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2012-06-21 13:28:21 +09:30
# Tests for Serval DNA server operations.
# Copyright 2012 Paul Gardner-Stephen
# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
# modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
# as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
# of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
# Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.
source "${0%/*}/../"
source "${0%/*}/../"
is_reachable() {
local sidvar="SID${1#+}"
grep "PEER REACHABLE, sid=${!sidvar}" "$instance_servald_log"
2012-06-21 13:28:21 +09:30
setup() {
start_servald_instances +A +B
set_instance +B
wait_until --sleep=0.25 is_reachable +A
set_instance +A
wait_until --sleep=0.25 is_reachable +B
executeOk_servald config set debug.all Yes
2012-06-21 13:28:21 +09:30
teardown() {
2012-06-21 13:28:21 +09:30
# Called by start_servald_instances immediately before starting the server
# process in each instance.
configure_servald_server() {
executeOk_servald config set log.show_pid on
executeOk_servald config set log.show_time on
executeOk_servald config set mdp.wifi.tick_ms 100
executeOk_servald config set mdp.selfannounce.ticks_per_full_address 1
executeOk_servald config set debug.interfaces Yes
executeOk_servald config set debug.packetformats No
executeOk_servald config set debug.routing Yes
executeOk_servald config set debug.tx No
executeOk_servald config set debug.rx No
executeOk_servald config set debug.mdprequests Yes
2012-06-21 15:04:34 +09:30
doc_MultiServer="Start three servald servers with dummy interfaces"
setup_MultiServer() {
2012-06-21 15:04:34 +09:30
test_MultiServer() {
start_servald_instances +A +B +C
2012-06-21 13:28:21 +09:30
doc_LookupWildcard="Lookup by wildcard"
test_LookupWildcard() {
executeOk_servald dna lookup "*"
assertStdoutLineCount '==' 2
assertStdoutGrep --matches=1 "^sid://$SIDA/$DIDA:$DIDA:$NAMEA$"
assertStdoutGrep --matches=1 "^sid://$SIDB/$DIDB:$DIDB:$NAMEB$"
2012-06-21 13:28:21 +09:30
doc_LookupEmpty="Lookup by empty string"
test_LookupEmpty() {
executeOk_servald dna lookup ""
assertStdoutLineCount '==' 2
assertStdoutGrep --matches=1 "^sid://$SIDA/$DIDA:$DIDA:$NAMEA$"
assertStdoutGrep --matches=1 "^sid://$SIDB/$DIDB:$DIDB:$NAMEB$"
doc_LookupNumber="Lookup by phone number"
test_LookupNumber() {
executeOk_servald dna lookup "5551234"
assertStdoutLineCount '==' 0
executeOk_servald dna lookup "555000"
assertStdoutLineCount '==' 0
executeOk_servald dna lookup "55500011"
assertStdoutLineCount '==' 0
executeOk_servald dna lookup "$DIDA"
assertStdoutLineCount '==' 1
assertStdoutGrep --matches=1 "^sid://$SIDA/$DIDA:$DIDA:$NAMEA$"
executeOk_servald dna lookup "$DIDB"
assertStdoutLineCount '==' 1
assertStdoutGrep --matches=1 "^sid://$SIDB/$DIDB:$DIDB:$NAMEB$"
doc_NodeinfoLocal="Node info auto-resolves for local identities"
test_NodeinfoLocal() {
# node info for a local identity returns DID/Name since it is free, even
# if it isn't asked for.
executeOk_servald node info $SIDA
assertStdoutLineCount '==' 1
assertStdoutGrep --matches=1 ":$SIDA:"
assertStdoutGrep --matches=1 ":$DIDA:"
assertStdoutGrep --matches=1 ":$NAMEA"
assertStdoutGrep --matches=0 "did-not-resolved"
doc_NodeinfoRemote="Node info resolves remote identities"
test_NodeinfoRemote() {
# if resolvedid is not specified for a remote identity, then don't resolve it.
executeOk_servald node info $SIDB
assertStdoutLineCount '==' 1
assertStdoutGrep --matches=1 ":$SIDB:"
assertStdoutGrep --matches=0 ":$DIDB:"
assertStdoutGrep --matches=0 ":$NAMEB"
assertStdoutGrep --matches=1 "did-not-resolved"
# But if it resolvedid is specified, then do resolve it using DNA
executeOk_servald node info $SIDB resolvedid
assertStdoutLineCount '==' 1
assertStdoutGrep --matches=1 ":$SIDB:"
assertStdoutGrep --matches=1 ":$DIDB:"
assertStdoutGrep --matches=1 ":$NAMEB"
assertStdoutGrep --matches=0 "did-not-resolved"
2012-06-21 13:28:21 +09:30
runTests "$@"