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synced 2025-03-13 15:56:55 +00:00
This patch adds support for Cisco Meraki MR32. The unit was donated by Chris Blake. Thank you! WARNING: Only the 1x1:1 abgn Air Marshal WIPS wifi is currently supported by b43: b43-phy2: Found PHY: Analog 9, Type 4 (N), Revision 16 b43-phy2: Found Radio: Manuf 0x17F, ID 0x2057, Revision 9, Version 1 b43-phy2: Loading firmware version 784.2 (2012-08-15 21:35:19) and only as 802.11ABG! while WIFI1 and WIFI2 (both BCM4352) are not: b43-phy0: Broadcom 4352 WLAN found (core revision 42) b43-phy0 ERROR: FOUND UNSUPPORTED PHY (Analog 12, Type 11 (AC), Revision 1) Hardware Highlights: SoC: Broadcom BCM53016A1 (1 GHz, 2 cores) RAM: 128 MiB NAND: 128 MiB Spansion S34ML01G2 (~114 MiB useable) ETH: 1GBit Ethernet Port - PoE WIFI1: Broadcom BCM43520 an+ac (2x2:2 - id: 0x4352) WIFI2: Broadcom BCM43520 bgn (2x2:2 - id: 0x4352) WIFI3: Broadcom BCM43428 abgn (1x1:1 - id: 43428) BLE: Broadcom BCM20732 (ttyS1) LEDS: 1 x Programmable RGB Status LED (driven by a PWM) 1 x White LED (GPIO) 1 x Orange LED Fault Indicator (GPIO) 2 x LAN Activity / Speed LEDs (On the RJ45 Port) BUTTON: one Reset button MISC: AT24C64 8KiB EEPROM (i2c - stores Ethernet MAC + Serial#!) ina219 hardware monitor (i2c) Kensington Lock SERIAL: WARNING: The serial port needs a TTL/RS-232 3V3 level converter! The Serial setting is 115200-8-N-1. The board has a populated right angle 1x4 0.1" pinheader. The pinout is: VCC, RX, TX, GND. (Use a multimeter) Flashing needs a serial adaptor (due to the lack of a working dropbear on the original firmware). This flashing procedure for the MR32 was tested with firmware: "r23-149867:150252-aacharya". 0. Create a seperate Ethernet LAN which does not have access to the internet. Ideally use for your PC. Make sure to reserve it will be used later on by the OpenWrt firmware. The original Meraki firmware will likely try to setup the network via DHCP Discovery, so make sure your PC is running a DHCP-Server (i.e.: dnsmasq) '# dnsmasq -i eth# -F, Furthermore, the PC needs a supported ssh/http/ftp server in order to retrieve the initramfs + dtb file 1. Disassemble the MR32 device by removing all screws (4 screws are located under the 4 rubber feets!) and prying open the plastic covers without breaking the plastic retention clips. Once inside, remove all the screws on the outer metal shielding to get to the PCB. It's not necessary to remove the antennas! 2. Connect the serial cable to the serial header. 3. Partially reassemble the outer metal shielding to ensure that the SoC has a proper heat sink. 4. Connect the Ethernet patch cable to the device and the power cable. 5. Wait for the device to boot and enter the root shell. (rooting is not discussed in detail here please refer to Chris Blake - "pwning the meraki mr18" blog post: <https://servernetworktech.com/2016/02/pwning-the-meraki-mr18/> (The same method works with the MR32's r23-149867:150252-aacharya) Wait for the MR32 to enter the "<Meraki>" prompt and enter: <Meraki> odm serial_num read (Verify that it matches what's on the S/N Sticker on the back!) <Meraki> odm serial_num write Q2XX-XXXX-XXXV <Meraki> odm serial_num read (Verify that the S/N has changed - and the LED start to flash) now to flash the firmware: <Meraki> odm firmware part.safe "" Once OpenWrt booted use sysupgrade to permanently install OpenWrt. To do this: Download the latest sysupgrade.bin file for the MR32 to the device and use sysupgrade *sysupgrade.bin to install it. WARNING: DO NOT DELETE the "storage" ubi volume! To flash later MR32 Firmwares like r25-201804051805-G885d6d78-dhow-rel requires in-circut-i2c tools to access the I2C EEPROM AT24C64 next to the SoC. The idea is pretty much the same as from Step 5 from above: Change the serial number to Q2XXXXXXXXXV (should be around 0x7c), then attach a serial cable, ethernet (but make sure the device can't reach the internet!) hit "s" (the small s!) during boot to enter the root-shell and add the following commands to the /storage/config there: serial_allow_odm true serial_access_enabled true serial_access_check false valid_config true and then hit exit to let it finish booting. Signed-off-by: Christian Lamparter <chunkeey@gmail.com> Signed-off-by: maurerr <mariusd84@gmail.com>
