Christian Lamparter 8182c7edcb firmware: intel-microcode: update to 20230512
Debian changelog:

intel-microcode (3.20230512.1) unstable; urgency=medium

  * New upstream microcode datafile 20230512 (closes: #1036013)
    * Includes fixes or mitigations for an undisclosed security issue
    * New microcodes:
      sig 0x000906a4, pf_mask 0x40, 2022-10-12, rev 0x0004, size 115712
      sig 0x000b06e0, pf_mask 0x01, 2022-12-19, rev 0x0010, size 134144
    * Updated microcodes:
      sig 0x00050653, pf_mask 0x97, 2022-12-21, rev 0x1000171, size 36864
      sig 0x00050654, pf_mask 0xb7, 2022-12-21, rev 0x2006f05, size 44032
      sig 0x00050656, pf_mask 0xbf, 2022-12-21, rev 0x4003501, size 37888
      sig 0x00050657, pf_mask 0xbf, 2022-12-21, rev 0x5003501, size 37888
      sig 0x0005065b, pf_mask 0xbf, 2022-12-21, rev 0x7002601, size 29696
      sig 0x000606a6, pf_mask 0x87, 2022-12-28, rev 0xd000390, size 296960
      sig 0x000706e5, pf_mask 0x80, 2022-12-25, rev 0x00ba, size 113664
      sig 0x000806a1, pf_mask 0x10, 2023-01-13, rev 0x0033, size 34816
      sig 0x000806c1, pf_mask 0x80, 2022-12-28, rev 0x00aa, size 110592
      sig 0x000806c2, pf_mask 0xc2, 2022-12-28, rev 0x002a, size 97280
      sig 0x000806d1, pf_mask 0xc2, 2022-12-28, rev 0x0044, size 102400
      sig 0x000806e9, pf_mask 0xc0, 2022-12-26, rev 0x00f2, size 105472
      sig 0x000806e9, pf_mask 0x10, 2023-01-02, rev 0x00f2, size 105472
      sig 0x000806ea, pf_mask 0xc0, 2022-12-26, rev 0x00f2, size 105472
      sig 0x000806eb, pf_mask 0xd0, 2022-12-26, rev 0x00f2, size 105472
      sig 0x000806ec, pf_mask 0x94, 2022-12-26, rev 0x00f6, size 105472
      sig 0x000806f8, pf_mask 0x87, 2023-03-13, rev 0x2b000461, size 564224
      sig 0x000806f7, pf_mask 0x87, 2023-03-13, rev 0x2b000461
      sig 0x000806f6, pf_mask 0x87, 2023-03-13, rev 0x2b000461
      sig 0x000806f5, pf_mask 0x87, 2023-03-13, rev 0x2b000461
      sig 0x000806f4, pf_mask 0x87, 2023-03-13, rev 0x2b000461
      sig 0x000806f8, pf_mask 0x10, 2023-02-14, rev 0x2c0001d1, size 595968
      sig 0x000806f6, pf_mask 0x10, 2023-02-14, rev 0x2c0001d1
      sig 0x000806f5, pf_mask 0x10, 2023-02-14, rev 0x2c0001d1
      sig 0x000806f4, pf_mask 0x10, 2023-02-14, rev 0x2c0001d1
      sig 0x000906a3, pf_mask 0x80, 2023-02-14, rev 0x042a, size 218112
      sig 0x000906a4, pf_mask 0x80, 2023-02-14, rev 0x042a
      sig 0x000906e9, pf_mask 0x2a, 2022-12-26, rev 0x00f2, size 108544
      sig 0x000906ea, pf_mask 0x22, 2023-01-12, rev 0x00f2, size 104448
      sig 0x000906eb, pf_mask 0x02, 2022-12-26, rev 0x00f2, size 105472
      sig 0x000906ec, pf_mask 0x22, 2023-01-12, rev 0x00f2, size 104448
      sig 0x000906ed, pf_mask 0x22, 2023-02-05, rev 0x00f8, size 104448
      sig 0x000a0652, pf_mask 0x20, 2022-12-27, rev 0x00f6, size 96256
      sig 0x000a0653, pf_mask 0x22, 2023-01-01, rev 0x00f6, size 97280
      sig 0x000a0655, pf_mask 0x22, 2022-12-26, rev 0x00f6, size 96256
      sig 0x000a0660, pf_mask 0x80, 2022-12-26, rev 0x00f6, size 97280
      sig 0x000a0661, pf_mask 0x80, 2022-12-26, rev 0x00f6, size 96256
      sig 0x000a0671, pf_mask 0x02, 2022-12-25, rev 0x0058, size 103424
      sig 0x000b0671, pf_mask 0x32, 2023-02-06, rev 0x0113, size 207872
      sig 0x000b06a2, pf_mask 0xc0, 2023-02-22, rev 0x4112, size 212992
      sig 0x000b06a3, pf_mask 0xc0, 2023-02-22, rev 0x4112
  * source: update symlinks to reflect id of the latest release, 20230512

