From ed992c4a8392b757e54b60bf2390015b72e3e947 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: gtrainavicius <> Date: Sun, 23 Oct 2016 12:06:53 +0300 Subject: [PATCH] Support for Blokas Labs pisound board Pisound dynamic overlay (#1760) Restructuring pisound-overlay.dts, so it can be loaded and unloaded dynamically using dtoverlay. Print a logline when the kernel module is removed. pisound improvements: * Added a writable sysfs object to enable scripts / user space software to blink MIDI activity LEDs for variable duration. * Improved hw_param constraints setting. * Added compatibility with S16_LE sample format. * Exposed some simple placeholder volume controls, so the card appears in volumealsa widget. Add missing SND_PISOUND selects dependency to SND_RAWMIDI Without it the Pisound module fails to compile. See Updates for Pisound module code: * Merged 'Fix a warning in DEBUG builds' (1c8b82b). * Updating some strings and copyright information. * Fix for handling high load of MIDI input and output. * Use dual rate oversampling ratio for 96kHz instead of single rate one. Signed-off-by: Giedrius Trainavicius <> Fixing memset call in pisound.c Signed-off-by: Giedrius Trainavicius <> Fix for Pisound's MIDI Input getting blocked for a while in rare cases. There was a possible race condition which could lead to Input's FIFO queue to be underflown, causing high amount of processing in the worker thread for some period of time. Signed-off-by: Giedrius Trainavicius <> Fix for Pisound kernel module in Real Time kernel configuration. When handler of data_available interrupt is fired, queue_work ends up getting called and it can block on a spin lock which is not allowed in interrupt context. The fix was to run the handler from a thread context instead. Pisound: Remove spinlock usage around spi_sync ASoC: pisound: use modern dai_link style Signed-off-by: Hui Wang <> ASoC: pisound: fix the parameter for spi_device_match Signed-off-by: Hui Wang <> --- .../devicetree/bindings/vendor-prefixes.txt | 463 +++++++ .../devicetree/bindings/vendor-prefixes.yaml | 2 + sound/soc/bcm/pisound.c | 1201 +++++++++++++++++ 3 files changed, 1666 insertions(+) create mode 100644 Documentation/devicetree/bindings/vendor-prefixes.txt create mode 100644 sound/soc/bcm/pisound.c --- /dev/null +++ b/Documentation/devicetree/bindings/vendor-prefixes.txt @@ -0,0 +1,463 @@ +Device tree binding vendor prefix registry. Keep list in alphabetical order. + +This isn't an exhaustive list, but you should add new prefixes to it before +using them to avoid name-space collisions. + +abilis Abilis Systems +abracon Abracon Corporation +actions Actions Semiconductor Co., Ltd. +active-semi Active-Semi International Inc +ad Avionic Design GmbH +adafruit Adafruit Industries, LLC +adapteva Adapteva, Inc. +adaptrum Adaptrum, Inc. +adh AD Holdings Plc. +adi Analog Devices, Inc. +advantech Advantech Corporation +aeroflexgaisler Aeroflex Gaisler AB +al Annapurna Labs +allo +allwinner Allwinner Technology Co., Ltd. +alphascale AlphaScale Integrated Circuits Systems, Inc. +altr Altera Corp. +amarula Amarula Solutions +amazon, Inc. +amcc Applied Micro Circuits Corporation (APM, formally AMCC) +amd Advanced Micro Devices (AMD), Inc. +amediatech Shenzhen Amediatech Technology Co., Ltd +amlogic Amlogic, Inc. +ampire Ampire Co., Ltd. +ams AMS AG +amstaos AMS-Taos Inc. +analogix Analogix Semiconductor, Inc. +andestech Andes Technology Corporation +apm Applied Micro Circuits Corporation (APM) +aptina Aptina Imaging +arasan Arasan Chip Systems +archermind ArcherMind Technology (Nanjing) Co., Ltd. +arctic Arctic Sand +aries Aries Embedded GmbH +arm ARM Ltd. +armadeus ARMadeus Systems SARL +arrow Arrow Electronics +artesyn Artesyn Embedded Technologies Inc. +asahi-kasei Asahi Kasei Corp. +aspeed ASPEED Technology Inc. +asus AsusTek Computer Inc. +atlas Atlas Scientific LLC +atmel Atmel Corporation +auo AU Optronics Corporation +auvidea Auvidea GmbH +avago Avago Technologies +avia avia semiconductor +avic Shanghai AVIC Optoelectronics Co., Ltd. +avnet Avnet, Inc. +axentia Axentia Technologies AB +axis Axis Communications AB +bananapi BIPAI KEJI LIMITED +bhf Beckhoff Automation GmbH & Co. KG +bitmain Bitmain Technologies +blokaslabs Vilniaus Blokas UAB +boe BOE Technology Group Co., Ltd. +bosch Bosch Sensortec GmbH +boundary Boundary Devices Inc. +brcm Broadcom Corporation +buffalo Buffalo, Inc. +bticino Bticino International +calxeda Calxeda +capella Capella Microsystems, Inc +cascoda Cascoda, Ltd. +catalyst Catalyst Semiconductor, Inc. +cavium Cavium, Inc. +cdns Cadence Design Systems Inc. +cdtech CDTech(H.K.) Electronics Limited +ceva Ceva, Inc. +chipidea Chipidea, Inc +chipone ChipOne +chipspark ChipSPARK +chrp Common Hardware Reference Platform +chunghwa Chunghwa Picture Tubes Ltd. +ciaa Computadora Industrial Abierta Argentina +cirrus Cirrus Logic, Inc. +cloudengines Cloud Engines, Inc. +cnm Chips&Media, Inc. +cnxt Conexant Systems, Inc. +compulab CompuLab Ltd. +cortina Cortina Systems, Inc. +cosmic Cosmic Circuits +crane Crane Connectivity Solutions +creative Creative Technology Ltd +crystalfontz Crystalfontz America, Inc. +csky Hangzhou C-SKY Microsystems Co., Ltd +cubietech Cubietech, Ltd. +cypress Cypress Semiconductor Corporation +cznic CZ.NIC, z.s.p.o. +dallas Maxim Integrated Products (formerly Dallas