Changed the top and bottom spacing of listings.

This commit is contained in:
Wandmalfarbe 2019-03-10 15:24:58 +01:00
parent 22d2949ad2
commit 5046ee08cd

View File

@ -652,13 +652,15 @@ $endif$
basicstyle = \color{listing-text-color}\small\ttfamily{}\linespread{1.15}, % print whole listing small
breaklines = true,
frame = single,
framesep = 0.6mm,
framesep = 0.19em,
rulecolor = \color{listing-rule},
frameround = ffff,
tabsize = 4,
numberstyle = \color{listing-numbers},
aboveskip = 1.0em,
belowcaptionskip = 1.0em,
aboveskip = -0.7em,
belowskip = 0.1em,
abovecaptionskip = 0em,
belowcaptionskip = 1em,
keywordstyle = \color{listing-keyword}\bfseries,
classoffset = 0,
sensitive = true,