec_void_retry(&retry_update, "COMMIT;") == -1){
if (write->blob_fd>0){
return -1;
// What does that mean ?
// if (!(keyring = keyring_open_instance_cli(parsed)))
// return -1;
write->file_length = file_length;
write->file_offset = 0;
if (write->buffer_size>RHIZOME_BUFFER_MAXIMUM_SIZE)
if (!write->buffer)
return WHY("Unable to allocate write buffer");
return 0;
int rhizome_open_write_forMeshms(struct rhizome_write *write, char *expectedFileHash, int64_t file_length, int priority){
snprintf(write->id, sizeof(write->id), "%lld", gettime_ms());
sqlite3_stmt *statement = NULL;
sqlite_retry_state retry = SQLITE_RETRY_STATE_DEFAULT;
if (sqlite_exec_void_retry(&retry, "BEGIN TRANSACTION;") == -1){
return WHY("Failed to begin transaction");
int ret=sqlite_exec_void_retry(&retry,
"INSERT OR REPLACE INTO FILES(id,length,highestpriority,datavalid,inserttime) VALUES('%s',%lld,%d,1,%lld);",
write->id, (long long)file_length, priority, (long long)gettime_ms());
if (ret==-1){
cli_printf("insert database fail");
goto insert_row_fail;
char blob_path[1024];
if (config.rhizome.external_blobs) {
if (!FORM_RHIZOME_DATASTORE_PATH(blob_path, write->id)){
WHY("Invalid path");
goto insert_row_fail;
if (config.debug.externalblobs)
DEBUGF("Attempting to put blob for %s in %s",
write->blob_fd=open(blob_path, O_CREAT | O_TRUNC | O_WRONLY, 0664);
if (write->blob_fd<0)
goto insert_row_fail;
if (config.debug.externalblobs)
DEBUGF("Blob file created (fd=%d)", write->blob_fd);
} else {
statement = NULL;
statement = sqlite_prepare(&retry,"INSERT OR REPLACE INTO FILEBLOBS(id,data) VALUES('%s',?)",write->id);
if (!statement) {
WHYF("Failed to insert into fileblobs: %s", sqlite3_errmsg(rhizome_db));
goto insert_row_fail;
/* Bind appropriate sized zero-filled blob to data field */ //modification de la taille du blob pour écrire plusieurs messages
if (sqlite3_bind_zeroblob(statement, 1, file_length) != SQLITE_OK) {
WHYF("sqlite3_bind_zeroblob() failed: %s: %s", sqlite3_errmsg(rhizome_db), sqlite3_sql(statement));
goto insert_row_fail;
/* Do actual insert, and abort if it fails */
int rowcount = 0;
int stepcode;
while ((stepcode = _sqlite_step_retry(__WHENCE__, LOG_LEVEL_ERROR, &retry, statement)) == SQLITE_ROW)
if (rowcount)
WARNF("void query unexpectedly returned %d row%s", rowcount, rowcount == 1 ? "" : "s");
if (!sqlite_code_ok(stepcode)){
WHYF("Failed to insert row for fileid=%s", write->id);
if (statement) sqlite3_finalize(statement);
sqlite_exec_void_retry(&retry, "ROLLBACK;");
return -1;
/* Get rowid for inserted row, so that we can modify the blob */
write->blob_rowid = sqlite3_last_insert_rowid(rhizome_db);
if (config.debug.rhizome_rx)
DEBUGF("Got rowid %lld for %s", write->blob_rowid, write->id);
if (sqlite_exec_void_retry(&retry, "COMMIT;") == -1){
if (write->blob_fd>0){
return -1;
write->file_length = file_length;
write->file_offset = 0;
if (write->buffer_size>RHIZOME_BUFFER_MAXIMUM_SIZE)
if (!write->buffer)
return WHY("Unable to allocate write buffer");
return 0;
int rhizome_finish_write_forMeshms_manifest_exist(struct rhizome_write *write){
if (write->data_size>0){
if (rhizome_flush(write))
return -1;
if (write->blob_fd)
if (write->buffer)
char hash_out[SHA512_DIGEST_STRING_LENGTH+1];
SHA512_End(&write->sha512_context, hash_out);
sqlite_retry_state retry = SQLITE_RETRY_STATE_DEFAULT;
if (sqlite_exec_void_retry(&retry, "BEGIN TRANSACTION;") == -1)
goto failure;
if (rhizome_exists(hash_out)){
// ooops, we've already got that file, delete the new copy.
