2012-03-17 09:00:51 +10:30
Copyright ( C ) 2010 - 2012 Paul Gardner - Stephen , Serval Project .
This program is free software ; you can redistribute it and / or
modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
as published by the Free Software Foundation ; either version 2
of the License , or ( at your option ) any later version .
This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful ,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY ; without even the implied warranty of
GNU General Public License for more details .
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
along with this program ; if not , write to the Free Software
Foundation , Inc . , 51 Franklin Street , Fifth Floor , Boston , MA 02110 - 1301 , USA .
# include "serval.h"
2012-03-21 01:36:52 +10:30
# include <sys/stat.h>
2012-03-17 13:02:09 +10:30
2012-03-17 09:00:51 +10:30
int mdp_abstract_socket = - 1 ;
int mdp_named_socket = - 1 ;
int overlay_mdp_setup_sockets ( )
struct sockaddr_un name ;
int len ;
name . sun_family = AF_UNIX ;
# ifndef HAVE_LINUX_IF_H
/* Abstrack name space (i.e., non-file represented) unix domain sockets are a
linux - only thing . */
mdp_abstract_socket = - 1 ;
# else
2012-03-17 13:02:09 +10:30
if ( mdp_abstract_socket = = - 1 ) {
/* Abstract name space unix sockets is a special Linux thing, which is
convenient for us because Android is Linux , but does not have a shared
writable path that is on a UFS partition , so we cannot use traditional
named unix domain sockets . So the abstract name space gives us a solution . */
name . sun_path [ 0 ] = 0 ;
/* XXX The 100 should be replaced with the actual maximum allowed.
Apparently POSIX requires it to be at least 100 , but I would still feel
more comfortable with using the appropriate constant . */
snprintf ( & name . sun_path [ 1 ] , 100 , " org.servalproject.mesh.overlay.mdp " ) ;
len = 1 + strlen ( & name . sun_path [ 1 ] ) + sizeof ( name . sun_family ) ;
2012-03-17 22:31:48 +10:30
mdp_abstract_socket = socket ( AF_UNIX , SOCK_DGRAM , 0 ) ;
2012-03-17 13:02:09 +10:30
if ( mdp_abstract_socket > - 1 ) {
int dud = 0 ;
int r = bind ( mdp_abstract_socket , ( struct sockaddr * ) & name , len ) ;
if ( r ) { dud = 1 ; r = 0 ; WHY ( " bind() of abstract name space socket failed (not an error on non-linux systems " ) ; }
if ( dud ) {
close ( mdp_abstract_socket ) ;
mdp_abstract_socket = - 1 ;
WHY ( " Could not open abstract name-space socket (only a problem on Linux). " ) ;
2012-03-17 09:00:51 +10:30
# endif
2012-03-17 13:02:09 +10:30
if ( mdp_named_socket = = - 1 ) {
2012-03-29 14:07:07 +10:30
if ( ! form_serval_instance_path ( & name . sun_path [ 0 ] , 100 , " mdp.socket " ) ) {
return WHY ( " Cannot construct name of unix domain socket. " ) ;
2012-03-19 09:43:11 +10:30
unlink ( & name . sun_path [ 0 ] ) ;
len = 0 + strlen ( & name . sun_path [ 0 ] ) + sizeof ( name . sun_family ) + 1 ;
2012-03-17 22:31:48 +10:30
mdp_named_socket = socket ( AF_UNIX , SOCK_DGRAM , 0 ) ;
2012-03-17 13:02:09 +10:30
if ( mdp_named_socket > - 1 ) {
int dud = 0 ;
int r = bind ( mdp_named_socket , ( struct sockaddr * ) & name , len ) ;
if ( r ) { dud = 1 ; r = 0 ; WHY ( " bind() of named unix domain socket failed " ) ; }
if ( dud ) {
close ( mdp_named_socket ) ;
mdp_named_socket = - 1 ;
WHY ( " Could not open named unix domain socket. " ) ;
2012-03-17 09:00:51 +10:30
return 0 ;
2012-03-17 13:02:09 +10:30
int overlay_mdp_get_fds ( struct pollfd * fds , int * fdcount , int fdmax )
/* Make sure sockets are open */
overlay_mdp_setup_sockets ( ) ;
if ( ( * fdcount ) > = fdmax ) return - 1 ;
if ( mdp_abstract_socket > - 1 )
2012-03-27 19:50:31 +10:30
if ( debug & DEBUG_IO ) {
2012-03-17 13:02:09 +10:30
fprintf ( stderr , " MDP abstract name space socket is poll() slot #%d (fd %d) \n " ,
* fdcount , mdp_abstract_socket ) ;
fds [ * fdcount ] . fd = mdp_abstract_socket ;
fds [ * fdcount ] . events = POLLIN ;
( * fdcount ) + + ;
if ( ( * fdcount ) > = fdmax ) return - 1 ;
if ( mdp_named_socket > - 1 )
2012-03-27 19:50:31 +10:30
if ( debug & DEBUG_IO ) {
2012-03-17 13:02:09 +10:30
fprintf ( stderr , " MDP named unix domain socket is poll() slot #%d (fd %d) \n " ,
* fdcount , mdp_named_socket ) ;
fds [ * fdcount ] . fd = mdp_named_socket ;
fds [ * fdcount ] . events = POLLIN ;
( * fdcount ) + + ;
return 0 ;
2012-03-20 17:11:58 +10:30
# define MDP_MAX_BINDINGS 100
int mdp_bindings_initialised = 0 ;
sockaddr_mdp mdp_bindings [ MDP_MAX_BINDINGS ] ;
char mdp_bindings_sockets [ MDP_MAX_BINDINGS ] [ MDP_MAX_SOCKET_NAME_LEN ] ;
int mdp_bindings_socket_name_lengths [ MDP_MAX_BINDINGS ] ;
int overlay_mdp_reply_error ( int sock ,
struct sockaddr_un * recvaddr , int recvaddrlen ,
int error_number , char * message )
overlay_mdp_frame mdpreply ;
mdpreply . packetTypeAndFlags = MDP_ERROR ;
mdpreply . error . error = error_number ;
if ( error_number = = 0 | | message )
snprintf ( & mdpreply . error . message [ 0 ] , 128 , " %s " , message ? message : " Success " ) ;
snprintf ( & mdpreply . error . message [ 0 ] , 128 , " Error code #%d " , error_number ) ;
mdpreply . error . message [ 127 ] = 0 ;
2012-03-27 19:25:38 +10:30
return overlay_mdp_reply ( sock , recvaddr , recvaddrlen , & mdpreply ) ;
