mirror of
synced 2025-03-12 23:44:26 +00:00
This dd flag ensures that the requested size is retrieved from pipes or special filesystems (if available). Without this flag, on multi-core systems, Piped or special filesystem data can be truncated when a size greater than PIPE_BUF is requested. Fixes: FS#3494 Fixes: 7557e7f ("package/base-files: caldata: work around dd's limitation") Cc: Thibaut VARÈNE <hacks@slashdirt.org> Signed-off-by: John Thomson <git@johnthomson.fastmail.com.au>
172 lines
3.8 KiB
172 lines
3.8 KiB
# Copyright (C) 2019 OpenWrt.org
. /lib/functions.sh
. /lib/functions/system.sh
caldata_dd() {
local source=$1
local target=$2
local count=$(($3))
local offset=$(($4))
dd if=$source of=$target iflag=skip_bytes,fullblock bs=$count skip=$offset count=1 2>/dev/null
return $?
caldata_die() {
echo "caldata: " "$*"
exit 1
caldata_extract() {
local part=$1
local offset=$(($2))
local count=$(($3))
local mtd
mtd=$(find_mtd_chardev $part)
[ -n "$mtd" ] || caldata_die "no mtd device found for partition $part"
caldata_dd $mtd /lib/firmware/$FIRMWARE $count $offset || \
caldata_die "failed to extract calibration data from $mtd"
caldata_extract_ubi() {
local part=$1
local offset=$(($2))
local count=$(($3))
local ubidev
local ubi
. /lib/upgrade/nand.sh
ubidev=$(nand_find_ubi $CI_UBIPART)
ubi=$(nand_find_volume $ubidev $part)
[ -n "$ubi" ] || caldata_die "no UBI volume found for $part"
caldata_dd /dev/$ubi /lib/firmware/$FIRMWARE $count $offset || \
caldata_die "failed to extract calibration data from $ubi"
caldata_extract_reverse() {
local part=$1
local offset=$2
local count=$(($3))
local mtd
local reversed
local caldata
mtd=$(find_mtd_chardev "$part")
reversed=$(hexdump -v -s $offset -n $count -e '/1 "%02x "' $mtd)
for byte in $reversed; do
printf "%b" "$caldata" > /lib/firmware/$FIRMWARE
caldata_from_file() {
local source=$1
local offset=$(($2))
local count=$(($3))
local target=$4
[ -n "$target" ] || target=/lib/firmware/$FIRMWARE
caldata_dd $source $target $count $offset || \
caldata_die "failed to extract calibration data from $source"
caldata_sysfsload_from_file() {
local source=$1
local offset=$(($2))
local count=$(($3))
local target_dir="/sys/$DEVPATH"
local target="$target_dir/data"
[ -d "$target_dir" ] || \
caldata_die "no sysfs dir to write: $target"
echo 1 > "$target_dir/loading"
caldata_dd $source $target $count $offset
if [ $? != 0 ]; then
echo 1 > "$target_dir/loading"
caldata_die "failed to extract calibration data from $source"
echo 0 > "$target_dir/loading"
caldata_valid() {
local expected="$1"
local target=$2
[ -n "$target" ] || target=/lib/firmware/$FIRMWARE
magic=$(hexdump -v -n 2 -e '1/1 "%02x"' $target)
[ "$magic" = "$expected" ]
return $?
caldata_patch_chksum() {
local mac=$1
local mac_offset=$(($2))
local chksum_offset=$(($3))
local target=$4
local xor_mac
local xor_fw_mac
local xor_fw_chksum
xor_mac="${xor_mac:0:4} ${xor_mac:4:4} ${xor_mac:8:4}"
xor_fw_mac=$(hexdump -v -n 6 -s $mac_offset -e '/1 "%02x"' /lib/firmware/$FIRMWARE)
xor_fw_mac="${xor_fw_mac:0:4} ${xor_fw_mac:4:4} ${xor_fw_mac:8:4}"
xor_fw_chksum=$(hexdump -v -n 2 -s $chksum_offset -e '/1 "%02x"' /lib/firmware/$FIRMWARE)
xor_fw_chksum=$(xor $xor_fw_chksum $xor_fw_mac $xor_mac)
printf "%b" "\x${xor_fw_chksum:0:2}\x${xor_fw_chksum:2:2}" | \
dd of=$target conv=notrunc bs=1 seek=$chksum_offset count=2
caldata_patch_mac() {
local mac=$1
local mac_offset=$(($2))
local chksum_offset=$3
local target=$4
[ -z "$mac" -o -z "$mac_offset" ] && return
[ -n "$target" ] || target=/lib/firmware/$FIRMWARE
[ -n "$chksum_offset" ] && caldata_patch_chksum "$mac" "$mac_offset" "$chksum_offset" "$target"
macaddr_2bin $mac | dd of=$target conv=notrunc oflag=seek_bytes bs=6 seek=$mac_offset count=1 || \
caldata_die "failed to write MAC address to eeprom file"
ath9k_patch_mac() {
local mac=$1
local target=$2
caldata_patch_mac "$mac" 0x2 "" "$target"
ath9k_patch_mac_crc() {
local mac=$1
local mac_offset=$2
local chksum_offset=$((mac_offset - 10))
local target=$4
caldata_patch_mac "$mac" "$mac_offset" "$chksum_offset" "$target"
ath10k_patch_mac() {
local mac=$1
local target=$2
caldata_patch_mac "$mac" 0x6 0x2 "$target"