mirror of
synced 2025-03-22 11:55:19 +00:00
Improve test framework: test coverage support
This commit is contained in:
@ -10,16 +10,15 @@
@ -28,4 +27,6 @@ serval.c
@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
Serval DNA Build and Test
[Serval Project], March 2013
[Serval Project][], March 2013
Supported Architectures
@ -64,7 +64,8 @@ Test dependencies:
To compile Serval DNA from source, run the following commands:
To compile a native (ie, not cross-compiled) Serval DNA from source, run the
following commands:
$ cd $HOME/src/serval-dna
$ autoreconf -f -i
@ -93,6 +94,9 @@ A successful session should appear something like:
CC nacl/src/crypto_auth_hmacsha256_ref/verify.c
CC nacl/src/crypto_auth_hmacsha512256_ref/hmac.c
CC cli.c
CC commandline.c
CC xprintf.c
LINK servald
LINK libmonitorclient.so
@ -117,7 +121,7 @@ Built artifacts
The build process produces the following artifacts:
* **servald** is the main executable.
* **servald** is the main Serval DNA executable.
* **libservald.so** is a shared library built only for Android, which is linked
into the [batphone][] Java executable at run time to provide the [JNI][]
@ -131,17 +135,23 @@ The build process produces the following artifacts:
entry points to functions for managing the client end of a monitor connection
with the servald daemon.
* **fakeradio** is a utility used by test scripts to simulate the serial
interface to the [RFD900][] packet radio used in the [Serval Mesh Extender][]
* **simulator** is a utility used by test scripts for simulating wireless
packet transmission under different conditions.
* **tfw_createfile** is a utility needed by test scripts for creating large
data files with unique, non-repeating content.
* **config_test** is a utility that will fail to link if any external
dependencies creep into the configuration subsystem.
Test scripts
The scripts in the [tests](./tests/) directory require [Bash][] version 3.2.48
or later. To run tests, simply build a native `servald` executable then invoke
the test script. Each test case is executed in its own self-contained
temporary directory with its own set-up and configuration, so there is no need
to configure anything or clean up afterwards.
For example, the following command runs all the tests except long-running,
resource-hungry “stress” tests:
After building the native `servald` executable, run all the tests with the
following command:
$ ./tests/all
1 [PASS.] (logging) By default, only errors and warnings are logged to stderr
@ -156,13 +166,12 @@ resource-hungry “stress” tests:
161 tests, 161 pass, 0 fail, 0 error
There are options to run tests concurrently for faster results, and to select
subsets of test cases. To see the options, give the `--help` option:
Every test run writes log files into the [testlog/all](./testlog/all/)
directory (relative to the current working directory), deleting any logs from
the previous run.
$ ./tests/all --help
Every test run writes its log files into the [testlog/all](./testlog/all/)
directory, deleting all logs from the previous run.
See [Serval DNA Testing](./doc/Testing.md) for more information on running and
developing test scripts.
@ -201,6 +210,7 @@ This document is available under the [Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 Internati
[gcc 4.7]: http://gcc.gnu.org/gcc-4.7/
[OpenWRT]: ./doc/OpenWRT.md
[Serval Mesh Extender]: http://developer.servalproject.org/dokuwiki/doku.php?id=content:meshextender:
[RFD900]: http://rfdesign.com.au/index.php/rfd900
[Mesh Potato]: http://villagetelco.org/mesh-potato/
[Commotion Wireless]: http://commotionwireless.net/
[JNI]: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Java_Native_Interface
@ -1,3 +1,5 @@
# Makefile.in for Serval DNA
# vim: noet ts=8 sts=0 sw=8
@ -10,27 +12,35 @@ include $(NACL_BASE)/nacl.mk
include sourcefiles.mk
include headerfiles.mk
OBJSDIR_SERVALD = objs_servald
OBJSDIR_LIB = objs_lib