466 lines
12 KiB
466 lines
12 KiB
RAMFS_COPY_BIN='osafeloader oseama otrx truncate'
# $(1): file to read magic from
# $(2): offset in bytes
get_magic_long_at() {
dd if="$1" skip=$2 bs=1 count=4 2>/dev/null | hexdump -v -e '1/1 "%02x"'
# $(1): file to read LE long number from
# $(2): offset in bytes
get_le_long_at() {
echo $((0x$(dd if="$1" skip=$2 bs=1 count=4 2>/dev/null | hexdump -v -e '1/4 "%02x"')))
platform_flash_type() {
# On NAND devices "rootfs" is UBI volume, so won't be find in /proc/mtd
grep -q "\"rootfs\"" /proc/mtd && {
echo "serial"
echo "nand"
platform_expected_image() {
local machine=$(board_name)
case "$machine" in
"dlink,dir-885l") echo "seama wrgac42_dlink.2015_dir885l"; return;;
"luxul,abr-4500-v1") echo "lxl ABR-4500"; return;;
"luxul,xap-810-v1") echo "lxl XAP-810"; return;;
"luxul,xap-1410v1") echo "lxl XAP-1410"; return;;
"luxul,xap-1440-v1") echo "lxl XAP-1440"; return;;
"luxul,xap-1510v1") echo "lxl XAP-1510"; return;;
"luxul,xap-1610-v1") echo "lxl XAP-1610"; return;;
"luxul,xbr-4500-v1") echo "lxl XBR-4500"; return;;
"luxul,xwc-1000") echo "lxl XWC-1000"; return;;
"luxul,xwc-2000-v1") echo "lxl XWC-2000"; return;;
"luxul,xwr-1200v1") echo "lxl XWR-1200"; return;;
"luxul,xwr-3100v1") echo "lxl XWR-3100"; return;;
"luxul,xwr-3150-v1") echo "lxl XWR-3150"; return;;
"netgear,r6250v1") echo "chk U12H245T00_NETGEAR"; return;;
"netgear,r6300v2") echo "chk U12H240T00_NETGEAR"; return;;
"netgear,r7000") echo "chk U12H270T00_NETGEAR"; return;;
"netgear,r7900") echo "chk U12H315T30_NETGEAR"; return;;
"netgear,r8000") echo "chk U12H315T00_NETGEAR"; return;;
"netgear,r8500") echo "chk U12H334T00_NETGEAR"; return;;
"tplink,archer-c9-v1") echo "safeloader"; return;;
platform_identify() {
local magic
magic=$(get_magic_long "$1")
case "$magic" in
echo "trx"
echo "chk"
echo "lxl"
echo "seama"
magic=$(get_magic_long_at "$1" 14)
[ "$magic" = "55324e44" ] && {
echo "cybertan"
magic=$(get_magic_long_at "$1" 60)
[ "$magic" = "4c584c23" ] && {
echo "lxlold"
if osafeloader info "$1" > /dev/null 2>&1; then
echo "safeloader"
echo "unknown"
platform_other_check_image() {
[ "$#" -gt 1 ] && return 1
local file_type=$(platform_identify "$1")
local magic
local error=0
case "$file_type" in
local header_len=$((0x$(get_magic_long_at "$1" 4)))
local board_id_len=$(($header_len - 40))
local board_id=$(dd if="$1" skip=40 bs=1 count=$board_id_len 2>/dev/null | hexdump -v -e '1/1 "%c"')
local dev_board_id=$(platform_expected_image)
echo "Found CHK image with device board_id $board_id"
[ -n "$dev_board_id" -a "chk $board_id" != "$dev_board_id" ] && {
echo "Firmware board_id doesn't match device board_id ($dev_board_id)"
if ! otrx check "$1" -o "$header_len"; then
echo "No valid TRX firmware in the CHK image"
notify_firmware_test_result "trx_valid" 0
notify_firmware_test_result "trx_valid" 1
local pattern=$(dd if="$1" bs=1 count=4 2>/dev/null | hexdump -v -e '1/1 "%c"')
local dev_pattern=$(platform_expected_image)
echo "Found CyberTAN image with device pattern: $pattern"
[ -n "$dev_pattern" -a "cybertan $pattern" != "$dev_pattern" ] && {
echo "Firmware pattern doesn't match device pattern ($dev_pattern)"
if ! otrx check "$1" -o 32; then
echo "No valid TRX firmware in the CyberTAN image"
