Michael Pratt 70bf4a979c ath79: rename 'engenius' Makefile definitions to 'senao'
These recipes and definitions can apply
to devices from other vendors
with PCB boards or SDK produced by Senao
not only the brand Engenius

possible examples:
Extreme Networks, WatchGuard, OpenMesh,
Fortinet, ALLNET, OCEDO, Plasma Cloud, devolo, etc.

so rename all of these items
and move DEVICE_VENDOR from common to generic/tiny.mk

Signed-off-by: Michael Pratt <mcpratt@pm.me>
2021-02-24 14:08:30 +01:00

33 lines
1.3 KiB

# This needs to make /tmp/_sys/sysupgrade.tgz an empty file prior to
# sysupgrade, as otherwise it will implant the old configuration from
# OEM firmware when writing rootfs from factory.bin
define Build/senao-tar-gz
-[ -f "$@" ] && \
mkdir -p $@.tmp && \
touch $@.tmp/failsafe.bin && \
echo '#!/bin/sh' > $@.tmp/before-upgrade.sh && \
echo ': > /tmp/_sys/sysupgrade.tgz' >> $@.tmp/before-upgrade.sh && \
$(CP) $(KDIR)/loader-$(DEVICE_NAME).uImage \
$@.tmp/openwrt-$(word 1,$(1))-uImage-lzma.bin && \
$(CP) $@ $@.tmp/openwrt-$(word 1,$(1))-root.squashfs && \
$(TAR) -cp --numeric-owner --owner=0 --group=0 --mode=a-s --sort=name \
$(if $(SOURCE_DATE_EPOCH),--mtime="@$(SOURCE_DATE_EPOCH)") \
-C $@.tmp . | gzip -9n > $@ && \
rm -rf $@.tmp
define Device/senao_loader_okli
KERNEL := kernel-bin | append-dtb | lzma | uImage lzma -M 0x4f4b4c49
COMPILE := loader-$(1).bin loader-$(1).uImage
COMPILE/loader-$(1).bin := loader-okli-compile
COMPILE/loader-$(1).uImage := append-loader-okli $(1) | pad-to 64k | lzma | \
uImage lzma
IMAGES += factory.bin
IMAGE/factory.bin := append-squashfs-fakeroot-be | pad-to $$$$(BLOCKSIZE) | \
append-kernel | pad-to $$$$(BLOCKSIZE) | append-rootfs | pad-rootfs | \
check-size | senao-tar-gz $$$$(SENAO_IMGNAME)