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2013-10-14 07:16:09 +00:00
# Tests for Serval DNA HTTP Rhizome RESTful interface
2013-10-14 07:16:09 +00:00
# Copyright 2013-2015 Serval Project, Inc.
2013-10-14 07:16:09 +00:00
# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
# modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
# as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
# of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
# Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.
source "${0%/*}/../"
source "${0%/*}/../"
source "${0%/*}/../"
2013-10-14 07:16:09 +00:00
source "${0%/*}/../"
shopt -s extglob
setup() {
setup_curl 7
2013-10-14 07:16:09 +00:00
set_instance +A
executeOk_servald config \
set api.restful.users.harry.password potter \
set api.restful.users.ron.password weasley \
set api.restful.users.hermione.password grainger
if [ -z "$IDENTITY_COUNT" ]; then
create_identities $IDENTITY_COUNT
2013-10-14 07:16:09 +00:00
start_servald_instances +A
wait_until servald_restful_http_server_started +A
get_servald_restful_http_server_port PORTA +A
2013-10-14 07:16:09 +00:00
finally() {
teardown() {
set_extra_config() {
2013-10-14 07:16:09 +00:00
set_rhizome_config() {
executeOk_servald config \
set debug.http_server on \
set debug.httpd on \
set debug.rhizome_manifest on \
2014-03-12 03:18:08 +00:00
set debug.rhizome_store on \
2013-10-14 07:16:09 +00:00
set debug.rhizome on \
set debug.verbose on \
set log.console.level debug
doc_AuthBasicMissing="HTTP RESTful missing Basic Authentication credentials"
2013-10-14 07:16:09 +00:00
test_AuthBasicMissing() {
executeOk curl \
--silent --show-error --write-out '%{http_code}' \
2013-10-14 07:16:09 +00:00
--output http.output \
--dump-header http.headers \
assertStdoutIs '401'
assertGrep http.headers "^WWW-Authenticate: Basic realm=\"Serval RESTful API\"$CR\$"
assertJq http.output 'contains({"http_status_code": 401})'
assertJq http.output 'contains({"http_status_message": ""})'
2013-10-14 07:16:09 +00:00
teardown_AuthBasicMissing() {
tfw_cat http.headers http.output
2013-10-14 07:16:09 +00:00
doc_AuthBasicWrong="HTTP RESTful incorrect Basic Authentication credentials"
2013-10-14 07:16:09 +00:00
test_AuthBasicWrong() {
executeOk curl \
--silent --show-error --write-out '%{http_code}' \
2013-10-14 07:16:09 +00:00
--output http.output \
--dump-header http.headers \
--basic --user fred:nurks \
assertStdoutIs '401'
assertGrep http.headers "^WWW-Authenticate: Basic realm=\"Serval RESTful API\"$CR\$"
assertJq http.output 'contains({"http_status_code": 401})'
assertJq http.output 'contains({"http_status_message": ""})'
2013-10-14 07:16:09 +00:00
executeOk curl \
--silent --fail --show-error --write-out '%{http_code}' \
2013-10-14 07:16:09 +00:00
--output http.output \
--dump-header http.headers \
--basic --user ron:weasley \
assertStdoutIs '200'
teardown_AuthBasicWrong() {
tfw_cat http.headers http.output
2013-10-14 07:16:09 +00:00
doc_CORS_Request="HTTP RESTful allow local cross site requests, and deny remote ones"
executeOk curl \
--silent --fail --show-error --write-out '%{http_code}' \
--output http.output \
--dump-header http.headers \
--header "Origin: http://localhost" \
--request "OPTIONS" \
assertStdoutIs '200'
assertGrep http.headers "^Access-Control-Allow-Origin: http://localhost$CR\$"
assertGrep http.headers "^Access-Control-Allow-Methods: GET, POST, OPTIONS$CR\$"
assertGrep http.headers "^Access-Control-Allow-Headers: Authorization$CR\$"
executeOk curl \
--silent --fail --show-error --write-out '%{http_code}' \
--output http.output \
--dump-header http.headers \
--header "Origin: http://localhost:1234" \
--request "OPTIONS" \
assertStdoutIs '200'
assertGrep http.headers "^Access-Control-Allow-Origin: http://localhost:1234$CR\$"
executeOk curl \
--silent --fail --show-error --write-out '%{http_code}' \
--output http.output \
--dump-header http.headers \
--header "Origin: null" \
--request "OPTIONS" \
assertStdoutIs '200'
assertGrep http.headers "^Access-Control-Allow-Origin: null$CR\$"
executeOk curl \
--silent --show-error --write-out '%{http_code}' \
--output http.output \
--dump-header http.headers \
--header "Origin:" \
--request "OPTIONS" \
assertStdoutIs '403'
executeOk curl \
--silent --show-error --write-out '%{http_code}' \
--output http.output \
--dump-header http.headers \
--header "Origin:" \
--request "OPTIONS" \
assertStdoutIs '403'
executeOk curl \
--silent --fail --show-error --write-out '%{http_code}' \
--output http.output \
--dump-header http.headers \
--header "Origin: http://localhost" \
--basic --user ron:weasley \
assertStdoutIs '200'
executeOk curl \
--silent --show-error --write-out '%{http_code}' \
--output http.output \
--dump-header http.headers \
--header "Origin:" \
--basic --user ron:weasley \
assertStdoutIs '403'
teardown_CORS_Request() {
tfw_cat http.headers http.output
2014-07-04 08:18:40 +00:00
doc_RhizomeList="HTTP RESTful list 100 Rhizome bundles as JSON"
setup_RhizomeList() {
rhizome_add_bundles $SIDA 0 $((NBUNDLES-1))
assert [ "$ROWID_MAX" -ge "$NBUNDLES" ]
test_RhizomeList() {
executeOk curl \
--silent --fail --show-error \
--output bundlelist.json \
--dump-header http.headers \
--basic --user harry:potter \
tfw_cat http.headers bundlelist.json
tfw_preserve bundlelist.json
assert [ "$(jq '.rows | length' bundlelist.json)" = $NBUNDLES ]