notify_firmware_test_result "trx_valid" 0
notify_firmware_test_result "trx_valid" 1
local hdr_len=$(get_le_long_at "$1" 8)
local flags=$(get_le_long_at "$1" 12)
local board=$(dd if="$1" skip=16 bs=1 count=16 2>/dev/null | hexdump -v -e '1/1 "%c"')
local dev_board=$(platform_expected_image)
echo "Found LXL image for board $board"
[ -n "$dev_board" -a "lxl $board" != "$dev_board" ] && {
echo "Firmware ($board) doesn't match device ($dev_board)"
[ $((flags & LXL_FLAGS_VENDOR_LUXUL)) -gt 0 ] && notify_firmware_no_backup
if ! otrx check "$1" -o "$hdr_len"; then
echo "No valid TRX firmware in the LXL image"
notify_firmware_test_result "trx_valid" 0
notify_firmware_test_result "trx_valid" 1
local board_id=$(dd if="$1" skip=48 bs=1 count=12 2>/dev/null | hexdump -v -e '1/1 "%c"')
local dev_board_id=$(platform_expected_image)
echo "Found LXL image with device board_id $board_id"
[ -n "$dev_board_id" -a "lxl $board_id" != "$dev_board_id" ] && {
echo "Firmware board_id doesn't match device board_id ($dev_board_id)"
if ! otrx check "$1" -o 64; then
echo "No valid TRX firmware in the Luxul image"
notify_firmware_test_result "trx_valid" 0
notify_firmware_test_result "trx_valid" 1
local img_signature=$(oseama info "$1" | grep "Meta entry:.*signature=" | sed "s/.*=//")
local dev_signature=$(platform_expected_image)
echo "Found Seama image with device signature: $img_signature"
[ -n "$dev_signature" -a "seama $img_signature" != "$dev_signature" ] && {
echo "Firmware signature doesn't match device signature ($dev_signature)"
$(oseama info "$1" -e 0 | grep -q "Meta entry:.*type=firmware") || {
echo "Seama container doesn't have firmware entity"
local expected=$(platform_expected_image)
[ "$expected" == "safeloader" ] && {
echo "This device expects SafeLoader format and may not work with TRX"
if ! otrx check "$1"; then
echo "Invalid (corrupted?) TRX firmware"
notify_firmware_test_result "trx_valid" 0
notify_firmware_test_result "trx_valid" 1
echo "Invalid image type. Please use firmware specific for this device."
return $error
platform_check_image() {
case "$(board_name)" in
# Ideally, REQUIRE_IMAGE_METADATA=1 would suffice
# but this would require converting all other
# devices too.
nand_do_platform_check meraki-mr32 "$1"
return $?
platform_other_check_image "$1"
return $?
return 1
# $(1): image for upgrade (with possible extra header)
# $(2): offset of trx in image
platform_do_upgrade_nand_trx() {
local dir="/tmp/sysupgrade-bcm53xx"
local trx="$1"
local offset="$2"
# Extract partitions from trx
rm -fR $dir
mkdir -p $dir
otrx extract "$trx" \
${offset:+-o $offset} \
-1 $dir/kernel \
-2 $dir/root
[ $? -ne 0 ] && {
echo "Failed to extract TRX partitions."
# Firmwares without UBI image should be flashed "normally"
local root_type=$(identify $dir/root)
[ "$root_type" != "ubi" ] && {
echo "Provided firmware doesn't use UBI for rootfs."
# Prepare TRX file with just a kernel that will replace current one
local linux_length=$(grep "\"linux\"" /proc/mtd | sed "s/mtd[0-9]*:[ \t]*\([^ \t]*\).*/\1/")
[ -z "$linux_length" ] && {
echo "Unable to find \"linux\" partition size"
exit 1
local kernel_length=$(wc -c $dir/kernel | cut -d ' ' -f 1)
[ $kernel_length -gt $linux_length ] && {
echo "New kernel doesn't fit \"linux\" partition."
rm -f /tmp/null.bin
rm -f /tmp/kernel.trx
touch /tmp/null.bin
otrx create /tmp/kernel.trx \
-f $dir/kernel -b $(($linux_length + 28)) \
-f /tmp/null.bin
[ $? -ne 0 ] && {
echo "Failed to create simple TRX with new kernel."
# Prepare UBI image (drop unwanted extra blocks)
local ubi_length=0
while [ "$(dd if=$dir/root skip=$ubi_length bs=1 count=4 2>/dev/null)" = "UBI#" ]; do
ubi_length=$(($ubi_length + 131072))
truncate -s $ubi_length $dir/root
[ $? -ne 0 ] && {
echo "Failed to prepare new UBI image."