// delete any half finished records
sqlite_exec_void_retry_loglevel(LOG_LEVEL_WARN, &retry,"DELETE FROM FILEBLOBS WHERE id='%s';",hash_out);
sqlite_exec_void_retry_loglevel(LOG_LEVEL_WARN, &retry,"DELETE FROM FILES WHERE id='%s';",hash_out);
if (sqlite_exec_void_retry(&retry,
"UPDATE FILES SET id='%s', inserttime=%lld, datavalid=1 WHERE id='%s'",
hash_out, gettime_ms(), write->id) == -1)
goto failure;
if (config.rhizome.external_blobs){
char blob_path[1024];
char dest_path[1024];
if (!FORM_RHIZOME_DATASTORE_PATH(blob_path, write->id)){
WHYF("Failed to generate file path");
goto failure;
if (!FORM_RHIZOME_DATASTORE_PATH(dest_path, hash_out)){
WHYF("Failed to generate file path");
goto failure;
if (link(blob_path, dest_path)){
goto failure;
if (unlink(blob_path))
if (sqlite_exec_void_retry(&retry,
"UPDATE FILEBLOBS SET id='%s' WHERE rowid=%lld",
hash_out, write->blob_rowid) == -1){
goto failure;
strlcpy(write->id, hash_out, SHA512_DIGEST_STRING_LENGTH);
if (sqlite_exec_void_retry(&retry, "COMMIT;") == -1)
goto failure;
return 0;
sqlite_exec_void_retry(&retry, "ROLLBACK;");
return -1;
int meshms_read_message(const char *manifestid,rhizome_manifest *m, unsigned char *buffer )
const char *bskhex = NULL ;
if (!(keyring = keyring_open_instance_cli(parsed)))
return -1; */
int ret=0;
//manifestid is in hex
unsigned char manifest_id[RHIZOME_MANIFEST_ID_BYTES];
if (fromhexstr(manifest_id, manifestid, RHIZOME_MANIFEST_ID_BYTES) == -1)
return WHY("Invalid manifest ID");
char manifestIdUpper[RHIZOME_MANIFEST_ID_STRLEN + 1];
tohex(manifestIdUpper, manifest_id, RHIZOME_MANIFEST_ID_BYTES);
//cli_puts("manifestid"); cli_delim(":"); cli_puts(manifestIdUpper); cli_delim("\n");
// treat empty string the same as null
if (bskhex && !*bskhex)
@ -711,132 +1099,39 @@ int rhizome_dump_file(const char *id, const char *filepath, int64_t *length)
rhizome_bk_t bsk;
if (bskhex && fromhexstr(bsk.binary, bskhex, RHIZOME_BUNDLE_KEY_BYTES) == -1)
return WHYF("invalid bsk: \"%s\"", bskhex);
rhizome_manifest *m = rhizome_new_manifest();
if (m==NULL)
return WHY("Out of manifests");
ret = rhizome_retrieve_manifest(manifestIdUpper, m);
if (ret==0){
// ignore errors
rhizome_extract_privatekey(m, NULL);
const char *blob_service = rhizome_manifest_get(m, "service", NULL, 0);
cli_puts("service"); cli_delim(":"); cli_puts(blob_service); cli_delim("\n");
cli_puts("manifestid"); cli_delim(":"); cli_puts(manifestIdUpper); cli_delim("\n");
cli_puts("version"); cli_delim(":"); cli_printf("%lld", m->version); cli_delim("\n");
cli_puts("inserttime"); cli_delim(":"); cli_printf("%lld", m->inserttime); cli_delim("\n");
if (m->haveSecret) {
cli_puts(".author"); cli_delim(":"); cli_puts(alloca_tohex_sid(m->author)); cli_delim("\n");
cli_puts(".readonly"); cli_delim(":"); cli_printf("%d", m->haveSecret?0:1); cli_delim("\n");
cli_puts("filesize"); cli_delim(":"); cli_printf("%lld", (long long) m->fileLength); cli_delim("\n");
if (m->fileLength != 0) {
cli_puts("filehash"); cli_delim(":"); cli_puts(m->fileHexHash); cli_delim("\n");
int retfile=0;
// From Rhizome_import_file in rhizome_store.c
//if (m->fileLength<=0)
// return 0;
// Import the file first, checking the hash as we go
struct rhizome_write write;
bzero(&write, sizeof(write));
//int ret=rhizome_open_write(&write, m->fileHexHash, m->fileLength, RHIZOME_PRIORITY_DEFAULT);
if (ret!=0)
return ret;
// file payload is not in the store yet
if (rhizome_write_file(&write, filepath)){
return -1;
if (rhizome_finish_write(&write)){
return -1;
return 0;
// ret=0 if retrieve manifest is ok
if (ret==0 && m->fileLength != 0 ){
// Rhizome_extract_file
// là il faut écire dans un file, utilisation de
struct rhizome_read read_state;
bzero(&read_state, sizeof read_state);
int ret = rhizome_open_decrypt_read(m, bskhex?&bsk:NULL, &read_state, 1);
if (ret == 0)
cli_puts("the file exist, we will read the file"); cli_delim("\n");
int ret = rhizome_open_decrypt_read(m, bskhex?&bsk:NULL, &read_state, 0);
//if (ret == 0) // No errors
//cli_puts("the file exist, we will read the file"); cli_delim("\n");
int read_byte_version ;
unsigned char *buffer_version;
int buffer_length_version=100;
read_byte_version=rhizome_read(&read_state, buffer_version, buffer_length_version);
int i=0;
cli_puts("read_byte_version");cli_delim(":");cli_printf("%d", read_byte_version); cli_delim("\n");
hex_dump(buffer_version, buffer_length_version);
int read_byte ;
int buffer_length=m->fileLength;
//ret = write_file(&read_state, filepath);
//return ret;
read_byte=rhizome_read(&read_state, buffer, buffer_length);
//int offset_buffer = 0;
//ret = deserialize_meshms(buffer,&offset_buffer,buffer_length);
/*if (ret==0 && m->fileLength != 0 && filepath && *filepath){
if (extract){
// Save the file, implicitly decrypting if required.
