2012-04-10 12:41:15 +09:30
# Common definitions for all test suites in test/*
2012-04-24 17:06:48 +09:30
testdefs_sh=$(abspath "${BASH_SOURCE[0]}")
2012-05-20 13:48:02 +09:30
2012-04-10 12:41:15 +09:30
2012-06-05 13:58:59 +09:30
# Some useful regular expressions. These must work in grep(1) as basic
# expressions, and also in sed(1).
2012-04-10 12:41:15 +09:30
# Utility function for creating DNA fixtures:
2012-06-04 18:28:05 +09:30
# - set $servald variable (executable under test)
2012-05-20 13:48:02 +09:30
setup_servald() {
servald=$(abspath "$servald_build_root/dna") # The DNA executable under test
if ! [ -x "$servald" ]; then
error "servald executable not present: $servald"
2012-04-10 12:41:15 +09:30
return 1
2012-06-04 18:28:05 +09:30
2012-06-08 13:13:26 +09:30
# Utility function for running servald and asserting no errors:
# - executes $servald with the given arguments
# - asserts that standard error contains no error messages
executeOk_servald() {
executeOk --executable="$servald" "$@"
assertStderrGrep --matches=0 '^ERROR:'
2012-06-04 18:28:05 +09:30
# Utility function:
# - set up environment and normal variables for the given instance name
2012-06-08 13:23:17 +09:30
# - if the argument is not an instance name, then use the "default" instance
# name and return 1, otherwise return 0
# Can be used for functions that take an optional instance name as their
# first argument:
# func() {
# set_instance "$1" && shift
# ...
# }
2012-06-04 18:28:05 +09:30
set_instance() {
case "$1" in
[A-Z]|default) set_instance_vars "$1"; return 0;;
*) set_instance_vars "default"; return 1;;
2012-06-05 13:58:59 +09:30
2012-06-04 18:28:05 +09:30
# Utility function:
2012-06-08 13:23:17 +09:30
# - create a temporary directory to contain all per-instance test files
# - set SERVALINSTANCE_PATH environment variable to name a directory within
# the per-instance test directory (but do not create it)
# - set other environment variables to support other functions defined in this
# script
2012-06-04 18:28:05 +09:30
set_instance_vars() {
2012-06-08 18:25:43 +09:30
echo "# set instance = $instance_name"
2012-06-04 18:28:05 +09:30
export instance_dir="$TFWTMP/instance/$instance_name"
mkdir -p "$instance_dir"
export instance_servald_log="$instance_dir/servald.log"
export SERVALINSTANCE_PATH="$instance_dir/servald"
2012-06-05 13:58:59 +09:30
export instance_servald_pidfile="$SERVALINSTANCE_PATH/servald.pid"
2012-04-10 12:41:15 +09:30
2012-04-24 17:06:48 +09:30
# Utility function for setting up DNA JNI fixtures:
# - check that libservald.so is present
# - set LD_LIBRARY_PATH so that libservald.so can be found
setup_servald_so() {
2012-05-20 13:48:02 +09:30
assert [ -r "$servald_build_root/libservald.so" ]
export LD_LIBRARY_PATH="$servald_build_root"
2012-04-24 17:06:48 +09:30
2012-06-04 18:28:05 +09:30
# Utility function for setting up a fixture with a DNA server process:
# - Ensure that no servald processes are running
# - Start a servald server process
# - Ensure that it is still running after one second
start_servald_server() {
set_instance "$1" && shift
executeOk $servald config set logfile "$instance_servald_log"
# Start DNA server
local -a before_pids
local -a after_pids
get_servald_pids before_pids
echo "# before_pids=$before_pids"
executeOk $servald start "$@"
tfw_cat --stdout
get_servald_pids after_pids
echo "# after_pids=$after_pids"
# Assert that the servald pid file is present.
assert --message="servald pidfile was created" [ -s "$instance_servald_pidfile" ]
servald_pid=$(cat "$instance_servald_pidfile")
assert --message="servald pidfile contains a valid pid" --dump-on-fail="$instance_servald_log" kill -0 "$servald_pid"