$(addprefix objs_servald/, $(SERVAL_CLIENT_SOURCES:.c=.o)) \
$(addprefix objs_servald/, $(MDP_CLIENT_SOURCES:.c=.o)) \
$(addprefix objs_servald/, $(SERVAL_DAEMON_SOURCES:.c=.o))
$(addprefix $(OBJSDIR_SERVALD)/, $(SERVAL_CLIENT_SOURCES:.c=.o)) \
$(addprefix $(OBJSDIR_SERVALD)/, $(MDP_CLIENT_SOURCES:.c=.o)) \
$(addprefix objs_servald/, $(notdir $(SQLITE3_SOURCES:.c=.o))) \
$(addprefix objs_servald/, $(NACL_SOURCES:.c=.o)) \
$(addprefix $(OBJSDIR_SERVALD)/, $(notdir $(SQLITE3_SOURCES:.c=.o))) \
$(addprefix $(OBJSDIR_SERVALD)/, $(NACL_SOURCES:.c=.o)) \
$(addprefix objs_lib/, $(SERVAL_CLIENT_SOURCES:.c=.o)) \
$(addprefix objs_lib/, $(SERVAL_LIB_SOURCES:.c=.o)) \
$(addprefix objs_lib/, $(MDP_CLIENT_SOURCES:.c=.o))
$(addprefix $(OBJSDIR_LIB)/, $(SERVAL_CLIENT_SOURCES:.c=.o)) \
$(addprefix $(OBJSDIR_LIB)/, $(SERVAL_LIB_SOURCES:.c=.o)) \
$(addprefix $(OBJSDIR_LIB)/, $(MDP_CLIENT_SOURCES:.c=.o))
$(addprefix objs_lib/, $(SERVAL_CLIENT_SOURCES:.c=.o)) \
$(addprefix objs_lib/, $(MONITOR_CLIENT_SRCS:.c=.o))
$(addprefix $(OBJSDIR_LIB)/, $(SERVAL_CLIENT_SOURCES:.c=.o)) \
$(addprefix $(OBJSDIR_LIB)/, $(MONITOR_CLIENT_SRCS:.c=.o))
$(addprefix objs/, $(SIMULATOR_SOURCES:.c=.o))
$(addprefix $(OBJSDIR_TOOLS)/, $(SIMULATOR_SOURCES:.c=.o))
CC= @CC@
CFLAGS= -Isqlite-amalgamation-3070900 @CPPFLAGS@ @CFLAGS@ @PTHREAD_CFLAGS@ -Inacl/include
CFLAGS= -Isqlite-amalgamation-3070900 @CPPFLAGS@ @CFLAGS@ @PTHREAD_CFLAGS@ -Inacl/include
CFLAGS+=-DSYSCONFDIR="\"$(sysconfdir)\"" -DLOCALSTATEDIR="\"$(localstatedir)\""
CFLAGS+=-Wall -Wno-unused-value -Werror
@ -58,41 +68,81 @@ all: servald libmonitorclient.so libmonitorclient.a test
test: tfw_createfile directory_service fakeradio config_test simulator
covzero: | is_built_with_coverage
@echo REMOVE all .gcda files
@find $(OBJSDIRS) -type f -name '*.gcda' -print0 | xargs -0 $(RM)
covinit: servald-initial.info
covhtml: coverage_html/index.html
@for obj in $(SERVALD_OBJS); do \
gcno="$${obj%.o}.gcno" ;\
if [ ! -r "$$gcno" ]; then \
echo "ERROR: servald has not been compiled for code coverage; missing $$gcno" ;\
exit 1 ;\
fi ;\
has_coverage_data: | is_built_with_coverage
@count=0; for obj in $(SERVALD_OBJS); do \
gcda="$${obj%.o}.gcda" ;\
[ -s "$$gcda" ] && count=$$(($$count + 1)) ;\
done ;\
if [ $$count -eq 0 ]; then \
echo "ERROR: no code coverage data; run some tests" ;\
exit 1 ;\
servald-initial.info: Makefile servald | is_built_with_coverage
geninfo --quiet --initial --checksum --base-directory=$(abspath .) --no-external $(OBJSDIR_SERVALD) -o $@
servald-coverage.info: Makefile servald $(shell find $(OBJSDIR_SERVALD) -type f -name '*.gcda') | has_coverage_data
geninfo --quiet --checksum --base-directory=$(abspath .) --no-external $(OBJSDIR_SERVALD) -o $@ 2>&1 | { grep -v 'WARNING: no data found for .*\.h$$' || true; }
@[ -s $@ ]
coverage_html/index.html: Makefile servald-initial.info servald-coverage.info
$(RM) -r coverage_html
genhtml --quiet servald-initial.info servald-coverage.info -o coverage_html
Makefile: $(wildcard Makefile.in) $(wildcard configure)
$(warning Makefile may be out of date, please run ./configure)
configure: $(wildcard configure.in)
$(warning configure may be out of date, please run autoreconf -f -i)
objs/version.o: $(SERVALD_OBJS) version_string.sh $(wildcard VERSION.txt) COPYRIGHT.txt Makefile
$(OBJSDIR_TOOLS)/version.o: $(SERVALD_OBJS) version_string.sh $(wildcard VERSION.txt) COPYRIGHT.txt Makefile
@echo CC version_servald.c
@$(RM) $(@:.o=.gcno) $(@:.o=.gcda)
@V=`./version_string.sh --ignore-untracked` \
&& C="`sed -e :a -e N -e '$$!ba' -e 's/[\\\\"]/\\\\&/g' -e 's/\\n/\\\\n/g' COPYRIGHT.txt`" \
&& $(CC) -c version_servald.c -o $@ -DSERVALD_VERSION="\"$$V\"" -DSERVALD_COPYRIGHT="\"$$C\""
#' <-- fixes vim syntax highlighting
objs_servald/sqlite3.o: sqlite-amalgamation-3070900/sqlite3.c Makefile
$(OBJSDIR_SERVALD)/sqlite3.o: sqlite-amalgamation-3070900/sqlite3.c Makefile
@echo SERVALD CC $<
@mkdir -p $(dir $@)
@$(RM) $(@:.o=.gcno) $(@:.o=.gcda)