// TODO, this may cause us to search for an author a second time if the above call to rhizome_extract_privatekey failed
retfile = rhizome_extract_file(m, filepath, bskhex?&bsk:NULL);
// Save the file without attempting to decrypt
int64_t length;
retfile = rhizome_dump_file(m->fileHexHash, filepath, &length);
if (ret==0 && manifestpath && *manifestpath){
if (strcmp(manifestpath, "-") == 0) {
// always extract a manifest to stdout, even if writing the file itself failed.
cli_write(m->manifestdata, m->manifest_all_bytes);
} else {
int append = (strcmp(manifestpath, filepath)==0)?1:0;
// don't write out the manifest if we were asked to append it and writing the file failed.
if ((!append) || retfile==0){
/* If the manifest has been read in from database, the blob is there,
and we can lie and say we are finalised and just want to write it
out. TODO: really should have a dirty/clean flag, so that write
works if clean but not finalised.
if (rhizome_write_manifest_file(m, manifestpath, append) == -1)
ret = -1;
if (retfile)
ret = retfile == -1 ? -1 : 1;
if (m)
return ret;
//if (m)
// rhizome_manifest_free(m);
return ret;
} */

View File

@ -7,7 +7,7 @@
// replace it with #include "serval.h"
#define uint64_t unsigned long long
int serialize_meshms(unsigned char *buffer,int *offset,unsigned int length,char *sender_did,char *recipient_did, unsigned long long *time, char *payload)
int serialize_meshms(unsigned char *buffer,int *offset,unsigned int length,char *sender_did,char *recipient_did, unsigned long long time, char *payload, int payload_length)
int ret = 0;
@ -17,24 +17,92 @@ int serialize_meshms(unsigned char *buffer,int *offset,unsigned int length,char
int i=0;
int payload_length=strlen(payload);
cli_printf("---------------Dump in serialization function-------------\n");
// hex_dump(buffer,*offset);
return ret;
int deserialize_meshms(unsigned char *buffer,int *offset, int buffer_size)
int ret = 0;
int i=0;
unsigned int length =0;
while (i < buffer_size) {
char *sender_did_out=malloc(64);
char *recipient_did_out = malloc(64);
unsigned long long time = 0;
int j=0;
int payload_length;
if (length > 254)
payload_length = length - (2*5) - strlen(sender_did_out) - strlen(recipient_did_out) - 8;
} else
payload_length = length - (2*1) - strlen(sender_did_out) - strlen(recipient_did_out) - 8;
//cli_printf("payload length is %d",payload_length);
cli_printf("%c", buffer[*offset]);
i = i+length;
//cli_printf("i est egale à %d",i);cli_puts("|"); cli_printf("offset est egale à %d",*offset);cli_puts("|");cli_delim("\n");
return ret;
int encode_length_forwards(unsigned char *buffer,int *offset,
unsigned int length)
@ -94,7 +162,7 @@ int decode_length_backwards(unsigned char *buffer,int offset,
int pack_time(unsigned char *buffer,int *offset,uint64_t time)
int i;
for(i=0;i<64;i+=8) buffer[(*offset)++]=(time>>i)&0xff;
for(i=0;i<64;i+=8) { buffer[(*offset)++]=(time>>i)&0xff; }
return 0;