 -- Henrique de Moraes Holschuh <>  Tue, 16 May 2023 00:13:02 -0300

intel-microcode (3.20230214.1) unstable; urgency=medium

  * Non-maintainer upload.
  * New upstream microcode datafile 20230214
    - Includes Fixes for: (Closes: #1031334)
       - INTEL-SA-00700: CVE-2022-21216
       - INTEL-SA-00730: CVE-2022-33972
       - INTEL-SA-00738: CVE-2022-33196
       - INTEL-SA-00767: CVE-2022-38090
  * New Microcodes:
    sig 0x000806f4, pf_mask 0x10, 2022-12-19, rev 0x2c000170
    sig 0x000806f4, pf_mask 0x87, 2022-12-27, rev 0x2b000181
    sig 0x000806f5, pf_mask 0x10, 2022-12-19, rev 0x2c000170
    sig 0x000806f5, pf_mask 0x87, 2022-12-27, rev 0x2b000181
    sig 0x000806f6, pf_mask 0x10, 2022-12-19, rev 0x2c000170
    sig 0x000806f6, pf_mask 0x87, 2022-12-27, rev 0x2b000181
    sig 0x000806f7, pf_mask 0x87, 2022-12-27, rev 0x2b000181
    sig 0x000806f8, pf_mask 0x10, 2022-12-19, rev 0x2c000170
    sig 0x000806f8, pf_mask 0x10, 2022-12-19, rev 0x2c000170, size 600064
    sig 0x000806f8, pf_mask 0x87, 2022-12-27, rev 0x2b000181
    sig 0x000806f8, pf_mask 0x87, 2022-12-27, rev 0x2b000181, size 561152
    sig 0x000b06a2, pf_mask 0xc0, 2022-12-08, rev 0x410e
    sig 0x000b06a2, pf_mask 0xc0, 2022-12-08, rev 0x410e, size 212992
    sig 0x000b06a3, pf_mask 0xc0, 2022-12-08, rev 0x410e
  * Updated Microcodes:
    sig 0x00050653, pf_mask 0x97, 2022-08-30, rev 0x1000161, size 36864
    sig 0x00050656, pf_mask 0xbf, 2022-08-26, rev 0x4003303, size 37888
    sig 0x00050657, pf_mask 0xbf, 2022-08-26, rev 0x5003303, size 37888
    sig 0x0005065b, pf_mask 0xbf, 2022-08-26, rev 0x7002503, size 29696
    sig 0x000606a6, pf_mask 0x87, 2022-10-09, rev 0xd000389, size 296960
    sig 0x000606c1, pf_mask 0x10, 2022-09-23, rev 0x1000211, size 289792
    sig 0x000706a1, pf_mask 0x01, 2022-09-16, rev 0x003e, size 75776
    sig 0x000706a8, pf_mask 0x01, 2022-09-20, rev 0x0022, size 76800
    sig 0x000706e5, pf_mask 0x80, 2022-08-31, rev 0x00b8, size 113664
    sig 0x000806a1, pf_mask 0x10, 2022-09-07, rev 0x0032, size 34816
    sig 0x00090672, pf_mask 0x07, 2023-01-04, rev 0x002c
    sig 0x00090672, pf_mask 0x07, 2023-01-04, rev 0x002c, size 219136
    sig 0x00090675, pf_mask 0x07, 2023-01-04, rev 0x002c
    sig 0x000906a3, pf_mask 0x80, 2023-01-11, rev 0x0429
    sig 0x000906a3, pf_mask 0x80, 2023-01-11, rev 0x0429, size 218112
    sig 0x000906a4, pf_mask 0x80, 2023-01-11, rev 0x0429
    sig 0x000906c0, pf_mask 0x01, 2022-09-02, rev 0x24000024, size 20480
    sig 0x000a0671, pf_mask 0x02, 2022-08-31, rev 0x0057, size 103424
    sig 0x000b0671, pf_mask 0x32, 2022-12-19, rev 0x0112, size 207872
    sig 0x000b06f2, pf_mask 0x07, 2023-01-04, rev 0x002c
    sig 0x000b06f5, pf_mask 0x07, 2023-01-04, rev 0x002c