int overlay_mdp_reply ( int sock , struct sockaddr_un * recvaddr , int recvaddrlen ,
overlay_mdp_frame * mdpreply )
int replylen ;
replylen = overlay_mdp_relevant_bytes ( mdpreply ) ;
if ( replylen < 0 ) return WHY ( " Invalid MDP frame (could not compute length) " ) ;
2012-03-20 17:11:58 +10:30
errno = 0 ;
2012-03-27 19:25:38 +10:30
int r = sendto ( sock , ( char * ) mdpreply , replylen , 0 ,
2012-03-20 17:11:58 +10:30
( struct sockaddr * ) recvaddr , recvaddrlen ) ;
2012-03-21 01:36:52 +10:30
if ( r < 0 ) {
2012-03-20 17:11:58 +10:30
perror ( " sendto " ) ;
WHY ( " sendto() failed when sending MDP reply " ) ;
printf ( " sock=%d, r=%d \n " , sock , r ) ;
return - 1 ;
return 0 ;
int overlay_mdp_reply_ok ( int sock ,
struct sockaddr_un * recvaddr , int recvaddrlen ,
char * message )
return overlay_mdp_reply_error ( sock , recvaddr , recvaddrlen , 0 , message ) ;
int overlay_mdp_process_bind_request ( int sock , overlay_mdp_frame * mdp ,
struct sockaddr_un * recvaddr , int recvaddrlen )
int i ;
if ( ! mdp_bindings_initialised ) {
/* Mark all slots as unused */
for ( i = 0 ; i < MDP_MAX_BINDINGS ; i + + ) mdp_bindings [ i ] . port = 0 ;
mdp_bindings_initialised = 1 ;
2012-03-27 19:25:38 +10:30
WHY ( " Doesn't authenticate source address on multi-SID installations like an OpenBTS:mesh gateway) " ) ;
/* Make sure source address is either all zeros (listen on all), or a valid
local address */
for ( i = 0 ; i < SID_SIZE ; i + + ) if ( mdp - > bind . sid [ i ] ) break ;
if ( i < SID_SIZE ) {
/* Not all zeroes, so make sure it is a valid SID */
2012-04-13 09:25:03 +09:30
int ok = 0 ;
if ( overlay_address_is_local ( mdp - > bind . sid ) ) ok = 1 ;
2012-03-27 19:25:38 +10:30
if ( ! ok ) {
/* Source address is invalid */
return overlay_mdp_reply_error ( sock , recvaddr , recvaddrlen , 7 ,
" Bind address is not valid (must be a local MDP address, or all zeroes). " ) ;
2012-03-20 17:11:58 +10:30
/* See if binding already exists */
int found = - 1 ;
int free = - 1 ;
for ( i = 0 ; i < MDP_MAX_BINDINGS ; i + + ) {
/* Look for duplicate bindings */
if ( mdp_bindings [ i ] . port = = mdp - > bind . port_number )
if ( ! memcmp ( mdp_bindings [ i ] . sid , mdp - > bind . sid , SID_SIZE ) )
{ found = i ; break ; }
/* Look for free slots in case we need one */
if ( ( free = = - 1 ) & & ( mdp_bindings [ i ] . port = = 0 ) ) free = i ;
2012-03-21 01:36:52 +10:30
2012-03-20 17:11:58 +10:30
/* Binding was found. See if it is us, if so, then all is well,
else we check flags to see if we should override the existing binding . */
if ( found > - 1 ) {
if ( mdp_bindings_socket_name_lengths [ found ] = = recvaddrlen )
if ( ! memcmp ( mdp_bindings_sockets [ found ] , recvaddr - > sun_path , recvaddrlen ) )
fprintf ( stderr , " Identical binding exists " ) ;
2012-03-27 19:25:38 +10:30
WHY ( " Need to return binding information to client " ) ;
2012-03-20 17:11:58 +10:30
return overlay_mdp_reply_ok ( sock , recvaddr , recvaddrlen , " Port bound (actually, it was already bound to you) " ) ;
/* Okay, so there is an existing binding. Either replace it (if requested) or
return an error */
if ( ! ( mdp - > packetTypeAndFlags & MDP_FORCE ) )
2012-03-21 01:36:52 +10:30
fprintf ( stderr , " Port already in use. \n " ) ;
2012-03-20 17:11:58 +10:30
return overlay_mdp_reply_error ( sock , recvaddr , recvaddrlen , 3 ,
" Port already in use " ) ;
else {
/* Cause existing binding to be replaced.
XXX - We should notify the existing binding holder that their binding
has been snaffled . */
WHY ( " Warn socket holder about port-snatch " ) ;
free = found ;
/* Okay, so no binding exists. Make one, and return success.
If we have too many bindings , we should return an error .
XXX - We don ' t find out when the socket responsible for a binding has died ,
so stale bindings can hang around . We really need a solution to this , e . g . ,
probing the sockets periodically ( by sending an MDP NOOP frame perhaps ? ) and
destroying any socket that reports an error .
if ( free = = - 1 ) {
/* XXX Should we probe for stale bindings here and now, since this is when
we want the spare slots ? */
WHY ( " Should probe existing bindings to see if any can be freed " ) ;
fprintf ( stderr , " No free port binding slots. Close other connections and try again? " ) ;
return overlay_mdp_reply_error ( sock , recvaddr , recvaddrlen , 4 , " All binding slots in use. Close old connections and try again, or increase MDP_MAX_BINDINGS. " ) ;
/* Okay, record binding and report success */
mdp_bindings [ free ] . port = mdp - > bind . port_number ;
memcpy ( & mdp_bindings [ free ] . sid [ 0 ] , & mdp - > bind . sid [ 0 ] , SID_SIZE ) ;
mdp_bindings_socket_name_lengths [ free ] = recvaddrlen - 2 ;
memcpy ( & mdp_bindings_sockets [ free ] [ 0 ] , & recvaddr - > sun_path [ 0 ] ,
mdp_bindings_socket_name_lengths [ free ] ) ;
return overlay_mdp_reply_ok ( sock , recvaddr , recvaddrlen , " Port bound " ) ;
2012-03-27 19:25:38 +10:30
int overlay_saw_mdp_containing_frame ( int interface , overlay_frame * f , long long now )
2012-03-27 21:13:40 +10:30
/* Take frame source and destination and use them to populate mdp->in->{src,dst}
SIDs .
Take ports from mdp frame itself .
Take payload from mdp frame itself .
