ifdef CONFIG_USE_MKLIBS define mklibs rm -rf $(TMP_DIR)/mklibs-progs $(TMP_DIR)/mklibs-out # first find all programs and add them to the mklibs list find $(STAGING_DIR_ROOT) -type f -perm /100 -exec \ file -r -N -F '' {} + | \ awk ' /executable.*dynamically/ { print $$1 }' > $(TMP_DIR)/mklibs-progs # find all loadable objects that are not regular libraries and add them to the list as well find $(STAGING_DIR_ROOT) -type f -name \*.so\* -exec \ file -r -N -F '' {} + | \ awk ' /shared object/ { print $$1 }' > $(TMP_DIR)/mklibs-libs mkdir -p $(TMP_DIR)/mklibs-out $(STAGING_DIR_HOST)/bin/mklibs -D \ -d $(TMP_DIR)/mklibs-out \ --sysroot $(STAGING_DIR_ROOT) \ `cat $(TMP_DIR)/mklibs-libs | sed 's:/*[^/]\+/*$$::' | uniq | sed 's:^$(STAGING_DIR_ROOT):-L :'` \ --ldlib $(patsubst $(STAGING_DIR_ROOT)/%,/%,$(firstword $(wildcard \ $(foreach name,ld-uClibc.so.* ld-linux.so.* ld-*.so ld-musl-*.so.*, \ $(STAGING_DIR_ROOT)/lib/$(name) \ )))) \ --target $(REAL_GNU_TARGET_NAME) \ `cat $(TMP_DIR)/mklibs-progs $(TMP_DIR)/mklibs-libs` 2>&1 $(RSTRIP) $(TMP_DIR)/mklibs-out for lib in `ls $(TMP_DIR)/mklibs-out/*.so.* 2>/dev/null`; do \ LIB="$${lib##*/}"; \ DEST="`ls "$(1)/lib/$$LIB" "$(1)/usr/lib/$$LIB" 2>/dev/null`"; \ [ -n "$$DEST" ] || continue; \ echo "Copying stripped library $$lib to $$DEST"; \ cp "$$lib" "$$DEST" || exit 1; \ done endef endif # where to build (and put) .ipk packages opkg = \ IPKG_NO_SCRIPT=1 \ IPKG_INSTROOT=$(1) \ TMPDIR=$(1)/tmp \ $(STAGING_DIR_HOST)/bin/opkg \ --offline-root $(1) \ --force-postinstall \ --add-dest root:/ \ --add-arch all:100 \ --add-arch $(if $(ARCH_PACKAGES),$(ARCH_PACKAGES),$(BOARD)):200 apk = \ IPKG_INSTROOT=$(1) \ $(FAKEROOT) $(STAGING_DIR_HOST)/bin/apk \ --root $(1) \ --keys-dir $(if $(APK_KEYS),$(APK_KEYS),$(TOPDIR)) \ --no-cache \ --no-logfile \ --preserve-env TARGET_DIR_ORIG := $(TARGET_ROOTFS_DIR)/root.orig-$(BOARD) ifdef CONFIG_CLEAN_IPKG define clean_ipkg -find $(1)/usr/lib/opkg/info -type f -and -not -name '*.control' -delete -sed -i -ne '/^Require-User: /p' $(1)/usr/lib/opkg/info/*.control awk ' \ BEGIN { conffiles = 0; print "Conffiles:" } \ /^Conffiles:/ { conffiles = 1; next } \ !/^ / { conffiles = 0; next } \ conffiles == 1 { print } \ ' $(1)/usr/lib/opkg/status >$(1)/usr/lib/opkg/status.new mv $(1)/usr/lib/opkg/status.new $(1)/usr/lib/opkg/status -find $(1)/usr/lib/opkg -empty -delete endef endif define prepare_rootfs $(if $(2),@if [ -d '$(2)' ]; then \ $(call file_copy,$(2)/.,$(1)); \ fi) @mkdir -p $(1)/etc/rc.d @mkdir -p $(1)/var/lock @( \ cd $(1); \ if [ -n "$(CONFIG_USE_APK)" ]; then \ IPKG_POSTINST_PATH=./lib/apk/db/*.post-install; \ $(STAGING_DIR_HOST)/bin/tar -C ./lib/apk/db/ -xf ./lib/apk/db/scripts.tar --wildcards "*.post-install"; \ else \ IPKG_POSTINST_PATH=./usr/lib/opkg/info/*.postinst; \ fi; \ for script in $$IPKG_POSTINST_PATH; do \ IPKG_INSTROOT=$(1) $$(command -v bash) $$script; \ ret=$$?; \ if [ $$ret -ne 0 ]; then \ echo "postinst script $$script has failed with exit code $$ret" >&2; \ exit 1; \ fi; \ [ -n "$(CONFIG_USE_APK)" ] && $(STAGING_DIR_HOST)/bin/tar --delete -f ./lib/apk/db/scripts.tar $$(basename $$script); \ done; \ if [ -z "$(CONFIG_USE_APK)" ]; then \ $(if $(IB),,awk -i inplace \ '/^Status:/ { \ if ($$3 == "user") { $$3 = "ok" } \ else { sub(/,\<user\>|\<user\>,/, "", $$3) } \ }1' $(1)/usr/lib/opkg/status) ; \ $(if $(SOURCE_DATE_EPOCH),sed -i "s/Installed-Time: .*/Installed-Time: $(SOURCE_DATE_EPOCH)/" $(1)/usr/lib/opkg/status ;) \ fi; \ for script in ./etc/init.d/*; do \ grep '#!/bin/sh /etc/rc.common' $$script >/dev/null || continue; \ if ! echo " $(3) " | grep -q " $$(basename $$script) "; then \ IPKG_INSTROOT=$(1) $$(command -v bash) ./etc/rc.common $$script enable; \ echo "Enabling" $$(basename $$script); \ else \ IPKG_INSTROOT=$(1) $$(command -v bash) ./etc/rc.common $$script disable; \ echo "Disabling" $$(basename $$script); \ fi; \ done || true \ ) @-find $(1) -name CVS -o -name .svn -o -name .git -o -name '.#*' | $(XARGS) rm -rf rm -rf \ $(1)/boot \ $(1)/tmp/* \ $(1)/lib/apk/db/*.post-install* \ $(1)/usr/lib/opkg/info/*.postinst* \ $(1)/usr/lib/opkg/lists/* \ $(1)/var/lock/*.lock $(call clean_ipkg,$(1)) $(call mklibs,$(1)) $(if $(SOURCE_DATE_EPOCH),find $(1)/ -mindepth 1 -execdir touch -hcd "@$(SOURCE_DATE_EPOCH)" "{}" +) endef