Do not add name and number to seeded keyring entry

This commit is contained in:
Jeremy Lakeman 2015-09-28 12:04:13 +09:30
parent 41d416977f
commit 2fdd23e864

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@ -1941,34 +1941,11 @@ int keyring_seed(keyring_file *k)
/* nothing to do if there is already an identity */
if (k->identities)
return 0;
int i;
char did[65];
/* Securely generate random telephone number */
if (urandombytes((unsigned char *)did, 11) == -1)
return -1;
/* Make DID start with 2 through 9, as 1 is special in many number spaces,
and 0 is commonly used for escaping to national or international dialling. */
did[0]='2'+(((unsigned char)did[0])%8);
/* Then add 10 more digits, which is what we do in the mobile phone software */
for(i=1;i<11;i++) did[i]='0'+(((unsigned char)did[i])%10); did[11]=0;
keyring_identity *id=keyring_create_identity(k,"");
if (!id)
return WHY("Could not create new identity");
if (keyring_set_did(id, did, ""))
return WHY("Could not set DID of new identity");
if (keyring_commit(k))
return WHY("Could not commit new identity to keyring file");
const sid_t *sidp = NULL;
const char *did = NULL;
const char *name = NULL;
keyring_identity_extract(id, &sidp, &did, &name);
INFOF("Seeded keyring with identity: did=%s name=%s sid=%s",
did ? did : "(null)",
sidp ? alloca_tohex_sid_t(*sidp) : "(null)"
return 0;