transform_list_json bundlelist.json array_of_objects.json
tfw_preserve array_of_objects.json
for ((n = 0; n != NBUNDLES; ++n)); do
if [ "${ROWID[$n]}" -eq "$ROWID_MAX" ]; then
# The first row must contain a non-null token string.
assertJq array_of_objects.json \
{ name:\"file$n\",
2013-10-14 07:16:09 +00:00
doc_RhizomeListNewSince="HTTP RESTful list Rhizome bundles since token as JSON"
setup_RhizomeListNewSince() {
set_extra_config() {
executeOk_servald config set api.restful.newsince_timeout 60s
# Use REST interface to add bundles, not CLI, in order to avoid a database
# locking storm
rhizome_use_restful harry potter
rhizome_add_bundles $SIDA 0 5
executeOk curl \
--silent --fail --show-error \
--output bundlelist.json \
--dump-header http.headers \
--basic --user harry:potter \
assert [ "$(jq '.rows | length' bundlelist.json)" = 6 ]
transform_list_json bundlelist.json array_of_objects.json
token=$(jq --raw-output '.[0][".token"]' array_of_objects.json)
assert [ -n "$token" ]
test_RhizomeListNewSince() {
for i in 1 2 3; do
fork %curl$i curl \
--silent --fail --show-error \
--no-buffer \
--output newsince$i.json \
--basic --user harry:potter \
wait_until [ -e newsince1.json -a -e newsince2.json -a -e newsince3.json ]
rhizome_add_bundles $SIDA 6 10
for i in 1 2 3; do
wait_until grep "${BID[10]}" newsince$i.json
for i in 1 2 3; do
if [ $(jq . newsince$i | wc -c) -eq 0 ]; then
echo ']}' >>newsince$i.json
assert [ $(jq . newsince$i.json | wc -c) -ne 0 ]
transform_list_json newsince$i.json objects$i.json
tfw_preserve newsince$i.json objects$i.json
for ((n = 0; n <= 5; ++n)); do
assertJq objects$i.json "contains([{id:\"${BID[$n]}\"}]) | not"
for ((n = 6; n <= 10; ++n)); do
assertJq objects$i.json \
{ name:\"file$n\",
2013-10-14 07:16:09 +00:00
assert_http_response_headers() {
local file="$1"
assertGrep --matches=1 "$file" "^Serval-Rhizome-Bundle-Id: ${BID[$n]}$CR\$"
assertGrep --matches=1 "$file" "^Serval-Rhizome-Bundle-Version: ${VERSION[$n]}$CR\$"
assertGrep --matches=1 "$file" "^Serval-Rhizome-Bundle-Filesize: ${SIZE[$n]}$CR\$"
assertGrep --matches=1 "$file" "^Serval-Rhizome-Bundle-Filehash: ${HASH[$n]}$CR\$"
assertGrep --matches=1 "$file" "^Serval-Rhizome-Bundle-BK: ${BK[$n]}$CR\$"
assertGrep --matches=1 "$file" "^Serval-Rhizome-Bundle-Date: ${DATE[$n]}$CR\$"
assertGrep --matches=1 "$file" "^Serval-Rhizome-Bundle-Name: \"${NAME[$n]}\"$CR\$"
assertGrep --matches=1 "$file" "^Serval-Rhizome-Bundle-Service: file$CR\$"
assertGrep --matches=1 "$file" "^Serval-Rhizome-Bundle-Author: ${AUTHOR[$n]}$CR\$"
assertGrep --matches=1 "$file" "^Serval-Rhizome-Bundle-Secret: ${SECRET[$n]}$CR\$"
assertGrep --matches=1 "$file" "^Serval-Rhizome-Bundle-Inserttime: ${INSERTTIME[$n]}$CR\$"
assertGrep --matches=1 "$file" "^Serval-Rhizome-Bundle-Rowid: ${ROWID[$n]}$CR\$"
doc_RhizomeManifest="HTTP RESTful fetch Rhizome manifest"
setup_RhizomeManifest() {
rhizome_add_bundles $SIDA 0 2
2013-10-14 07:16:09 +00:00
test_RhizomeManifest() {
for n in 0 1 2; do
executeOk curl \
--silent --fail --show-error \
--output bundle$n.rhm \
--dump-header http.headers$n \
--basic --user harry:potter \
tfw_cat http.headers$n bundle$n.rhm
tfw_preserve bundle$n.rhm
for n in 0 1 2; do
assert diff file$n.manifest bundle$n.rhm
assert_http_response_headers http.headers$n
2013-10-14 07:16:09 +00:00
doc_RhizomeManifestNonexist="HTTP RESTful fetch non-existent Rhizome manifest"
setup_RhizomeManifestNonexist() {
test_RhizomeManifestNonexist() {
executeOk curl \
--silent --show-error --write-out '%{http_code}' \
--output http.content \
--dump-header http.headers \
--basic --user harry:potter \
tfw_cat http.headers http.content
assertStdoutIs 404
assertGrep --matches=1 --ignore-case http.headers$n "^Serval-Rhizome-Result-Bundle-Status-Code: 0$CR\$"
assertGrep --matches=1 --ignore-case http.headers$n "^Serval-Rhizome-Result-Bundle-Status-Message: .*bundle new to store.*$CR\$"
assertGrep --matches=0 --ignore-case http.headers$n "^Serval-Rhizome-Result-Payload-Status-Code:"
assertGrep --matches=0 --ignore-case http.headers$n "^Serval-Rhizome-Result-Payload-Status-Message:"
assertJq http.content 'contains({"http_status_code": 404})'
assertJq http.content 'contains({"http_status_message": "Bundle not found"})'
assertJq http.content 'contains({"rhizome_bundle_status_code": 0})'
assertJqGrep --ignore-case http.content '.rhizome_bundle_status_message' "bundle new to store"
doc_RhizomePayloadRaw="HTTP RESTful fetch Rhizome raw payload"
setup_RhizomePayloadRaw() {
rhizome_add_bundles $SIDA 0 1
rhizome_add_bundles --encrypted $SIDA 2 3
2013-10-14 07:16:09 +00:00
test_RhizomePayloadRaw() {
for n in 0 1 2 3; do
executeOk curl \
--silent --fail --show-error \
--output raw.bin$n \
--dump-header http.headers$n \
--basic --user harry:potter \
tfw_cat http.headers$n raw.bin$n
for n in 0 1 2 3; do
assert cmp raw$n raw.bin$n
assertGrep --matches=1 --ignore-case http.headers$n "^Serval-Rhizome-Result-Bundle-Status-Code: 1$CR\$"
assertGrep --matches=1 --ignore-case http.headers$n "^Serval-Rhizome-Result-Bundle-Status-Message: .*bundle already in store.*$CR\$"
assertGrep --matches=1 --ignore-case http.headers$n "^Serval-Rhizome-Result-Payload-Status-Code: 2$CR\$"
assertGrep --matches=1 --ignore-case http.headers$n "^Serval-Rhizome-Result-Payload-Status-Message: .*payload already in store.*$CR\$"
assert_http_response_headers http.headers$n
2013-10-14 07:16:09 +00:00
doc_RhizomePayloadRawNonexistManifest="HTTP RESTful fetch Rhizome raw payload for non-existent manifest"
setup_RhizomePayloadRawNonexistManifest() {
test_RhizomePayloadRawNonexistManifest() {
executeOk curl \
--silent --show-error --write-out '%{http_code}' \
--output http.content \
--dump-header http.headers \
--basic --user harry:potter \
tfw_cat http.headers http.content
assertStdoutIs 404
assertGrep --matches=1 --ignore-case http.headers$n "^Serval-Rhizome-Result-Bundle-Status-Code: 0$CR\$"
assertGrep --matches=1 --ignore-case http.headers$n "^Serval-Rhizome-Result-Bundle-Status-Message: .*bundle new to store.*$CR\$"
assertGrep --matches=0 --ignore-case http.headers$n "^Serval-Rhizome-Result-Payload-Status-Code:"
assertGrep --matches=0 --ignore-case http.headers$n "^Serval-Rhizome-Result-Payload-Status-Message:"
assertJq http.content 'contains({"http_status_code": 404})'
assertJq http.content 'contains({"http_status_message": "Bundle not found"})'
assertJq http.content 'contains({"rhizome_bundle_status_code": 0})'
assertJqGrep --ignore-case http.content '.rhizome_bundle_status_message' "bundle new to store"
doc_RhizomePayloadRawNonexistPayload="HTTP RESTful fetch non-existent Rhizome raw payload"
setup_RhizomePayloadRawNonexistPayload() {
set_extra_config() {
