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2012-04-10 18:01:53 +09:30
# Tests for Serval DNA rhizome operations.
# Copyright 2012 Paul Gardner-Stephen
# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
# modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
# as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
# of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
# Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.
source "${0%/*}/../"
source "${0%/*}/../"
setup_dna_rhizome() {
setup_dna "$@"
executeOk $dna config set debug rhizome
assert_rhizome_list() {
executeOk $dna rhizome list
assertStdoutLineCount '==' $(($# + 2))
assertStdoutIs --line=1 -e '7\n'
assertStdoutIs --line=2 -e 'fileid:manifestid:version:inserttime:length:date:name\n'
local filename
for filename; do
unpack_manifest_for_grep "$filename"
assertStdoutGrep --matches=1 "^$re_filehash:$re_manifestid:.*:$re_name\$"
assert_stdout_add_file() {
local filename="$1"
unpack_manifest_for_grep "$filename"
assertStdoutLineCount '==' 4
assertStdoutGrep --matches=1 "^name:${2:-$re_name}\$"
assertStdoutGrep --matches=1 "^manifestid:$re_manifestid\$"
assertStdoutGrep --matches=1 "^filehash:$re_filehash\$"
assertStdoutGrep --matches=1 "^filesize:$re_size\$"
unpack_manifest_for_grep() {
local filename="$1"
re_size=$(( $(cat "$filename" | wc -c) + 0 ))
re_name="${filename##*/}" # should escape grep metacharacters
# If there is a manifest file that looks like it matches this payload
# file, then use its file hash to check the rhizome list output.
if [ -r "$filename.manifest" ]; then
local name=$(sed -n -e '/^name=/s///p' "$filename.manifest")
if [ "$name" == "${filename##*/}" ]; then
re_filehash=$(sed -n -e '/^filehash=/s///p' "$filename.manifest")
re_manifestid=$(sed -n -e '/^id=/s///p' "$filename.manifest")
assert_manifest_newer() {
local manifest1="$1"
local manifest2="$2"
# The new manifest must have a higher version than the original.
extract_manifest_version oldversion "$manifest1"
extract_manifest_version newversion "$manifest2"
assert [ $newversion -gt $oldversion ]
# The new manifest must have a different filehash from the original.
extract_manifest_filehash oldfilehash "$manifest1"
extract_manifest_filehash newfilehash "$manifest2"
assert [ $oldfilehash != $newfilehash ]
strip_signatures() {
for file; do
cat -v "$file" | sed -e '/^^@/,$d' >"tmp.$file" && mv -f "tmp.$file" "$file"
2012-04-10 18:01:53 +09:30
extract_manifest() {
2012-05-02 16:03:09 +09:30
local _var="$1"
local _manifestfile="$2"
local _label="$3"
local _rexp="$4"
local _value=$(sed -n -e "/^$_label=$_rexp\$/s/^$_label=//p" "$_manifestfile")
assert --message="$_manifestfile contains valid '$_label=' line" \
--dump-on-fail="$_manifestfile" \
[ -n "$_value" ]
[ -n "$_var" ] && eval $_var=$_value
2012-05-02 16:03:09 +09:30
extract_manifest_id() {
extract_manifest "$1" "$2" id '[0-9a-fA-F]\{64\}'
extract_manifest_filehash() {
extract_manifest "$1" "$2" filehash '[0-9a-fA-F]\{128\}'
extract_manifest_version() {
extract_manifest "$1" "$2" version '[0-9]\{1,\}'
doc_InitialEmptyList="Initial list is empty"
2012-04-10 18:01:53 +09:30
setup_InitialEmptyList() {
2012-04-10 18:01:53 +09:30
test_InitialEmptyList() {
doc_AddNoManifest="Add with no manifest file"
setup_AddNoManifest() {
echo "A test file" >file1
echo "Another test file" >file2
test_AddNoManifest() {
executeOk $dna rhizome add file file1
assert_stdout_add_file file1
doc_AddNonExistManifest="Add with non-existent manifest file"
setup_AddNonExistManifest() {
echo "A test file" >file1
echo "Another test file" >file2
test_AddNonExistManifest() {
assert --error-on-fail [ ! -e file1.manifest ]
executeOk $dna rhizome add file file1 file1.manifest
assert_stdout_add_file file1
assert [ -r file1.manifest ]
tfw_cat -v file1.manifest
assertGrep file1.manifest '^name=file1$'
assertGrep file1.manifest '^date=[0-9]\+$'
assertGrep file1.manifest '^version=[0-9]\+$'
assertGrep file1.manifest "^id=$re_manifestid\$"
assertGrep file1.manifest "^filehash=$re_filehash\$"
assertGrep file1.manifest "^filesize=$re_size\$"
assertGrep file1.manifest "^first_byte=0$"
assertGrep file1.manifest "^last_byte=$re_size\$"
2012-04-10 18:01:53 +09:30
doc_AddManifest="Add with minimal manifest file"
2012-04-10 18:01:53 +09:30
setup_AddManifest() {
2012-04-10 18:01:53 +09:30
echo "A test file" >file1
echo -e 'name=wah\ndate=12345' >file1.manifest
2012-04-10 18:01:53 +09:30