# Assert that there is at least one new servald process running.
local apid bpid
local new_pids=
local pidfile_running=false
for apid in ${after_pids[*]}; do
local isnew=true
for bpid in ${before_pids[*]}; do
if [ "$apid" -eq "$bpid" ]; then
if [ "$apid" -eq "$servald_pid" ]; then
echo "# started servald process: pid=$servald_pid"
new_pids="$new_pids $apid"
elif $isnew; then
echo "# unknown new servald process: pid=$apid"
new_pids="$new_pids $apid"
assert --message="a new servald process is running" --dump-on-fail="$instance_servald_log" [ -n "$new_pids" ]
assert --message="servald pidfile process is running" --dump-on-fail="$instance_servald_log" $pidfile_running
echo "# Started servald server process $instance_name, pid=$servald_pid"
stop_servald_server() {
set_instance "$1" && shift
# Stop DNA server
servald_pid=$(cat "$instance_servald_pidfile")
local -a before_pids
local -a after_pids
get_servald_pids before_pids
echo "# before_pids=$before_pids"
executeOk $servald stop "$@"
tfw_cat --stdout
echo "# Stopped servald server process $instance_name, pid=${servald_pid:-unknown}"
get_servald_pids after_pids
echo "# after_pids=$after_pids"
# Assert that the servald pid file is gone.
assert --message="servald pidfile was removed" [ ! -e "$instance_servald_pidfile" ]
# Assert that the servald process identified by the pidfile is no longer running.
local apid bpid
if [ -n "$servald_pid" ]; then
for apid in ${after_pids[*]}; do
assert --message="servald process still running" [ "$apid" -ne "$servald_pid" ]
# Append the server log file to the test log.
[ -s "$instance_servald_log" ] && tfw_cat "$instance_servald_log"
# Check there is at least one fewer servald processes running.
for bpid in ${before_pids[*]}; do
local isgone=true
for apid in ${after_pids[*]}; do
if [ "$apid" -eq "$bpid" ]; then
if $isgone; then
echo "# ended servald process: pid=$bpid"
# Utility function for tearing down DNA fixtures:
# - Kill all servald server process instances in an orderly fashion
# - Cat any servald log file into the test log
stop_all_servald_servers() {
if pushd "$TFWTMP/instance" >/dev/null; then
for name in *; do
stop_servald_server "$name"
popd >/dev/null
# Utility function for tearing down DNA fixtures:
# - send a given signal to all running servald processes, identified by name
# - return 1 if no processes were present, 0 if any signal was sent
signal_all_servald_processes() {
local sig="$1"
local servald_pids
get_servald_pids servald_pids
local pid
local ret=1
for pid in $servald_pids; do
if kill -$sig "$pid"; then
echo "# Sent SIG$sig to servald process pid=$pid"
error "# servald process pid=$pid not running -- SIG$sig not sent"
return $ret
# Utility function for tearing down DNA fixtures:
# - terminate all running servald processes, identified by name, by sending
# first SIGTERM then SIGHUP and finally SIGKILL
# - assert that no more servald processes are running
kill_all_servald_processes() {
if signal_all_servald_processes TERM; then
sleep 2
if signal_all_servald_processes HUP; then
sleep 2
signal_all_servald_processes KILL
# Utility function:
# - return the PIDs of all servald processes the current user is running
get_servald_pids() {
local var="$1"
2012-05-20 13:48:02 +09:30
local servald_basename="${servald##*/}"
if [ -z "$servald_basename" ]; then
2012-06-04 18:28:05 +09:30
error "\$servald is not set"
2012-05-20 13:48:02 +09:30
return 1
2012-06-04 18:28:05 +09:30
local pids=$(ps -u$UID | awk -v servald="$servald_basename" '$4 == servald {print $1}')
[ -n "$var" ] && eval "$var=($pids)"
[ -n "$pids" ]
# Assertion function:
# - assert there are no existing DNA server processes
assert_no_servald_processes() {
local pids
get_servald_pids pids
assert --message="$servald_basename process(es) running: $pids" [ -z "$pids" ]
2012-04-10 12:41:15 +09:30
return 0