2012-04-14 08:15:29 +09:30
overlay_mdp_frame mdp ;
2012-04-14 09:33:29 +09:30
/* Get source and destination addresses */
bcopy ( & f - > destination [ 0 ] , & mdp . in . dst . sid [ 0 ] , SID_SIZE ) ;
bcopy ( & f - > source [ 0 ] , & mdp . in . src . sid [ 0 ] , SID_SIZE ) ;
int len = f - > payload - > length ;
unsigned char * b ;
2012-04-14 12:17:46 +09:30
unsigned char plain_block [ len + 16 ] ;
2012-04-14 09:33:29 +09:30
if ( len < 10 ) return WHY ( " Invalid MDP frame " ) ;
2012-04-14 08:15:29 +09:30
/* copy crypto flags from frame so that we know if we need to decrypt or verify it */
switch ( f - > modifiers & OF_CRYPTO_BITS ) {
case 0 :
2012-04-14 12:17:46 +09:30
/* get payload */
b = & f - > payload - > bytes [ 0 ] ;
len = f - > payload - > length ;
2012-04-14 08:15:29 +09:30
mdp . packetTypeAndFlags | = MDP_NOCRYPT | MDP_NOSIGN ; break ;
2012-04-14 12:17:46 +09:30
return WHY ( " decryption not implemented " ) ;
2012-04-14 08:15:29 +09:30
mdp . packetTypeAndFlags | = MDP_NOSIGN ; break ;
2012-04-14 12:17:46 +09:30
return WHY ( " signature verification not implemented " ) ;
2012-04-14 08:15:29 +09:30
mdp . packetTypeAndFlags | = MDP_NOCRYPT ; break ;
2012-04-14 12:17:46 +09:30
2012-04-14 14:20:49 +09:30
printf ( " crypted MDP frame for %s \n " ,
overlay_render_sid ( mdp . out . dst . sid ) ) ;
2012-04-14 12:17:46 +09:30
unsigned char * k = keyring_get_nm_bytes ( & mdp . out . dst , & mdp . out . src ) ;
unsigned char * nonce = & f - > payload - > bytes [ 0 ] ;
int nb = crypto_box_curve25519xsalsa20poly1305_NONCEBYTES ;
2012-04-14 12:33:15 +09:30
int zb = crypto_box_curve25519xsalsa20poly1305_ZEROBYTES ;
2012-04-14 12:17:46 +09:30
if ( ! k ) return WHY ( " I don't have the private key required to decrypt that " ) ;
bzero ( & plain_block [ 0 ] , crypto_box_curve25519xsalsa20poly1305_ZEROBYTES - 16 ) ;
int cipher_len = f - > payload - > length - nb ;
bcopy ( & f - > payload - > bytes [ nb ] , & plain_block [ 16 ] , cipher_len ) ;
2012-04-14 13:56:53 +09:30
if ( 0 ) {
dump ( " nm bytes " , k , crypto_box_curve25519xsalsa20poly1305_BEFORENMBYTES ) ;
dump ( " nonce " , nonce , crypto_box_curve25519xsalsa20poly1305_NONCEBYTES ) ;
dump ( " cipher block " , & plain_block [ 16 ] , cipher_len ) ;
2012-04-14 12:17:46 +09:30
if ( crypto_box_curve25519xsalsa20poly1305_open_afternm
2012-04-14 12:33:15 +09:30
( plain_block , plain_block , cipher_len + 16 , nonce , k ) )
2012-04-14 12:17:46 +09:30
return WHY ( " crypto_box_open_afternm() failed ( forged or corrupted packet ? ) " ) ;
2012-04-14 13:56:53 +09:30
if ( 0 ) dump ( " plain block " , & plain_block [ zb ] , cipher_len - 16 ) ;
2012-04-14 12:33:15 +09:30
b = & plain_block [ zb ] ;
len = cipher_len - 16 ;
2012-04-14 12:17:46 +09:30
break ;
2012-04-14 08:15:29 +09:30
2012-04-14 09:33:29 +09:30
int version = ( b [ 0 ] < < 8 ) + b [ 1 ] ;
if ( version ! = 0x0101 ) return WHY ( " Saw unsupported MDP frame version " ) ;
/* Indicate MDP message type */
mdp . packetTypeAndFlags = MDP_TX ;
/* extract MDP port numbers */
mdp . in . src . port = ( b [ 2 ] < < 24 ) + ( b [ 3 ] < < 16 ) + ( b [ 4 ] < < 8 ) + b [ 5 ] ;
2012-04-14 14:20:49 +09:30
mdp . in . dst . port = ( b [ 6 ] < < 24 ) + ( b [ 7 ] < < 16 ) + ( b [ 8 ] < < 8 ) + b [ 9 ] ;
2012-04-14 23:12:45 +09:30
printf ( " RX mdp dst.port=%d, src.port=%d \n " , mdp . in . dst . port , mdp . in . src . port ) ;
2012-04-14 09:33:29 +09:30
mdp . in . payload_length = len - 10 ;
bcopy ( & b [ 10 ] , & mdp . in . payload [ 0 ] , mdp . in . payload_length ) ;
2012-04-14 08:15:29 +09:30
/* and do something with it! */
return overlay_saw_mdp_frame ( interface , & mdp , now ) ;
2012-03-27 19:25:38 +10:30
int overlay_saw_mdp_frame ( int interface , overlay_mdp_frame * mdp , long long now )
2012-03-17 09:00:51 +10:30
2012-03-28 11:28:04 +10:30
int i ;
int match = - 1 ;
2012-03-27 21:13:40 +10:30
switch ( mdp - > packetTypeAndFlags & MDP_TYPE_MASK ) {
case MDP_TX :
/* Regular MDP frame addressed to us. Look for matching port binding,
and if available , push to client . Else do nothing , or if we feel nice
send back a connection refused type message ? Silence is probably the
2012-04-14 09:33:29 +09:30
more prudent path .
2012-03-28 11:28:04 +10:30
if ( ( ! overlay_address_is_local ( mdp - > out . dst . sid ) )
& & ( ! overlay_address_is_broadcast ( mdp - > out . dst . sid ) ) )
return WHY ( " Asked to process an MDP packet that was not addressed to this node. " ) ;
for ( i = 0 ; i < MDP_MAX_BINDINGS ; i + + )
2012-03-29 13:02:10 +10:30
if ( ! memcmp ( & mdp - > out . dst , & mdp_bindings [ i ] , sizeof ( sockaddr_mdp ) ) )
2012-03-28 11:28:04 +10:30
{ /* exact and specific match, so stop searching */
match = i ; break ; }
else {
/* No exact match, so see if the port matches, and local-side address
is the anonymous address ( all zeroes ) , the destination address is
a local address , and the ports match . This is to find matches to
the mdp equivalent of a socket bound to 0.0 .0 .0 : port in IPv4 .
Just as with the IPv4 situation , we prioritise ports that are listening
on a specific address over those with no address bound . Thus we only
try to match these 0.0 .0 .0 style bindings if there is no specific
binding , and we keep looking in case there is a more specific binding .