# Flash
mtd write /tmp/kernel.trx firmware || exit 1
nand_do_upgrade $dir/root
platform_do_upgrade_nand_seama() {
local dir="/tmp/sysupgrade-bcm53xx"
local seama="$1"
local tmp
# Extract Seama entity from Seama seal
rm -fR $dir
mkdir -p $dir
oseama extract "$seama" \
-e 0 \
-o $dir/seama.entity
[ $? -ne 0 ] && {
echo "Failed to extract Seama entity."
local entity_size=$(wc -c $dir/seama.entity | cut -d ' ' -f 1)
local ubi_offset=0
while [ 1 ]; do
[ $tmp -ge $entity_size ] && break
[ "$(dd if=$dir/seama.entity skip=$tmp bs=1 count=4 2>/dev/null)" = "UBI#" ] && {
tmp=$(($tmp + 131072))
[ $ubi_offset -eq 0 ] && {
echo "Failed to find UBI in Seama entity."
local ubi_length=0
while [ "$(dd if=$dir/seama.entity skip=$(($ubi_offset + $ubi_length)) bs=1 count=4 2>/dev/null)" = "UBI#" ]; do
ubi_length=$(($ubi_length + 131072))
dd if=$dir/seama.entity of=$dir/kernel.seama bs=131072 count=$(($ubi_offset / 131072)) 2>/dev/null
dd if=$dir/seama.entity of=$dir/root.ubi bs=131072 skip=$(($ubi_offset / 131072)) count=$(($ubi_length / 131072)) 2>/dev/null
# Flash
local kernel_size=$(sed -n 's/mtd[0-9]*: \([0-9a-f]*\).*"\(kernel\|linux\)".*/\1/p' /proc/mtd)
mtd write $dir/kernel.seama firmware || exit 1
mtd ${kernel_size:+-c 0x$kernel_size} fixseama firmware
nand_do_upgrade $dir/root.ubi
platform_trx_from_chk_cmd() {
local header_len=$((0x$(get_magic_long_at "$1" 4)))
echo -n dd skip=$header_len iflag=skip_bytes
platform_trx_from_cybertan_cmd() {
echo -n dd skip=32 iflag=skip_bytes
platform_trx_from_lxl_cmd() {
local hdr_len=$(get_le_long_at "$1" 8)
echo -n dd skip=$hdr_len iflag=skip_bytes
platform_trx_from_lxlold_cmd() {
echo -n dd bs=64 skip=1
platform_img_from_safeloader() {
local dir="/tmp/sysupgrade-bcm53xx"
# Extract partitions from SafeLoader
rm -fR $dir
mkdir -p $dir
osafeloader extract "$1" \
-p "os-image" \
-o $dir/os-image
osafeloader extract "$1" \
-p "file-system" \
-o $dir/file-system
mtd write $dir/file-system rootfs
echo -n $dir/os-image
platform_img_from_seama() {
local dir="/tmp/sysupgrade-bcm53xx"
local offset=$(oseama info "$1" -e 0 | grep "Entity offset:" | sed "s/.*:\s*//")
local size=$(oseama info "$1" -e 0 | grep "Entity size:" | sed "s/.*:\s*//")
# Busybox doesn't support required iflag-s
# echo -n dd iflag=skip_bytes,count_bytes skip=$offset count=$size
rm -fR $dir
mkdir -p $dir
dd if="$1" of=$dir/image-noheader.bin bs=$offset skip=1
dd if=$dir/image-noheader.bin of=$dir/image-entity.bin bs=$size count=1
echo -n $dir/image-entity.bin
platform_other_do_upgrade() {
local file_type=$(platform_identify "$1")
local trx="$1"
local cmd=
[ "$(platform_flash_type)" == "nand" ] && {
case "$file_type" in
"chk") platform_do_upgrade_nand_trx "$1" $((0x$(get_magic_long_at "$1" 4)));;
"cybertan") platform_do_upgrade_nand_trx "$1" 32;;
"lxl") platform_do_upgrade_nand_trx "$1" $(get_le_long_at "$1" 8);;
"lxlold") platform_do_upgrade_nand_trx "$1" 64;;
"seama") platform_do_upgrade_nand_seama "$1";;
"trx") platform_do_upgrade_nand_trx "$1";;
# Above calls exit on success.
# If we got here something went wrong.
echo "Writing whole image to NAND flash. All erase counters will be lost."
case "$file_type" in
"chk") cmd=$(platform_trx_from_chk_cmd "$trx");;
"cybertan") cmd=$(platform_trx_from_cybertan_cmd "$trx");;
"lxl") cmd=$(platform_trx_from_lxl_cmd "$trx");;
"lxlold") cmd=$(platform_trx_from_lxlold_cmd "$trx");;
"safeloader") trx=$(platform_img_from_safeloader "$trx"); PART_NAME=os-image;;
"seama") trx=$(platform_img_from_seama "$trx");;
default_do_upgrade "$trx" "$cmd"
platform_do_upgrade() {
case "$(board_name)" in
nand_do_upgrade "$1"
platform_other_do_upgrade "$1"
platform_nand_pre_upgrade() {
case "$(board_name)" in