mirror of
synced 2025-03-01 12:11:26 +00:00
Add command to mark messages as read
This commit is contained in:
@ -2314,6 +2314,8 @@ struct cli_schema command_line_options[]={
"List MeshMS messages between <sender_sid> and <recipient_sid>"},
{app_meshms_send_message,{"meshms","send","message" KEYRING_PIN_OPTIONS, "<sender_sid>", "<recipient_sid>", "<payload>",NULL},0,
"Send a MeshMS message from <sender_sid> to <recipient_sid>"},
{app_meshms_mark_read,{"meshms","read","messages" KEYRING_PIN_OPTIONS, "<sender_sid>", "[<recipient_sid>]", "[<offset>]",NULL},0,
"Mark incoming messages from this recipient as read."},
{app_rhizome_append_manifest, {"rhizome", "append", "manifest", "<filepath>", "<manifestpath>", NULL}, 0,
"Append a manifest to the end of the file it belongs to."},
{app_rhizome_hash_file,{"rhizome","hash","file","<filepath>",NULL}, 0,
@ -3,11 +3,13 @@
#include "log.h"
#include "conf.h"
#include "crypto.h"
#include "strlcpy.h"
// the manifest details for one half of a conversation
struct ply{
uint64_t version;
@ -16,11 +18,16 @@ struct ply{
struct conversations{
// binary tree
struct conversations *_left;
struct conversations *_right;
// who are we talking to?
char them[SID_STRLEN+1];
char found_my_ply;
struct ply my_ply;
char found_their_ply;
struct ply their_ply;
@ -32,13 +39,19 @@ struct conversations{
uint64_t their_size;
// cursor state for reading one half of a conversation
struct ply_read{
// rhizome payload
struct rhizome_read read;
// block buffer
struct rhizome_read_buffer buff;
// details of the current record
uint64_t record_end_offset;
uint16_t record_length;
int buffer_size;
char type;
// raw record data
unsigned char *buffer;
@ -74,6 +87,9 @@ static int get_my_conversation_bundle(const char *my_sid, rhizome_manifest *m)
// always consider the content encrypted, we don't need to rely on the manifest itself.
if (m->haveSecret==NEW_BUNDLE_ID){
rhizome_fill_manifest(m, NULL, NULL, NULL);
return 0;
@ -231,7 +247,7 @@ static int ply_read_next(struct ply_read *ply){
return 1;
if (rhizome_read_buffered(&ply->read, &ply->buff, footer, sizeof(footer)))
if (rhizome_read_buffered(&ply->read, &ply->buff, footer, sizeof(footer)) < sizeof(footer))
return -1;
// (rhizome_read automatically advances the offset by the number of bytes read)
@ -442,8 +458,11 @@ static int update_conversations(const char *my_sidhex, struct conversations *con
// read our cached conversation list from our rhizome payload
static int read_known_conversations(rhizome_manifest *m, const char *their_sid_hex, struct conversations **conv){
if (m->haveSecret!=EXISTING_BUNDLE_ID)
if (m->haveSecret==NEW_BUNDLE_ID){
if (config.debug.meshms)
DEBUGF("Ignoring new bundle?");
return 0;
struct rhizome_read read;
bzero(&read, sizeof(read));
@ -453,12 +472,14 @@ static int read_known_conversations(rhizome_manifest *m, const char *their_sid_h
int ret = rhizome_open_decrypt_read(m, NULL, &read, 0);
if (ret<0)
goto end;
while (1){
char them[SID_STRLEN+1];
ret=rhizome_read_buffered(&read, &buff, (unsigned char *)them, sizeof(them));
if (ret<=0)
if (ret<sizeof(them))
if (config.debug.meshms)
DEBUGF("Reading existing conversation for %s", them);
if (their_sid_hex && strcmp(them, their_sid_hex))
struct conversations *ptr = add_conv(conv, them);
@ -466,7 +487,7 @@ static int read_known_conversations(rhizome_manifest *m, const char *their_sid_h
return -1;
unsigned char details[8*3];
ret=rhizome_read_buffered(&read, &buff, details, sizeof(details));
if (ret<=0)
if (ret<sizeof(details))
ptr->their_last_message = read_uint64(details);
@ -480,6 +501,8 @@ end:
static int write_conversation(struct rhizome_write *write, struct conversations *conv){