executeOk_servald config set rhizome.max_blob_size 0
rhizome_add_bundles $SIDA 0 0
rhizome_delete_payload_blobs "${HASH[0]}"
test_RhizomePayloadRawNonexistPayload() {
executeOk curl \
--silent --show-error --write-out '%{http_code}' \
--output http.content \
--dump-header http.headers \
--basic --user harry:potter \
tfw_cat http.headers http.content
assertStdoutIs 404
assertGrep --matches=1 --ignore-case http.headers$n "^Serval-Rhizome-Result-Bundle-Status-Code: 1$CR\$"
assertGrep --matches=1 --ignore-case http.headers$n "^Serval-Rhizome-Result-Bundle-Status-Message: .*bundle already in store.*$CR\$"
assertGrep --matches=1 --ignore-case http.headers$n "^Serval-Rhizome-Result-Payload-Status-Code: 1$CR\$"
assertGrep --matches=1 --ignore-case http.headers$n "^Serval-Rhizome-Result-Payload-Status-Message: .*payload new to store.*$CR\$"
assertJq http.content 'contains({"http_status_code": 404})'
assertJq http.content 'contains({"http_status_message": "Payload not found"})'
assertJq http.content 'contains({"rhizome_bundle_status_code": 1})'
assertJqGrep --ignore-case http.content '.rhizome_bundle_status_message' "bundle already in store"
assertJq http.content 'contains({"rhizome_payload_status_code": 1})'
assertJqGrep --ignore-case http.content '.rhizome_payload_status_message' "payload new to store"
doc_RhizomePayloadDecrypted="HTTP RESTful fetch Rhizome decrypted payload"
setup_RhizomePayloadDecrypted() {
rhizome_add_bundles $SIDA 0 1
rhizome_add_bundles --encrypted $SIDA 2 3
2013-10-14 07:16:09 +00:00
test_RhizomePayloadDecrypted() {
for n in 0 1 2 3; do
executeOk curl \
--silent --fail --show-error \
--output decrypted.bin$n \
--dump-header http.headers$n \
--basic --user harry:potter \
tfw_cat http.headers$n decrypted.bin$n
for n in 0 1 2 3; do
assert cmp file$n decrypted.bin$n
assertGrep --matches=1 --ignore-case http.headers$n "^Serval-Rhizome-Result-Bundle-Status-Code: 1$CR\$"
assertGrep --matches=1 --ignore-case http.headers$n "^Serval-Rhizome-Result-Bundle-Status-Message: .*bundle already in store.*$CR\$"
assertGrep --matches=1 --ignore-case http.headers$n "^Serval-Rhizome-Result-Payload-Status-Code: 2$CR\$"
assertGrep --matches=1 --ignore-case http.headers$n "^Serval-Rhizome-Result-Payload-Status-Message: .*payload already in store.*$CR\$"
assert_http_response_headers http.headers$n
2013-10-14 07:16:09 +00:00
doc_RhizomePayloadDecryptedForeign="HTTP RESTful cannot fetch foreign Rhizome decrypted payload"
setup_RhizomePayloadDecryptedForeign() {
rhizome_add_bundles --encrypted $SIDA 0 0
set_instance +B
rhizome_add_bundles --encrypted $SIDB 1 1
executeOk_servald rhizome export manifest "${BID[1]}" file1.manifest
set_instance +A
executeOk_servald rhizome import bundle raw1 file1.manifest
test_RhizomePayloadDecryptedForeign() {
executeOk curl \
--silent --show-error --write-out '%{http_code}' \
--output decrypted.bin$n \
--dump-header http.headers$n \
--basic --user harry:potter \
tfw_cat http.headers$n decrypted.bin$n
assertStdoutIs 419
assertGrep --matches=1 --ignore-case http.headers$n "^Serval-Rhizome-Result-Bundle-Status-Code: 1$CR\$"
assertGrep --matches=1 --ignore-case http.headers$n "^Serval-Rhizome-Result-Bundle-Status-Message: .*bundle already in store.*$CR\$"
assertGrep --matches=1 --ignore-case http.headers$n "^Serval-Rhizome-Result-Payload-Status-Code: 5$CR\$"
assertGrep --matches=1 --ignore-case http.headers$n "^Serval-Rhizome-Result-Payload-Status-Message: .*incorrect bundle secret.*$CR\$"
doc_RhizomePayloadDecryptedNonexistManifest="HTTP RESTful fetch Rhizome decrypted payload for non-existent manifest"
setup_RhizomePayloadDecryptedNonexistManifest() {
test_RhizomePayloadDecryptedNonexistManifest() {
executeOk curl \
--silent --show-error --write-out '%{http_code}' \
--output http.content \
--dump-header http.headers \
--basic --user harry:potter \
tfw_cat http.headers http.content
assertStdoutIs 404
assertGrep --matches=1 --ignore-case http.headers$n "^Serval-Rhizome-Result-Bundle-Status-Code: 0$CR\$"
assertGrep --matches=1 --ignore-case http.headers$n "^Serval-Rhizome-Result-Bundle-Status-Message: .*bundle new to store.*$CR\$"
assertGrep --matches=0 --ignore-case http.headers$n "^Serval-Rhizome-Result-Payload-Status-Code:"
assertGrep --matches=0 --ignore-case http.headers$n "^Serval-Rhizome-Result-Payload-Status-Message:"
assertJq http.content 'contains({"http_status_code": 404})'
assertJq http.content 'contains({"http_status_message": "Bundle not found"})'
assertJq http.content 'contains({"rhizome_bundle_status_code": 0})'
assertJqGrep --ignore-case http.content '.rhizome_bundle_status_message' "bundle new to store"
doc_RhizomePayloadDecryptedNonexistPayload="HTTP RESTful fetch non-existent Rhizome decrypted payload"
setup_RhizomePayloadDecryptedNonexistPayload() {
set_extra_config() {
executeOk_servald config set rhizome.max_blob_size 0
rhizome_add_bundles $SIDA 0 0
rhizome_delete_payload_blobs "${HASH[0]}"
test_RhizomePayloadDecryptedNonexistPayload() {
executeOk curl \
--silent --show-error --write-out '%{http_code}' \
--output http.content \
--dump-header http.headers \
--basic --user harry:potter \
tfw_cat http.headers http.content
assertStdoutIs 404
assertGrep --matches=1 --ignore-case http.headers$n "^Serval-Rhizome-Result-Bundle-Status-Code: 1$CR\$"
assertGrep --matches=1 --ignore-case http.headers$n "^Serval-Rhizome-Result-Bundle-Status-Message: .*bundle already in store.*$CR\$"
assertGrep --matches=1 --ignore-case http.headers$n "^Serval-Rhizome-Result-Payload-Status-Code: 1$CR\$"
assertGrep --matches=1 --ignore-case http.headers$n "^Serval-Rhizome-Result-Payload-Status-Message: .*payload new to store.*$CR\$"
assertJq http.content 'contains({"http_status_code": 404})'
assertJq http.content 'contains({"http_status_message": "Payload not found"})'
assertJq http.content 'contains({"rhizome_bundle_status_code": 1})'
assertJqGrep --ignore-case http.content '.rhizome_bundle_status_message' "bundle already in store"
assertJq http.content 'contains({"rhizome_payload_status_code": 1})'
assertJqGrep --ignore-case http.content '.rhizome_payload_status_message' "payload new to store"
doc_RhizomeInsert="HTTP RESTful insert new Rhizome bundles"
setup_RhizomeInsert() {
for n in 1 2 3 4; do
create_file file$n $((1000 + $n))
create_file nfile$n $((1100 + $n))
eval author[$n]=\$SIDA$n
echo "name=blarg" >manifest1
echo "crypt=1" >manifest2
echo -e "service=wah\ncrypt=0" >manifest4
2013-10-14 07:16:09 +00:00
test_RhizomeInsert() {
for n in 1 2 3 4; do
[ -n "${author[$n]}" ] && authorargs=(--form "bundle-author=${author[$n]}")
execute curl \
-H "Expect:" \
--silent --show-error --write-out '%{http_code}' \
--output file$n.manifest \
--dump-header http.header$n \