Semiconductor) +dataimage DataImage, Inc. +davicom DAVICOM Semiconductor, Inc. +delta Delta Electronics, Inc. +denx Denx Software Engineering +devantech Devantech, Ltd. +dh DH electronics GmbH +digi Digi International Inc. +digilent Diglent, Inc. +dioo Dioo Microcircuit Co., Ltd +dlc DLC Display Co., Ltd. +dlg Dialog Semiconductor +dlink D-Link Corporation +dmo Data Modul AG +domintech Domintech Co., Ltd. +dongwoon Dongwoon Anatech +dptechnics DPTechnics +dragino Dragino Technology Co., Limited +ea Embedded Artists AB +ebs-systart EBS-SYSTART GmbH +ebv EBV Elektronik +eckelmann Eckelmann AG +edt Emerging Display Technologies +eeti eGalax_eMPIA Technology Inc +elan Elan Microelectronic Corp. +elgin Elgin S/A. +embest Shenzhen Embest Technology Co., Ltd. +emlid Emlid, Ltd. +emmicro EM Microelectronic +emtrion emtrion GmbH +endless Endless Mobile, Inc. +energymicro Silicon Laboratories (formerly Energy Micro AS) +engicam Engicam S.r.l. +epcos EPCOS AG +epfl Ecole Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne +epson Seiko Epson Corp. +est ESTeem Wireless Modems +ettus NI Ettus Research +eukrea Eukréa Electromatique +everest Everest Semiconductor Co. Ltd. +everspin Everspin Technologies, Inc. +exar Exar Corporation +excito Excito +ezchip EZchip Semiconductor +facebook Facebook +fairphone Fairphone B.V. +faraday Faraday Technology Corporation +fastrax Fastrax Oy +fcs Fairchild Semiconductor +feiyang Shenzhen Fly Young Technology Co.,LTD. +firefly Firefly +focaltech FocalTech Systems Co.,Ltd +friendlyarm Guangzhou FriendlyARM Computer Tech Co., Ltd +fsl Freescale Semiconductor +fujitsu Fujitsu Ltd. +gateworks Gateworks Corporation +gcw Game Consoles Worldwide +ge General Electric Company +geekbuying GeekBuying +gef GE Fanuc Intelligent Platforms Embedded Systems, Inc. +GEFanuc GE Fanuc Intelligent Platforms Embedded Systems, Inc. +geniatech Geniatech, Inc. +giantec Giantec Semiconductor, Inc. +giantplus Giantplus Technology Co., Ltd. +globalscale Globalscale Technologies, Inc. +globaltop GlobalTop Technology, Inc. +gmt Global Mixed-mode Technology, Inc. +goodix Shenzhen Huiding Technology Co., Ltd. +google Google, Inc. +grinn Grinn +grmn Garmin Limited +gumstix Gumstix, Inc. +gw Gateworks Corporation +hannstar HannStar Display Corporation +haoyu Haoyu Microelectronic Co. Ltd. +hardkernel Hardkernel Co., Ltd +hideep HiDeep Inc. +himax Himax Technologies, Inc. +hisilicon Hisilicon Limited. +hit Hitachi Ltd. +hitex Hitex Development Tools +holt Holt Integrated Circuits, Inc. +honeywell Honeywell +hp Hewlett Packard +holtek Holtek Semiconductor, Inc. +hwacom HwaCom Systems Inc. +i2se I2SE GmbH +ibm International Business Machines (IBM) +icplus IC Plus Corp. +idt Integrated Device Technologies, Inc. +ifi Ingenieurburo Fur Ic-Technologie (I/F/I) +ilitek ILI Technology Corporation (ILITEK) +img Imagination Technologies Ltd. +infineon Infineon Technologies +inforce Inforce Computing +ingenic Ingenic Semiconductor +innolux Innolux Corporation +inside-secure INSIDE Secure +intel Intel Corporation +intercontrol Inter Control Group +invensense InvenSense Inc. +inversepath Inverse Path +iom Iomega Corporation +isee ISEE 2007 S.L. +isil Intersil +issi Integrated Silicon Solutions Inc. +itead ITEAD Intelligent Systems Co.Ltd +iwave iWave Systems Technologies Pvt. Ltd. +jdi Japan Display Inc. +jedec JEDEC Solid State Technology Association +jianda Jiandangjing Technology Co., Ltd. +karo Ka-Ro electronics GmbH +keithkoep Keith & Koep GmbH +keymile Keymile GmbH +khadas Khadas +kiebackpeter Kieback & Peter GmbH +kinetic Kinetic Technologies +kingdisplay King & Display Technology Co., Ltd. +kingnovel Kingnovel Technology Co., Ltd. +koe Kaohsiung Opto-Electronics Inc. +kosagi Sutajio Ko-Usagi PTE Ltd. +kyo Kyocera Corporation +lacie LaCie +laird Laird PLC +lantiq Lantiq Semiconductor +lattice Lattice Semiconductor +lego LEGO Systems A/S +lemaker Shenzhen LeMaker Technology Co., Ltd. +lenovo Lenovo Group Ltd. +lg LG Corporation +libretech Shenzhen Libre Technology Co., Ltd +licheepi Lichee Pi +linaro Linaro Limited +linksys Belkin International, Inc. (Linksys) +linux Linux-specific binding +linx Linx Technologies +lltc Linear Technology Corporation +logicpd Logic PD, Inc. +lsi LSI Corp. (LSI Logic) +lwn Liebherr-Werk Nenzing GmbH +macnica Macnica Americas +marvell Marvell Technology Group Ltd. +maxim Maxim Integrated Products +mbvl Mobiveil Inc. +mcube mCube +meas Measurement Specialties +mediatek MediaTek Inc. +megachips MegaChips +mele Shenzhen MeLE Digital Technology Ltd. +melexis Melexis N.V. +melfas MELFAS Inc. +mellanox Mellanox Technologies +memsic MEMSIC Inc. +merrii Merrii Technology Co., Ltd. +micrel Micrel Inc. +microchip Microchip Technology Inc. +microcrystal Micro Crystal AG +micron Micron Technology Inc. +mikroe MikroElektronika d.o.o. +minix MINIX Technology Ltd. +miramems MiraMEMS Sensing Technology Co., Ltd. +mitsubishi Mitsubishi Electric Corporation +mosaixtech Mosaix Technologies, Inc. +motorola Motorola, Inc. +moxa Moxa Inc. +mpl MPL AG +mqmaker mqmaker Inc. +mscc Microsemi Corporation +msi Micro-Star International Co. Ltd. +mti Imagination Technologies Ltd. (formerly MIPS Technologies Inc.) +multi-inno Multi-Inno Technology Co.,Ltd +mundoreader Mundo Reader S.L. +murata Murata Manufacturing Co., Ltd. +mxicy Macronix International Co., Ltd. +myir MYIR Tech