int len=0;
if (!conv)
return len;
unsigned char buffer[SID_STRLEN + 1 + (8*3)];
if (write)
@ -494,6 +517,11 @@ static int write_conversation(struct rhizome_write *write, struct conversations
if (write)
write_uint64(&buffer[len], conv->their_size);
if (write){
int ret=rhizome_write_buffer(write, buffer, len);
if (ret<0)
return ret;
// write the two child nodes
int ret=write_conversation(write, conv->_left);
@ -508,8 +536,6 @@ static int write_conversation(struct rhizome_write *write, struct conversations
static int write_known_conversations(rhizome_manifest *m, struct conversations *conv){
if (m->haveSecret!=EXISTING_BUNDLE_ID)
return 0;
rhizome_manifest *mout=NULL;
struct rhizome_write write;
@ -524,13 +550,19 @@ static int write_known_conversations(rhizome_manifest *m, struct conversations *
goto end;
// then write it
m->fileLength = len;
if (rhizome_write_open_manifest(&write, m))
goto end;
if (write_conversation(&write, conv)<0)
goto end;
if (rhizome_finish_write(&write))
goto end;
strlcpy(m->fileHexHash, write.id, SHA512_DIGEST_STRING_LENGTH);
rhizome_manifest_set(m, "filehash", m->fileHexHash);
if (rhizome_manifest_finalise(m,&mout))
goto end;
@ -580,8 +612,7 @@ static int output_conversations(struct cli_context *context, struct conversation
if (count <0 || output + traverse_count < offset + count){
if (output + traverse_count >= offset){
cli_put_string(context, conv->them, ":");
cli_put_string(context, conv->read_offset < conv->their_last_message ? "unread":"", ":");
cli_put_string(context, "delivered", "\n");// TODO
cli_put_string(context, conv->read_offset < conv->their_last_message ? "unread":"", "\n");
@ -614,10 +645,10 @@ int app_meshms_conversations(const struct cli_parsed *parsed, struct cli_context
return -1;
const char *names[]={
cli_columns(context, 3, names);
cli_columns(context, 2, names);
output_conversations(context, conv, 0, offset, count);
return 0;
@ -679,6 +710,9 @@ int app_meshms_list_messages(const struct cli_parsed *parsed, struct cli_context
cli_columns(context, 5, names);
rhizome_manifest *m_ours=NULL, *m_theirs=NULL;
struct ply_read read_ours, read_theirs;
// if we've never sent a message, (or acked theirs), there is nothing to show
if (!conv->found_my_ply){
@ -686,13 +720,11 @@ int app_meshms_list_messages(const struct cli_parsed *parsed, struct cli_context
// start reading messages from both ply's in reverse order
rhizome_manifest *m_ours=NULL, *m_theirs=NULL;
struct ply_read read_ours, read_theirs;
bzero(&read_ours, sizeof(read_ours));
bzero(&read_theirs, sizeof(read_theirs));
if (conv->found_my_ply){
rhizome_manifest *m_ours = rhizome_new_manifest();
m_ours = rhizome_new_manifest();
if (!m_ours)
goto end;
if (ply_read_open(&read_ours, conv->my_ply.bundle_id, m_ours))
@ -717,11 +749,10 @@ int app_meshms_list_messages(const struct cli_parsed *parsed, struct cli_context
DEBUGF("Found their last ack @%"PRId64, their_last_ack);
int id=0;
if (config.debug.meshms)
DEBUGF("%"PRId64", found %d", read_ours.read.offset, read_ours.type);
DEBUGF("Offset %"PRId64", type %d, read_offset %"PRId64, read_ours.read.offset, read_ours.type, conv->read_offset);
// read their message list, and insert all messages that are included in the ack range
@ -746,7 +777,7 @@ int app_meshms_list_messages(const struct cli_parsed *parsed, struct cli_context
if (read_theirs.read.offset < end_range)
cli_put_long(context, id++, ":");
cli_put_long(context, read_theirs.read.offset, ":");
cli_put_long(context, read_theirs.record_end_offset, ":");
cli_put_string(context, their_sidhex, ":");
cli_put_string(context, read_theirs.record_end_offset <= conv->read_offset?"":"unread", ":");
