os: linux dist: xenial language: r pandoc_version: 2.9.1 install: # for rendering the PDFs - sudo apt-get install poppler-utils # for executing python based pandoc filters - sudo apt-get install python3 - sudo apt-get install python3-pip - sudo pip3 install --upgrade setuptools # install python filters - pip3 install pandoc-latex-environment # packages needed for the template - tlmgr install xecjk filehook unicode-math ucharcat pagecolor babel-german ly1 mweights sourcecodepro sourcesanspro mdframed needspace fvextra footmisc footnotebackref background # packages only needed for some examples (that include packages via header-includes) - tlmgr install awesomebox fontawesome5 before_script: - cd examples script: - sh build-examples.sh