--basic --user harry:potter \
"${authorargs[@]}" \
--form "manifest=@manifest$n;type=rhizome/manifest;format=\"text+binarysig\"" \
--form "payload=@file$n${payload_filename[$n]:+;filename=\"${payload_filename[$n]}\"}" \
tfw_cat http.header$n file$n.manifest
assertExitStatus == 0
assertStdoutIs 201
extract_http_header BID[$n] http.header$n Serval-Rhizome-Bundle-Id "$rexp_manifestid"
extract_http_header VERSION[$n] http.header$n Serval-Rhizome-Bundle-Version "$rexp_version"
extract_http_header SIZE[$n] http.header$n Serval-Rhizome-Bundle-Filesize "$rexp_filesize"
extract_http_header HASH[$n] http.header$n Serval-Rhizome-Bundle-Filehash "$rexp_filehash"
extract_http_header DATE[$n] http.header$n Serval-Rhizome-Bundle-Date "$rexp_date"
extract_http_header ROWID[$n] http.header$n Serval-Rhizome-Bundle-Rowid "$rexp_rowid"
extract_http_header INSERTTIME[$n] http.header$n Serval-Rhizome-Bundle-Inserttime "$rexp_date"
extract_http_header SECRET[$n] http.header$n Serval-Rhizome-Bundle-Secret "$rexp_bundlesecret"
extract_http_header SERVICE[$n] http.header$n Serval-Rhizome-Bundle-Service ".*"
assert [ ${SIZE[$n]} -eq $((1000 + $n)) ]
assert [ "${SERVICE[$n]}" = "${service[$n]}" ]
extract_manifest_id BID file$n.manifest
extract_manifest_version VERSION file$n.manifest
extract_manifest_filesize SIZE file$n.manifest
extract_manifest_filehash HASH file$n.manifest
extract_manifest_date DATE file$n.manifest
extract_manifest_service SERVICE file$n.manifest
assert [ "$BID" = "${BID[$n]}" ]
assert [ "$VERSION" = "${VERSION[$n]}" ]
assert [ "$SIZE" = "${SIZE[$n]}" ]
assert [ "$HASH" = "${HASH[$n]}" ]
assert [ "$DATE" = "${DATE[$n]}" ]
assert [ "$SERVICE" = "${SERVICE[$n]}" ]
if [ -n "${name[$n]}" ]; then
extract_http_header NAME[$n] http.header$n Serval-Rhizome-Bundle-Name ".*"
http_unquote_string NAME[$n]
assert [ "${NAME[$n]}" = "${name[$n]}" ]
extract_manifest_name NAME file$n.manifest
assert [ "$NAME" = "${NAME[$n]}" ]
if [ -n "${author[$n]}" ]; then
extract_http_header AUTHOR[$n] http.header$n Serval-Rhizome-Bundle-Author "$rexp_sid"
assert [ "${AUTHOR[$n]}" = "${author[$n]}" ]
extract_http_header BK[$n] http.header$n Serval-Rhizome-Bundle-BK "$rexp_bundlekey"
extract_manifest_BK BK file$n.manifest
assert [ "$BK" = "${BK[$n]}" ]
executeOk_servald rhizome list
assert_rhizome_list \
--fromhere=1 \
--author=${author[1]} file1 \
--author=${author[2]} file2 \
--author=${author[3]} file3 \
--fromhere=0 \
--author=${author[4]} file4
for n in 1 2 3 4; do
executeOk_servald rhizome extract bundle ${BID[$n]} xfile$n.manifest xfile$n
assert diff xfile$n.manifest file$n.manifest
assert diff file$n xfile$n
for n in 1 2 3 4; do
$SED -e '/^version=/d;/^date=/d;/^filehash=/d;/^filesize=/d' xfile$n.manifest >nmanifest$n
execute curl \
-H "Expect:" \
--silent --show-error --write-out '%{http_code}' \
--output nfile$n.manifest \
--dump-header http.headers$n \
--basic --user harry:potter \
--form "manifest=@nmanifest$n;type=rhizome/manifest;format=\"text+binarysig\"" \
--form "payload=@nfile$n;filename=\"nfile$n\"" \
tfw_cat http.headers$n nfile$n.manifest
assertExitStatus == 0
if [ -n "${author[$n]}" ]; then
assertStdoutIs 201
assertGrep --matches=1 --ignore-case http.headers$n "^Serval-Rhizome-Result-Bundle-Status-Code: 0$CR\$"
assertGrep --matches=1 --ignore-case http.headers$n "^Serval-Rhizome-Result-Bundle-Status-Message: .*bundle new to store.*$CR\$"
assertGrep --matches=1 --ignore-case http.headers$n "^Serval-Rhizome-Result-Payload-Status-Code: 1$CR\$"
assertGrep --matches=1 --ignore-case http.headers$n "^Serval-Rhizome-Result-Payload-Status-Message: .*payload new to store.*$CR\$"
assertStdoutIs 419
assertJq nfile$n.manifest 'contains({"http_status_code": 419})'
assertJqGrep --ignore-case nfile$n.manifest '.http_status_message' "missing bundle secret"
doc_RhizomeInsertBoundaries="HTTP RESTful insert of various payload lengths"
setup_RhizomeInsertBoundaries() {
test_RhizomeInsertBoundaries() {
for n in `seq 1 10`
create_file file$n $((7200 + ($n * 50)))
execute curl \
-H "Expect:" \
--silent --show-error --write-out '%{http_code}' \
--output file$n.manifest \
--dump-header http.header$n \
--basic --user harry:potter \
--form "manifest=@manifest$n;type=rhizome/manifest;format=\"text+binarysig\"" \
--form "payload=@file$n" \
tfw_cat http.header$n file$n.manifest
assertExitStatus == 0
assertStdoutIs 201
doc_RhizomeInsertAnon="HTTP RESTful update anonymous Rhizome bundle"
setup_RhizomeInsertAnon() {
create_file file1 1001
executeOk_servald rhizome add file '' file1 file1.manifest
extract_stdout_secret SECRET
assert_manifest_fields file1.manifest !BK
$SED -e '/^version=/d;/^date=/d;/^filehash=/d;/^filesize=/d' file1.manifest >file2.manifest
assert_manifest_fields file2.manifest !version !date !filehash !filesize
create_file file2 1002
test_RhizomeInsertAnon() {
execute curl \
-H "Expect:" \
--silent --show-error --write-out '%{http_code}' \
--output ifile2.manifest \
--dump-header http.header \
--basic --user harry:potter \
--form "bundle-secret=$SECRET" \
--form "manifest=@file2.manifest;type=rhizome/manifest;format=\"text+binarysig\"" \
--form "payload=@file2" \
tfw_cat http.header ifile2.manifest
assertExitStatus == 0
assertStdoutIs 201
assertGrep --matches=1 --ignore-case http.header "^Serval-Rhizome-Result-Bundle-Status-Code: 0$CR\$"
assertGrep --matches=1 --ignore-case http.header "^Serval-Rhizome-Result-Bundle-Status-Message: .*bundle new to store.*$CR\$"
assertGrep --matches=1 --ignore-case http.header "^Serval-Rhizome-Result-Payload-Status-Code: 1$CR\$"
assertGrep --matches=1 --ignore-case http.header "^Serval-Rhizome-Result-Payload-Status-Message: .*payload new to store.*$CR\$"
executeOk_servald rhizome list
assert_rhizome_list --fromhere=0 --manifest=ifile2.manifest file2
doc_RhizomeInsertAnonPassphrase="HTTP RESTful insert and update anonymous Rhizome bundle with passphrase secret"
setup_RhizomeInsertAnonPassphrase() {
create_file file1 1001
create_file file2 1002
pass="This Too Shall Pass"
test_RhizomeInsertAnonPassphrase() {
# Create the bundle with file1
execute curl \
-H "Expect:" \
--silent --show-error --write-out '%{http_code}' \
--output ifile1.manifest \
--dump-header http.header \
--basic --user harry:potter \
--form "bundle-secret=#$pass" \
--form "manifest=;type=rhizome/manifest;format=\"text+binarysig\"" \
--form "payload=@file1" \
tfw_cat http.header ifile1.manifest
assertExitStatus == 0
assertStdoutIs 201
assert_manifest_complete ifile1.manifest
assert_manifest_fields ifile1.manifest !BK
extract_manifest_id BID ifile1.manifest
assertGrep --matches=1 --ignore-case http.header "^Serval-Rhizome-Result-Bundle-Status-Code: 0$CR\$"
