Improve test framework: sleep(1) arguments

Always pass exactly one argument to sleep(1) since the BSD sleep (used
on OSX) does not sum its arguments like GNU sleep(1)

Perform more stringent checking on various timeout parameters to ensure
they are well-formed decimal floats
This commit is contained in:
Andrew Bettison 2014-02-17 17:11:31 +10:30
parent c4944e4334
commit 5093bff12a

@ -191,7 +191,10 @@ runTests() {
--jobs=*) _tfw_fatal "invalid option: $1";;
-E|--stop-on-error) _tfw_stop_on_error=true;;
-F|--stop-on-failure) _tfw_stop_on_failure=true;;
--timeout=*) _tfw_timeout_override="${1#*=}";;
_tfw_is_float "${1#*=}" || _tfw_fatal "invalid option: $1"
--) shift; break;;
--*) _tfw_fatal "unsupported option: $1";;
*) _tfw_fatal "spurious argument: $1";;
@ -684,14 +687,19 @@ _tfw_execute() {
local subshell_pid=$!
local timer_pid=
local timeout=${_tfw_timeout_override:-${_tfw_opt_timeout:-${TFW_EXECUTE_TIMEOUT:-$_tfw_default_execute_timeout}}}
if [ -n "$timeout" ]; then
_tfw_is_float "$timeout" || error "invalid timeout '$timeout'"
if [ -n "$timeout" ]; then
if type pgrep >/dev/null 2>/dev/null; then
( #)#(fix Vim syntax colouring
# For some reason, set -e does not work here. So all the following
# commands are postfixed with || exit $?
local executable_pid=$(pgrep -P $subshell_pid) || exit $?
[ -n "$executable_pid" ] || exit $?
sleep $timeout 0 0 0 || exit $?
if [ -n "$timeout" ]; then
sleep $timeout || exit $?
kill -0 $executable_pid || exit $?
tfw_log "# timeout after $timeout seconds, sending SIGABRT to pid $executable_pid ($executed)" || exit $?
kill -ABRT $executable_pid || exit $?
@ -835,8 +843,7 @@ _tfw_getopts() {
execute*:--core-backtrace) _tfw_opt_core_backtrace=true;;
@(execute*|wait_until):--timeout=@(+([0-9])?(.+([0-9]))|*([0-9]).+([0-9]))) _tfw_opt_timeout="${1#*=}";;
@(execute*|wait_until):--timeout=*) _tfw_error "invalid value: $1";;
wait_until:--sleep=@(+([0-9])?(.+([0-9]))|*([0-9]).+([0-9]))) _tfw_opt_sleep="${1#*=}";;
wait_until:--sleep=*) _tfw_error "invalid value: $1";;
wait_until:--sleep=*) _tfw_is_float "${1#*=}" || _tfw_error "invalid value: $1"; _tfw_opt_sleep="${1#*=}";;
*grep:--fixed-strings) _tfw_opt_grepopts+=(-F);;
assertcontentgrep:--matches=+([0-9])) _tfw_opt_matches="${1#*=}";;
assertcontentgrep:--matches=*) _tfw_error "invalid value: $1";;
@ -868,6 +875,13 @@ _tfw_getopts() {
return 0
_tfw_is_float() {
case "$1" in
@(+([0-9])?(.+([0-9]))|*([0-9]).+([0-9]))) return 0;
return 1
_tfw_matches_rexp() {
local rexp="$1"
@ -1607,7 +1621,7 @@ assertStderrGrep() {
# Wait until a given condition is met:
# - can specify the timeout with --timeout=SECONDS (overridden by command-line
# option)
# - can specify the sleep interval with --sleep=SECONDS
# - can specify the sleep interval with --sleep=SECONDS (can be a float)
# - the condition is a command that is executed repeatedly until returns zero
# status
# where SECONDS may be fractional, eg, 1.5
@ -1615,14 +1629,15 @@ wait_until() {
$_tfw_assert_noise && tfw_log "# wait_until" $(shellarg "$@")
local start=$SECONDS
_tfw_getopts wait_until "$@"
local seconds=${_tfw_timeout_override:-${_tfw_opt_timeout:-${TFW_WAIT_UNTIL_TIMEOUT:-${_tfw_default_wait_until_timeout:-1}}}}
shift $_tfw_getopts_shift
local timeout=${_tfw_timeout_override:-${_tfw_opt_timeout:-${TFW_WAIT_UNTIL_TIMEOUT:-${_tfw_default_wait_until_timeout:-1}}}}
_tfw_is_float "$timeout" || error "invalid timeout '$timeout'"
local sense=
while [ "$1" = '!' ]; do
sense="$sense !"
sleep $seconds 0 &
sleep $timeout &
local timeout_pid=$!
while true; do