Limited +national National Semiconductor +nec NEC LCD Technologies, Ltd. +neonode Neonode Inc. +netgear NETGEAR +netlogic Broadcom Corporation (formerly NetLogic Microsystems) +netron-dy Netron DY +netxeon Shenzhen Netxeon Technology CO., LTD +nexbox Nexbox +nextthing Next Thing Co. +newhaven Newhaven Display International +ni National Instruments +nintendo Nintendo +nlt NLT Technologies, Ltd. +nokia Nokia +nordic Nordic Semiconductor +novtech NovTech, Inc. +nutsboard NutsBoard +nuvoton Nuvoton Technology Corporation +nvd New Vision Display +nvidia NVIDIA +nxp NXP Semiconductors +okaya Okaya Electric America, Inc. +oki Oki Electric Industry Co., Ltd. +olimex OLIMEX Ltd. +olpc One Laptop Per Child +onion Onion Corporation +onnn ON Semiconductor Corp. +ontat On Tat Industrial Company +opalkelly Opal Kelly Incorporated +opencores +openrisc +option Option NV +oranth Shenzhen Oranth Technology Co., Ltd. +ORCL Oracle Corporation +orisetech Orise Technology +ortustech Ortus Technology Co., Ltd. +ovti OmniVision Technologies +oxsemi Oxford Semiconductor, Ltd. +panasonic Panasonic Corporation +parade Parade Technologies Inc. +pda Precision Design Associates, Inc. +pericom Pericom Technology Inc. +pervasive Pervasive Displays, Inc. +phicomm PHICOMM Co., Ltd. +phytec PHYTEC Messtechnik GmbH +picochip Picochip Ltd +pine64 Pine64 +pixcir PIXCIR MICROELECTRONICS Co., Ltd +plantower Plantower Co., Ltd +plathome Plat'Home Co., Ltd. +plda PLDA +plx Broadcom Corporation (formerly PLX Technology) +pni PNI Sensor Corporation +portwell Portwell Inc. +poslab Poslab Technology Co., Ltd. +powervr PowerVR (deprecated, use img) +probox2 PROBOX2 (by W2COMP Co., Ltd.) +pulsedlight PulsedLight, Inc +qca Qualcomm Atheros, Inc. +qcom Qualcomm Technologies, Inc +qemu QEMU, a generic and open source machine emulator and virtualizer +qi Qi Hardware +qiaodian QiaoDian XianShi Corporation +qnap QNAP Systems, Inc. +radxa Radxa +raidsonic RaidSonic Technology GmbH +ralink Mediatek/Ralink Technology Corp. +ramtron Ramtron International +raspberrypi Raspberry Pi Foundation +raydium Raydium Semiconductor Corp. +rda Unisoc Communications, Inc. +realtek Realtek Semiconductor Corp. +renesas Renesas Electronics Corporation +richtek Richtek Technology Corporation +ricoh Ricoh Co. Ltd. +rikomagic Rikomagic Tech Corp. Ltd +riscv RISC-V Foundation +rockchip Fuzhou Rockchip Electronics Co., Ltd +rohm ROHM Semiconductor Co., Ltd +roofull Shenzhen Roofull Technology Co, Ltd +samsung Samsung Semiconductor +samtec Samtec/Softing company +sancloud Sancloud Ltd +sandisk Sandisk Corporation +sbs Smart Battery System +schindler Schindler +seagate Seagate Technology PLC +semtech Semtech Corporation +sensirion Sensirion AG +sff Small Form Factor Committee +sgd Solomon Goldentek Display Corporation +sgx SGX Sensortech +sharp Sharp Corporation +shimafuji Shimafuji Electric, Inc. +si-en Si-En Technology Ltd. +sifive SiFive, Inc. +sigma Sigma Designs, Inc. +sii Seiko Instruments, Inc. +sil Silicon Image +silabs Silicon Laboratories +silead Silead Inc. +silergy Silergy Corp. +siliconmitus Silicon Mitus, Inc. +simtek +sirf SiRF Technology, Inc. +sis Silicon Integrated Systems Corp. +sitronix Sitronix Technology Corporation +skyworks Skyworks Solutions, Inc. +smsc Standard Microsystems Corporation +snps Synopsys, Inc. +socionext Socionext Inc. +solidrun SolidRun +solomon Solomon Systech Limited +sony Sony Corporation +spansion Spansion Inc. +sprd Spreadtrum Communications Inc. +sst Silicon Storage Technology, Inc. +st STMicroelectronics +starry Starry Electronic Technology (ShenZhen) Co., LTD +startek Startek +ste ST-Ericsson +stericsson ST-Ericsson +summit Summit microelectronics +sunchip Shenzhen Sunchip Technology Co., Ltd +SUNW Sun Microsystems, Inc +swir Sierra Wireless +syna Synaptics Inc. +synology Synology, Inc. +tbs TBS Technologies +tbs-biometrics Touchless Biometric Systems AG +tcg Trusted Computing Group +tcl Toby Churchill Ltd. +technexion TechNexion +technologic Technologic Systems +tempo Tempo Semiconductor +techstar Shenzhen Techstar Electronics Co., Ltd. +terasic Terasic Inc. +thine THine Electronics, Inc. +ti Texas Instruments +tianma Tianma Micro-electronics Co., Ltd. +tlm Trusted Logic Mobility +tmt Tecon Microprocessor Technologies, LLC. +topeet Topeet +toradex Toradex AG +toshiba Toshiba Corporation +toumaz Toumaz +tpk TPK U.S.A. LLC +tplink TP-LINK Technologies Co., Ltd. +tpo TPO +tronfy Tronfy +tronsmart Tronsmart +truly Truly Semiconductors Limited +tsd Theobroma Systems Design und Consulting GmbH +tyan Tyan Computer Corporation +u-blox u-blox +ucrobotics uCRobotics +ubnt Ubiquiti Networks +udoo Udoo +uniwest United Western Technologies Corp (UniWest) +upisemi uPI Semiconductor Corp. +urt United Radiant Technology Corporation +usi Universal Scientific Industrial Co., Ltd. +v3 V3 Semiconductor +vamrs Vamrs Ltd. +variscite Variscite Ltd. +via VIA Technologies, Inc. +virtio Virtual I/O Device Specification, developed by the OASIS consortium +vishay Vishay Intertechnology, Inc +vitesse Vitesse Semiconductor Corporation +vivante Vivante Corporation +vocore VoCore Studio +voipac Voipac Technologies s.r.o. +vot Vision Optical Technology Co., Ltd. +wd Western Digital Corp. +wetek WeTek Electronics, limited. +wexler Wexler +whwave Shenzhen whwave Electronics, Inc. +wi2wi Wi2Wi, Inc. +winbond Winbond Electronics corp. +winstar Winstar Display Corp. +wlf Wolfson Microelectronics +wm Wondermedia Technologies, Inc. +x-powers X-Powers +xes Extreme Engineering Solutions (X-ES) +xillybus Xillybus Ltd. +xlnx Xilinx +xunlong Shenzhen Xunlong Software CO.,Limited +ysoft Y Soft Corporation a.s. +zarlink Zarlink Semiconductor +zeitec ZEITEC Semiconductor Co., LTD. +zidoo Shenzhen Zidoo Technology Co., Ltd. +zii Zodiac Inflight Innovations +zte ZTE Corp. +zyxel ZyXEL Communications Corp. --- a/Documentation/devicetree/bindings/vendor-prefixes.yaml +++ b/Documentation/devicetree/bindings/vendor-prefixes.yaml @@ -143,6 +143,8 @@ patternProperties: description: Beckhoff Automation GmbH & Co. KG "^bitmain,.