mirror of
synced 2025-03-11 15:03:56 +00:00
477 lines
14 KiB
477 lines
14 KiB
#include <signal.h>
#include <sys/types.h>
#include <sys/stat.h>
#include <sys/wait.h>
#include <fcntl.h>
#include <poll.h>
#include <unistd.h>
#include "e.h"
#include "die.h"
#include "load.h"
#include "open.h"
#include "byte.h"
#include "socket.h"
#include "uint64_pack.h"
#include "uint64_unpack.h"
#include "nanoseconds.h"
#include "hexparse.h"
#include "nameparse.h"
#include "portparse.h"
#include "writeall.h"
#include "safenonce.h"
#include "randommod.h"
long long recent = 0;
#define NUMIP 8
long long hellowait[NUMIP] = {
, 1500000000
, 2250000000
, 3375000000
, 5062500000
, 7593750000
, 11390625000
, 17085937500
} ;
#include "crypto_box.h"
#include "randombytes.h"
#if crypto_box_PUBLICKEYBYTES != 32
#if crypto_box_NONCEBYTES != 24
#if crypto_box_BOXZEROBYTES != 16
#if crypto_box_ZEROBYTES != 32
#if crypto_box_BEFORENMBYTES != 32
int flagverbose = 1;
#define USAGE "\
curvecpclient: how to use:\n\
curvecpclient: -q (optional): no error messages\n\
curvecpclient: -Q (optional): print error messages (default)\n\
curvecpclient: -v (optional): print extra information\n\
curvecpclient: -c keydir (optional): use this public-key directory\n\
curvecpclient: sname: server's name\n\
curvecpclient: pk: server's public key\n\
curvecpclient: ip: server's IP address\n\
curvecpclient: port: server's UDP port\n\
curvecpclient: ext: server's extension\n\
curvecpclient: prog: run this client\n\
void die_usage(const char *s)
if (s) die_4(100,USAGE,"curvecpclient: fatal: ",s,"\n");
void die_fatal(const char *trouble,const char *d,const char *fn)
/* XXX: clean up? OS can do it much more reliably */
if (!flagverbose) die_0(111);
if (d) {
if (fn) die_9(111,"curvecpclient: fatal: ",trouble," ",d,"/",fn,": ",e_str(errno),"\n");
die_7(111,"curvecpclient: fatal: ",trouble," ",d,": ",e_str(errno),"\n");
if (errno) die_5(111,"curvecpclient: fatal: ",trouble,": ",e_str(errno),"\n");
die_3(111,"curvecpclient: fatal: ",trouble,"\n");
int multiipparse(unsigned char *y,const char *x)
long long pos;
long long pos2;
long long ynum;
long long ypos;
long long j;
long long k;
long long d;
for (j = 0;j < 4 * NUMIP;++j) y[j] = 0;
ynum = 0;
while (ynum < 1000) {
ypos = randommod(ynum);
for (k = 0;k < 4;++k) {
pos = ypos * 4 + k;
pos2 = (ynum - 1) * 4 + k;
if (pos >= 0 && pos < 4 * NUMIP && pos2 >= 0 && pos2 < 4 * NUMIP) y[pos2] = y[pos];
d = 0;
for (j = 0;j < 3 && x[j] >= '0' && x[j] <= '9';++j) d = d * 10 + (x[j] - '0');
if (j == 0) return 0;
x += j;
if (pos >= 0 && pos < 4 * NUMIP) y[pos] = d;
if (k < 3) {
if (*x != '.') return 0;
if (!*x) break;
if (*x != ',') return 0;
/* if fewer than 8 IP addresses, cycle through them: */
pos = 0;
pos2 = ynum * 4;
while (pos2 < 4 * NUMIP) {
if (pos >= 0 && pos < 4 * NUMIP && pos2 >= 0 && pos2 < 4 * NUMIP) y[pos2] = y[pos];
return 1;
/* routing to the client: */
unsigned char clientextension[16];
long long clientextensionloadtime = 0;
int udpfd = -1;
void clientextension_init(void)
if (recent >= clientextensionloadtime) {
clientextensionloadtime = recent + 30000000000LL;
if (load("/etc/curvecpextension",clientextension,16) == -1)
if (errno == ENOENT || errno == ENAMETOOLONG)
/* client security: */
char *keydir = 0;
unsigned char clientlongtermpk[32];
unsigned char clientlongtermsk[32];
unsigned char clientshorttermpk[32];
unsigned char clientshorttermsk[32];
crypto_uint64 clientshorttermnonce;
unsigned char vouch[64];
void clientshorttermnonce_update(void)
if (clientshorttermnonce) return;
errno = EPROTO;
die_fatal("nonce space expired",0,0);
/* routing to the server: */
unsigned char serverip[4 * NUMIP];
unsigned char serverport[2];
unsigned char serverextension[16];
/* server security: */
unsigned char servername[256];
unsigned char serverlongtermpk[32];
unsigned char servershorttermpk[32];
unsigned char servercookie[96];
/* shared secrets: */
unsigned char clientshortserverlong[32];
unsigned char clientshortservershort[32];