assertGrep --matches=1 --ignore-case http.header "^Serval-Rhizome-Result-Bundle-Status-Message: .*bundle new to store.*$CR\$"
assertGrep --matches=1 --ignore-case http.header "^Serval-Rhizome-Result-Payload-Status-Code: 1$CR\$"
assertGrep --matches=1 --ignore-case http.header "^Serval-Rhizome-Result-Payload-Status-Message: .*payload new to store.*$CR\$"
assertGrep --matches=0 --ignore-case http.header "^Serval-Rhizome-Bundle-BK:"
extract_http_header SECRET http.header Serval-Rhizome-Bundle-Secret "$rexp_bundlesecret"
executeOk_servald rhizome list
assert_rhizome_list --fromhere=0 --manifest=ifile1.manifest file1
# Update the bundle to file2
execute curl \
-H "Expect:" \
--silent --show-error --write-out '%{http_code}' \
--output ifile2.manifest \
--dump-header http.header \
--basic --user harry:potter \
--form "bundle-secret=#$pass" \
--form "manifest=;type=rhizome/manifest;format=\"text+binarysig\"" \
--form "payload=@file2" \
tfw_cat http.header ifile2.manifest
assertExitStatus == 0
assertStdoutIs 201
assertGrep --matches=1 --ignore-case http.header "^Serval-Rhizome-Result-Bundle-Status-Code: 0$CR\$"
assertGrep --matches=1 --ignore-case http.header "^Serval-Rhizome-Result-Bundle-Status-Message: .*bundle new to store.*$CR\$"
assertGrep --matches=1 --ignore-case http.header "^Serval-Rhizome-Result-Payload-Status-Code: 1$CR\$"
assertGrep --matches=1 --ignore-case http.header "^Serval-Rhizome-Result-Payload-Status-Message: .*payload new to store.*$CR\$"
assertGrep --matches=0 --ignore-case http.header "^Serval-Rhizome-Bundle-BK:"
assert_manifest_complete ifile2.manifest
assert_manifest_fields ifile2.manifest !BK
extract_manifest_id BID2 ifile2.manifest
assert [ "$BID" = "$BID2" ]
executeOk_servald rhizome list
assert_rhizome_list --fromhere=0 --manifest=ifile2.manifest file2
doc_RhizomeInsertPassphrase="HTTP RESTful insert and update Rhizome bundle with passphrase secret"
setup_RhizomeInsertPassphrase() {
create_file file1 1001
create_file file2 1002
pass="This Too Shall Pass"
test_RhizomeInsertPassphrase() {
# Create the bundle with file1
execute curl \
-H "Expect:" \
--silent --show-error --write-out '%{http_code}' \
--output ifile1.manifest \
--dump-header http.header \
--basic --user harry:potter \
--form "bundle-author=$SIDA" \
--form "bundle-secret=#$pass" \
--form "manifest=;type=rhizome/manifest;format=\"text+binarysig\"" \
--form "payload=@file1" \
tfw_cat http.header ifile1.manifest
assertExitStatus == 0
assertStdoutIs 201
assert_manifest_complete ifile1.manifest
extract_manifest_id BID ifile1.manifest
extract_manifest_BK BK ifile1.manifest
assertGrep --matches=1 --ignore-case http.header "^Serval-Rhizome-Result-Bundle-Status-Code: 0$CR\$"
assertGrep --matches=1 --ignore-case http.header "^Serval-Rhizome-Result-Bundle-Status-Message: .*bundle new to store.*$CR\$"
assertGrep --matches=1 --ignore-case http.header "^Serval-Rhizome-Result-Payload-Status-Code: 1$CR\$"
assertGrep --matches=1 --ignore-case http.header "^Serval-Rhizome-Result-Payload-Status-Message: .*payload new to store.*$CR\$"
assertGrep --matches=1 --ignore-case http.header "^Serval-Rhizome-Bundle-BK: $BK$CR\$"
extract_http_header SECRET http.header Serval-Rhizome-Bundle-Secret "$rexp_bundlesecret"
executeOk_servald rhizome list
assert_rhizome_list --fromhere=1 --manifest=ifile1.manifest file1
# Update the bundle to file2
execute curl \
-H "Expect:" \
--silent --show-error --write-out '%{http_code}' \
--output ifile2.manifest \
--dump-header http.header \
--basic --user harry:potter \
--form "bundle-author=$SIDA" \
--form "bundle-secret=#$pass" \
--form "manifest=;type=rhizome/manifest;format=\"text+binarysig\"" \
--form "payload=@file2" \
tfw_cat http.header ifile2.manifest
assertExitStatus == 0
assertStdoutIs 201
assert_manifest_complete ifile2.manifest
extract_manifest_id BID2 ifile2.manifest
extract_manifest_BK BK2 ifile2.manifest
assert [ "$BID" = "$BID2" ]
assert [ "$BK" = "$BK2" ]
assertGrep --matches=1 --ignore-case http.header "^Serval-Rhizome-Result-Bundle-Status-Code: 0$CR\$"
assertGrep --matches=1 --ignore-case http.header "^Serval-Rhizome-Result-Bundle-Status-Message: .*bundle new to store.*$CR\$"
assertGrep --matches=1 --ignore-case http.header "^Serval-Rhizome-Result-Payload-Status-Code: 1$CR\$"
assertGrep --matches=1 --ignore-case http.header "^Serval-Rhizome-Result-Payload-Status-Message: .*payload new to store.*$CR\$"
assertGrep --matches=1 --ignore-case http.header "^Serval-Rhizome-Bundle-BK: $BK$CR\$"
assertGrep --matches=1 --ignore-case http.header "^Serval-Rhizome-Bundle-Secret: $SECRET$CR\$"
executeOk_servald rhizome list
assert_rhizome_list --fromhere=1 --manifest=ifile2.manifest file2
doc_RhizomeInsertEmpty="HTTP RESTful insert empty Rhizome bundle"
setup_RhizomeInsertEmpty() {
assert [ ! -s empty ]
test_RhizomeInsertEmpty() {
execute curl \
-H "Expect:" \
--silent --show-error --write-out '%{http_code}' \
--output empty.manifest \
--dump-header http.header \
--basic --user harry:potter \
--form "manifest=;type=rhizome/manifest;format=\"text+binarysig\"" \
--form "payload=@empty;filename=\"lucky\"" \
tfw_cat http.header empty.manifest
assertExitStatus == 0
assertStdoutIs 201
assertGrep --matches=1 --ignore-case http.header "^Serval-Rhizome-Result-Bundle-Status-Code: 0$CR\$"
assertGrep --matches=1 --ignore-case http.header "^Serval-Rhizome-Result-Bundle-Status-Message: .*bundle new to store.*$CR\$"
assertGrep --matches=1 --ignore-case http.header "^Serval-Rhizome-Result-Payload-Status-Code: 0$CR\$"
assertGrep --matches=1 --ignore-case http.header "^Serval-Rhizome-Result-Payload-Status-Message: .*payload empty.*$CR\$"
extract_manifest_id BID empty.manifest
executeOk_servald rhizome list
assert_rhizome_list empty
executeOk_servald rhizome extract bundle $BID xempty.manifest xempty
assert [ ! -e xempty ]
assert diff xempty.manifest empty.manifest
doc_RhizomeUpdateToEmpty="HTTP RESTful update Rhizome bundle to empty"
setup_RhizomeUpdateToEmpty() {
assert [ ! -s empty ]
create_file nonempty 101
executeOk_servald rhizome add file $SIDA nonempty nonempty.manifest
executeOk_servald rhizome list
assert_rhizome_list nonempty
extract_manifest_id BID nonempty.manifest
test_RhizomeUpdateToEmpty() {
execute curl \
-H "Expect:" \
--silent --show-error --write-out '%{http_code}' \
--output empty.manifest \
--dump-header http.header \
--basic --user harry:potter \
--form "bundle-id=$BID" \
--form "manifest=;type=rhizome/manifest;format=\"text+binarysig\"" \
--form "payload=@empty;filename=\"lethargic\"" \
tfw_cat http.header empty.manifest
assertExitStatus == 0
assertStdoutIs 201
assertGrep --matches=1 --ignore-case http.header "^Serval-Rhizome-Result-Bundle-Status-Code: 0$CR\$"