*": description: Bitmain Technologies + "^blokaslabs,.*": + description: Vilniaus Blokas UAB "^boe,.*": description: BOE Technology Group Co., Ltd. "^bosch,.*": --- /dev/null +++ b/sound/soc/bcm/pisound.c @@ -0,0 +1,1201 @@ +/* + * Pisound Linux kernel module. + * Copyright (C) 2016-2019 Vilniaus Blokas UAB, + * + * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or + * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License + * as published by the Free Software Foundation; version 2 of the + * License. + * + * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, + * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of + * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the + * GNU General Public License for more details. + * + * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License + * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software + * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, + * MA 02110-1301, USA. + */ + +#include <linux/init.h> +#include <linux/module.h> +#include <linux/platform_device.h> +#include <linux/gpio.h> +#include <linux/kobject.h> +#include <linux/sysfs.h> +#include <linux/delay.h> +#include <linux/spi/spi.h> +#include <linux/interrupt.h> +#include <linux/kfifo.h> +#include <linux/jiffies.h> + +#include <sound/core.h> +#include <sound/pcm.h> +#include <sound/pcm_params.h> +#include <sound/soc.h> +#include <sound/jack.h> +#include <sound/rawmidi.h> +#include <sound/asequencer.h> +#include <sound/control.h> + +static int pisnd_spi_init(struct device *dev); +static void pisnd_spi_uninit(void); + +static void pisnd_spi_flush(void); +static void pisnd_spi_start(void); +static uint8_t pisnd_spi_recv(uint8_t *buffer, uint8_t length); + +typedef void (*pisnd_spi_recv_cb)(void *data); +static void pisnd_spi_set_callback(pisnd_spi_recv_cb cb, void *data); + +static const char *pisnd_spi_get_serial(void); +static const char *pisnd_spi_get_id(void); +static const char *pisnd_spi_get_version(void); + +static int pisnd_midi_init(struct snd_card *card); +static void pisnd_midi_uninit(void); + +enum task_e { + TASK_PROCESS = 0, +}; + +static void pisnd_schedule_process(enum task_e task); + +#define PISOUND_LOG_PREFIX "pisound: " + +#ifdef PISOUND_DEBUG +# define printd(...) pr_alert(PISOUND_LOG_PREFIX __VA_ARGS__) +#else +# define printd(...) do {} while (0) +#endif + +#define printe(...) pr_err(PISOUND_LOG_PREFIX __VA_ARGS__) +#define printi(...) pr_info(PISOUND_LOG_PREFIX __VA_ARGS__) + +static struct snd_rawmidi *g_rmidi; +static struct snd_rawmidi_substream *g_midi_output_substream; + +static int pisnd_output_open(struct snd_rawmidi_substream *substream) +{ + g_midi_output_substream = substream; + return 0; +} + +static int pisnd_output_close(struct snd_rawmidi_substream *substream) +{ + g_midi_output_substream = NULL; + return 0; +} + +static void pisnd_output_trigger( + struct snd_rawmidi_substream *substream, + int up + ) +{ + if (substream != g_midi_output_substream) { + printe("MIDI output trigger called for an unexpected stream!"); + return; + } + + if (!up) + return; + + pisnd_spi_start(); +} + +static void pisnd_output_drain(struct snd_rawmidi_substream *substream) +{ + pisnd_spi_flush(); +} + +static int pisnd_input_open(struct snd_rawmidi_substream *substream) +{ + return 0; +} + +static int pisnd_input_close(struct snd_rawmidi_substream *substream) +{ + return 0; +} + +static void pisnd_midi_recv_callback(void *substream) +{ + uint8_t data[128]; + uint8_t n = 0; + + while ((n = pisnd_spi_recv(data, sizeof(data)))) { + int res = snd_rawmidi_receive(substream, data, n); + (void)res; + printd("midi recv %u bytes, res = %d\n", n, res); + } +} + +static void pisnd_input_trigger(struct snd_rawmidi_substream *substream, int up) +{ + if (up) { + pisnd_spi_set_callback(pisnd_midi_recv_callback, substream); + pisnd_schedule_process(TASK_PROCESS); + } else { + pisnd_spi_set_callback(NULL, NULL); + } +} + +static struct snd_rawmidi_ops pisnd_output_ops = { + .open = pisnd_output_open, + .close = pisnd_output_close, + .trigger = pisnd_output_trigger, + .drain = pisnd_output_drain, +}; + +static struct snd_rawmidi_ops pisnd_input_ops = { + .open = pisnd_input_open, + .close = pisnd_input_close, + .trigger = pisnd_input_trigger, +}; + +static void pisnd_get_port_info( + struct snd_rawmidi *rmidi, + int number, + struct snd_seq_port_info *seq_port_info + ) +{ + seq_port_info->type = + SNDRV_SEQ_PORT_TYPE_MIDI_GENERIC | + SNDRV_SEQ_PORT_TYPE_HARDWARE | + SNDRV_SEQ_PORT_TYPE_PORT; + seq_port_info->midi_voices = 0; +} + +static struct snd_rawmidi_global_ops pisnd_global_ops = { + .get_port_info = pisnd_get_port_info, +}; + +static