Port device support for Meraki MR12 from the ar71xx target to ath79. Specifications: - SoC: AR7242-AH1A CPU - RAM: 64MiB (NANYA NT5DS32M16DS-5T) - NOR Flash: 16MiB (MXIC MX25L12845EMI-10G) - Ethernet: 1 x PoE Gigabit Ethernet Port (SoC MAC + AR8021-BL1E PHY) - Ethernet: 1 x 100Mbit port (SoC MAC+PHY) - Wi-Fi: Atheros AR9283-AL1A (2T2R, 11n) Installation: 1. Requires TFTP server at, w/ initramfs & sysupgrade .bins 2. Open shell case 3. Connect a USB->TTL cable to headers furthest from the RF shield 4. Power on the router; connect to U-boot over 115200-baud connection 5. Interrupt U-boot process to boot Openwrt by running: setenv bootcmd bootm 0xbf0a0000; saveenv; tftpboot 0c00000 <filename-of-initramfs-kernel>.bin; bootm 0c00000; 6. Copy sysupgrade image to /tmp on MR12 7. sysupgrade /tmp/<filename-of-sysupgrade>.bin Notes: - kmod-owl-loader is still required to load the ART partition into the driver. - The manner of storing MAC addresses is updated from ar71xx; it is at 0x66 of the 'config' partition, where it was discovered that the OEM firmware stores it. This is set as read-only. If you are migrating from ar71xx and used the method mentioned above to upgrade, use kmod-mtd-rw or UCI to add the MAC back in. One more method for doing this is described below. - Migrating directly from ar71xx has not been thoroughly tested, but one method has been used a couple of times with good success, migrating 18.06.2 to a full image produced as of this commit. Please note that these instructions are only for experienced users, and/or those still able to open their device up to flash it via the serial headers should anything go wrong. 1) Install kmod-mtd-rw and uboot-envtools 2) Run `insmod mtd-rw.ko i_want_a_brick=1` 3) Modify /etc/fw_env.config to point to the u-boot-env partition. The file /etc/fw_env.config should contain: # MTD device env offset env size sector size /dev/mtd1 0x00000 0x10000 0x10000 See https://openwrt.org/docs/techref/bootloader/uboot.config for more details. 4) Run `fw_printenv` to verify everything is correct, as per the link above. 5) Run `fw_setenv bootcmd bootm 0xbf0a0000` to set a new boot address. 6) Manually modify /lib/upgrade/common.sh's get_image function: Change ... cat "$from" 2>/dev/null | $cmd ... into ... ( dd if=/dev/zero bs=1 count=$((0x66)) ; # Pad the first 102 bytes echo -ne '\x00\x18\x0a\x12\x34\x56' ; # Add in MAC address dd if=/dev/zero bs=1 count=$((0x20000-0x66-0x6)) ; # Pad the rest cat "$from" 2>/dev/null ) | $cmd ... which, during the upgrade process, will pad the image by 128K of zeroes-plus-MAC-address, in order for the ar71xx's firmware partition -- which starts at 0xbf080000 -- to be instead aligned with the ath79 firmware partition, which starts 128K later at 0xbf0a0000. 7) Copy the sysupgrade image into /tmp, as above 8) Run `sysupgrade -F /tmp/<sysupgrade>.bin`, then wait Again, this may BRICK YOUR DEVICE, so make *sure* to have your serial cable handy. Signed-off-by: Martin Kennedy <hurricos@gmail.com> [add LED migration and extend compat message] Signed-off-by: Adrian Schmutzler <freifunk@adrianschmutzler.de> Signed-off-by: maurerr <mariusd84@gmail.com>
OpenWrt Project is a Linux operating system targeting embedded devices. Instead of trying to create a single, static firmware, OpenWrt provides a fully writable filesystem with package management. This frees you from the application selection and configuration provided by the vendor and allows you to customize the device through the use of packages to suit any application. For developers, OpenWrt is the framework to build an application without having to build a complete firmware around it; for users this means the ability for full customization, to use the device in ways never envisioned.
To build your own firmware you need a GNU/Linux, BSD or MacOSX system (case sensitive filesystem required). Cygwin is unsupported because of the lack of a case sensitive file system.
You need the following tools to compile OpenWrt, the package names vary between distributions. A complete list with distribution specific packages is found in the Build System Setup documentation.
gcc binutils bzip2 flex python3 perl make find grep diff unzip gawk getopt
subversion libz-dev libc-dev rsync
./scripts/feeds update -a
to obtain all the latest package definitions defined in feeds.conf / feeds.conf.default -
./scripts/feeds install -a
to install symlinks for all obtained packages into package/feeds/ -
make menuconfig
to select your preferred configuration for the toolchain, target system & firmware packages. -
to build your firmware. This will download all sources, build the cross-compile toolchain and then cross-compile the GNU/Linux kernel & all chosen applications for your target system.
Related Repositories
The main repository uses multiple sub-repositories to manage packages of
different categories. All packages are installed via the OpenWrt package
manager called opkg
. If you're looking to develop the web interface or port
packages to OpenWrt, please find the fitting repository below.
LuCI Web Interface: Modern and modular interface to control the device via a web browser.
OpenWrt Packages: Community repository of ported packages.
OpenWrt Routing: Packages specifically focused on (mesh) routing.
Support Information
For a list of supported devices see the OpenWrt Hardware Database
Support Community
- Forum: For usage, projects, discussions and hardware advise.
- Support Chat: Channel
on freenode.net.
Developer Community
- Bug Reports: Report bugs in OpenWrt
- Dev Mailing List: Send patches
- Dev Chat: Channel
on freenode.net.
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