assertGrep --matches=1 --ignore-case http.header "^Serval-Rhizome-Result-Bundle-Status-Message: .*bundle new to store.*$CR\$"
assertGrep --matches=1 --ignore-case http.header "^Serval-Rhizome-Result-Payload-Status-Code: 0$CR\$"
assertGrep --matches=1 --ignore-case http.header "^Serval-Rhizome-Result-Payload-Status-Message: .*payload empty.*$CR\$"
executeOk_servald rhizome list
assert_rhizome_list empty
executeOk_servald rhizome extract bundle $BID xempty.manifest xempty
assert [ ! -e xempty ]
assert diff xempty.manifest empty.manifest
doc_RhizomeInsertLarge="HTTP RESTful insert 50 MiB Rhizome bundle"
setup_RhizomeInsertLarge() {
create_file file1 50m
test_RhizomeInsertLarge() {
execute --timeout=120 curl \
-H "Expect:" \
--silent --show-error --write-out '%{http_code}' \
--output file1.manifest \
--dump-header http.header \
--basic --user harry:potter \
--form "manifest=;type=rhizome/manifest;format=\"text+binarysig\"" \
--form "payload=@file1" \
tfw_cat http.header -v file1.manifest
assertExitStatus == 0
assertStdoutIs 201
assertGrep --matches=1 --ignore-case http.header "^Serval-Rhizome-Result-Bundle-Status-Code: 0$CR\$"
assertGrep --matches=1 --ignore-case http.header "^Serval-Rhizome-Result-Bundle-Status-Message: .*bundle new to store.*$CR\$"
assertGrep --matches=1 --ignore-case http.header "^Serval-Rhizome-Result-Payload-Status-Code: 1$CR\$"
assertGrep --matches=1 --ignore-case http.header "^Serval-Rhizome-Result-Payload-Status-Message: .*payload new to store.*$CR\$"
extract_manifest_id BID file1.manifest
executeOk_servald rhizome list
assert_rhizome_list file1
executeOk_servald rhizome extract bundle $BID xfile1.manifest xfile1
assert diff xfile1.manifest file1.manifest
assert cmp file1 xfile1
doc_RhizomeInsertMissingManifest="HTTP RESTful insert Rhizome bundle, missing 'manifest' form part"
setup_RhizomeInsertMissingManifest() {
echo 'File one' >file1
test_RhizomeInsertMissingManifest() {
execute curl \
-H "Expect:" \
--silent --show-error --write-out '%{http_code}' \
--output http.body \
--dump-header http.header \
--basic --user harry:potter \
--form "payload=@file1" \
tfw_cat http.header http.body
assertExitStatus == 0
assertStdoutIs 400
assertJq http.body 'contains({"http_status_code": 400})'
assertJqGrep --ignore-case http.body '.http_status_message' 'missing.*manifest.*form.*part'
executeOk_servald rhizome list
doc_RhizomeInsertManifestOverflow="HTTP RESTful insert Rhizome bundle, 'manifest' form part overflow"
setup_RhizomeInsertManifestOverflow() {
echo 'File one' >file1
{ echo -n 'foo='; create_file --omit="$LF" - 8185; echo; } >file1.manifest
test_RhizomeInsertManifestOverflow() {
execute curl \
-H "Expect:" \
--silent --show-error --write-out '%{http_code}' \
--output http.body \
--dump-header http.header \
--basic --user harry:potter \
--form "manifest=@file1.manifest;type=rhizome/manifest;format=\"text+binarysig\"" \
--form "payload=@file1" \
tfw_cat http.header http.body
assertExitStatus == 0
assertStdoutIs 422
assertJq http.body 'contains({"http_status_code": 422})'
assertJqGrep --ignore-case http.body '.http_status_message' 'manifest.*too.*big'
executeOk_servald rhizome list
doc_RhizomeInsertIncorrectManifestType="HTTP RESTful insert Rhizome bundle, incorrect 'manifest' content type"
setup_RhizomeInsertIncorrectManifestType() {
echo 'File one' >file1
test_RhizomeInsertIncorrectManifestType() {
execute curl \
-H "Expect:" \
--silent --show-error --write-out '%{http_code}' \
--output http.body \
--dump-header http.header \
--basic --user harry:potter \
--form "manifest=;type=rhizome-manifest/text" \
--form "payload=@file1" \
tfw_cat http.header http.body
assertExitStatus == 0
assertStdoutIs 415
assertJq http.body 'contains({"http_status_code": 415})'
assertJqGrep --ignore-case http.body '.http_status_message' 'unsupported content-type.*manifest.*form.*part'
executeOk_servald rhizome list
doc_RhizomeInsertIncorrectManifestFormat="HTTP RESTful insert Rhizome bundle, incorrect 'manifest' content format"
setup_RhizomeInsertIncorrectManifestFormat() {
echo 'File one' >file1
test_RhizomeInsertIncorrectManifestFormat() {
execute curl \
-H "Expect:" \
--silent --show-error --write-out '%{http_code}' \
--output http.body \
--dump-header http.header \
--basic --user harry:potter \
--form "manifest=;type=rhizome/manifest;format=\"text\"" \
--form "payload=@file1" \
tfw_cat http.header http.body
assertExitStatus == 0
assertStdoutIs 415
assertJq http.body 'contains({"http_status_code": 415})'
assertJqGrep --ignore-case http.body '.http_status_message' 'unsupported.*format.*manifest.*form.*part'
executeOk_servald rhizome list
doc_RhizomeInsertDuplicateManifest="HTTP RESTful insert Rhizome bundle, duplicate 'manifest' form part"
setup_RhizomeInsertDuplicateManifest() {
echo 'File one' >file1
echo 'name=wah' >file1.manifest
echo 'name=bee' >file2.manifest
test_RhizomeInsertDuplicateManifest() {
execute curl \
-H "Expect:" \
--silent --show-error --write-out '%{http_code}' \
--output http.body \
--dump-header http.header \
--basic --user harry:potter \
--form "manifest=@file1.manifest;type=rhizome/manifest;format=\"text+binarysig\"" \
--form "manifest=@file2.manifest;type=rhizome/manifest;format=\"text+binarysig\"" \
--form "payload=@file1" \
tfw_cat http.header http.body
assertExitStatus == 0
assertStdoutIs 400
assertJq http.body 'contains({"http_status_code": 400})'
assertJqGrep --ignore-case http.body '.http_status_message' 'duplicate.*manifest.*form.*part'
executeOk_servald rhizome list
doc_RhizomeInsertJournalForbidden="HTTP RESTful insert Rhizome bundle does not accept journals"
setup_RhizomeInsertJournalForbidden() {
echo 'File one' >file1
echo 'tail=0' >file1.manifest
test_RhizomeInsertJournalForbidden() {
execute curl \
-H "Expect:" \
--silent --show-error --write-out '%{http_code}' \
--output http.body \
--dump-header http.header \
--basic --user harry:potter \
--form "manifest=@file1.manifest;type=rhizome/manifest;format=\"text+binarysig\"" \
--form "payload=@file1" \
tfw_cat http.header http.body
assertExitStatus == 0
assertStdoutIs 422
assertJq http.body 'contains({"http_status_code": 422})'
assertJq http.body 'contains({"http_status_message": "Cannot add a journal bundle (use append instead)"})'
assertJqGrep --ignore-case http.body '.http_status_message' 'cannot add.*journal'
executeOk_servald rhizome list
doc_RhizomeInsertMissingPayload="HTTP RESTful insert Rhizome bundle, missing 'payload' form part"
setup_RhizomeInsertMissingPayload() {
echo 'File one' >file1
echo 'name=wah' >file1.manifest
test_RhizomeInsertMissingPayload() {
execute curl \
-H "Expect:" \
--silent --show-error --write-out '%{http_code}' \
--output http.body \
--dump-header http.header \
--basic --user harry:potter \