cli_put_string(context, (char *)read_theirs.buffer, "\n");
@ -756,7 +787,7 @@ int app_meshms_list_messages(const struct cli_parsed *parsed, struct cli_context
// TODO new message format here
cli_put_long(context, id++, ":");
cli_put_long(context, read_ours.read.offset, ":");
cli_put_long(context, read_ours.record_end_offset, ":");
cli_put_string(context, my_sidhex, ":");
cli_put_string(context, their_last_ack >= read_ours.record_end_offset ? "delivered":"", ":");
cli_put_string(context, (char *)read_ours.buffer, "\n");
@ -776,4 +807,84 @@ end:
return ret;
static int mark_read(struct conversations *conv, const char *their_sid, const char *offset_str){
int ret=0;
if (conv){
int cmp = their_sid?strcmp(conv->them, their_sid):0;
if (!their_sid || cmp<0){
ret+=mark_read(conv->_left, their_sid, offset_str);
if (!their_sid || cmp==0){
// update read offset
// - never rewind
// - never past their last message
uint64_t offset = conv->their_last_message;
if (offset_str){
uint64_t x = atol(offset_str);
if (x<offset)
if (offset > conv->read_offset){
if (config.debug.meshms)
DEBUGF("Moving read marker for %s, from %"PRId64" to %"PRId64, conv->them, conv->read_offset, offset);
conv->read_offset = offset;
if (!their_sid || cmp>0){
ret+=mark_read(conv->_right, their_sid, offset_str);
return ret;
int app_meshms_mark_read(const struct cli_parsed *parsed, struct cli_context *context){
const char *my_sidhex, *their_sidhex, *offset_str;
if (cli_arg(parsed, "sender_sid", &my_sidhex, str_is_subscriber_id, "") == -1
|| cli_arg(parsed, "recipient_sid", &their_sidhex, str_is_subscriber_id, NULL) == -1
|| cli_arg(parsed, "offset", &offset_str, NULL, NULL)==-1)
return -1;
if (create_serval_instance_dir() == -1)
return -1;
if (!(keyring = keyring_open_instance_cli(parsed)))
return -1;
if (rhizome_opendb() == -1)
return -1;
int ret=-1;
struct conversations *conv=NULL;
rhizome_manifest *m = rhizome_new_manifest();
if (!m)
goto end;
if (get_my_conversation_bundle(my_sidhex, m))
goto end;
// read all conversations, so we can write them again
if (read_known_conversations(m, NULL, &conv))
goto end;
// read the full list of conversations from the database too
if (get_database_conversations(my_sidhex, my_sidhex, &conv))
goto end;
// check if any incoming conversations need to be acked or have new messages and update the read offset
int changed = update_conversations(my_sidhex, conv);
if (mark_read(conv, their_sidhex, offset_str))
changed =1;
if (changed){
// save the conversation list
if (write_known_conversations(m, conv))
goto end;
if (m)
return ret;
@ -759,20 +759,22 @@ int rhizome_fill_manifest(rhizome_manifest *m, const char *filepath, const sid_t
const char *id = rhizome_manifest_get(m, "id", NULL, 0);
if (id == NULL) {
if (config.debug.rhizome) DEBUG("creating new bundle");
if (rhizome_manifest_bind_id(m) == -1) {
return WHY("Could not bind manifest to an ID");
if (!m->haveSecret){
const char *id = rhizome_manifest_get(m, "id", NULL, 0);
if (id == NULL) {
if (config.debug.rhizome) DEBUG("creating new bundle");
if (rhizome_manifest_bind_id(m) == -1) {
return WHY("Could not bind manifest to an ID");
} else {
if (config.debug.rhizome) DEBUGF("modifying existing bundle bid=%s", id);
// Modifying an existing bundle. Make sure we can find the bundle secret.
if (rhizome_extract_privatekey_required(m, bsk))
return -1;
// TODO assert that new version > old version?
} else {
if (config.debug.rhizome) DEBUGF("modifying existing bundle bid=%s", id);
// Modifying an existing bundle. Make sure we can find the bundle secret.
if (rhizome_extract_privatekey_required(m, bsk))
return -1;
// TODO assert that new version > old version?