@$(CC) $(CFLAGS) $(DEFS) -c $< -o $@
# No object files in source directory!
%.o: %.c
objs/%.o: %.c
$(OBJSDIR_TOOLS)/%.o: %.c
@echo CC $<
@mkdir -p $(dir $@)
@$(RM) $(@:.o=.gcno) $(@:.o=.gcda)
@$(CC) $(CFLAGS) $(DEFS) -c $< -o $@
objs_servald/%.o: %.c
@echo SERVALD CC $<
@mkdir -p $(dir $@)
@$(RM) $(@:.o=.gcno) $(@:.o=.gcda)
@$(CC) $(CFLAGS) $(DEFS) -c $< -o $@
objs_lib/%.o: %.c
$(OBJSDIR_LIB)/%.o: %.c
@echo LIB CC $<
@mkdir -p $(dir $@)
@$(RM) $(@:.o=.gcno) $(@:.o=.gcda)
@ -103,62 +153,62 @@ $(SERVALD_OBJS): Makefile
$(LIB_SERVAL_OBJS): $(HDRS) Makefile
objs/directory_service.o objs/tfw_createfile.o objs/fakeradio.o \
objs/config_test.o objs/conf_om.o objs/conf_schema.o objs/conf_parse.o libserval.a \
: $(HDRS) Makefile
$(OBJSDIR_TOOLS)/directory_service.o $(OBJSDIR_TOOLS)/tfw_createfile.o $(OBJSDIR_TOOLS)/fakeradio.o \
$(OBJSDIR_TOOLS)/config_test.o $(OBJSDIR_TOOLS)/conf_om.o $(OBJSDIR_TOOLS)/conf_schema.o $(OBJSDIR_TOOLS)/conf_parse.o libserval.a \
: $(HDRS) Makefile
servald: $(SERVALD_OBJS) objs/version.o
servald: $(SERVALD_OBJS) $(OBJSDIR_TOOLS)/version.o
@echo LINK $@
@$(CC) $(CFLAGS) -Wall -o $@ $(SERVALD_OBJS) objs/version.o $(LDFLAGS)
@$(CC) $(CFLAGS) -Wall -o $@ $(SERVALD_OBJS) $(OBJSDIR_TOOLS)/version.o $(LDFLAGS)
libserval.a: $(LIB_SERVAL_OBJS) objs/version.o
libserval.a: $(LIB_SERVAL_OBJS) $(OBJSDIR_TOOLS)/version.o
@echo AR $@
@$(AR) -cr $@ $(LIB_SERVAL_OBJS) objs/version.o
@$(AR) -cr $@ $(LIB_SERVAL_OBJS) $(OBJSDIR_TOOLS)/version.o
directory_service: objs/directory_service.o libserval.a
directory_service: $(OBJSDIR_TOOLS)/directory_service.o libserval.a
@echo LINK $@
@$(CC) $(CFLAGS) -Wall -o $@ objs/directory_service.o libserval.a $(LDFLAGS)
@$(CC) $(CFLAGS) -Wall -o $@ $(OBJSDIR_TOOLS)/directory_service.o libserval.a $(LDFLAGS)
tfw_createfile: objs/tfw_createfile.o libserval.a
tfw_createfile: $(OBJSDIR_TOOLS)/tfw_createfile.o libserval.a
@echo LINK $@
@$(CC) $(CFLAGS) -Wall -o $@ objs/tfw_createfile.o libserval.a $(LDFLAGS)
@$(CC) $(CFLAGS) -Wall -o $@ $(OBJSDIR_TOOLS)/tfw_createfile.o libserval.a $(LDFLAGS)
fakeradio: objs/fakeradio.o libserval.a
fakeradio: $(OBJSDIR_TOOLS)/fakeradio.o libserval.a
@echo LINK $@
@$(CC) $(CFLAGS) -Wall -o $@ objs/fakeradio.o libserval.a $(LDFLAGS)
@$(CC) $(CFLAGS) -Wall -o $@ $(OBJSDIR_TOOLS)/fakeradio.o libserval.a $(LDFLAGS)
simulator: $(SIMULATOR_OBJS) libserval.a
@echo LINK $@
@$(CC) $(CFLAGS) -Wall -o $@ $(SIMULATOR_OBJS) libserval.a $(LDFLAGS)
config_test: objs/config_test.o objs/conf_om.o objs/conf_schema.o objs/conf_parse.o libserval.a
config_test: $(OBJSDIR_TOOLS)/config_test.o $(OBJSDIR_TOOLS)/conf_om.o $(OBJSDIR_TOOLS)/conf_schema.o $(OBJSDIR_TOOLS)/conf_parse.o libserval.a
@echo LINK $@
@$(CC) $(CFLAGS) -Wall -o $@ objs/config_test.o objs/conf_om.o objs/conf_schema.o objs/conf_parse.o libserval.a $(LDFLAGS)
@$(CC) $(CFLAGS) -Wall -o $@ $(OBJSDIR_TOOLS)/config_test.o $(OBJSDIR_TOOLS)/conf_om.o $(OBJSDIR_TOOLS)/conf_schema.o $(OBJSDIR_TOOLS)/conf_parse.o libserval.a $(LDFLAGS)
@if [ -x "$(COPYRIGHT_TOOL)" ]; then \
$(COPYRIGHT_TOOL) -o COPYRIGHT.txt condense *.c *.h; \
else \
echo 'sp-copyright-tool is not in $$PATH; COPYRIGHT.txt not updated'; \
$(COPYRIGHT_TOOL) -o COPYRIGHT.txt condense *.c *.h; \
else \
echo 'sp-copyright-tool is not in $$PATH; COPYRIGHT.txt not updated'; \
findPATH = $(firstword $(wildcard $(addsuffix /$(1),$(subst :, ,$(PATH)))))
COPYRIGHT_TOOL := $(call findPATH,sp-copyright-tool)
# This does not build on 64 bit elf platforms as NaCL isn't built with -fPIC
# DOC 20120615
libserval.so: $(SERVALD_OBJS) objs/version.o
libserval.so: $(SERVALD_OBJS) $(OBJSDIR_TOOLS)/version.o
@echo LINK $@
@$(CC) $(CFLAGS) -Wall -shared -o $@ $(SERVALD_OBJS) objs/version.o $(LDFLAGS)
@$(CC) $(CFLAGS) -Wall -shared -o $@ $(SERVALD_OBJS) $(OBJSDIR_TOOLS)/version.o $(LDFLAGS)
