Add HH:MM:SS.mmm timestamp to non-Android log entries

This commit is contained in:
Andrew Bettison 2012-07-11 14:18:36 +09:30
parent a15a9146c3
commit 6556637251

View File

@ -20,9 +20,13 @@ Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.
#include "serval.h"
#include "strbuf.h"
#include <ctype.h>
#include <sys/time.h>
#include <time.h>
unsigned int debug = 0;
static FILE *logfile = NULL;
static int log_pid = 1;
static int log_time = 1;
/* The logbuf is used to accumulate log messages before the log file is open and ready for
@ -37,13 +41,16 @@ static struct strbuf logbuf = STRUCT_STRBUF_EMPTY;
FILE *open_logging()
if (!logfile) {
#ifndef ANDROID
log_pid = log_time = 0;
const char *logpath = getenv("SERVALD_LOG_FILE");
if (!logpath) {
// If the configuration is locked (eg, it called WHY() or DEBUG() while initialising, which
// led back to here) then return NULL to indicate the message cannot be logged.
if (confLocked())
return NULL;
logpath = confValueGet("logfile", NULL);
logpath = confValueGet("log.file", NULL);
if (!logpath) {
logfile = stderr;
@ -79,19 +86,35 @@ void logMessage(int level, const char *file, unsigned int line, const char *func
void vlogMessage(int level, const char *file, unsigned int line, const char *function, const char *fmt, va_list ap)
if (level != LOG_LEVEL_SILENT) {
#ifndef ANDROID
FILE *logf = open_logging();
const char *levelstr = "UNKWN:";
switch (level) {
case LOG_LEVEL_FATAL: levelstr = "FATAL:"; break;
case LOG_LEVEL_ERROR: levelstr = "ERROR:"; break;
case LOG_LEVEL_INFO: levelstr = "INFO:"; break;
case LOG_LEVEL_WARN: levelstr = "WARN:"; break;
case LOG_LEVEL_DEBUG: levelstr = "DEBUG:"; break;
if (strbuf_is_empty(&logbuf))
strbuf_init(&logbuf, _log_buf, sizeof _log_buf);
#ifndef ANDROID
const char *levelstr = "UNKNOWN";
switch (level) {
case LOG_LEVEL_FATAL: levelstr = "FATAL"; break;
case LOG_LEVEL_ERROR: levelstr = "ERROR"; break;
case LOG_LEVEL_INFO: levelstr = "INFO"; break;
case LOG_LEVEL_WARN: levelstr = "WARN"; break;
case LOG_LEVEL_DEBUG: levelstr = "DEBUG"; break;
strbuf_sprintf(&logbuf, "%-6s ", levelstr);
if (log_pid)
strbuf_sprintf(&logbuf, "[%5u] ", getpid());
if (log_time) {
struct timeval tv;
if (gettimeofday(&tv, NULL) == -1) {
strbuf_puts(&logbuf, "NOTIME______");
} else {
struct tm tm;
char buf[20];
if (strftime(buf, sizeof buf, "%T", localtime_r(&tv.tv_sec, &tm)) == 0)
strbuf_puts(&logbuf, "EMPTYTIME___");
strbuf_sprintf(&logbuf, "%s.%03u ", buf, tv.tv_usec / 1000);
strbuf_sprintf(&logbuf, "%s: [%d] ", levelstr, getpid());
strbuf_sprintf(&logbuf, "%s:%u:%s() ", file ? trimbuildpath(file) : "NULL", line, function ? function : "NULL");
strbuf_vsprintf(&logbuf, fmt, ap);
strbuf_puts(&logbuf, "\n");
@ -107,9 +130,10 @@ void vlogMessage(int level, const char *file, unsigned int line, const char *fun
__android_log_print(alevel, "servald", "%s", strbuf_str(&logbuf));
FILE *logf = open_logging();
if (logf) {
fputs(strbuf_str(&logbuf), logf);
if (strbuf_overrun(&logbuf))
fputs("OVERRUN\n", logf);