--- title: "Boxes with pandoc-latex-environment and tcolorbox" author: [Author] date: "2020-01-01" subject: "Markdown" keywords: [Markdown, Example] lang: "en" colorlinks: true header-includes: - | ```{=latex} \usepackage{tcolorbox} \newtcolorbox{info-box}{colback=cyan!5!white,arc=0pt,outer arc=0pt,colframe=cyan!60!black} \newtcolorbox{warning-box}{colback=orange!5!white,arc=0pt,outer arc=0pt,colframe=orange!80!black} \newtcolorbox{error-box}{colback=red!5!white,arc=0pt,outer arc=0pt,colframe=red!75!black} ``` pandoc-latex-environment: tcolorbox: [box] info-box: [info] warning-box: [warning] error-box: [error] ... # Boxes with `pandoc-latex-environment` and `tcolorbox` This example demonstrates the use of the filter [`pandoc-latex-environments`] to create custom boxes with the [`tcolorbox`] package. *pandoc-latex-environment* is a pandoc filter for adding LaTeX environement on specific HTML div tags. For a list of all available options visit the [`tcolorbox` documentation](https://ctan.org/pkg/tcolorbox). ## Simple Box ::: box Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nam aliquet libero quis lectus elementum fermentum. ::: ## Markdown inside the Box Markdown formatting inside the environment is supported. ::: box Lorem ipsum **dolor** sit amet, `consectetur adipiscing` elit. ``` if(args.length < 2) { System.out.println("Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet"); } ``` *Nam aliquet libero quis lectus elementum fermentum.* ::: ## Custom Box One can define custom boxes in the LaTeX preamble with the variable `header-includes` at the top of this document. ::: info **Info**: This is a custom box that may be used to show info messages in your document. ::: ::: warning **Warning**: This is a custom box that may be used to show warning messages in your document. ::: ::: error **Error**: This is a custom box that may be used to show error messages in your document. ::: [`pandoc-latex-environments`]: https://github.com/chdemko/pandoc-latex-environment/ [`tcolorbox`]: https://ctan.org/pkg/tcolorbox