int pisnd_midi_init(struct snd_card *card) +{ + int err; + + g_midi_output_substream = NULL; + + err = snd_rawmidi_new(card, "pisound MIDI", 0, 1, 1, &g_rmidi); + + if (err < 0) { + printe("snd_rawmidi_new failed: %d\n", err); + return err; + } + + strcpy(g_rmidi->name, "pisound MIDI "); + strcat(g_rmidi->name, pisnd_spi_get_serial()); + + g_rmidi->info_flags = + SNDRV_RAWMIDI_INFO_OUTPUT | + SNDRV_RAWMIDI_INFO_INPUT | + SNDRV_RAWMIDI_INFO_DUPLEX; + + g_rmidi->ops = &pisnd_global_ops; + + g_rmidi->private_data = (void *)0; + + snd_rawmidi_set_ops( + g_rmidi, + SNDRV_RAWMIDI_STREAM_OUTPUT, + &pisnd_output_ops + ); + + snd_rawmidi_set_ops( + g_rmidi, + SNDRV_RAWMIDI_STREAM_INPUT, + &pisnd_input_ops + ); + + return 0; +} + +static void pisnd_midi_uninit(void) +{ +} + +static void *g_recvData; +static pisnd_spi_recv_cb g_recvCallback; + +#define FIFO_SIZE 4096 + +static char g_serial_num[11]; +static char g_id[25]; +static char g_version[5]; + +static uint8_t g_ledFlashDuration; +static bool g_ledFlashDurationChanged; + +DEFINE_KFIFO(spi_fifo_in, uint8_t, FIFO_SIZE); +DEFINE_KFIFO(spi_fifo_out, uint8_t, FIFO_SIZE); + +static struct gpio_desc *data_available; +static struct gpio_desc *spi_reset; + +static struct spi_device *pisnd_spi_device; + +static struct workqueue_struct *pisnd_workqueue; +static struct work_struct pisnd_work_process; + +static void pisnd_work_handler(struct work_struct *work); + +static void spi_transfer(const uint8_t *txbuf, uint8_t *rxbuf, int len); +static uint16_t spi_transfer16(uint16_t val); + +static int pisnd_init_workqueues(void) +{ + pisnd_workqueue = create_singlethread_workqueue("pisnd_workqueue"); + INIT_WORK(&pisnd_work_process, pisnd_work_handler); + + return 0; +} + +static void pisnd_uninit_workqueues(void) +{ + flush_workqueue(pisnd_workqueue); + destroy_workqueue(pisnd_workqueue); + + pisnd_workqueue = NULL; +} + +static bool pisnd_spi_has_more(void) +{ + return gpiod_get_value(data_available); +} + +static void pisnd_schedule_process(enum task_e task) +{ + if (pisnd_spi_device != NULL && + pisnd_workqueue != NULL && + !work_pending(&pisnd_work_process) + ) { + printd("schedule: has more = %d\n", pisnd_spi_has_more()); + if (task == TASK_PROCESS) + queue_work(pisnd_workqueue, &pisnd_work_process); + } +} + +static irqreturn_t data_available_interrupt_handler(int irq, void *dev_id) +{ + if (irq == gpiod_to_irq(data_available) && pisnd_spi_has_more()) { + printd("schedule from irq\n"); + pisnd_schedule_process(TASK_PROCESS); + } + + return IRQ_HANDLED; +} + +static uint16_t spi_transfer16(uint16_t val) +{ + uint8_t txbuf[2]; + uint8_t rxbuf[2]; + + if (!pisnd_spi_device) { + printe("pisnd_spi_device null, returning\n"); + return 0; + } + + txbuf[0] = val >> 8; + txbuf[1] = val & 0xff; + + spi_transfer(txbuf, rxbuf, sizeof(txbuf)); + + printd("received: %02x%02x\n", rxbuf[0], rxbuf[1]); + + return (rxbuf[0] << 8) | rxbuf[1]; +} + +static void spi_transfer(const uint8_t *txbuf, uint8_t *rxbuf, int len) +{ + int err; + struct spi_transfer transfer; + struct spi_message msg; + + memset(rxbuf, 0, len); + + if (!pisnd_spi_device) { + printe("pisnd_spi_device null, returning\n"); + return; + } + + spi_message_init(&msg); + + memset(&transfer, 0, sizeof(transfer)); + + transfer.tx_buf = txbuf; + transfer.rx_buf = rxbuf; + transfer.len = len; + transfer.speed_hz = 100000; + transfer.delay_usecs = 10; + spi_message_add_tail(&transfer, &msg); + + err = spi_sync(pisnd_spi_device, &msg); + + if (err < 0) { + printe("spi_sync error %d\n", err); + return; + } + + printd("hasMore %d\n", pisnd_spi_has_more()); +} + +static int spi_read_bytes(char *dst, size_t length, uint8_t *bytesRead) +{ + uint16_t rx; + uint8_t size; + uint8_t i; + + memset(dst, 0, length); + *bytesRead = 0; + + rx = spi_transfer16(0); + if (!(rx >> 8)) + return -EINVAL; + + size = rx & 0xff; + + if (size > length) + return -EINVAL; + + for (i = 0; i < size; ++i) { + rx = spi_transfer16(0); + if (!(rx >> 8)) + return -EINVAL; + + dst[i] = rx & 0xff; + } + + *bytesRead = i; + + return 0; +} + +static int spi_device_match(struct device *dev, const void *data) +{ + struct spi_device *spi = container_of(dev, struct spi_device, dev); + + printd(" %s %s %dkHz %d bits mode=0x%02X\n", + spi->modalias, dev_name(dev), spi->max_speed_hz/1000, + spi->bits_per_word, spi->mode); + + if (strcmp("pisound-spi", spi->modalias) == 0) { + printi("\tFound!\n"); + return 1; + } + + printe("\tNot found!\n"); + return 0; +} + +static struct spi_device *pisnd_spi_find_device(void) +{ + struct device *dev; + + printi("Searching for spi device...