Because there is no concept of sub - nets in the Serval overlay mesh
( since addresses are randomly allocated from the entire address
space ) , we don ' t have to worry about a more structured heirarchy where
more completely specified addresses take priority over less completely
specified addresses .
if ( match = = - 1 )
if ( mdp - > out . dst . port = = mdp_bindings [ i ] . port )
int j ;
for ( j = 0 ; j < SID_SIZE ; j + + ) if ( mdp_bindings [ i ] . sid [ j ] ) break ;
if ( j = = SID_SIZE ) match = i ;
if ( match > - 1 ) {
/* We now know the socket, and so we can pass the MDP_TX frame to the
recipient . We do , however , translate it into an MDP_RX frame first ,
so that the recipient understands the context . */
2012-03-28 13:10:41 +10:30
mdp - > packetTypeAndFlags & = ~ MDP_TYPE_MASK ;
mdp - > packetTypeAndFlags | = MDP_RX ;
struct sockaddr_un addr ;
bcopy ( mdp_bindings_sockets [ match ] , & addr . sun_path [ 0 ] , mdp_bindings_socket_name_lengths [ match ] ) ;
addr . sun_family = AF_UNIX ;
int r = sendto ( mdp_named_socket , mdp , overlay_mdp_relevant_bytes ( mdp ) , 0 , ( struct sockaddr * ) & addr , sizeof ( addr ) ) ;
printf ( " r=%d \n " , r ) ;
if ( r = = overlay_mdp_relevant_bytes ( mdp ) ) return 0 ;
perror ( " sendto " ) ;
return WHY ( " Failed to pass received MDP frame to client " ) ;
2012-03-28 11:28:04 +10:30
} else {
/* No socket is bound, ignore the packet ... except for magic sockets */
switch ( mdp - > out . dst . port ) {
case 7 : /* well known ECHO port for TCP/UDP and now MDP */
/* Echo is easy: we swap the sender and receiver addresses (and thus port
numbers ) and send the frame back . */
2012-04-14 23:12:45 +09:30
2012-03-28 11:28:04 +10:30
/* Swap addresses */
sockaddr_mdp temp ;
bcopy ( & mdp - > out . dst , & temp , sizeof ( sockaddr_mdp ) ) ;
bcopy ( & mdp - > out . src , & mdp - > out . dst , sizeof ( sockaddr_mdp ) ) ;
bcopy ( & temp , & mdp - > out . src , sizeof ( sockaddr_mdp ) ) ;
2012-04-14 14:20:49 +09:30
if ( mdp - > out . dst . port = = 7 ) return WHY ( " echo loop averted " ) ;
2012-03-28 13:19:53 +10:30
/* If the packet was sent to broadcast, then replace broadcast address
with our local address . For now just responds with first local address */
if ( overlay_address_is_broadcast ( mdp - > out . src . sid ) )
2012-04-13 09:25:03 +09:30
if ( keyring - > contexts [ 0 ] - > identity_count & &
keyring - > contexts [ 0 ] - > identities [ 0 ] - > keypair_count & &
keyring - > contexts [ 0 ] - > identities [ 0 ] - > keypairs [ 0 ] - > type
bcopy ( keyring - > contexts [ 0 ] - > identities [ 0 ] - > keypairs [ 0 ] - > public_key ,
mdp - > out . src . sid , SID_SIZE ) ;
2012-03-28 13:19:53 +10:30
/* No local addresses, so put all zeroes */
bzero ( mdp - > out . src . sid , SID_SIZE ) ;
2012-03-28 11:28:04 +10:30
/* queue frame for delivery */
2012-04-14 09:33:29 +09:30
overlay_mdp_dispatch ( mdp , 0 /* system generated */ ,
NULL , 0 ) ;
2012-03-28 11:28:04 +10:30
break ;
default :
/* Unbound socket. We won't be sending ICMP style connection refused
messages , partly because they are a waste of bandwidth . */
return WHY ( " Received packet for which no listening process exists " ) ;
2012-03-27 21:13:40 +10:30
break ;
default :
return WHY ( " We should only see MDP_TX frames here " ) ;
2012-03-17 09:00:51 +10:30
return WHY ( " Not implemented " ) ;
2012-03-17 13:02:09 +10:30
2012-04-14 09:33:29 +09:30
int overlay_mdp_sanitytest_sourceaddr ( sockaddr_mdp * src , int userGeneratedFrameP ,
2012-03-27 19:45:39 +10:30
struct sockaddr_un * recvaddr ,
int recvaddrlen )
if ( overlay_address_is_broadcast ( src - > sid ) )
/* This is rather naughty if it happens, since broadcasting a
response can lead to all manner of nasty things .
Picture a packet with broadcast as the source address , sent
to , say , the MDP echo port on another node , and with a source
port also of the echo port . Said echo will get multiplied many ,
many , many times over before the TTL finally reaches zero .
So we just say no to any packet with a broadcast source address .
( Of course we have other layers of protection against such
shenanigens , such as using BPIs to smart - flood broadcasts , but
security comes through depth . )
return WHY ( " Packet had broadcast address as source address " ) ;
2012-04-14 09:33:29 +09:30
/* Check for build-in port listeners */
if ( ! userGeneratedFrameP )
if ( overlay_address_is_local ( src - > sid ) ) {
switch ( src - > port ) {
case 7 :
/* locally hard-wired port */
return 0 ;
default :
break ;
2012-03-27 19:45:39 +10:30
/* Now make sure that source address is in the list of bound addresses,
and that the recvaddr matches . */
int i ;
for ( i = 0 ; i < MDP_MAX_BINDINGS ; i + + )
if ( ! memcmp ( src , & mdp_bindings [ i ] , sizeof ( sockaddr_mdp ) ) )
/* Binding matches, now make sure the sockets match */
if ( mdp_bindings_socket_name_lengths [ i ] = = ( recvaddrlen - sizeof ( short ) ) )
if ( ! memcmp ( mdp_bindings_sockets [ i ] , recvaddr - > sun_path ,
recvaddrlen - sizeof ( short ) ) )
/* Everything matches, so this unix socket and MDP address
combination is valid */
return 0 ;
2012-04-14 09:33:29 +09:30
printf ( " addr=%s port=%d \n " ,
overlay_render_sid ( src - > sid ) , src - > port ) ;
2012-03-27 19:45:39 +10:30
return WHY ( " No such socket binding:unix domain socket tuple exists -- someone might be trying to spoof someone else's connection " ) ;
2012-03-28 11:28:04 +10:30
/* Construct MDP packet frame from overlay_mdp_frame structure
( need to add return address from bindings list , and copy
payload etc ) .
This is for use by the SERVER .