int crypt = rhizome_manifest_get_ll(m,"crypt");
@ -80,7 +80,8 @@ int rhizome_get_bundle_from_seed(rhizome_manifest *m, const char *seed)
bcopy(key.Public, m->cryptoSignPublic, sizeof(m->cryptoSignPublic));
bcopy(key.Private, m->cryptoSignSecret, sizeof(m->cryptoSignSecret));
if (ret>0)
rhizome_manifest_set(m, "id", alloca_tohex_bid(m->cryptoSignPublic));
return ret;
@ -588,7 +588,7 @@ static int rhizome_write_derive_key(rhizome_manifest *m, rhizome_bk_t *bsk, stru
return -1;
if (config.debug.rhizome)
DEBUGF("Encrypting payload contents");
DEBUGF("Encrypting payload contents for %s, %"PRId64, alloca_tohex_bid(m->cryptoSignPublic), m->version);
write->tail = m->journalTail;
@ -747,7 +747,13 @@ int rhizome_read(struct rhizome_read *read_state, unsigned char *buffer, int buf
/* Read len bytes from read->offset into data, using *buffer to cache any reads */
int rhizome_read_buffered(struct rhizome_read *read, struct rhizome_read_buffer *buffer, unsigned char *data, int len)
int bytes_copied=0;
while (len>0){
// make sure we only attempt to read data that actually exists
if (read->length !=-1 && read->offset + len > read->length)
len = read->length - read->offset;
// if we can supply either the beginning or end of the data from cache, do that first.
uint64_t ofs=read->offset - buffer->offset;
if (ofs>=0 && ofs<=buffer->len){
@ -760,6 +766,7 @@ int rhizome_read_buffered(struct rhizome_read *read, struct rhizome_read_buffer
@ -773,6 +780,7 @@ int rhizome_read_buffered(struct rhizome_read *read, struct rhizome_read_buffer
// copy into the end of the data buffer
bcopy(buffer->data + ofs - size, data + len - size, size);
@ -786,7 +794,7 @@ int rhizome_read_buffered(struct rhizome_read *read, struct rhizome_read_buffer
if (buffer->len<=0)
return buffer->len;
return 0;
return bytes_copied;
int rhizome_read_close(struct rhizome_read *read)
@ -842,7 +850,7 @@ static int read_derive_key(rhizome_manifest *m, rhizome_bk_t *bsk, struct rhizom
return WHY("Unable to decrypt bundle, valid key not found");
if (config.debug.rhizome)
DEBUGF("Decrypting file contents");
DEBUGF("Decrypting payload contents for %s, %"PRId64, alloca_tohex_bid(m->cryptoSignPublic), m->version);
read_state->tail = m->journalTail;
bcopy(m->payloadKey, read_state->key, sizeof(read_state->key));
@ -673,6 +673,7 @@ int app_vomp_console(const struct cli_parsed *parsed, struct cli_context *contex
int app_meshms_conversations(const struct cli_parsed *parsed, struct cli_context *context);
int app_meshms_send_message(const struct cli_parsed *parsed, struct cli_context *context);
int app_meshms_list_messages(const struct cli_parsed *parsed, struct cli_context *context);
int app_meshms_mark_read(const struct cli_parsed *parsed, struct cli_context *context);
int monitor_get_fds(struct pollfd *fds,int *fdcount,int fdmax);
@ -28,13 +28,14 @@ teardown() {
doc_MessageDelivery="Send messages and ack them in a 2 party conversation"
doc_MessageDelivery="Send messages, ack and read them in a 2 party conversation"
setup_MessageDelivery() {
set_instance +A
create_identities 2
executeOk_servald config \
set debug.meshms on \
set debug.rhizome on \
set log.console.level debug
test_MessageDelivery() {
@ -58,10 +59,26 @@ test_MessageDelivery() {
# 4. list the messages from the receivers point of view (which ACKs them)
executeOk_servald meshms list messages $SIDA2 $SIDA1
tfw_cat --stdout --stderr
assertStdoutGrep --stdout --matches=1 ":How are you\$"
assertStdoutGrep --stdout --matches=1 ":Hi\$"
assertStdoutGrep --stdout --matches=1 "^0:19:$SIDA1:unread:How are you\$"
assertStdoutGrep --stdout --matches=1 "^1:5:$SIDA1:unread:Hi\$"
assertStdoutLineCount '==' 4