\n"); + dev = bus_find_device(&spi_bus_type, NULL, NULL, spi_device_match); + if (dev != NULL) + return container_of(dev, struct spi_device, dev); + else + return NULL; +} + +static void pisnd_work_handler(struct work_struct *work) +{ + enum { TRANSFER_SIZE = 4 }; + enum { PISOUND_OUTPUT_BUFFER_SIZE = 128 }; + enum { MIDI_BYTES_PER_SECOND = 3125 }; + int out_buffer_used = 0; + unsigned long now; + uint8_t val; + uint8_t txbuf[TRANSFER_SIZE]; + uint8_t rxbuf[TRANSFER_SIZE]; + uint8_t midibuf[TRANSFER_SIZE]; + int i, n; + bool had_data; + + unsigned long last_transfer_at = jiffies; + + if (work == &pisnd_work_process) { + if (pisnd_spi_device == NULL) + return; + + do { + if (g_midi_output_substream && + kfifo_avail(&spi_fifo_out) >= sizeof(midibuf)) { + + n = snd_rawmidi_transmit_peek( + g_midi_output_substream, + midibuf, sizeof(midibuf) + ); + + if (n > 0) { + for (i = 0; i < n; ++i) + kfifo_put( + &spi_fifo_out, + midibuf[i] + ); + snd_rawmidi_transmit_ack( + g_midi_output_substream, + i + ); + } + } + + had_data = false; + memset(txbuf, 0, sizeof(txbuf)); + for (i = 0; i < sizeof(txbuf) && + out_buffer_used < PISOUND_OUTPUT_BUFFER_SIZE; + i += 2) { + + val = 0; + + if (g_ledFlashDurationChanged) { + txbuf[i+0] = 0xf0; + txbuf[i+1] = g_ledFlashDuration; + g_ledFlashDuration = 0; + g_ledFlashDurationChanged = false; + } else if (kfifo_get(&spi_fifo_out, &val)) { + txbuf[i+0] = 0x0f; + txbuf[i+1] = val; + ++out_buffer_used; + } + } + + spi_transfer(txbuf, rxbuf, sizeof(txbuf)); + /* Estimate the Pisound's MIDI output buffer usage, so + * that we don't overflow it. Space in the buffer should + * be becoming available at the UART MIDI byte transfer + * rate. + */ + now = jiffies; + out_buffer_used -= + (MIDI_BYTES_PER_SECOND / HZ) / + (now - last_transfer_at); + if (out_buffer_used < 0) + out_buffer_used = 0; + last_transfer_at = now; + + for (i = 0; i < sizeof(rxbuf); i += 2) { + if (rxbuf[i]) { + kfifo_put(&spi_fifo_in, rxbuf[i+1]); + if (kfifo_len(&spi_fifo_in) > 16 && + g_recvCallback) + g_recvCallback(g_recvData); + had_data = true; + } + } + } while (had_data + || !kfifo_is_empty(&spi_fifo_out) + || pisnd_spi_has_more() + || g_ledFlashDurationChanged + ); + + if (!kfifo_is_empty(&spi_fifo_in) && g_recvCallback) + g_recvCallback(g_recvData); + } +} + +static int pisnd_spi_gpio_init(struct device *dev) +{ + spi_reset = gpiod_get_index(dev, "reset", 1, GPIOD_ASIS); + data_available = gpiod_get_index(dev, "data_available", 0, GPIOD_ASIS); + + gpiod_direction_output(spi_reset, 1); + gpiod_direction_input(data_available); + + /* Reset the slave. */ + gpiod_set_value(spi_reset, false); + mdelay(1); + gpiod_set_value(spi_reset, true); + + /* Give time for spi slave to start. */ + mdelay(64); + + return 0; +} + +static void pisnd_spi_gpio_uninit(void) +{ + gpiod_set_value(spi_reset, false); + gpiod_put(spi_reset); + spi_reset = NULL; + + gpiod_put(data_available); + data_available = NULL; +} + +static int pisnd_spi_gpio_irq_init(struct device *dev) +{ + return request_threaded_irq( + gpiod_to_irq(data_available), NULL, + data_available_interrupt_handler, + IRQF_TIMER | IRQF_TRIGGER_RISING | IRQF_ONESHOT, + "data_available_int", + NULL + ); +} + +static void pisnd_spi_gpio_irq_uninit(void) +{ + free_irq(gpiod_to_irq(data_available), NULL); +} + +static int spi_read_info(void) +{ + uint16_t tmp; + uint8_t count; + uint8_t n; + uint8_t i; + uint8_t j; + char buffer[257]; + int ret; + char *p; + + memset(g_serial_num, 0, sizeof(g_serial_num)); + memset(g_version, 0, sizeof(g_version)); + memset(g_id, 0, sizeof(g_id)); + + tmp = spi_transfer16(0); + + if (!(tmp >> 8)) + return -EINVAL; + + count = tmp & 0xff; + + for (i = 0; i < count; ++i) { + memset(buffer, 0, sizeof(buffer)); + ret = spi_read_bytes(buffer, sizeof(buffer)-1, &n); + + if (ret < 0) + return ret; + + switch (i) { + case 0: + if (n != 2) + return -EINVAL; + + snprintf( + g_version, + sizeof(g_version), + "%x.%02x", + buffer[0], + buffer[1] + ); + break; + case 1: + if (n >= sizeof(g_serial_num)) + return -EINVAL; + + memcpy(g_serial_num, buffer, sizeof(g_serial_num)); + break; + case 2: + { + if (n >= sizeof(g_id)) + return -EINVAL; + + p = g_id; + for (j = 0; j < n; ++j) + p += sprintf(p, "%02x", buffer[j]); + } + break; + default: + break; + } + } + + return 0; +} + +static int pisnd_spi_init(struct device *dev) +{ + int ret; + struct spi_device *spi; + + memset(g_serial_num, 0, sizeof(g_serial_num)); + memset(g_id, 0, sizeof(g_id)); + memset(g_version, 0, sizeof(g_version)); + + spi = pisnd_spi_find_device(); + + if (spi != NULL) { + printd("initializing spi!\n"); + pisnd_spi_device = spi; + ret = spi_setup(pisnd_spi_device); + } else { + printe("SPI device not found, deferring!\n"); + return -EPROBE_DEFER; + } + + ret = pisnd_spi_gpio_init(dev); + + if (ret < 0) { + printe("SPI GPIO init failed: %d\n", ret); + spi_dev_put(pisnd_spi_device); + pisnd_spi_device = NULL; + pisnd_spi_gpio_uninit(); + return ret; + } + + ret = spi_read_info(); + + if (ret < 0) { + printe("Reading card info failed: %d\n", ret); + spi_dev_put(pisnd_spi_device); + pisnd_spi_device = NULL; + pisnd_spi_gpio_uninit(); + return ret; + } + + /* Flash the LEDs. */ + spi_transfer16(0xf008); + + ret = pisnd_spi_gpio_irq_init(dev); + if (ret < 0) { + printe("SPI irq request failed: %d\n", ret); + spi_dev_put(pisnd_spi_device); + pisnd_spi_device = NULL; + pisnd_spi_gpio_irq_uninit(); + pisnd_spi_gpio_uninit(); + } + + ret = pisnd_init_workqueues(); + if (ret != 0) { + printe("Workqueue initialization failed: %d\n", ret); + spi_dev_put(pisnd_spi_device); + pisnd_spi_device = NULL; + pisnd_spi_gpio_irq_uninit(); + pisnd_spi_gpio_uninit(); + pisnd_uninit_workqueues(); + return ret; + } + + if (pisnd_spi_has_more()) { + printd("data is available, scheduling from init\n"); + pisnd_schedule_process(TASK_PROCESS); + } + + return 0; +} + +static void pisnd_spi_uninit(void) +{ + pisnd_uninit_workqueues(); + + spi_dev_put(pisnd_spi_device); + pisnd_spi_device = NULL; + + pisnd_spi_gpio_irq_uninit(); + pisnd_spi_gpio_uninit(); +} + +static void pisnd_spi_flash_leds(uint8_t