Clients should use overlay_mdp_send ( )
2012-04-14 09:33:29 +09:30
int overlay_mdp_dispatch ( overlay_mdp_frame * mdp , int userGeneratedFrameP ,
struct sockaddr_un * recvaddr , int recvaddrlen )
2012-03-28 11:28:04 +10:30
/* Work out if destination is broadcast or not */
int broadcast = 1 ;
2012-04-14 09:33:29 +09:30
if ( overlay_mdp_sanitytest_sourceaddr ( & mdp - > out . src , userGeneratedFrameP ,
2012-03-28 11:28:04 +10:30
recvaddr , recvaddrlen ) )
return overlay_mdp_reply_error
( mdp_named_socket ,
( struct sockaddr_un * ) recvaddr ,
recvaddrlen , 8 ,
" Source address is invalid (you must bind to a source address before "
" you can send packets " ) ;
if ( ! overlay_address_is_broadcast ( mdp - > out . dst . sid ) ) broadcast = 0 ;
if ( overlay_address_is_local ( mdp - > out . dst . sid ) | | broadcast )
/* Packet is addressed such that we should process it. */
overlay_saw_mdp_frame ( - 1 /* not received on a network interface */ ,
mdp , overlay_gettime_ms ( ) ) ;
if ( ! broadcast ) {
/* Is local, and is not broadcast, so shouldn't get sent out
on the wire . */
return 0 ;
/* broadcast packets cannot be encrypted, so complain if MDP_NOCRYPT
flag is not set . Also , MDP_NOSIGN must also be applied , until
NaCl cryptobox keys can be used for signing . */
if ( broadcast ) {
if ( ( mdp - > packetTypeAndFlags & ( MDP_NOCRYPT | MDP_NOSIGN ) )
return overlay_mdp_reply_error ( mdp_named_socket ,
recvaddr , recvaddrlen , 5 ,
" Broadcast packets cannot be encrypted "
" or signed (signing will be possible in "
" a future version). " ) ;
/* Prepare the overlay frame for dispatch */
struct overlay_frame * frame ;
frame = calloc ( sizeof ( overlay_frame ) , 1 ) ;
if ( ! frame ) return WHY ( " calloc() failed to allocate overlay frame " ) ;
frame - > type = OF_TYPE_DATA ;
frame - > prev = NULL ;
frame - > next = NULL ;
2012-04-14 02:14:41 +09:30
int fe = 0 ;
2012-03-28 11:28:04 +10:30
/* Work out the disposition of the frame. For now we are only worried
about the crypto matters , and not compression that may be applied
before encryption ( since applying it after is useless as ciphered
text should have maximum entropy ) . */
switch ( mdp - > packetTypeAndFlags & ( MDP_NOCRYPT | MDP_NOSIGN ) ) {
2012-04-14 02:14:41 +09:30
case 0 : /* crypted and signed (using CryptoBox authcryption primitive) */
frame - > modifiers = OF_CRYPTO_SIGNED | OF_CRYPTO_CIPHERED ;
/* Prepare payload */
frame - > payload = ob_new ( 1 /* frame type (MDP) */
+ 1 /* MDP version */
+ 4 /* dst port */
+ 4 /* src port */
+ crypto_box_curve25519xsalsa20poly1305_NONCEBYTES
+ crypto_box_curve25519xsalsa20poly1305_ZEROBYTES
+ mdp - > out . payload_length ) ;
/* write cryptobox nonce */
unsigned char nonce [ crypto_box_curve25519xsalsa20poly1305_NONCEBYTES ] ;
if ( urandombytes ( nonce , crypto_box_curve25519xsalsa20poly1305_NONCEBYTES ) )
{ op_free ( frame ) ; WHY ( " urandombytes() failed to generate nonce " ) ; }
fe | =
ob_append_bytes ( frame - > payload , nonce , crypto_box_curve25519xsalsa20poly1305_NONCEBYTES ) ;
/* generate plain message with zero bytes and get ready to cipher it */
unsigned char plain [ crypto_box_curve25519xsalsa20poly1305_ZEROBYTES
2012-04-14 12:17:46 +09:30
+ 10 + mdp - > out . payload_length ] ;
/* zero bytes */
int zb = crypto_box_curve25519xsalsa20poly1305_ZEROBYTES ;
bzero ( & plain [ 0 ] , zb ) ;
/* MDP version 1 */
plain [ zb + 0 ] = 0x01 ;
plain [ zb + 1 ] = 0x01 ;
/* Ports */
2012-04-14 14:20:49 +09:30
plain [ zb + 2 ] = ( mdp - > out . src . port > > 24 ) & 0xff ;
plain [ zb + 3 ] = ( mdp - > out . src . port > > 16 ) & 0xff ;
plain [ zb + 4 ] = ( mdp - > out . src . port > > 8 ) & 0xff ;
plain [ zb + 5 ] = ( mdp - > out . src . port > > 0 ) & 0xff ;
plain [ zb + 6 ] = ( mdp - > out . dst . port > > 24 ) & 0xff ;
plain [ zb + 7 ] = ( mdp - > out . dst . port > > 16 ) & 0xff ;
plain [ zb + 8 ] = ( mdp - > out . dst . port > > 8 ) & 0xff ;
plain [ zb + 9 ] = ( mdp - > out . dst . port > > 0 ) & 0xff ;
2012-04-14 12:17:46 +09:30
/* payload */
bcopy ( & mdp - > out . payload , & plain [ zb + 10 ] , mdp - > out . payload_length ) ;
int cipher_len = zb + 10 + mdp - > out . payload_length ;
2012-04-14 02:14:41 +09:30
/* get pre-computed PKxSK bytes (the slow part of auth-cryption that can be
retained and reused , and use that to do the encryption quickly . */
unsigned char * k = keyring_get_nm_bytes ( & mdp - > out . src , & mdp - > out . dst ) ;
if ( ! k ) { op_free ( frame ) ; return WHY ( " could not compute Curve25519(NxM) " ) ; }
/* Get pointer to place in frame where the ciphered text needs to go */
2012-04-14 12:17:46 +09:30
int cipher_offset = frame - > payload - > length ;
unsigned char * cipher_text = ob_append_space ( frame - > payload , cipher_len ) ;
2012-04-14 02:14:41 +09:30
if ( fe | | ( ! cipher_text ) )
{ op_free ( frame ) ; return WHY ( " could not make space for ciphered text " ) ; }
/* Actually authcrypt the payload */
2012-04-14 12:17:46 +09:30
if ( crypto_box_curve25519xsalsa20poly1305_afternm
( cipher_text , plain , cipher_len , nonce , k ) )
2012-04-14 02:14:41 +09:30
{ op_free ( frame ) ; return WHY ( " crypto_box_afternm() failed " ) ; }
2012-04-14 12:17:46 +09:30
/* now shuffle down 16 bytes to get rid of the temporary space that crypto_box
uses . */
bcopy ( & cipher_text [ 16 ] , & cipher_text [ 0 ] , cipher_len - 16 ) ;
frame - > payload - > length - = 16 ;
2012-04-14 14:20:49 +09:30
if ( 0 ) {
2012-04-14 12:17:46 +09:30
WHY ( " authcrypted mdp frame " ) ;
2012-04-14 12:33:15 +09:30
dump ( " nm bytes " , k , crypto_box_curve25519xsalsa20poly1305_BEFORENMBYTES ) ;
dump ( " nonce " , nonce , crypto_box_curve25519xsalsa20poly1305_NONCEBYTES ) ;
2012-04-14 12:17:46 +09:30
dump ( " plain text " , & plain [ 16 ] , cipher_len - 16 ) ;
2012-04-14 12:33:15 +09:30
dump ( " cipher text " , cipher_text , cipher_len - 16 ) ;
2012-04-14 12:17:46 +09:30
printf ( " frame->payload->length=%d,cipher_len-16=%d,cipher_offset=%d \n " ,
frame - > payload - > length , cipher_len - 16 , cipher_offset ) ;
dump ( " frame " , & frame - > payload - > bytes [ 0 ] ,
frame - > payload - > length ) ;
2012-04-14 02:14:41 +09:30
2012-03-28 11:28:04 +10:30
break ;
/* ciphered, but not signed.