unsigned char clientlongserverlong[32];
unsigned char allzero[128] = {0};
unsigned char nonce[24];
unsigned char text[2048];
unsigned char packet[4096];
unsigned char packetip[4];
unsigned char packetport[2];
crypto_uint64 packetnonce;
int flagreceivedmessage = 0;
crypto_uint64 receivednonce = 0;
struct pollfd p[3];
int fdwd = -1;
int tochild[2] = {-1,-1};
int fromchild[2] = {-1,-1};
pid_t child = -1;
int childstatus = 0;
unsigned char childbuf[4096];
long long childbuflen = 0;
unsigned char childmessage[2048];
long long childmessagelen = 0;
int main(int argc,char **argv)
long long hellopackets;
long long r;
long long nextaction;
if (!argv[0]) die_usage(0);
for (;;) {
char *x;
if (!argv[1]) break;
if (argv[1][0] != '-') break;
x = *++argv;
if (x[0] == '-' && x[1] == 0) break;
if (x[0] == '-' && x[1] == '-' && x[2] == 0) break;
while (*++x) {
if (*x == 'q') { flagverbose = 0; continue; }
if (*x == 'Q') { flagverbose = 1; continue; }
if (*x == 'v') { if (flagverbose == 2) flagverbose = 3; else flagverbose = 2; continue; }
if (*x == 'c') {
if (x[1]) { keydir = x + 1; break; }
if (argv[1]) { keydir = *++argv; break; }
if (!nameparse(servername,*++argv)) die_usage("sname must be at most 255 bytes, at most 63 bytes between dots");
if (!hexparse(serverlongtermpk,32,*++argv)) die_usage("pk must be exactly 64 hex characters");
if (!multiipparse(serverip,*++argv)) die_usage("ip must be a comma-separated series of IPv4 addresses");
if (!portparse(serverport,*++argv)) die_usage("port must be an integer between 0 and 65535");
if (!hexparse(serverextension,16,*++argv)) die_usage("ext must be exactly 32 hex characters");
if (!*++argv) die_usage("missing prog");
for (;;) {
r = open_read("/dev/null");
if (r == -1) die_fatal("unable to open /dev/null",0,0);
if (r > 9) { close(r); break; }
if (keydir) {
fdwd = open_cwd();
if (fdwd == -1) die_fatal("unable to open current working directory",0,0);
if (chdir(keydir) == -1) die_fatal("unable to change to directory",keydir,0);
if (load("publickey",clientlongtermpk,sizeof clientlongtermpk) == -1) die_fatal("unable to read public key from",keydir,0);
if (load(".expertsonly/secretkey",clientlongtermsk,sizeof clientlongtermsk) == -1) die_fatal("unable to read secret key from",keydir,0);
} else {
clientshorttermnonce = randommod(281474976710656LL);
udpfd = socket_udp();
if (udpfd == -1) die_fatal("unable to create socket",0,0);
for (hellopackets = 0;hellopackets < NUMIP;++hellopackets) {
recent = nanoseconds();
/* send a Hello packet: */
uint64_pack(nonce + 16,clientshorttermnonce);
byte_copy(packet + 8,16,serverextension);
byte_copy(packet + 24,16,clientextension);
byte_copy(packet + 40,32,clientshorttermpk);
byte_copy(packet + 72,64,allzero);
byte_copy(packet + 136,8,nonce + 16);
byte_copy(packet + 144,80,text + 16);
socket_send(udpfd,packet,224,serverip + 4 * hellopackets,serverport);
nextaction = recent + hellowait[hellopackets] + randommod(hellowait[hellopackets]);
for (;;) {
long long timeout = nextaction - recent;
if (timeout <= 0) break;
p[0].fd = udpfd;
p[0].events = POLLIN;
if (poll(p,1,timeout / 1000000 + 1) < 0) p[0].revents = 0;
do { /* try receiving a Cookie packet: */
if (!p[0].revents) break;
r = socket_recv(udpfd,packet,sizeof packet,packetip,packetport);
if (r != 200) break;
if (!(byte_isequal(packetip,4,serverip + 4 * hellopackets) &
byte_isequal(packetport,2,serverport) &
byte_isequal(packet,8,"RL3aNMXK") &
byte_isequal(packet + 8,16,clientextension) &
byte_isequal(packet + 24,16,serverextension)
)) break;
byte_copy(nonce + 8,16,packet + 40);
byte_copy(text + 16,144,packet + 56);
if (crypto_box_open_afternm(text,text,160,nonce,clientshortserverlong)) break;
byte_copy(servershorttermpk,32,text + 32);
byte_copy(servercookie,96,text + 64);
byte_copy(serverip,4,serverip + 4 * hellopackets);
goto receivedcookie;
} while (0);
recent = nanoseconds();
errno = ETIMEDOUT; die_fatal("no response from server",0,0);
if (keydir) {
