From c9ecd920324a647bf1f2b47f771c8f599cc7b551 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Ansuel Smith <>
Date: Sat, 22 Feb 2020 18:02:17 +0100
Subject: [PATCH 2/8] Documentation: cpufreq: add qcom,krait-cache bindings

Document dedicated cpufreq for Krait CPUs.

Signed-off-by: Ansuel Smith <>
 .../bindings/cpufreq/qcom-cpufreq-krait.yaml  | 221 ++++++++++++++++++
 1 file changed, 221 insertions(+)
 create mode 100644 Documentation/devicetree/bindings/cpufreq/qcom-cpufreq-krait.yaml

--- /dev/null
+++ b/Documentation/devicetree/bindings/cpufreq/qcom-cpufreq-krait.yaml
@@ -0,0 +1,221 @@
+# SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0
+%YAML 1.2
+title: CPU Frequency scaling driver for Krait SoCs
+  - Ansuel Smith <>
+description: |
+  The krait cpufreq driver is a dedicated frequency scaling driver
+  based on cpufreq-dt generic driver that scale L2 cache and the
+  cores. TEST
+  The L2 cache is scaled based on the max clk across all cores and
+  the clock is decided based on the opp-level set in the device tree.
+  Different core freq can be linked to a specific l2 freq and the driver
+  on frequency change will scale the core and the l2 clk based of the 
+  linked freq.
+  On Krait SoC is present a bug and on every L2 clk change the driver
+  needs to set the clk to the idle freq before changing it to the new value.
+  This requires the qcom cpufreq nvmem driver to parse the different opp
+  core clk and an additional opp table for the l2 scaling.
+  If the driver detect broken config (for example missing opp-level) the
+  cpufreq driver skips the l2 scaling
+  Referring to this example opp-level can be used to link a range of cpu freq
+  to a specific l2 freq:
+    cpu opp freq 384000000 has opp-level 0
+    l2 opp freq 384000000 has opp-level 0
+    The driver will scale l2 to 384000000
+    cpu opp freq 600000000-1000000000 has opp-level 1
+    l2 opp freq 1000000000 has opp-level 1
+    The driver will scale l2 to 1000000000
+  - $ref: /schemas/cache-controller.yaml#
+  properties:
+    compatible:
+      items:
+        - enum:
+            - qcom,krait-cache
+  required:
+    - compatible
+  compatible:
+    items:
+      - const: qcom,krait-cache
+      - const: cache
+  cache-level:
+    const: 2
+  clocks:
+    maxItems: 1
+  clock-names:
+    const: l2
+  l2-supply: true
+  operating-points-v2: true
+  - compatible
+  - cache-level
+  - clocks
+  - clock-names
+  - l2-supply
+  - operating-points-v2
+additionalProperties: false
+  - |
+    cpus {
+      #address-cells = <1>;
+      #size-cells = <0>;
+      cpu0: cpu@0 {
+        compatible = "qcom,krait";
+        enable-method = "qcom,kpss-acc-v1";
+        device_type = "cpu";
+        reg = <0>;
+        next-level-cache = <&L2>;
+        qcom,acc = <&acc0>;
+        qcom,saw = <&saw0>;
+        clocks = <&kraitcc 0>, <&kraitcc 4>;
+        clock-names = "cpu", "l2";
+        clock-latency = <100000>;
+        cpu-supply = <&smb208_s2a>;
+        operating-points-v2 = <&opp_table0>;
+        voltage-tolerance = <5>;
+        cooling-min-state = <0>;
+        cooling-max-state = <10>;
+        #cooling-cells = <2>;
+        cpu-idle-states = <&CPU_SPC>;
+      };
+      /* ... */
+    };
+    opp_table0: opp_table0 {