--form "manifest=@file1.manifest;type=rhizome/manifest;format=\"text+binarysig\"" \
tfw_cat http.header http.body
assertExitStatus == 0
assertStdoutIs 400
assertJq http.body 'contains({"http_status_code": 400})'
assertJqGrep --ignore-case http.body '.http_status_message' 'missing.*payload.*form.*part'
executeOk_servald rhizome list
doc_RhizomeInsertDuplicatePayload="HTTP RESTful insert Rhizome bundle, duplicate 'payload' form part"
setup_RhizomeInsertDuplicatePayload() {
echo 'File one' >file1
echo 'File two' >file2
echo 'name=wah' >file1.manifest
test_RhizomeInsertDuplicatePayload() {
execute curl \
-H "Expect:" \
--silent --show-error --write-out '%{http_code}' \
--output http.body \
--dump-header http.header \
--basic --user harry:potter \
--form "manifest=@file1.manifest;type=rhizome/manifest;format=\"text+binarysig\"" \
--form "payload=@file1" \
--form "payload=@file2" \
tfw_cat http.header http.body
assertExitStatus == 0
assertStdoutIs 400
assertJq http.body 'contains({"http_status_code": 400})'
assertJqGrep --ignore-case http.body '.http_status_message' 'duplicate.*payload.*form.*part'
executeOk_servald rhizome list
doc_RhizomeInsertPartOrder="HTTP RESTful insert Rhizome bundle, 'payload' form part before 'manifest'"
setup_RhizomeInsertPartOrder() {
echo 'File one' >file1
echo 'name=wah' >file1.manifest
test_RhizomeInsertPartOrder() {
execute curl \
-H "Expect:" \
--silent --show-error --write-out '%{http_code}' \
--output http.body \
--dump-header http.header \
--basic --user harry:potter \
--form "payload=@file1" \
--form "manifest=@file1.manifest;type=rhizome/manifest;format=\"text+binarysig\"" \
tfw_cat http.header http.body
assertExitStatus == 0
assertStdoutIs 400
assertJq http.body 'contains({"http_status_code": 400})'
assertJqGrep --ignore-case http.body '.http_status_message' 'missing.*manifest.*form.*part'
executeOk_servald rhizome list
doc_RhizomeInsertPartUnsupported="HTTP RESTful insert Rhizome bundle, unsupported form part"
setup_RhizomeInsertPartUnsupported() {
echo 'File one' >file1
echo 'name=wah' >file1.manifest
test_RhizomeInsertPartUnsupported() {
execute curl \
-H "Expect:" \
--silent --show-error --write-out '%{http_code}' \
--output http.body \
--dump-header http.header \
--basic --user harry:potter \
--form "manifest=@file1.manifest;type=rhizome/manifest;format=\"text+binarysig\"" \
--form "payload=@file1" \
--form "happyhappy=joyjoy" \
tfw_cat http.header http.body
assertExitStatus == 0
assertStdoutIs 400
assertJq http.body 'contains({"http_status_code": 400})'
assertJqGrep --ignore-case http.body '.http_status_message' 'unsupported.*form.*part'
assertJqGrep http.body '.http_status_message' 'happyhappy'
executeOk_servald rhizome list
doc_RhizomeInsertIncorrectFilesize="HTTP RESTful insert Rhizome bundle, incorrect filesize"
setup_RhizomeInsertIncorrectFilesize() {
echo 'File one' >file1
echo 'filesize=6' >file1.manifest
echo 'File two' >file2
echo 'filesize=100' >file2.manifest
test_RhizomeInsertIncorrectFilesize() {
execute curl \
-H "Expect:" \
--silent --show-error --write-out '%{http_code}' \
--output http.body \
--dump-header http.header \
--basic --user harry:potter \
--form "manifest=@file1.manifest;type=rhizome/manifest;format=\"text+binarysig\"" \
--form "payload=@file1" \
tfw_cat http.header http.body
assertExitStatus == 0
assertStdoutIs 422
assertJq http.body 'contains({"http_status_code": 422})'
assertJq http.body 'contains({"http_status_message": "Inconsistent filesize"})'
assertJq http.body 'contains({"rhizome_payload_status_code": 3})'
assertJqGrep --ignore-case http.body '.rhizome_payload_status_message' 'payload size.*contradicts manifest'
execute curl \
-H "Expect:" \
--silent --show-error --write-out '%{http_code}' \
--output http.body \
--dump-header http.header \
--basic --user harry:potter \
--form "manifest=@file2.manifest;type=rhizome/manifest;format=\"text+binarysig\"" \
--form "payload=@file2" \
tfw_cat http.header http.body
assertExitStatus == 0
assertStdoutIs 422
assertJq http.body 'contains({"http_status_code": 422})'
assertJq http.body 'contains({"http_status_message": "Inconsistent filesize"})'
assertJq http.body 'contains({"rhizome_payload_status_code": 3})'
assertJqGrep --ignore-case http.body '.rhizome_payload_status_message' 'payload size.*contradicts manifest'
executeOk_servald rhizome list
doc_RhizomeInsertIncorrectFilehash="HTTP RESTful insert Rhizome bundle, incorrect filehash"
setup_RhizomeInsertIncorrectFilehash() {
echo 'File one' >file1
test_RhizomeInsertIncorrectFilehash() {
execute curl \
-H "Expect:" \
--silent --show-error --write-out '%{http_code}' \
--output http.body \
--dump-header http.header \
--basic --user harry:potter \
--form "manifest=@file1.manifest;type=rhizome/manifest;format=\"text+binarysig\"" \
--form "payload=@file1" \
tfw_cat http.header http.body
assertExitStatus == 0
assertStdoutIs 422
assertJq http.body 'contains({"http_status_code": 422})'
assertJq http.body 'contains({"http_status_message": "Inconsistent filehash"})'
assertJq http.body 'contains({"rhizome_payload_status_code": 4})'
assertJqGrep --ignore-case http.body '.rhizome_payload_status_message' 'payload hash.*contradicts manifest'
executeOk_servald rhizome list
2013-10-14 07:16:09 +00:00
doc_RhizomeJournalAppend="HTTP RESTful Rhizome journal create and append"
setup_RhizomeJournalAppend() {
echo 'File one' >file1
file1_size=$(cat file1 | wc -c)
echo "service=anything" >>manifest1
echo "name=hoopla" >>manifest1
echo "random=rubbish" >>manifest1
echo 'File two two two' >file2
file2_size=$(cat file2 | wc -c)
test_RhizomeJournalAppend() {
execute curl \
-H "Expect:" \
--silent --show-error --write-out '%{http_code}' \
--output file1.manifest \
--dump-header http.header \
--basic --user harry:potter \
--form "bundle-author=$SIDA" \
--form "manifest=@manifest1;type=rhizome/manifest;format=\"text+binarysig\"" \
--form "payload=@file1" \
tfw_cat http.header file1.manifest
assertExitStatus == 0
assertGrep --matches=1 --ignore-case http.header "^Serval-Rhizome-Result-Bundle-Status-Code: 0$CR\$"
assertGrep --matches=1 --ignore-case http.header "^Serval-Rhizome-Result-Bundle-Status-Message: .*bundle new to store.*$CR\$"
assertGrep --matches=1 --ignore-case http.header "^Serval-Rhizome-Result-Payload-Status-Code: 1$CR\$"
assertGrep --matches=1 --ignore-case http.header "^Serval-Rhizome-Result-Payload-Status-Message: .*payload new to store.*$CR\$"
assertStdoutIs 201
extract_http_header H_BID http.header Serval-Rhizome-Bundle-Id "$rexp_manifestid"
extract_http_header H_VERSION http.header Serval-Rhizome-Bundle-Version "$rexp_version"
extract_http_header H_SIZE http.header Serval-Rhizome-Bundle-Filesize "$rexp_filesize"