libmonitorclient.so: $(MONITOR_CLIENT_OBJS) objs/version.o
libmonitorclient.so: $(MONITOR_CLIENT_OBJS) $(OBJSDIR_TOOLS)/version.o
@echo LINK $@
@$(CC) $(CFLAGS) -Wall -shared -o $@ $(MONITOR_CLIENT_OBJS) objs/version.o $(LDFLAGS)
@$(CC) $(CFLAGS) -Wall -shared -o $@ $(MONITOR_CLIENT_OBJS) $(OBJSDIR_TOOLS)/version.o $(LDFLAGS)
libmonitorclient.a: $(MONITOR_CLIENT_OBJS) objs/version.o
libmonitorclient.a: $(MONITOR_CLIENT_OBJS) $(OBJSDIR_TOOLS)/version.o
@echo AR $@
@$(AR) -cr $@ $(MONITOR_CLIENT_OBJS) objs/version.o
@$(AR) -cr $@ $(MONITOR_CLIENT_OBJS) $(OBJSDIR_TOOLS)/version.o
install: servald
$(INSTALL_PROGRAM) -D servald $(DESTDIR)$(sbindir)/servald
@ -167,8 +217,8 @@ uninstall:
$(RM) $(DESTDIR)$(sbindir)/servald
@$(RM) -r objs/* objs_servald/* objs_lib/* \
servald libservald.so \
libserval.a libmonitorclient.so libmonitorclient.a \
@$(RM) -r $(OBJSDIRS:%=%/*) \
servald libservald.so \
libserval.a libmonitorclient.so libmonitorclient.a \
fakeradio \
@ -880,32 +880,47 @@ int app_server_start(const struct cli_parsed *parsed, struct cli_context *contex
goto exit;
case 0: {
/* Child process. Fork then exit, to disconnect daemon from parent process, so that
when daemon exits it does not live on as a zombie. N.B. Do not return from within this
process; that will unroll the JNI call stack and cause havoc. Use _exit(). */
when daemon exits it does not live on as a zombie. N.B. On Android, do not return from
within this process; that will unroll the JNI call stack and cause havoc -- call _exit()
instead (not exit(), because we want to avoid any Java atexit(3) callbacks as well). If
_exit() is used on non-Android systems, then source code coverage does not get reported,
because it relies on an atexit() callback to write the accumulated counters into .gcda
files. */
#ifdef ANDROID
# define EXIT_CHILD(n) _exit(n)
# define EXIT_CHILD(n) exit(n)
// Ensure that all stdio streams are flushed before forking, so that if a child calls
// exit(), it will not result in any buffered output being written twice to the file
// descriptor.
switch (fork()) {
case -1:
case 0: {
/* Grandchild process. Close logfile (so that it gets re-opened again on demand, with
our own file pointer), disable logging to stderr (about to get closed), disconnect
from current directory, disconnect standard I/O streams, and start a new process
session so that if we are being started by an adb shell session on an Android device,
then we don't receive a SIGHUP when the adb shell process ends. */
our own file pointer), disable logging to stderr (about to get redirected to
/dev/null), disconnect from current directory, disconnect standard I/O streams, and
start a new process session so that if we are being started by an adb shell session
on an Android device, then we don't receive a SIGHUP when the adb shell process ends.
int fd;
if ((fd = open("/dev/null", O_RDWR, 0)) == -1)
if (setsid() == -1)
if (chdir(dir) == -1)
_exit(WHYF_perror("chdir(%s)", alloca_str_toprint(dir)));
EXIT_CHILD(WHYF_perror("chdir(%s)", alloca_str_toprint(dir)));
if (dup2(fd, 0) == -1)
_exit(WHYF_perror("dup2(%d,0)", fd));
EXIT_CHILD(WHYF_perror("dup2(%d,0)", fd));
if (dup2(fd, 1) == -1)
_exit(WHYF_perror("dup2(%d,1)", fd));
EXIT_CHILD(WHYF_perror("dup2(%d,1)", fd));
if (dup2(fd, 2) == -1)
_exit(WHYF_perror("dup2(%d,2)", fd));
EXIT_CHILD(WHYF_perror("dup2(%d,2)", fd));
if (fd > 2)
/* The execpath option is provided so that a JNI call to "start" can be made which
@ -916,14 +931,15 @@ int app_server_start(const struct cli_parsed *parsed, struct cli_context *contex
sentinal. */
execl(execpath, execpath, "start", "foreground", (void *)NULL);
WHYF_perror("execl(%s,\"start\",\"foreground\")", alloca_str_toprint(execpath));
// TODO wait for server_write_pid() to signal more directly?