This means we don ' t use CryptoBox , but rather a more compact means
of representing the ciphered stream segment .
frame - > modifiers = OF_CRYPTO_CIPHERED ;
op_free ( frame ) ;
return WHY ( " ciphered MDP packets not implemented " ) ;
break ;
/* clear text, but signed (need to think about how to implement this
while NaCl cannot sign using CryptoBox keys . We could use a
CryptoSign key , and allow queries as to the authenticity of said key
via authcrypted channel between the parties . */
frame - > modifiers = OF_CRYPTO_SIGNED ;
op_free ( frame ) ;
return WHY ( " signed MDP packets not implemented " ) ;
break ;
case MDP_NOSIGN | MDP_NOCRYPT : /* clear text and no signature */
frame - > modifiers = 0 ;
/* Copy payload body in */
frame - > payload = ob_new ( 1 /* frame type (MDP) */
+ 1 /* MDP version */
+ 4 /* dst port */
+ 4 /* src port */
+ mdp - > out . payload_length ) ;
/* MDP version 1 */
ob_append_byte ( frame - > payload , 0x01 ) ;
ob_append_byte ( frame - > payload , 0x01 ) ;
/* Destination port */
ob_append_int ( frame - > payload , mdp - > out . dst . port ) ;
2012-04-14 09:33:29 +09:30
ob_append_int ( frame - > payload , mdp - > out . src . port ) ;
2012-03-28 11:28:04 +10:30
ob_append_bytes ( frame - > payload , mdp - > out . payload , mdp - > out . payload_length ) ;
break ;
frame - > ttl = 64 ; /* normal TTL (XXX allow setting this would be a good idea) */
/* set source to ourselves
XXX should eventually honour binding , which should allow choosing which
local identity . This will be required for openbts integration / SIP : MSIP
gateways etc . */
overlay_frame_set_me_as_source ( frame ) ;
/* Set destination address */
if ( broadcast )
overlay_frame_set_broadcast_as_destination ( frame ) ;
else {
bcopy ( & mdp - > out . dst . sid [ 0 ] , frame - > destination , SID_SIZE ) ;
frame - > destination_address_status = OA_RESOLVED ;
2012-04-14 08:15:29 +09:30
2012-03-28 11:28:04 +10:30
if ( overlay_payload_enqueue ( OQ_ORDINARY , frame ) )
if ( frame ) op_free ( frame ) ;
return WHY ( " Error enqueuing frame " ) ;
else {
2012-04-14 09:39:14 +09:30
if ( debug & DEBUG_OVERLAYINTERFACES ) WHY ( " queued frame " ) ;
2012-03-28 11:28:04 +10:30
return 0 ;
2012-03-17 13:02:09 +10:30
int overlay_mdp_poll ( )
2012-03-19 16:06:34 +10:30
unsigned char buffer [ 16384 ] ;
int ttl ;
2012-03-20 09:15:08 +10:30
unsigned char recvaddrbuffer [ 1024 ] ;
struct sockaddr * recvaddr = ( struct sockaddr * ) & recvaddrbuffer [ 0 ] ;
socklen_t recvaddrlen = sizeof ( recvaddrbuffer ) ;
2012-03-19 16:06:34 +10:30
struct sockaddr_un * recvaddr_un = NULL ;
if ( mdp_named_socket > - 1 ) {
ttl = - 1 ;
2012-03-20 09:15:08 +10:30
bzero ( ( void * ) recvaddrbuffer , sizeof ( recvaddrbuffer ) ) ;
2012-03-19 16:06:34 +10:30
fcntl ( mdp_named_socket , F_SETFL ,
fcntl ( mdp_named_socket , F_GETFL , NULL ) | O_NONBLOCK ) ;
int len = recvwithttl ( mdp_named_socket , buffer , sizeof ( buffer ) , & ttl ,
2012-03-20 09:15:08 +10:30
recvaddr , & recvaddrlen ) ;
2012-03-20 17:11:58 +10:30
recvaddr_un = ( struct sockaddr_un * ) recvaddr ;
2012-03-20 09:15:08 +10:30
2012-03-19 16:06:34 +10:30
if ( len > 0 ) {
2012-03-19 16:23:05 +10:30
/* Look at overlay_mdp_frame we have received */
2012-03-27 19:45:39 +10:30
overlay_mdp_frame * mdp = ( overlay_mdp_frame * ) & buffer [ 0 ] ;
2012-03-20 17:11:58 +10:30
switch ( mdp - > packetTypeAndFlags & MDP_TYPE_MASK ) {
2012-03-27 19:25:38 +10:30
overlay_mdp_frame mdpreply ;
/* Work out which SIDs to get ... */
int sid_num = mdp - > addrlist . first_sid ;
int max_sid = mdp - > addrlist . last_sid ;
int max_sids = mdp - > addrlist . frame_sid_count ;
/* ... and constrain list for sanity */
if ( sid_num < 0 ) sid_num = 0 ;
if ( max_sids > MDP_MAX_SID_REQUEST ) max_sids = MDP_MAX_SID_REQUEST ;
if ( max_sids < 0 ) max_sids = 0 ;
/* Prepare reply packet */
mdpreply . packetTypeAndFlags = MDP_ADDRLIST ;
2012-04-13 09:25:03 +09:30
int cn = 0 , in = 0 , kp = 0 ;
int count = 0 ;
while ( keyring_next_identity ( keyring , & cn , & in , & kp ) ) {
in + + ; count + + ;
mdpreply . addrlist . server_sid_count = count ;
2012-03-27 19:25:38 +10:30
mdpreply . addrlist . first_sid = sid_num ;
mdpreply . addrlist . last_sid = max_sid ;
mdpreply . addrlist . frame_sid_count = max_sids ;
/* Populate with SIDs */
2012-04-13 09:25:03 +09:30
int cn = 0 , in = 0 , kp = 0 ;
int i = 0 ;
int count = 0 ;
while ( keyring_next_identity ( keyring , & cn , & in , & kp ) ) {
if ( count > = sid_num & & ( i < max_sids ) )
bcopy ( keyring - > contexts [ cn ] - > identities [ in ] - > keypairs [ kp ] - > public_key ,
mdpreply . addrlist . sids [ i + + ] , SID_SIZE ) ;
in + + ; kp = 0 ;
count + + ;
if ( i > = max_sids ) break ;
2012-03-27 19:25:38 +10:30
/* Send back to caller */
return overlay_mdp_reply ( mdp_named_socket ,
( struct sockaddr_un * ) recvaddr , recvaddrlen ,
& mdpreply ) ;
break ;
2012-04-14 09:33:29 +09:30
case MDP_TX : /* Send payload (and don't treat it as system privileged) */
return overlay_mdp_dispatch ( mdp , 1 , ( struct sockaddr_un * ) recvaddr , recvaddrlen ) ;