extract_http_header H_HASH http.header Serval-Rhizome-Bundle-Filehash "$rexp_filehash"
2015-03-27 18:24:00 +00:00
extract_http_header H_TAIL http.header Serval-Rhizome-Bundle-Tail "$rexp_tail"
extract_http_header H_DATE http.header Serval-Rhizome-Bundle-Date "$rexp_date"
extract_http_header H_ROWID http.header Serval-Rhizome-Bundle-Rowid "$rexp_rowid"
extract_http_header H_INSERTTIME http.header Serval-Rhizome-Bundle-Inserttime "$rexp_date"
extract_http_header H_SECRET http.header Serval-Rhizome-Bundle-Secret "$rexp_bundlesecret"
extract_http_header H_SERVICE http.header Serval-Rhizome-Bundle-Service ".*"
extract_http_header H_NAME http.header Serval-Rhizome-Bundle-Name ".*"
http_unquote_string H_NAME
extract_http_header H_BK http.header$n Serval-Rhizome-Bundle-BK "$rexp_bundlekey"
extract_http_header H_AUTHOR http.header$n Serval-Rhizome-Bundle-Author "$rexp_bundlekey"
assert [ $H_SIZE -eq $file1_size ]
assert [ "$H_SERVICE" = anything ]
assert [ "$H_NAME" = hoopla ]
assert [ "$H_AUTHOR" = $SIDA ]
extract_manifest_id BID file1.manifest
extract_manifest_version VERSION file1.manifest
extract_manifest_filesize SIZE file1.manifest
extract_manifest_filehash HASH file1.manifest
2015-03-27 18:24:00 +00:00
extract_manifest_tail TAIL file1.manifest
extract_manifest_date DATE file1.manifest
extract_manifest_service SERVICE file1.manifest
extract_manifest_name NAME file1.manifest
extract_manifest_BK BK file1.manifest
assert [ "$BID" = "$H_BID" ]
assert [ "$VERSION" = "$H_VERSION" ]
assert [ "$SIZE" = "$H_SIZE" ]
assert [ "$HASH" = "$H_HASH" ]
2015-03-27 18:24:00 +00:00
assert [ "$TAIL" = "$H_TAIL" ]
assert [ "$DATE" = "$H_DATE" ]
assert [ "$SERVICE" = "$H_SERVICE" ]
assert [ "$NAME" = "$H_NAME" ]
assert [ "$BK" = "$H_BK" ]
executeOk_servald rhizome list
assert_rhizome_list file1
executeOk_servald rhizome extract file "$BID" file1x
assert --message="extracted payload is correct" diff file1 file1x
execute curl \
-H "Expect:" \
--silent --show-error --write-out '%{http_code}' \
--output file2.manifest \
--dump-header http.headers \
--basic --user harry:potter \
--form "bundle-id=$BID" \
--form "bundle-author=$SIDA" \
--form "manifest=@manifest2;type=rhizome/manifest;format=\"text+binarysig\"" \
--form "payload=@file2" \
tfw_cat http.header file2.manifest
assertExitStatus == 0
assertStdoutIs 201
assertGrep --matches=1 --ignore-case http.header "^Serval-Rhizome-Result-Bundle-Status-Code: 0$CR\$"
assertGrep --matches=1 --ignore-case http.header "^Serval-Rhizome-Result-Bundle-Status-Message: .*bundle new to store.*$CR\$"
assertGrep --matches=1 --ignore-case http.header "^Serval-Rhizome-Result-Payload-Status-Code: 1$CR\$"
assertGrep --matches=1 --ignore-case http.header "^Serval-Rhizome-Result-Payload-Status-Message: .*payload new to store.*$CR\$"
doc_RhizomeJournalAppendSharedPayload="HTTP RESTful Rhizome journal append with shared payload"
setup_RhizomeJournalAppendSharedPayload() {
set_extra_config() {
executeOk_servald config set rhizome.max_blob_size 0
echo 'File one' >file1
echo 'File two two' >file2
cat file1 file2 >file12
executeOk_servald rhizome add file '' file1
extract_stdout_filehash HASH1
assert cmp file1 "$SERVALINSTANCE_PATH/blob/$HASH1"
executeOk_servald rhizome add file '' file12
extract_stdout_filehash HASH12
assert cmp file12 "$SERVALINSTANCE_PATH/blob/$HASH12"
assert [ $(ls "$SERVALINSTANCE_PATH/blob" | wc -l) -eq 2 ]
test_RhizomeJournalAppendSharedPayload() {
execute curl \
-H "Expect:" \
--silent --show-error --write-out '%{http_code}' \
--output file1.manifest \
--dump-header http.header \
--basic --user harry:potter \
--form "bundle-author=$SIDA" \
--form "manifest=@manifest1;type=rhizome/manifest;format=\"text+binarysig\"" \
--form "payload=@file1" \
tfw_cat http.header file1.manifest
assertExitStatus == 0
assertStdoutIs 201
assertGrep --matches=1 --ignore-case http.header "^Serval-Rhizome-Bundle-Filehash: $HASH1$CR\$"
assertGrep --matches=1 --ignore-case http.header "^Serval-Rhizome-Result-Bundle-Status-Code: 0$CR\$"
assertGrep --matches=1 --ignore-case http.header "^Serval-Rhizome-Result-Bundle-Status-Message: .*bundle new to store.*$CR\$"
assertGrep --matches=1 --ignore-case http.header "^Serval-Rhizome-Result-Payload-Status-Code: 2$CR\$"
assertGrep --matches=1 --ignore-case http.header "^Serval-Rhizome-Result-Payload-Status-Message: .*payload already in store.*$CR\$"
assertGrep --matches=1 --ignore-case http.header "^Serval-Rhizome-Result-Payload-Status-Message: .*payload already in store.*$CR\$"
assert [ $(ls "$SERVALINSTANCE_PATH/blob" | wc -l) -eq 2 ]
extract_http_header BID http.header Serval-Rhizome-Bundle-Id "$rexp_manifestid"
execute curl \
-H "Expect:" \
--silent --show-error --write-out '%{http_code}' \
--output file2.manifest \
--dump-header http.header \
--basic --user harry:potter \
--form "bundle-id=$BID" \
--form "manifest=@manifest2;type=rhizome/manifest;format=\"text+binarysig\"" \
--form "payload=@file2" \
tfw_cat http.header file2.manifest
assertExitStatus == 0
assertStdoutIs 201
assertGrep --matches=1 --ignore-case http.header "^Serval-Rhizome-Bundle-Filehash: $HASH12$CR\$"
assertGrep --matches=1 --ignore-case http.header "^Serval-Rhizome-Result-Bundle-Status-Code: 0$CR\$"
assertGrep --matches=1 --ignore-case http.header "^Serval-Rhizome-Result-Bundle-Status-Message: .*bundle new to store.*$CR\$"
assertGrep --matches=1 --ignore-case http.header "^Serval-Rhizome-Result-Payload-Status-Code: 2$CR\$"
assertGrep --matches=1 --ignore-case http.header "^Serval-Rhizome-Result-Payload-Status-Message: .*payload already in store.*$CR\$"
assert [ $(ls "$SERVALINSTANCE_PATH/blob" | wc -l) -eq 2 ]
doc_RhizomeAppendNonJournalForbidden="HTTP RESTful Rhizome cannot append to non-journal"
setup_RhizomeAppendNonJournalForbidden() {
echo "File One" > file1
echo "File Two" > file2
executeOk_servald rhizome add file $SIDA file1 file1.manifest
tfw_cat --stdout --stderr
assert_stdout_add_file file1
extract_stdout_manifestid BID
test_RhizomeAppendNonJournalForbidden() {
execute curl \
-H "Expect:" \
--silent --show-error --write-out '%{http_code}' \
--output http.body \
--dump-header http.header \
--basic --user harry:potter \
--form "bundle-id=$BID" \
--form "manifest=@file2.manifest;type=rhizome/manifest;format=\"text+binarysig\"" \
--form "payload=@file2" \
tfw_cat http.header http.body
assertExitStatus == 0
assertStdoutIs 422
assertJq http.body 'contains({"http_status_code": 422})'
assertJq http.body 'contains({"http_status_message": "Cannot append to a non-journal"})'
assertJqGrep --ignore-case http.body '.http_status_message' 'cannot append.*non.*journal'
executeOk_servald rhizome list
assert_rhizome_list file1
2013-10-14 07:16:09 +00:00
runTests "$@"