echo "Another test file" >file2
test_AddManifest() {
executeOk $dna rhizome add file file1 file1.manifest
tfw_cat --stdout --stderr -v file1.manifest
assert_stdout_add_file file1 wah
assertGrep file1.manifest '^name=wah$'
2012-04-10 18:01:53 +09:30
assertGrep file1.manifest '^version=[0-9]\+$'
2012-05-02 16:03:09 +09:30
assertGrep file1.manifest '^date=12345$'
assertGrep file1.manifest "^id=$re_manifestid\$"
assertGrep file1.manifest "^filehash=$re_filehash\$"
assertGrep file1.manifest "^filesize=$re_size\$"
2012-04-10 18:01:53 +09:30
assertGrep file1.manifest "^first_byte=0$"
assertGrep file1.manifest "^last_byte=$re_size\$"
2012-04-10 18:01:53 +09:30
doc_AddThenList="List contains one file after one add"
2012-04-10 18:01:53 +09:30
setup_AddThenList() {
2012-04-10 18:01:53 +09:30
echo "A test file" >file1
echo "Another test file" >file2
test_AddThenList() {
# Add first file
executeOk $dna rhizome add file file1 file1.manifest
assert_rhizome_list file1
2012-04-10 18:01:53 +09:30
# Add second file
executeOk $dna rhizome add file file2 file2.manifest
assert_rhizome_list file1 file2
2012-04-10 18:01:53 +09:30
doc_AddThenExtractManifest="Extract manifest after one add"
setup_AddThenExtractManifest() {
2012-05-02 16:03:09 +09:30
echo "A test file" >file1
executeOk $dna rhizome add file file1 file1.manifest
assert_rhizome_list file1
extract_manifest_id manifestid file1.manifest
extract_manifest_version version file1.manifest
extract_manifest_filehash filehash file1.manifest
2012-05-02 16:03:09 +09:30
test_AddThenExtractManifest() {
2012-05-02 16:03:09 +09:30
executeOk $dna rhizome extract manifest $manifestid file1x.manifest
assert cmp file1.manifest file1x.manifest
assertStdoutLineCount '==' 5
local size=$(( $(cat file1 | wc -c) + 0 ))
assertStdoutGrep --matches=1 "^manifestid:$manifestid$"
assertStdoutGrep --matches=1 "^version:$version$"
assertStdoutGrep --matches=1 "^inserttime:[0-9]\+$"
assertStdoutGrep --matches=1 "^filehash:$filehash$"
assertStdoutGrep --matches=1 "^filesize:$size$"
2012-05-02 16:03:09 +09:30
doc_ExtractMissingManifest="Extract non-existent manifest"
setup_ExtractMissingManifest() {
test_ExtractMissingManifest() {
execute --exit-status=1 $dna rhizome extract manifest $manifestid foo.manifest
assertStdoutLineCount '==' 0
assert [ ! -e foo.manifest ]
doc_ExtractManifestInvalidID="Extract manifest using invalid ID"
setup_ExtractManifestInvalidID() {
test_ExtractManifestInvalidID() {
execute --exit-status=255 $dna rhizome extract manifest 0123456789ABCDEF0123456789ABCDEF0123456789ABCDEF0123456789ABCDEx foo.manifest
assertStdoutLineCount '==' 0
assert [ ! -e foo.manifest ]
execute --exit-status=255 $dna rhizome extract manifest 0123456789ABCDEF0123456789ABCDEF0123456789ABCDEF0123456789ABCDE foo.manifest
assertStdoutLineCount '==' 0
assert [ ! -e foo.manifest ]
execute --exit-status=255 $dna rhizome extract manifest '' foo.manifest
assertStdoutLineCount '==' 0
assert [ ! -e foo.manifest ]
doc_AddThenExtractFile="Extract file after one add"
setup_AddThenExtractFile() {
echo "A test file" >file1
executeOk $dna rhizome add file file1 file1.manifest
assert_rhizome_list file1
extract_manifest_filehash filehash file1.manifest
test_AddThenExtractFile() {
executeOk $dna rhizome extract file $filehash file1x
assert cmp file1 file1x
local size=$(( $(cat file1 | wc -c) + 0 ))
assertStdoutLineCount '==' 2
assertStdoutGrep --matches=1 "^filehash:$filehash$"
assertStdoutGrep --matches=1 "^filesize:$size$"
doc_ExtractMissingFile="Extract non-existent file"
setup_ExtractMissingFile() {
test_ExtractMissingFile() {
execute --exit-status=1 $dna rhizome extract file $filehash foo
assertStdoutLineCount '==' 0
assert [ ! -e foo ]
doc_ExtractFileInvalidID="Extract file using invalid ID"
setup_ExtractFileInvalidID() {
test_ExtractFileInvalidID() {
execute --exit-status=255 $dna rhizome extract file 0123456789ABCDEF0123456789ABCDEF0123456789ABCDEF0123456789ABCDEF0123456789ABCDEF0123456789ABCDEF0123456789ABCDEF0123456789ABCDEx foo
assertStdoutLineCount '==' 0
assert [ ! -e foo ]
execute --exit-status=255 $dna rhizome extract file 0123456789ABCDEF0123456789ABCDEF0123456789ABCDEF0123456789ABCDEF0123456789ABCDEF0123456789ABCDEF0123456789ABCDEF0123456789ABCDE foo
assertStdoutLineCount '==' 0
assert [ ! -e foo ]
execute --exit-status=255 $dna rhizome extract file '' foo
assertStdoutLineCount '==' 0
assert [ ! -e foo ]
doc_AddDuplicate="Add same manifest detects duplicate"