2012-03-19 16:23:05 +10:30
break ;
case MDP_BIND : /* Bind to port */
2012-03-20 17:11:58 +10:30
return overlay_mdp_process_bind_request ( mdp_named_socket , mdp ,
recvaddr_un , recvaddrlen ) ;
2012-03-19 16:23:05 +10:30
break ;
default :
/* Client is not allowed to send any other frame type */
2012-03-19 16:35:49 +10:30
WHY ( " Illegal frame type. " ) ;
2012-03-19 16:23:05 +10:30
mdp - > packetTypeAndFlags = MDP_ERROR ;
mdp - > error . error = 2 ;
snprintf ( mdp - > error . message , 128 , " Illegal request type. Clients may use only MDP_TX or MDP_BIND. " ) ;
int len = 4 + 4 + strlen ( mdp - > error . message ) + 1 ;
2012-03-19 16:35:49 +10:30
errno = 0 ;
2012-03-21 03:00:39 +10:30
/* We ignore the result of the following, because it is just sending an
error message back to the client . If this fails , where would we report
the error to ? My point exactly . */
sendto ( mdp_named_socket , mdp , len , 0 , ( struct sockaddr * ) recvaddr , recvaddrlen ) ;
2012-03-19 16:23:05 +10:30
2012-03-19 16:06:34 +10:30
fcntl ( mdp_named_socket , F_SETFL ,
fcntl ( mdp_named_socket , F_GETFL , NULL ) & ( ~ O_NONBLOCK ) ) ;
2012-04-14 09:39:14 +09:30
return 0 ;
2012-03-19 16:06:34 +10:30
2012-03-27 19:25:38 +10:30
int overlay_mdp_relevant_bytes ( overlay_mdp_frame * mdp )
int len = 4 ;
switch ( mdp - > packetTypeAndFlags & MDP_TYPE_MASK )
case MDP_ADDRLIST : len = 4
+ sizeof ( mdp - > addrlist . frame_sid_count )
+ sizeof ( mdp - > addrlist . first_sid )
+ sizeof ( mdp - > addrlist . last_sid )
+ sizeof ( mdp - > addrlist . server_sid_count )
+ mdp - > addrlist . frame_sid_count * SID_SIZE ;
break ;
case MDP_GETADDRS : len = 4
+ sizeof ( mdp - > addrlist . frame_sid_count )
+ sizeof ( mdp - > addrlist . first_sid )
+ sizeof ( mdp - > addrlist . last_sid )
+ sizeof ( mdp - > addrlist . server_sid_count ) ;
break ;
case MDP_TX :
len = 4 + sizeof ( mdp - > out )
- sizeof ( mdp - > out . payload )
+ mdp - > out . payload_length ;
break ;
case MDP_RX :
len = 4 + sizeof ( mdp - > in )
- sizeof ( mdp - > in . payload )
+ mdp - > in . payload_length ; break ;
case MDP_BIND : len = 4 + sizeof ( mdp - > bind ) ; break ;
case MDP_ERROR :
/* This formulation is used so that we don't copy any bytes after the
end of the string , to avoid information leaks */
len = 4 + 4 + strlen ( mdp - > error . message ) + 1 ; break ;
default :
return WHY ( " Illegal MDP frame type. " ) ;
return len ;
2012-03-19 16:06:34 +10:30
int mdp_client_socket = - 1 ;
2012-03-28 11:28:04 +10:30
int overlay_mdp_send ( overlay_mdp_frame * mdp , int flags , int timeout_ms )
2012-03-19 16:06:34 +10:30
2012-03-19 16:23:05 +10:30
int len = 4 ;
2012-03-21 03:00:39 +10:30
if ( mdp_client_socket = = - 1 ) overlay_mdp_client_init ( ) ;
2012-03-19 16:23:05 +10:30
/* Minimise frame length to save work and prevent accidental disclosure of
memory contents . */
2012-03-27 19:25:38 +10:30
len = overlay_mdp_relevant_bytes ( mdp ) ;
if ( len < 0 ) return WHY ( " MDP frame invalid (could not compute length) " ) ;
2012-03-19 16:23:05 +10:30
2012-03-19 16:06:34 +10:30
/* Construct name of socket to send to. */
struct sockaddr_un name ;
name . sun_family = AF_UNIX ;
2012-03-29 14:07:07 +10:30
if ( ! FORM_SERVAL_INSTANCE_PATH ( name . sun_path , " mdp.socket " ) )
return - 1 ;
2012-03-19 16:06:34 +10:30
2012-03-19 16:23:05 +10:30
int result = sendto ( mdp_client_socket , mdp , len , 0 ,
2012-03-19 16:06:34 +10:30
( struct sockaddr * ) & name , sizeof ( struct sockaddr_un ) ) ;
if ( result < 0 ) {
2012-03-19 16:23:05 +10:30
mdp - > packetTypeAndFlags = MDP_ERROR ;
mdp - > error . error = 1 ;
snprintf ( mdp - > error . message , 128 , " Error sending frame to MDP server. " ) ;
/* Clear socket so that we have the chance of reconnecting */
2012-03-21 03:00:39 +10:30
overlay_mdp_client_done ( ) ;
2012-03-19 16:23:05 +10:30
return - 1 ;
2012-03-19 16:06:34 +10:30
} else {
2012-03-21 03:00:39 +10:30
if ( ! ( flags & MDP_AWAITREPLY ) ) {
2012-03-21 01:36:52 +10:30
return 0 ;
2012-03-19 16:06:34 +10:30
/* Wait for a reply until timeout */
struct pollfd fds [ 1 ] ;
int fdcount = 1 ;
fds [ 0 ] . fd = mdp_client_socket ; fds [ 0 ] . events = POLLIN ;
result = poll ( fds , fdcount , timeout_ms ) ;
if ( result = = 0 ) {
/* Timeout */
mdp - > packetTypeAndFlags = MDP_ERROR ;
mdp - > error . error = 1 ;
2012-03-21 03:00:39 +10:30
snprintf ( mdp - > error . message , 128 , " Timeout waiting for reply to MDP packet (packet was successfully sent). " ) ;
2012-03-19 16:06:34 +10:30
return - 1 ;
2012-03-21 01:36:52 +10:30
int ttl = - 1 ;
2012-03-21 03:55:13 +10:30
if ( ! overlay_mdp_recv ( mdp , & ttl ) ) {
2012-03-21 01:36:52 +10:30
/* If all is well, examine result and return error code provided */
2012-03-21 03:07:29 +10:30
if ( ( mdp - > packetTypeAndFlags & MDP_TYPE_MASK ) = = MDP_ERROR )
return mdp - > error . error ;
2012-03-21 03:00:39 +10:30
2012-03-27 19:25:38 +10:30
/* Something other than an error has been returned */
return 0 ;
2012-03-21 03:00:39 +10:30
} else {
/* poll() said that there was data, but there isn't.