duration) +{ + g_ledFlashDuration = duration; + g_ledFlashDurationChanged = true; + printd("schedule from spi_flash_leds\n"); + pisnd_schedule_process(TASK_PROCESS); +} + +static void pisnd_spi_flush(void) +{ + while (!kfifo_is_empty(&spi_fifo_out)) { + pisnd_spi_start(); + flush_workqueue(pisnd_workqueue); + } +} + +static void pisnd_spi_start(void) +{ + printd("schedule from spi_start\n"); + pisnd_schedule_process(TASK_PROCESS); +} + +static uint8_t pisnd_spi_recv(uint8_t *buffer, uint8_t length) +{ + return kfifo_out(&spi_fifo_in, buffer, length); +} + +static void pisnd_spi_set_callback(pisnd_spi_recv_cb cb, void *data) +{ + g_recvData = data; + g_recvCallback = cb; +} + +static const char *pisnd_spi_get_serial(void) +{ + if (strlen(g_serial_num)) + return g_serial_num; + + return ""; +} + +static const char *pisnd_spi_get_id(void) +{ + if (strlen(g_id)) + return g_id; + + return ""; +} + +static const char *pisnd_spi_get_version(void) +{ + if (strlen(g_version)) + return g_version; + + return ""; +} + +static const struct of_device_id pisound_of_match[] = { + { .compatible = "blokaslabs,pisound", }, + { .compatible = "blokaslabs,pisound-spi", }, + {}, +}; + +enum { + SWITCH = 0, + VOLUME = 1, +}; + +static int pisnd_ctl_info(struct snd_kcontrol *kcontrol, + struct snd_ctl_elem_info *uinfo) +{ + if (kcontrol->private_value == SWITCH) { + uinfo->type = SNDRV_CTL_ELEM_TYPE_BOOLEAN; + uinfo->count = 1; + uinfo->value.integer.min = 0; + uinfo->value.integer.max = 1; + return 0; + } else if (kcontrol->private_value == VOLUME) { + uinfo->type = SNDRV_CTL_ELEM_TYPE_INTEGER; + uinfo->count = 1; + uinfo->value.integer.min = 0; + uinfo->value.integer.max = 100; + return 0; + } + return -EINVAL; +} + +static int pisnd_ctl_get(struct snd_kcontrol *kcontrol, + struct snd_ctl_elem_value *ucontrol) +{ + if (kcontrol->private_value == SWITCH) { + ucontrol->value.integer.value[0] = 1; + return 0; + } else if (kcontrol->private_value == VOLUME) { + ucontrol->value.integer.value[0] = 100; + return 0; + } + + return -EINVAL; +} + +static struct snd_kcontrol_new pisnd_ctl[] = { + { + .iface = SNDRV_CTL_ELEM_IFACE_MIXER, + .name = "PCM Playback Switch", + .index = 0, + .private_value = SWITCH, + .access = SNDRV_CTL_ELEM_ACCESS_READ, + .info = pisnd_ctl_info, + .get = pisnd_ctl_get, + }, + { + .iface = SNDRV_CTL_ELEM_IFACE_MIXER, + .name = "PCM Playback Volume", + .index = 0, + .private_value = VOLUME, + .access = SNDRV_CTL_ELEM_ACCESS_READ, + .info = pisnd_ctl_info, + .get = pisnd_ctl_get, + }, +}; + +static int pisnd_ctl_init(struct snd_card *card) +{ + int err, i; + + for (i = 0; i < ARRAY_SIZE(pisnd_ctl); ++i) { + err = snd_ctl_add(card, snd_ctl_new1(&pisnd_ctl[i], NULL)); + if (err < 0) + return err; + } + + return 0; +} + +static int pisnd_ctl_uninit(void) +{ + return 0; +} + +static struct gpio_desc *osr0, *osr1, *osr2; +static struct gpio_desc *reset; +static struct gpio_desc *button; + +static int pisnd_hw_params( + struct snd_pcm_substream *substream, + struct snd_pcm_hw_params *params + ) +{ + struct snd_soc_pcm_runtime *rtd = substream->private_data; + struct snd_soc_dai *cpu_dai = rtd->cpu_dai; + + /* Pisound runs on fixed 32 clock counts per channel, + * as generated by the master ADC. + */ + snd_soc_dai_set_bclk_ratio(cpu_dai, 32*2); + + printd("rate = %d\n", params_rate(params)); + printd("ch = %d\n", params_channels(params)); + printd("bits = %u\n", + snd_pcm_format_physical_width(params_format(params))); + printd("format = %d\n", params_format(params)); + + gpiod_set_value(reset, false); + + switch (params_rate(params)) { + case 48000: + gpiod_set_value(osr0, true); + gpiod_set_value(osr1, false); + gpiod_set_value(osr2, false); + break; + case 96000: + gpiod_set_value(osr0, true); + gpiod_set_value(osr1, false); + gpiod_set_value(osr2, true); + break; + case 192000: + gpiod_set_value(osr0, true); + gpiod_set_value(osr1, true); + gpiod_set_value(osr2, true); + break; + default: + printe("Unsupported rate %u!\n", params_rate(params)); + return -EINVAL; + } + + gpiod_set_value(reset, true); + + return 0; +} + +static unsigned int rates[3] = { + 48000, 96000, 192000 +}; + +static struct snd_pcm_hw_constraint_list constraints_rates = { + .count = ARRAY_SIZE(rates), + .list = rates, + .mask = 0, +}; + +static int pisnd_startup(struct snd_pcm_substream *substream) +{ + int err = snd_pcm_hw_constraint_list( + substream->runtime, + 0, + SNDRV_PCM_HW_PARAM_RATE, + &constraints_rates + ); + + if (err < 0) + return err; + + err = snd_pcm_hw_constraint_single( + substream->runtime, + SNDRV_PCM_HW_PARAM_CHANNELS, + 2 + ); + + if (err < 0) + return err; + + err = snd_pcm_hw_constraint_mask64( + substream->runtime, + SNDRV_PCM_HW_PARAM_FORMAT, + SNDRV_PCM_FMTBIT_S16_LE | + SNDRV_PCM_FMTBIT_S24_LE | + SNDRV_PCM_FMTBIT_S32_LE + ); + + if (err < 0) + return err; + + return 0; +} + +static struct snd_soc_ops pisnd_ops = { + .startup = pisnd_startup, + .hw_params = pisnd_hw_params, +}; + +SND_SOC_DAILINK_DEFS(pisnd, + DAILINK_COMP_ARRAY(COMP_CPU("bcm2708-i2s.0")), + DAILINK_COMP_ARRAY(COMP_DUMMY()), + DAILINK_COMP_ARRAY(COMP_PLATFORM("bcm2708-i2s.0"))); + +static struct snd_soc_dai_link pisnd_dai[] = { + { + .name = "pisound", + .stream_name = "pisound", + .dai_fmt = + SND_SOC_DAIFMT_I2S | + SND_SOC_DAIFMT_NB_NF | + SND_SOC_DAIFMT_CBM_CFM, + .ops = &pisnd_ops, + SND_SOC_DAILINK_REG(pisnd), + }, +}; + +static int pisnd_card_probe(struct snd_soc_card *card) +{ + int err = pisnd_midi_init(card->snd_card); + + if (err < 0) { + printe("pisnd_midi_init failed: %d\n", err); + return err; + } + + err = pisnd_ctl_init(card->snd_card); + if (err < 0) { + printe("pisnd_ctl_init failed: %d\n", err); + return err; + } + + return 0; +} + +static int pisnd_card_remove(struct snd_soc_card *card) +{ + pisnd_ctl_uninit(); + pisnd_midi_uninit(); + return 0; +} + +static struct snd_soc_card pisnd_card = { + .name = "pisound", + .owner = THIS_MODULE, + .dai_link = pisnd_dai, + .num_links = ARRAY_SIZE(pisnd_dai), + .probe = pisnd_card_probe, + .remove = pisnd_card_remove, +}; + +static int pisnd_init_gpio(struct device *dev) +{ + osr0 = gpiod_get_index(dev, "osr", 0, GPIOD_ASIS); + osr1 = gpiod_get_index(dev, "osr", 1, GPIOD_ASIS); + osr2 = gpiod_get_index(dev, "osr", 2, GPIOD_ASIS); + + reset = gpiod_get_index(dev, "reset", 0, GPIOD_ASIS); + + button = gpiod_get_index(dev, "button", 0, GPIOD_ASIS); + + gpiod_direction_output(osr0, 1); + gpiod_direction_output(osr1, 1); + gpiod_direction_output(osr2, 1); + gpiod_direction_output(reset, 1); + + gpiod_set_value(reset, false); + gpiod_set_value(osr0, true); + gpiod_set_value(osr1, false); + gpiod_set_value(osr2, false); + gpiod_set_value(reset, true); + + gpiod_export(button, false); + + return 0; +} + +static int pisnd_uninit_gpio(void) +{ + int i; + + struct gpio_desc **gpios[] = { + &osr0, &osr1, &osr2, &reset, &button, + }; + + gpiod_unexport(button); + + for (i = 0; i < ARRAY_SIZE(gpios); ++i) { + if (*gpios[i] == NULL) { + printd("weird, GPIO[%d] is NULL already\n", i); + continue; + } + + gpiod_put(*gpios[i]); + *gpios[i] = NULL; + } + + return 0; +} + +static struct kobject *pisnd_kobj; + +static ssize_t pisnd_serial_show( + struct kobject *kobj, + struct kobj_attribute *attr, + char *buf + ) +{ + return sprintf(buf, "%s\n", pisnd_spi_get_serial()); +} + +static ssize_t pisnd_id_show( + struct kobject *kobj, + struct kobj_attribute *attr, + char *buf + ) +{ + return sprintf(buf, "%s\n", pisnd_spi_get_id()); +} + +static ssize_t pisnd_version_show( + struct kobject *kobj, + struct kobj_attribute *attr, + char *buf + ) +{ + return sprintf(buf, "%s\n", pisnd_spi_get_version()); +} + +static ssize_t pisnd_led_store( + struct kobject *kobj, + struct kobj_attribute *attr, + const char *buf, + size_t length + ) +{ + uint32_t timeout; + int err; + + err = kstrtou32(buf, 10, &timeout); + + if (err == 0 && timeout <= 255) + pisnd_spi_flash_leds(timeout); + + return length; +} + +static struct kobj_attribute pisnd_serial_attribute = + __ATTR(serial, 0444, pisnd_serial_show, NULL); +static struct kobj_attribute pisnd_id_attribute = + __ATTR(id, 0444, pisnd_id_show, NULL); +static struct kobj_attribute pisnd_version_attribute = + __ATTR(version, 0444, pisnd_version_show, NULL); +static struct kobj_attribute pisnd_led_attribute = + __ATTR(led, 0644, NULL, pisnd_led_store); + +static struct attribute *attrs[] = { + &pisnd_serial_attribute.attr, + &pisnd_id_attribute.attr, + &pisnd_version_attribute.attr, + &pisnd_led_attribute.attr, + NULL +}; + +static struct attribute_group attr_group = { .attrs = attrs }; + +static int pisnd_probe(struct platform_device *pdev) +{ + int ret = 0; + int i; + + ret = pisnd_spi_init(&pdev->dev); + if (ret < 0) { + printe("pisnd_spi_init failed: %d\n", ret); + return ret; + } + + printi("Detected Pisound card:\n"); + printi("\tSerial: %s\n", pisnd_spi_get_serial()); + printi("\tVersion: %s\n", pisnd_spi_get_version()); + printi("\tId: %s\n", pisnd_spi_get_id()); + + pisnd_kobj = kobject_create_and_add("pisound", kernel_kobj); + if (!pisnd_kobj) { + pisnd_spi_uninit(); + return -ENOMEM; + } + + ret = sysfs_create_group(pisnd_kobj, &attr_group); + if (ret < 0) { + pisnd_spi_uninit(); + kobject_put(pisnd_kobj); + return -ENOMEM; + } + + pisnd_init_gpio(&pdev->dev); + = &pdev->dev; + + if (pdev->dev.of_node) { + struct device_node *i2s_node; + + i2s_node = of_parse_phandle( + pdev->dev.of_node, + "i2s-controller", + 0 + ); + + for (i = 0; i < pisnd_card.num_links; ++i) { + struct snd_soc_dai_link *dai = &pisnd_dai[i]; + + if (i2s_node) { + dai->cpus->dai_name = NULL; + dai->cpus->of_node = i2s_node; + dai->platforms->name = NULL; + dai->platforms->of_node = i2s_node; + dai->stream_name = pisnd_spi_get_serial(); + } + } + } + + ret = snd_soc_register_card(&pisnd_card); + + if (ret < 0) { + if (ret != -EPROBE_DEFER) + printe("snd_soc_register_card() failed: %d\n", ret); + pisnd_uninit_gpio(); + kobject_put(pisnd_kobj); + pisnd_spi_uninit(); + } + + return ret; +} + +static int pisnd_remove(struct platform_device *pdev) +{ + printi("Unloading.\n"); + + if (pisnd_kobj) { + kobject_put(pisnd_kobj); + pisnd_kobj = NULL; + } + + pisnd_spi_uninit(); + + /* Turn off */ + gpiod_set_value(reset, false); + pisnd_uninit_gpio(); + + return snd_soc_unregister_card(&pisnd_card); +} + +MODULE_DEVICE_TABLE(of, pisound_of_match); + +static struct platform_driver pisnd_driver = { + .driver = { + .name = "snd-rpi-pisound", + .owner = THIS_MODULE, + .of_match_table = pisound_of_match, + }, + .probe = pisnd_probe, + .remove = pisnd_remove, +}; + +module_platform_driver(pisnd_driver); + +MODULE_AUTHOR("Giedrius Trainavicius <>"); +MODULE_DESCRIPTION("ASoC Driver for Pisound,"); +MODULE_LICENSE("GPL v2");