mirror of
synced 2025-02-12 05:35:38 +00:00
For now we only want to ensure that the group permission mask is permissive enough to not clobber required permissions on the rootfs, so allow less strict masks as well. Signed-off-by: Jo-Philipp Wich <jo@mein.io>
177 lines
6.0 KiB
177 lines
6.0 KiB
# Copyright (C) 2006-2012 OpenWrt.org
# This is free software, licensed under the GNU General Public License v2.
# See /LICENSE for more information.
include $(TOPDIR)/rules.mk
include $(INCLUDE_DIR)/prereq.mk
include $(INCLUDE_DIR)/host.mk
include $(INCLUDE_DIR)/host-build.mk
PKG_NAME:=Build dependency
# Required for the toolchain
$(eval $(call TestHostCommand,working-make, \
Please install GNU make v3.81 or later. (This version has bugs), \
$(MAKE) -v | grep -E 'Make (3\.8[1-9]|3\.9[0-9]|[4-9]\.)'))
$(eval $(call TestHostCommand,case-sensitive-fs, \
LEDE can only be built on a case-sensitive filesystem, \
rm -f $(TMP_DIR)/test.*; touch $(TMP_DIR)/test.fs; \
test ! -f $(TMP_DIR)/test.FS))
$(eval $(call TestHostCommand,proper-umask, \
Please build with umask 022 - other values produce broken packages, \
umask | grep -xE 00[012][012]))
$(eval $(call SetupHostCommand,gcc, \
Please install the GNU C Compiler (gcc), \
$(CC) --version | grep gcc, \
gcc --version | grep gcc, \
gcc49 --version | grep gcc, \
gcc48 --version | grep gcc, \
gcc47 --version | grep gcc, \
gcc46 --version | grep gcc, \
gcc --version | grep Apple.LLVM ))
$(eval $(call TestHostCommand,working-gcc, \
Please reinstall the GNU C Compiler - it appears to be broken, \
echo 'int main(int argc, char **argv) { return 0; }' | \
gcc -x c -o $(TMP_DIR)/a.out -))
$(eval $(call SetupHostCommand,g++, \
Please install the GNU C++ Compiler (g++), \
$(CXX) --version | grep g++, \
g++ --version | grep g++, \
g++49 --version | grep g++, \
g++48 --version | grep g++, \
g++47 --version | grep g++, \
g++46 --version | grep g++, \
g++ --version | grep Apple.LLVM ))
$(eval $(call TestHostCommand,working-g++, \
Please reinstall the GNU C++ Compiler - it appears to be broken, \
echo 'int main(int argc, char **argv) { return 0; }' | \
g++ -x c++ -o $(TMP_DIR)/a.out - -lstdc++ && \
$(eval $(call TestHostCommand,ncurses, \
Please install ncurses. (Missing libncurses.so or ncurses.h), \
echo 'int main(int argc, char **argv) { initscr(); return 0; }' | \
gcc -include ncurses.h -x c -o $(TMP_DIR)/a.out - -lncurses))
ifeq ($(HOST_OS),Linux)
zlib_link_flags := -Wl,-Bstatic -lz -Wl,-Bdynamic
zlib_link_flags := -lz
$(eval $(call TestHostCommand,zlib, \
Please install a static zlib. (Missing libz.a or zlib.h), \
echo 'int main(int argc, char **argv) { gzdopen(0, "rb"); return 0; }' | \
gcc -include zlib.h -x c -o $(TMP_DIR)/a.out - $(zlib_link_flags)))
# Xcode deprecated openssl, MacPorts doesn't work nicely for other packages
ifneq ($(HOST_OS),Darwin)
$(eval $(call TestHostCommand,libssl, \
Please install the openssl library (with development headers), \
echo 'int main(int argc, char **argv) { SSL_library_init(); return 0; }' | \
gcc $(HOST_CFLAGS) -include openssl/ssl.h -x c -o $(TMP_DIR)/a.out - -lcrypto -lssl $(HOST_LDFLAGS)))
$(eval $(call TestHostCommand,perl-thread-queue, \