So we will abort . */
return WHY ( " poll() aborted " ) ;
int overlay_mdp_client_init ( )
if ( mdp_client_socket = = - 1 ) {
/* Open socket to MDP server (thus connection is always local) */
WHY ( " Use of abstract name space socket for Linux not implemented " ) ;
2012-03-21 01:36:52 +10:30
2012-03-21 03:00:39 +10:30
mdp_client_socket = socket ( AF_UNIX , SOCK_DGRAM , 0 ) ;
if ( mdp_client_socket < 0 ) {
perror ( " socket " ) ;
return WHY ( " Could not open socket to MDP server " ) ;
/* We must bind to a temporary file name */
struct sockaddr_un name ;
name . sun_family = AF_UNIX ;
2012-03-29 14:07:07 +10:30
if ( ! FORM_SERVAL_INSTANCE_PATH ( name . sun_path , " mdb-client.socket " ) )
return WHY ( " Could not form MDP client socket name " ) ;
unlink ( name . sun_path ) ;
int len = 1 + strlen ( name . sun_path ) + sizeof ( name . sun_family ) + 1 ;
2012-03-21 03:00:39 +10:30
int r = bind ( mdp_client_socket , ( struct sockaddr * ) & name , len ) ;
if ( r ) {
WHY ( " Could not bind MDP client socket to file name " ) ;
perror ( " bind " ) ;
return - 1 ;
2012-03-21 01:36:52 +10:30
2012-03-21 03:00:39 +10:30
return 0 ;
2012-03-21 01:36:52 +10:30
2012-03-21 03:00:39 +10:30
int overlay_mdp_client_done ( )
char mdp_temporary_socket [ 1024 ] ;
2012-03-29 14:07:07 +10:30
if ( FORM_SERVAL_INSTANCE_PATH ( mdp_temporary_socket , " mdp-client.socket " ) )
unlink ( mdp_temporary_socket ) ;
if ( mdp_client_socket ! = - 1 )
close ( mdp_client_socket ) ;
2012-03-21 03:00:39 +10:30
mdp_client_socket = - 1 ;
return 0 ;
2012-03-17 13:02:09 +10:30
2012-03-21 03:27:47 +10:30
int overlay_mdp_client_poll ( long long timeout_ms )
if ( timeout_ms < 0 ) timeout_ms = 0 ;
struct pollfd fds [ 1 ] ;
int fdcount = 1 ;
fds [ 0 ] . fd = mdp_client_socket ; fds [ 0 ] . events = POLLIN ;
return poll ( fds , fdcount , timeout_ms ) ;
2012-03-21 03:55:13 +10:30
int overlay_mdp_recv ( overlay_mdp_frame * mdp , int * ttl )
char mdp_socket_name [ 101 ] ;
2012-03-29 14:07:07 +10:30
if ( ! FORM_SERVAL_INSTANCE_PATH ( mdp_socket_name , " mdp.socket " ) )
return - 1 ;
2012-03-21 03:55:13 +10:30
/* Check if reply available */
2012-03-29 14:07:07 +10:30
fcntl ( mdp_client_socket , F_SETFL , fcntl ( mdp_client_socket , F_GETFL , NULL ) | O_NONBLOCK ) ;
2012-03-21 03:55:13 +10:30
unsigned char recvaddrbuffer [ 1024 ] ;
struct sockaddr * recvaddr = ( struct sockaddr * ) recvaddrbuffer ;
unsigned int recvaddrlen = sizeof ( recvaddrbuffer ) ;
struct sockaddr_un * recvaddr_un ;
mdp - > packetTypeAndFlags = 0 ;
int len = recvwithttl ( mdp_client_socket , ( unsigned char * ) mdp ,
sizeof ( overlay_mdp_frame ) , ttl , recvaddr , & recvaddrlen ) ;
recvaddr_un = ( struct sockaddr_un * ) recvaddr ;
2012-03-29 20:45:07 +10:30
/* Null terminate received address so that the stat() call below can succeed */
if ( recvaddrlen < 1024 ) recvaddrbuffer [ recvaddrlen ] = 0 ;
2012-03-21 03:55:13 +10:30
if ( len > 0 ) {
/* Make sure recvaddr matches who we sent it to */
2012-03-26 15:02:42 +10:30
if ( strncmp ( mdp_socket_name , recvaddr_un - > sun_path , sizeof ( recvaddr_un - > sun_path ) ) ) {
2012-03-21 03:55:13 +10:30
/* Okay, reply was PROBABLY not from the server, but on OSX if the path
has a symlink in it , it is resolved in the reply path , but might not
be in the request path ( mdp_socket_name ) , thus we need to stat ( ) and
compare inode numbers etc */
struct stat sb1 , sb2 ;
if ( stat ( mdp_socket_name , & sb1 ) ) return WHY ( " stat(mdp_socket_name) failed, so could not verify that reply came from MDP server " ) ;
if ( stat ( recvaddr_un - > sun_path , & sb2 ) ) return WHY ( " stat(ra->sun_path) failed, so could not verify that reply came from MDP server " ) ;
if ( ( sb1 . st_ino ! = sb2 . st_ino ) | | ( sb1 . st_dev ! = sb2 . st_dev ) )
return WHY ( " Reply did not come from server " ) ;
/* Valid packet received */
return 0 ;
} else
/* no packet received */
return - 1 ;