2012-04-10 18:01:53 +09:30
setup_AddDuplicate() {
2012-04-10 18:01:53 +09:30
echo "A test file" >file1
echo "Another test file" >file2
echo "A test file, second version" >file1_2
2012-04-10 18:01:53 +09:30
# Add first file
executeOk $dna rhizome add file file1 file1.manifest
2012-04-10 18:01:53 +09:30
# Add second file
executeOk $dna rhizome add file file2 file2.manifest
2012-04-10 18:01:53 +09:30
# Make sure they are both in the list.
assert_rhizome_list file1 file2
2012-04-10 18:01:53 +09:30
test_AddDuplicate() {
# Add first file again - nothing should change in its manifests, and it
# should appear that the add command succeeded (with perhaps some grumbling
# on stderr).
execute --exit-status=2 $dna rhizome add file file1 file1.manifestA
assert [ -s file1.manifestA ]
assert_stdout_add_file file1
assert_rhizome_list file1 file2
strip_signatures file1.manifest file1.manifestA
assert diff file1.manifest file1.manifestA
# Repeat for second file.
execute --exit-status=2 $dna rhizome add file file2 file2.manifestA
assert [ -s file2.manifestA ]
assert_stdout_add_file file2
assert_rhizome_list file1 file2
strip_signatures file2.manifest file2.manifestA
assert diff file2.manifest file2.manifestA
doc_AddMismatched="Add mismatched manifest/payload fails"
setup_AddMismatched() {
test_AddMismatched() {
# Try to add another file using an existing manifest, should fail and leave
# the manifest file unchanged.
cp file1.manifest file1_2.manifest
execute $dna rhizome add file file1_2 file1_2.manifest
assertExitStatus '!=' 0
assert cmp file1.manifest file1_2.manifest
# And rhizome store should be unchanged.
assert_rhizome_list file1 file2
doc_AddUpdateSameVersion="Add new payload to existing manifest with same version"
setup_AddUpdateSameVersion() {
cp file1.manifest file1_2.manifest
strip_signatures file1_2.manifest
sed -i -e '/^date=/d;/^filehash=/d;/^filesize=/d' file1_2.manifest
tfw_cat -v file1_2.manifest
assertGrep --matches=0 file1_2.manifest '^filehash='
extract_manifest_version '' file1_2.manifest # asserts has version= line
assertGrep file1_2.manifest '^id='
cp file1_2.manifest file1_2.manifest.orig
test_AddUpdateSameVersion() {
tfw_cat -v file1_2.manifest
execute $dna rhizome add file file1_2 file1_2.manifest
assertExitStatus --stderr '!=' 0
tfw_cat -v file1_2.manifest
assert cmp file1_2.manifest file1_2.manifest.orig
# And rhizome store should be unchanged.
assert_rhizome_list file1 file2
doc_AddUpdateNewVersion="Add new payload to existing manifest with new version"
setup_AddUpdateNewVersion() {
extract_manifest_version version file1_2.manifest
let version=version+1
sed -i -e "/^version=/s/=.*/=$version/" file1_2.manifest
assertGrep --matches=1 file1_2.manifest "^version=$version$"
test_AddUpdateNewVersion() {
tfw_cat -v file1_2.manifest
executeOk $dna rhizome add file file1_2 file1_2.manifest
assert_stdout_add_file file1_2 file1
assert_manifest_newer file1.manifest file1_2.manifest
# Rhizome store contents reflect new payload.
mv -f file1_2.manifest file1.manifest
assert_rhizome_list file1 file2
doc_AddUpdateAutoVersion="Add new payload to existing manifest with automatic version"
setup_AddUpdateAutoVersion() {
sed -i -e '/^version=/d' file1_2.manifest
assertGrep --matches=0 file1_2.manifest '^version='
test_AddUpdateAutoVersion() {
tfw_cat -v file1_2.manifest
sleep 0.001 # Ensure that at least one millisecond has elapsed
executeOk $dna rhizome add file file1_2 file1_2.manifest
assert_manifest_newer file1.manifest file1_2.manifest
# Rhizome store contents reflect new payload.
mv -f file1_2.manifest file1.manifest
assert_rhizome_list file1 file2
2012-04-10 18:01:53 +09:30
runTests "$@"