The busybox built with mips16 enabled has broken seq command.
Disassembling shows that the call to hard-float strtod in mips16
code is generated without the __call_stub_fp:
0x00406d6f <+118>: lw v0,32(sp)
0x00406d71 <+120>: sll s0,2
0x00406d73 <+122>: addu s0,v0,s0
0x00406d75 <+124>: lw a0,-4(s0)
0x00406d79 <+128>: jal 0x44ebc1 <strtod@mips16plt>
0x00406d7d <+132>: addiu a1,sp,84
0x00406d7f <+134>: sw v0,64(sp)
0x00406d81 <+136>: lw v0,0(s1)
0x00406d83 <+138>: sw v1,68(sp)
As a result, strtod returns the result in float point registers
while the calling mips16 code expect the result in v0/v1.
Disable mips16 on hard-float targets for now. The built .ipk goes
from 213316 bytes to 251419 bytes.
Signed-off-by: Chuanhong Guo <>