_exit(0); // Main process is waitpid()-ing for this.
EXIT_CHILD(0); // Main process is waitpid()-ing for this.
/* Main process. Wait for the child process to fork the grandchild and exit. */
@ -5,6 +5,12 @@ Serval DNA Technical Documentation
This directory contains [technical documents][] that accompany the [Serval
DNA][] component of the [Serval mesh network][].
* [Building Serval DNA](../INSTALL.md) has instructions to build a native
Serval DNA executable.
* [Testing Serval DNA](./Testing.md) describes the Serval DNA test scripts and
the test framework.
* [Configuring Serval DNA](./Servald-Configuration.md) describes the
persistent configuration system and its command-line API, the built-in
system file paths, daemon instances and basic network configuration.
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,294 @@
Serval DNA Testing
[Serval Project][], June 2014
[Serval DNA][] is tested using a suite of [test scripts](../tests/) written in
the [Bash][] shell scripting language, using the Serval Project's own [Bash
Test Framework][]. These scripts are [integration tests][] focussed on the
Serval DNA component and its external interfaces.
Test Framework
The [Bash Test Framework][] performs common testing work, so that test
developers can focus on the specifics of their test cases and test cases
contain a minumum of [boilerplate code][]:
* creates a temporary working directory to isolate each test case
* invokes each test case's set-up, test, finalise, and tear-down functions in
a defined order, guaranteeing to always call the latter two
* provides a rich set of assertion functions
* records the outcome of each test case: PASS, FAIL or ERROR
* records a detailed log of the execution of each test case
* removes temporary working directories and files after each test case
* kills any stray processes after each test case
* runs test cases in parallel if so directed
* reports progress during execution
Some features that may be added in future are:
* conformance with [Test Anything Protocol][TAP]
* support for a SKIP test outcome
* formal versioning of the Test Framework and parts of its API, to catch
incompatibilities between test scripts and Framework upgrades
The [Bash Test Framework][] requires the following execution environment:
* [Bash][] version 3.2.48 or later
* [GNU grep][] version 2.7 or later
* [GNU sed][] version 4.2 or later
* [GNU awk][] version 3.1 or later
* [pgrep][] and [pkill][] version 593 or later (Solaris) or from procps-ng 3.3
or later (Linux)
Before running any tests, all the executables and other artifacts under test
(ie, the **servald** executable), plus all test utilities, must be
Test scripts
Executing a test script without any arguments causes it to run all the test
cases that it defines, one at a time. The script will terminate once all test
cases have been run, and its exit status will be zero only if all test cases
reported PASS.
Every test script uses the [Bash Test Framework][] to parse its command line,
so the following options are supported by all test scripts:
* __`-l`__ or __`--list`__ causes the script to print a list of all its test
cases on standard output, instead of executing them
* __`-t`__ or __`--trace`__ sets the Bash `-x` option during execution of each
test case, which adds much more detail to the test logs
* __`-v`__ or __`--verbose`__ causes test logs to be sent to standard output
during execution of the tests, so the developer can watch a test as it runs
(this version is incompatible with running tests in parallel)
* __`-E`__ or __`--stop-on-error`__ causes the test script to stop running new
test cases as soon as any test reports ERROR, and to wait for currently
running test cases to finish
* __`-F`__ or __`--stop-on-failure`__ causes the test script to stop running
new test cases as soon as any test reports FAIL, and to wait for currently
running test cases to finish
* __`-j N`__ or __`--jobs=N`__ causes up to __N__ test cases to be run
concurrently, which can greatly speed the rate of completion of a large test
run, since most tests spend much of their time either sleeping or i/o bound
* __`-f PREFIX`__ or __`--filter=PREFIX`__ causes only those test cases whose
names begin with __PREFIX__ to be executed
* __`-f N`__ or __`--filter=N`__ causes only test case number __N__ to be
executed (test cases are numbered in the order they are defined in the
* __`-f M-N`__ or __`--filter=M-N`__ causes only test cases numbers __M__
through to __N__ (inclusive) to be executed (test cases are numbered in the
order they are defined in the script); if __M__ is omitted then all cases up
to number __N__ are executed; if __N__ is omitted then all test cases from
number __M__ and above are executed
* __`-f M,N,...`__ or __`--filter=M,N,...`__ causes only test cases __M__ and
__N__ (... etc.) to be executed (test cases are numbered in the order they
are defined in the script)
There are other options as well. To see a complete and up-to-date summary, use
the __`--help`__ option:
$ ./tests/all --help
Aggregate scripts
Some test scripts simply aggregate other scripts, providing a convenient way to
execute many tests with a single command. Aggregate scripts behave in all
respects like a normal test script: the command line options and exit status
are the same.