+      compatible = "operating-points-v2-kryo-cpu";
+      nvmem-cells = <&speedbin_efuse>;
+      opp-384000000 {
+        opp-hz = /bits/ 64 <384000000>;
+        opp-microvolt-speed0-pvs0-v0 = <1000000>;
+        opp-microvolt-speed0-pvs1-v0 = <925000>;
+        opp-microvolt-speed0-pvs2-v0 = <875000>;
+        opp-microvolt-speed0-pvs3-v0 = <800000>;
+        opp-supported-hw = <0x1>;
+        clock-latency-ns = <100000>;
+        opp-level = <0>;
+      };
+      opp-600000000 {
+        opp-hz = /bits/ 64 <600000000>;
+        opp-microvolt-speed0-pvs0-v0 = <1050000>;
+        opp-microvolt-speed0-pvs1-v0 = <975000>;
+        opp-microvolt-speed0-pvs2-v0 = <925000>;
+        opp-microvolt-speed0-pvs3-v0 = <850000>;
+        opp-supported-hw = <0x1>;
+        clock-latency-ns = <100000>;
+        opp-level = <1>;
+      };
+      opp-800000000 {
+        opp-hz = /bits/ 64 <800000000>;
+        opp-microvolt-speed0-pvs0-v0 = <1100000>;
+        opp-microvolt-speed0-pvs1-v0 = <1025000>;
+        opp-microvolt-speed0-pvs2-v0 = <995000>;
+        opp-microvolt-speed0-pvs3-v0 = <900000>;
+        opp-supported-hw = <0x1>;
+        clock-latency-ns = <100000>;
+        opp-level = <1>;
+      };
+      opp-1000000000 {
+        opp-hz = /bits/ 64 <1000000000>;
+        opp-microvolt-speed0-pvs0-v0 = <1150000>;
+        opp-microvolt-speed0-pvs1-v0 = <1075000>;
+        opp-microvolt-speed0-pvs2-v0 = <1025000>;
+        opp-microvolt-speed0-pvs3-v0 = <950000>;
+        opp-supported-hw = <0x1>;
+        clock-latency-ns = <100000>;
+        opp-level = <1>;
+      };
+      opp-1200000000 {
+        opp-hz = /bits/ 64 <1200000000>;
+        opp-microvolt-speed0-pvs0-v0 = <1200000>;
+        opp-microvolt-speed0-pvs1-v0 = <1125000>;
+        opp-microvolt-speed0-pvs2-v0 = <1075000>;
+        opp-microvolt-speed0-pvs3-v0 = <1000000>;
+        opp-supported-hw = <0x1>;
+        clock-latency-ns = <100000>;
+        opp-level = <2>;
+      };
+      opp-1400000000 {
+        opp-hz = /bits/ 64 <1400000000>;
+        opp-microvolt-speed0-pvs0-v0 = <1250000>;
+        opp-microvolt-speed0-pvs1-v0 = <1175000>;
+        opp-microvolt-speed0-pvs2-v0 = <1125000>;
+        opp-microvolt-speed0-pvs3-v0 = <1050000>;
+        opp-supported-hw = <0x1>;
+        clock-latency-ns = <100000>;
+        opp-level = <2>;
+      };
+    };
+    opp_table_l2: opp_table_l2 {
+      compatible = "operating-points-v2";
+      opp-384000000 {
+        opp-hz = /bits/ 64 <384000000>;
+        opp-microvolt = <1100000>;
+        clock-latency-ns = <100000>;
+        opp-level = <0>;
+      };
+      opp-1000000000 {
+        opp-hz = /bits/ 64 <1000000000>;
+        opp-microvolt = <1100000>;
+        clock-latency-ns = <100000>;
+        opp-level = <1>;
+      };
+      opp-1200000000 {
+        opp-hz = /bits/ 64 <1200000000>;
+        opp-microvolt = <1150000>;
+        clock-latency-ns = <100000>;
+        opp-level = <2>;
+      };
+    };
+    soc {
+      L2: l2-cache {
+        compatible = "qcom,krait-cache", "cache";
+        cache-level = <2>;
+        clocks = <&kraitcc 4>;
+        clock-names = "l2";
+        l2-supply = <&smb208_s1a>;
+        operating-points-v2 = <&opp_table_l2>;
+      };
+    };