if (safenonce(nonce + 8,0) == -1) die_fatal("nonce-generation disaster",0,0);
} else {
randombytes(nonce + 8,16);
byte_copy(text + 32,32,clientshorttermpk);
byte_copy(vouch,16,nonce + 8);
byte_copy(vouch + 16,48,text + 16);
/* server is responding, so start child: */
if (open_pipe(tochild) == -1) die_fatal("unable to create pipe",0,0);
if (open_pipe(fromchild) == -1) die_fatal("unable to create pipe",0,0);
child = fork();
if (child == -1) die_fatal("unable to fork",0,0);
if (child == 0) {
if (keydir) if (fchdir(fdwd) == -1) die_fatal("unable to chdir to original directory",0,0);
if (dup(tochild[0]) != 8) die_fatal("unable to dup",0,0);
if (dup(fromchild[1]) != 9) die_fatal("unable to dup",0,0);
/* XXX: set up environment variables */
die_fatal("unable to run",*argv,0);
for (;;) {
p[0].fd = udpfd;
p[0].events = POLLIN;
p[1].fd = fromchild[0];
p[1].events = POLLIN;
if (poll(p,2,-1) < 0) {
p[0].revents = 0;
p[1].revents = 0;
do { /* try receiving a Message packet: */
if (!p[0].revents) break;
r = socket_recv(udpfd,packet,sizeof packet,packetip,packetport);
if (r < 80) break;
if (r > 1152) break;
if (r & 15) break;
packetnonce = uint64_unpack(packet + 40);
if (flagreceivedmessage && packetnonce <= receivednonce) break;
if (!(byte_isequal(packetip,4,serverip + 4 * hellopackets) &
byte_isequal(packetport,2,serverport) &
byte_isequal(packet,8,"RL3aNMXM") &
byte_isequal(packet + 8,16,clientextension) &
byte_isequal(packet + 24,16,serverextension)
)) break;
byte_copy(nonce + 16,8,packet + 40);
byte_copy(text + 16,r - 48,packet + 48);
if (crypto_box_open_afternm(text,text,r - 32,nonce,clientshortservershort)) break;
if (!flagreceivedmessage) {
flagreceivedmessage = 1;
randombytes(clientlongtermpk,sizeof clientlongtermpk);
randombytes(vouch,sizeof vouch);
randombytes(servername,sizeof servername);
randombytes(servercookie,sizeof servercookie);
receivednonce = packetnonce;
text[31] = (r - 64) >> 4;
/* child is responsible for reading all data immediately, so we won't block: */
if (writeall(tochild[1],text + 31,r - 63) == -1) goto done;
} while (0);
do { /* try receiving data from child: */
long long i;
if (!p[1].revents) break;
r = read(fromchild[0],childbuf,sizeof childbuf);
if (r == -1) if (errno == EINTR || errno == EWOULDBLOCK || errno == EAGAIN) break;
if (r <= 0) goto done;
childbuflen = r;
for (i = 0;i < childbuflen;++i) {
if (childmessagelen < 0) goto done;
if (childmessagelen >= sizeof childmessage) goto done;
childmessage[childmessagelen++] = childbuf[i];
if (childmessage[0] & 128) goto done;
if (childmessagelen == 1 + 16 * (unsigned long long) childmessage[0]) {
uint64_pack(nonce + 16,clientshorttermnonce);
if (flagreceivedmessage) {
r = childmessagelen - 1;
if (r < 16) goto done;
if (r > 1088) goto done;
byte_copy(text + 32,r,childmessage + 1);
crypto_box_afternm(text,text,r + 32,nonce,clientshortservershort);
byte_copy(packet + 8,16,serverextension);
byte_copy(packet + 24,16,clientextension);
byte_copy(packet + 40,32,clientshorttermpk);
byte_copy(packet + 72,8,nonce + 16);
byte_copy(packet + 80,r + 16,text + 16);
socket_send(udpfd,packet,r + 96,serverip,serverport);
} else {
r = childmessagelen - 1;
if (r < 16) goto done;
if (r > 640) goto done;
byte_copy(text + 32,32,clientlongtermpk);
byte_copy(text + 64,64,vouch);
byte_copy(text + 128,256,servername);
byte_copy(text + 384,r,childmessage + 1);
crypto_box_afternm(text,text,r + 384,nonce,clientshortservershort);
byte_copy(packet + 8,16,serverextension);
byte_copy(packet + 24,16,clientextension);
byte_copy(packet + 40,32,clientshorttermpk);
byte_copy(packet + 72,96,servercookie);
byte_copy(packet + 168,8,nonce + 16);
byte_copy(packet + 176,r + 368,text + 16);
socket_send(udpfd,packet,r + 544,serverip,serverport);
childmessagelen = 0;
} while (0);
do {
r = waitpid(child,&childstatus,0);
} while (r == -1 && errno == EINTR);
if (!WIFEXITED(childstatus)) { errno = 0; die_fatal("process killed by signal",0,0); }
return WEXITSTATUS(childstatus);