Florian Fainelli 65d4a5eaab ipkg-build calls 'find' directly irrespective of the platform, this causes failure in case gnu-find specific options are used (such as "-uid +99").
The attached diff, which creates tools/ipkg-utils/patches/160-find.patch,
fixes the problem by using gfind is available. Again, this is similar
to what is done in include/host.mk. (#3868)

Signed-off-by: Luigi Rizzo <rizzo@iet.unipi.it>

SVN-Revision: 12247
2008-08-08 21:33:53 +00:00
2007-12-25 00:27:32 +00:00
2006-10-14 23:12:29 +00:00
2007-12-02 21:16:24 +00:00