The most notable aggregate script is [tests/all](../tests/all), which runs all
available tests except long-running, resource-hungry “stress” tests:
$ ./tests/all
1 [PASS.] (logging) By default, only errors and warnings are logged to stderr
2 [PASS.] (logging) Configure all messages logged to stderr
3 [PASS.] (logging) Configure no messages logged to stderr
4 [PASS.] (logging) By Default, all messages are appended to a configured file
158 [PASS.] (rhizomeprotocol) One way direct pull bundle from configured peer
159 [PASS.] (rhizomeprotocol) Two-way direct sync bundles with configured peer
160 [PASS.] (directory_service) Publish and retrieve a directory entry
161 [PASS.] (directory_service) Ping via relay node
161 tests, 161 pass, 0 fail, 0 error
Test logs
All test scripts write their test logs into the `testlog` sub-directory
(relative to the current working directory), which has the following structure:
... other files...
... other files...
... other files...
... other files...
... more script directories...
where `SCRIPTNAME` and `SECONDSCRIPTNAME` are the names of the test scripts,
`FirstTestCaseName`, `first_test_case_name`, etc. are the names of the tests
within those scripts, and `RESULT` is either `ERROR`, `FAIL` or `PASS`. An
aggregate test script writes logfiles for all the test cases it includes under
its own SCRIPTNAME, not under the names of the scripts it includes.
Whenever a test script starts, it deletes its `testlog/SCRIPTNAME` directory
and all its contents, so the logs from previous runs are lost.
Every test case produces a `log.txt` file, and may also produce other files to
assist diagnosis in case of failure or to supplement a pass result, eg,
performance statistics, code coverage data, network packet logs for
Source code coverage
The [Bash Test Framework][] has command-line options to support per-test-case
[source code test coverage][] analysis using [GCC][] and [gcov(1)][]. An
aggregate coverage analysis can easily be generated with no special options to
test scripts.
To generate code coverage information for [Serval DNA][], modify the standard
[build](../INSTALL.md) procedure by adding a CFLAGS argument to the
`./configure` step:
$ ./configure CFLAGS='-g -O0 --coverage'
$ make
This will generate one [GCNO][] file for every object file, in the same
directory as the object file.
Once **servald** has been built using these flags, invoking it will generate
some [GCDA][] coverage data files, one per source file, in the same directory
as the [GCNO][] files. Repeated invocations will accumulate coverage data in
the same files. The environment variables `GCOV_PREFIX` and
`GCOV_PREFIX_STRIP` can be used to change the directory where the [GCDA][] data
files are written.
### Aggregate code coverage
To generate aggregate code coverage for a test run:
$ make covzero
$ ./tests/all
$ make covhtml
$ www-browser ./coverage_html/index.html
The coverage report will reflect exactly the accumulated coverage of all tests
run between `make covzero` and `make covhtml`. The above example runs all
tests (except stress tests) but any combination may be run, including manual
invocations of **servald**. The **servald** executable must be invoked at
least once after `make covzero`, or `make covhtml` will fail with an error, for
lack of coverage data.
If more tests are run without invoking `make covzero`, then the coverage data
will sum with the existing coverage data since the last `make covzero`.
### Per-test-case code coverage
**Note**: Per-test-case coverage support is of very limited use because of
deficiencies in the coverage data processing utilities (see below).
If the __`--coverage`__ option is given to a test script, then it sets the
`GCOV_PREFIX` and `GCOV_PREFIX_STRIP` environment variables while running each
test case, causing each case's generated [GCDA][] coverage data files to be
created under the case's own log directory:
In theory, these per-test-case [GCDA][] data files could be merged to produce
coverage data for any desired combination of test cases, but there is currently
no command-line utility available to perform this merge. The code for merging
undoubtably exists in the *libgcov* [atexit(3)][] callback, which sums the
process's accumulated execution counts into any existing [GCDA][] files, but no
work has been done to extract this code into a utility.
If the __`--geninfo`__ option is given (which implies `--coverage`), the test
framework will invoke [geninfo][] after each test case completes, to generate
one [lcov][] *tracefile* per case named `coverage.info` located in the case's
own log directory:
**Note**: The `--geninfo` option must be accompanied by at least one
__`--gcno-dir=PATH`__ option, or the `TFW_GCNO_PATH` environment variable must
be set to a list of colon-separated directory paths. The test framework
recursively searches all these directories looking for [GCNO][] files, which it
then supplies to [geninfo][], which uses them to find the source files and
[GCDA][] files produced by `--coverage`.
The per-test-case tracefiles produced by [geninfo][] may be merged together
using the `lcov --add-tracefile` option, and may also be combined into a single
coverage report by passing many tracefile arguments to the [genhtml][] utility.
Unfortunately, both of these operations are prohibitively slow, which makes the
`--geninfo` option of limited use for the time being.
**Copyright 2013 Serval Project Inc.**

This document is available under the [Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International licence][CC BY 4.0].