# 5. list messages from the senders point of view after they have been delivered
# 5. mark the first message as read
executeOk_servald meshms read messages $SIDA2 $SIDA1 5
tfw_cat --stdout --stderr
executeOk_servald meshms list messages $SIDA2 $SIDA1
tfw_cat --stdout --stderr
assertStdoutGrep --stdout --matches=1 ":unread:How are you\$"
assertStdoutGrep --stdout --matches=1 "::Hi\$"
assertStdoutLineCount '==' 4
# 6. mark all messages as read
executeOk_servald meshms read messages $SIDA2
tfw_cat --stdout --stderr
executeOk_servald meshms list messages $SIDA2 $SIDA1
tfw_cat --stdout --stderr
assertStdoutGrep --stdout --matches=1 "::How are you\$"
assertStdoutGrep --stdout --matches=1 "::Hi\$"
assertStdoutLineCount '==' 4
# 7. list messages from the senders point of view after they have been delivered
executeOk_servald meshms list messages $SIDA1 $SIDA2
tfw_cat --stdout --stderr
assertStdoutGrep --stdout --matches=1 ":delivered:How are you\$"
@ -81,29 +98,33 @@ setup_MessageThreading() {
executeOk_servald meshms send message $SIDB $SIDA "Never mind"
start_servald_instances +A +B
test_MessageThreading() {
#TODO wait for bundle to arrive
sleep 3
has_unread_messages() {
executeOk_servald meshms list conversations $1
if ! grep ":unread\$" $_tfw_tmp/stdout; then
return 1
test_MessageThreading() {
set_instance +B
wait_until has_unread_messages $SIDB
executeOk_servald meshms list messages $SIDB $SIDA
tfw_cat --stdout
assertStdoutGrep --stdout --matches=1 "^0:24:$SIDA:unread:Still waiting\$"
assertStdoutGrep --stdout --matches=1 "^1:0:$SIDA:unread:Hello can you hear me\$"
assertStdoutGrep --stdout --matches=1 "^2:41:$SIDB::Never mind\$"
assertStdoutGrep --stdout --matches=1 "^3:0:$SIDB::Help Im trapped in a test case factory\$"
assertStdoutGrep --stdout --matches=1 "^0:40:$SIDA:unread:Still waiting\$"
assertStdoutGrep --stdout --matches=1 "^1:24:$SIDA:unread:Hello can you hear me\$"
assertStdoutGrep --stdout --matches=1 "^2:54:$SIDB::Never mind\$"
assertStdoutGrep --stdout --matches=1 "^3:41:$SIDB::Help Im trapped in a test case factory\$"
assertStdoutLineCount '==' 6
#TODO wait for bundle to arrive
sleep 3
set_instance +A
wait_until has_unread_messages $SIDA
executeOk_servald meshms list messages $SIDA $SIDB
tfw_cat --stdout
assertStdoutGrep --stdout --matches=1 "^0:41:$SIDB:unread:Never mind\$"
assertStdoutGrep --stdout --matches=1 "^1:0:$SIDB:unread:Help Im trapped in a test case factory\$"
assertStdoutGrep --stdout --matches=1 "^2:24:$SIDA:delivered:Still waiting\$"
assertStdoutGrep --stdout --matches=1 "^3:0:$SIDA:delivered:Hello can you hear me\$"
assertStdoutGrep --stdout --matches=1 "^0:54:$SIDB:unread:Never mind\$"
assertStdoutGrep --stdout --matches=1 "^1:41:$SIDB:unread:Help Im trapped in a test case factory\$"
assertStdoutGrep --stdout --matches=1 "^2:40:$SIDA:delivered:Still waiting\$"
assertStdoutGrep --stdout --matches=1 "^3:24:$SIDA:delivered:Hello can you hear me\$"
assertStdoutLineCount '==' 6
@ -125,11 +146,11 @@ setup_listConversations() {
test_listConversations() {
executeOk_servald meshms list conversations $SIDA1
tfw_cat --stdout
assertStdoutIs --stderr --line=1 -e '3\n'
assertStdoutIs --stderr --line=2 -e 'sid:read:delivered\n'
assertStdoutGrep --stderr --matches=1 "^$SIDA2::delivered\$"
assertStdoutGrep --stderr --matches=1 "^$SIDA3:unread:delivered\$"
assertStdoutGrep --stderr --matches=1 "^$SIDA4:unread:delivered\$"
assertStdoutIs --stderr --line=1 -e '2\n'
assertStdoutIs --stderr --line=2 -e 'sid:read\n'
assertStdoutGrep --stderr --matches=1 "^$SIDA2:\$"
assertStdoutGrep --stderr --matches=1 "^$SIDA3:unread\$"
assertStdoutGrep --stderr --matches=1 "^$SIDA4:unread\$"
assertStdoutLineCount '==' 5
executeOk_servald meshms list conversations $SIDA1 1
assertStdoutLineCount '==' 4
Reference in New Issue
Block a user