 -- Tobias Frost <>  Sun, 12 Mar 2023 18:16:50 +0100

Signed-off-by: Christian Lamparter <>
2023-05-21 14:25:52 +02:00
2023-05-18 08:19:17 +02:00
2023-05-20 22:12:06 +02:00
2021-11-21 18:18:01 +01:00
2022-10-06 16:08:24 +02:00
2023-05-04 06:07:27 +02:00

OpenWrt logo

OpenWrt Project is a Linux operating system targeting embedded devices. Instead of trying to create a single, static firmware, OpenWrt provides a fully writable filesystem with package management. This frees you from the application selection and configuration provided by the vendor and allows you to customize the device through the use of packages to suit any application. For developers, OpenWrt is the framework to build an application without having to build a complete firmware around it; for users this means the ability for full customization, to use the device in ways never envisioned.



Built firmware images are available for many architectures and come with a package selection to be used as WiFi home router. To quickly find a factory image usable to migrate from a vendor stock firmware to OpenWrt, try the Firmware Selector.

If your device is supported, please follow the Info link to see install instructions or consult the support resources listed below.

An advanced user may require additional or specific package. (Toolchain, SDK, ...) For everything else than simple firmware download, try the wiki download page:


To build your own firmware you need a GNU/Linux, BSD or MacOSX system (case sensitive filesystem required). Cygwin is unsupported because of the lack of a case sensitive file system.


You need the following tools to compile OpenWrt, the package names vary between distributions. A complete list with distribution specific packages is found in the Build System Setup documentation.

binutils bzip2 diff find flex gawk gcc-6+ getopt grep install libc-dev libz-dev
make4.1+ perl python3.6+ rsync subversion unzip which


  1. Run ./scripts/feeds update -a to obtain all the latest package definitions defined in feeds.conf / feeds.conf.default

  2. Run ./scripts/feeds install -a to install symlinks for all obtained packages into package/feeds/

  3. Run make menuconfig to select your preferred configuration for the toolchain, target system & firmware packages.

  4. Run make to build your firmware. This will download all sources, build the cross-compile toolchain and then cross-compile the GNU/Linux kernel & all chosen applications for your target system.

The main repository uses multiple sub-repositories to manage packages of different categories. All packages are installed via the OpenWrt package manager called opkg. If you're looking to develop the web interface or port packages to OpenWrt, please find the fitting repository below.

  • LuCI Web Interface: Modern and modular interface to control the device via a web browser.

  • OpenWrt Packages: Community repository of ported packages.

  • OpenWrt Routing: Packages specifically focused on (mesh) routing.

  • OpenWrt Video: Packages specifically focused on display servers and clients (Xorg and Wayland).

Support Information

For a list of supported devices see the OpenWrt Hardware Database


Support Community

  • Forum: For usage, projects, discussions and hardware advise.
  • Support Chat: Channel #openwrt on

Developer Community


OpenWrt is licensed under GPL-2.0

This repository is a mirror of It is for reference only and is not active for check-ins. We will continue to accept Pull Requests here. They will be merged via staging trees then into openwrt.git.
Readme 1,009 MiB
C 61.6%
Makefile 18.8%
Shell 6.7%
Roff 6.5%
Perl 2.4%
Other 3.8%