[Serval Project]: http://www.servalproject.org/
[Serval DNA]: ../README.md
[Bash]: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bash_(Unix_shell)
[Bash Test Framework]: http://developer.servalproject.org/dokuwiki/doku.php?id=content:tech:bash_test_framework
[GNU grep]: http://www.gnu.org/software/grep/
[GNU sed]: http://www.gnu.org/software/sed/
[GNU awk]: http://www.gnu.org/software/gawk/
[pgrep]: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pgrep
[pkill]: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pkill
[integration tests]: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Integration_testing
[boilerplate code]: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Boilerplate_code
[TAP]: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Test_Anything_Protocol
[source code test coverage]: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Code_coverage
[GCC]: https://gcc.gnu.org/
[gcov(1)]: https://gcc.gnu.org/onlinedocs/gcc/Gcov.html
[GCNO]: https://gcc.gnu.org/onlinedocs/gcc-3.4.2/gcc/Gcov-Data-Files.html
[GCDA]: https://gcc.gnu.org/onlinedocs/gcc-3.4.2/gcc/Gcov-Data-Files.html
[lcov]: http://ltp.sourceforge.net/archive/old_pages/coverage/lcov.php
[geninfo]: http://ltp.sourceforge.net/coverage/lcov/geninfo.1.php
[genhtml]: http://ltp.sourceforge.net/coverage/lcov/genhtml.1.php
[atexit(3)]: http://man7.org/linux/man-pages/man3/atexit.3.html
@ -609,7 +609,7 @@ static void _rotate_log_file(_log_iterator *it)
static void _flush_log_file()
if (_log_file && _log_file != NO_FILE) {
if (_log_file && _log_file != NO_FILE && strbuf_len(&_log_file_strbuf) != 0) {
fprintf(_log_file, "%s%s%s",
strbuf_len(&_log_file_strbuf) ? strbuf_str(&_log_file_strbuf) : "",
strbuf_len(&_log_file_strbuf) ? "\n" : "",
@ -619,8 +619,15 @@ static void _flush_log_file()
/* Discard any unwritten log messages and close the log file immediately. This should be called in
* any child process immediately after fork() to prevent any buffered log messages from being
* written twice into the log file.
* @author Andrew Bettison <andrew@servalproject.com>
void close_log_file()
if (_log_file && _log_file != NO_FILE)
_log_file = NULL;
@ -91,6 +91,11 @@ Options:
-f -N --filter=-N Only execute tests with numbers <= N
-f N- --filter=N- Only execute tests with numbers >= N
-f ... --filter=M,N,... Only execute tests with number M or N or ...
-c --coverage Collect test coverage data
-cg --geninfo Invoke geninfo(1) to produce one coverage.info file
per test case (requires at least one --gcno-dir)
-cd DIR --gcno-dir=DIR Use test coverage GCNO files under DIR (overrides
TFW_GCNO_PATH env var)
@ -169,7 +174,8 @@ runTests() {
@ -178,6 +184,9 @@ runTests() {
local allargs="$*"
local -a filters=()
local oo
@ -219,6 +228,14 @@ runTests() {
_tfw_is_float "${1#*=}" || _tfw_fatal "invalid option: $1"
-c|--coverage) _tfw_coverage=true;;
-cg|--geninfo) _tfw_coverage=true; _tfw_geninfo=true;;
-cd) [ -n "$2" ] || _tfw_fatal "missing argument after option: $1"
-cd*) _tfw_gcno_path+=("${1#-?}");;
--gcno-dir=*) _tfw_gcno_path+=("${1#*=}");;
--) shift; break;;
-*) _tfw_fatal "unsupported option: $1";;
*) _tfw_fatal "spurious argument: $1";;
@ -229,6 +246,44 @@ runTests() {
if $_tfw_verbose && [ $_tfw_njobs -ne 1 ]; then
_tfw_fatal "--verbose is incompatible with --jobs=$_tfw_njobs"
# Handle --gcno-dir arguments, or if none given, $TFW_GCNO_PATH env var.
# Convert into a list of absolute directory paths.
if [ ${#_tfw_gcno_path[*]} -eq -0 ]; then
local oIFS="$IFS"
local pathdir
for pathdir in "${_tfw_gcno_path[@]}"; do
[ -d "$pathdir" ] || _tfw_fatal "--gcno-dir: no such directory: '$pathdir'"
local pathdir
for pathdir in "${_tfw_gcno_path[@]}"; do
[ -d "$pathdir" ] && _tfw_gcno_dirs+=("$(abspath "$pathdir")")
# Handle --geninfo option.
if $_tfw_geninfo; then
if [ ${#_tfw_gcno_dirs[*]} -eq 0 ]; then
_tfw_fatal "--geninfo: requires at least one --gcno-dir=DIR or \$TFW_GCNO_PATH env var"
_tfw_checkCommandInPATH geninfo
_tfw_checkCommandInPATH gcov _tfw_gcov_path
# Check that all source files are available.
_tfw_extract_source_files_from_gcno "${_tfw_gcno_dirs[@]}"
[ -d "$TFW_COVERAGE_SOURCE_BASE_DIR" ] || _tfw_fatal "--geninfo: no such directory '$TFW_COVERAGE_SOURCE_BASE_DIR' (\$TFW_COVERAGE_SOURCE_BASE_DIR)"
local src
for src in "${_tfw_coverage_source_files[@]}"; do
local path="$_tfw_coverage_source_basedir/$src"
[ -r "$path" ] || _tfw_fatal "--geninfo: missing source file $path"