Please install the Perl Thread::Queue module, \
perl -MThread::Queue -e 1))
$(eval $(call SetupHostCommand,tar,Please install GNU 'tar', \
gtar --version 2>&1 | grep GNU, \
gnutar --version 2>&1 | grep GNU, \
tar --version 2>&1 | grep GNU))
$(eval $(call SetupHostCommand,find,Please install GNU 'find', \
gfind --version 2>&1 | grep GNU, \
find --version 2>&1 | grep GNU))
$(eval $(call SetupHostCommand,bash,Please install GNU 'bash', \
bash --version 2>&1 | grep GNU))
$(eval $(call SetupHostCommand,patch,Please install GNU 'patch', \
gpatch --version 2>&1 | grep 'Free Software Foundation', \
patch --version 2>&1 | grep 'Free Software Foundation'))
$(eval $(call SetupHostCommand,diff,Please install diffutils, \
gdiff --version 2>&1 | grep diff, \
diff --version 2>&1 | grep diff))
$(eval $(call SetupHostCommand,cp,Please install GNU fileutils, \
gcp --help, \
cp --help))
$(eval $(call SetupHostCommand,seq,, \
gseq --version, \
seq --version))
$(eval $(call SetupHostCommand,awk,Please install GNU 'awk', \
gawk --version 2>&1 | grep GNU, \
awk --version 2>&1 | grep GNU))
$(eval $(call SetupHostCommand,grep,Please install GNU 'grep', \
ggrep --version 2>&1 | grep GNU, \
grep --version 2>&1 | grep GNU))
$(eval $(call SetupHostCommand,getopt, \
Please install an extended getopt version that supports --long, \
gnugetopt -o t --long test -- --test | grep '^ *--test *--', \
/usr/local/bin/getopt -o t --long test -- --test | grep '^ *--test *--', \
getopt -o t --long test -- --test | grep '^ *--test *--'))
$(eval $(call SetupHostCommand,stat,Cannot find a file stat utility, \
gnustat -c%s $(TMP_DIR)/.host.mk, \
gstat -c%s $(TMP_DIR)/.host.mk, \
stat -c%s $(TMP_DIR)/.host.mk))
$(eval $(call SetupHostCommand,md5sum,, \
gmd5sum /dev/null | grep d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e, \
md5sum /dev/null | grep d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e, \
$(SCRIPT_DIR)/md5sum /dev/null | grep d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e))
$(eval $(call SetupHostCommand,unzip,Please install 'unzip', \
unzip 2>&1 | grep zipfile, \
$(eval $(call SetupHostCommand,bzip2,Please install 'bzip2', \
bzip2 --version </dev/null))
$(eval $(call SetupHostCommand,wget,Please install GNU 'wget', \
wget --version | grep GNU))
$(eval $(call SetupHostCommand,perl,Please install Perl 5.x, \
perl --version | grep "perl.*v5"))
$(eval $(call SetupHostCommand,python,Please install Python 2.x, \
python2.7 -V 2>&1 | grep Python, \
python2 -V 2>&1 | grep Python, \
python -V 2>&1 | grep Python))
$(eval $(call SetupHostCommand,git,Please install Git (git-core) >=, \
git --exec-path | xargs -I % -- grep -q -- --recursive %/git-submodule))
$(eval $(call SetupHostCommand,file,Please install the 'file' package, \
file --version 2>&1 | grep file))
ifneq ($(HOST_OS),Darwin)
$(eval $(call SetupHostCommand,openssl,Please install the 'openssl' utility, \
openssl version | grep '\(OpenSSL\|LibreSSL\)'))
# Install ldconfig stub
$(eval $(call TestHostCommand,ldconfig-stub,Failed to install stub, \
touch $(STAGING_DIR_HOST)/bin/ldconfig && \
chmod +x $(STAGING_DIR_HOST)/bin/ldconfig))