A clean **pandoc LaTeX template** to convert your markdown files to PDF or LaTeX. It is designed for lecture notes and exercises with a focus on computer science. The template is compatible with pandoc 2.
[![A custom title page](examples/custom-titlepage/custom-titlepage.png)](examples/custom-titlepage/custom-titlepage.pdf) | [![A basic example page](examples/basic-example/basic-example.png)](examples/basic-example/basic-example.pdf)
2. Move the template `eisvogel.tex` to your pandoc templates folder and rename the file to `eisvogel.latex`.The location of the templates folder depends on your operating system:
In order to have nice headers and footers you need to supply metadata to your document. You can do that with a [YAML metadata block](http://pandoc.org/MANUAL.html#extension-yaml_metadata_block) at the top of your markdown document (see the [example markdown file](examples/basic-example/basic-example.md)). Your markdown document may look like the following:
This template defines some new variables to control the appearance of the title page. The existing template variables from pandoc are all supported and their documentation can be found in [the pandoc manual](https://pandoc.org/MANUAL.html#variables-for-latex).
the background color of the title page. The color value must be given as an HTML hex color like `D8DE2C` without the leading number sign (`#`). When specifying the color in YAML, it is advisable to enclose it in quotes like so `titlepage-color: "D8DE2C"` to avoid the truncation of the color (e.g. `000000` becoming `0`).
You can get syntax highlighting of delimited code blocks by using the LaTeX package listings with the option `--listings`. This example will produce the same syntax highlighting as in the example PDF.
The following examples show [syntax highlighting of delimited code blocks](http://pandoc.org/MANUAL.html#syntax-highlighting) without using listings. To see a list of all the supported highlight styles, type `pandoc --list-highlight-styles`.
The default language of this template is American English. The `lang` variable identifies the main language of the document, using a code according to [BCP 47](https://tools.ietf.org/html/bcp47) (e.g. `en` or `en-GB`). For an incomplete list of the supported language codes see [the documentation for the hyph-utf8 package (Section 2)](http://mirrors.ctan.org/language/hyph-utf8/doc/generic/hyph-utf8/hyph-utf8.pdf). The following example changes the language to British English:
To get the correct chapter headings you need to tell pandoc that it should convert first level headings (indicated by one `#` in markdown) to chapters with the command line option `--top-level-division=chapter`.
There will be one blank page before each chapter because the template is two-sided per default. So if you plan to publish your book as a PDF and don't need a blank page you should add the class option `onesided` which can be done by supplying a template variable `-V classoption=oneside`.
[![A green title page](examples/green-titlepage/green-titlepage.png)](examples/green-titlepage/green-titlepage.pdf) | [![Code blocks styled with listings](examples/listings/listings.png)](examples/listings/listings.pdf)
[![images and tables](examples/images-and-tables/images-and-tables.png)](examples/images-and-tables/images-and-tables.pdf) | [![Code blocks styled without listings](examples/without-listings/without-listings.png)](examples/without-listings/without-listings.pdf)
- This template includes code for styling block quotations from [pandoc-letter](https://github.com/aaronwolen/pandoc-letter) by [Aaron Wolen](https://github.com/aaronwolen).