# Enumerate all the test cases.
# If we are only asked to list them, then do so and finish.
@ -306,6 +361,29 @@ runTests() {
trap '_tfw_status=$?; rm -rf "$_tfw_tmp"; exit $_tfw_status' EXIT SIGHUP SIGINT SIGTERM
mkdir $_tfw_tmp || _tfw_fatalexit
# Set up test coverage data directory, which contains all the .gcno
# files of the executable(s) under test. If using geninfo(1) to
# generate coverage info files, then link to all the source files, to
# ensure that temporary .gcov files are created in this directory and
# not in the repository's base directory (which would cause race
# conditions).
if $_tfw_coverage; then
export GCOV_PREFIX="$_tfw_logdir_test/gcov"
mkdir "$GCOV_PREFIX" || _tfw_fatalexit
# Link to GCNO files.
if [ ${#_tfw_gcno_dirs[*]} -ne 0 ]; then
find "${_tfw_gcno_dirs[@]}" -type f -name '*.gcno' -print0 | cpio -0pdl --quiet "$GCOV_PREFIX"
# Link source files to where geninfo(1) will always find them before
# finding the original source files.
if $_tfw_geninfo; then
pushd "$_tfw_coverage_source_basedir" >/dev/null || _tfw_fatalexit
find "${_tfw_coverage_source_files[@]}" -maxdepth 0 -print0 | cpio -0pdl --quiet "$GCOV_PREFIX"
popd >/dev/null
## XXX _tfw_geninfo_initial "$scriptName/$testName" >$_tfw_tmp/log.geninfo 2>&1
local start_time=$(_tfw_timestamp)
local finish_time=unknown
( #)#<-- fixes Vim syntax highlighting
@ -388,6 +466,17 @@ runTests() {
} >"$_tfw_logdir_test/log.txt"
mv "$_tfw_logdir_test" "$_tfw_logdir_test.$result"
if $_tfw_geninfo; then
local testname=$(_tfw_string_to_identifier "$scriptName/$testName")
local result="$_tfw_tmp/result.info"
local coverage="$_tfw_logdir_test/coverage.info"
echo '++++++++++ log.geninfo ++++++++++'
_tfw_run_geninfo "$coverage" --test-name "$testname" 2>&1
echo '++++++++++'
} >>"$_tfw_logdir_test/log.txt"
exit 0
) </dev/null &
local job=$(jobs %% 2>/dev/null | $SED -n -e '1s/^\[\([0-9]\{1,\}\)\].*/\1/p')
@ -564,6 +653,36 @@ _tfw_echo_result() {
_tfw_extract_source_files_from_gcno() {
# This should possibly be done by creating a binary utility that knows how to
# disassemble GCNO files. In the meantime, this approach seems to work:
# simply extract all strings from all GCNO files that match *.c or *.h.
local IFS='
_tfw_coverage_source_files=($(find "$@" -type f -name '*.gcno' -print0 | xargs -0 strings | grep '\.[ch]$' | sort -u))
_tfw_run_geninfo() {
local infofile="$1"
geninfo \
--rc lcov_tmp_dir="$_tfw_tmp" \
--gcov-tool "$_tfw_gcov_path" \
--output-file "$infofile" \
--no-external \
"$@" \
# Cook the absolute source file paths in the info file to refer to the
# original source files, not the links we placed into the gcov subdirectory
# in order to avoid race conditions.
local basedir="$(abspath "$_tfw_coverage_source_basedir")"
$SED -i -e "/^SF:/s:$_tfw_logdir_test/gcov:$basedir:" "$infofile"
_tfw_string_to_identifier() {
echo "$1" | $SED -e 's/\//__/g' -e 's/[^0-9a-zA-Z_]/_/g'
# Internal (private) functions that are not to be invoked directly from test
# scripts.
@ -716,7 +835,7 @@ _tfw_execute() {
if [ -n "$timeout" ]; then
if type pgrep >/dev/null 2>/dev/null; then
( #)#(fix Vim syntax colouring
( #)#( <<- fixes Vim syntax colouring
# For some reason, set -e does not work here. So all the following
# commands are postfixed with || exit $?
local executable_pid=$(pgrep -P $subshell_pid) || exit $?
@ -1152,10 +1271,27 @@ _tfw_checkTerminfo() {
_tfw_checkCommandInPATH() {
case $(type -p "$1") in
local __var="$2"
local __path="$(type -p "$1")"
case "$__path" in
*/"${1##*/}") ;;
*) _tfw_fatal "command not found: $1 (PATH=$PATH)"
[ -n "$__var" ] && eval $__var='"$__path"'
return 0
_tfw_count_path_components() {
local path="$1"
local i=0
while [ -n "$path" ]; do
case "$path" in
*/) path="${path%/}";;
*/*) i=$(($i + 1)); path="${path%/*}";;
*) i=$(($i + 1)); path=;;
echo $i
_tfw_unpack_words() {
Reference in New Issue
Block a user