#!/bin/sh # SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0-or-later # # Copyright (C) 2024 Olliver Schinagl <oliver@schinagl.nl> set -eu if [ -n "${DEBUG_TRACE_SH:-}" ] && \ [ "${DEBUG_TRACE_SH:-}" != "${DEBUG_TRACE_SH#*"$(basename "${0}")"*}" ] || \ [ "${DEBUG_TRACE_SH:-}" = 'all' ]; then set -x fi REQUIRED_COMMANDS=' [ basename command echo exit git printf sed set shift sort ' _msg() { _level="${1:?Missing argument to function}" shift if [ "${#}" -le 0 ]; then echo "${_level}: No content for this message ..." return fi echo "${_level}: ${*}" } e_err() { _msg 'err' "${*}" >&2 } e_warn() { _msg 'warning' "${*}" } e_notice() { _msg 'notice' "${*}" } usage() { echo "Usage: ${0}" echo 'Helper script to bump the target kernel version, whilst keeping history.' echo ' -c Migrate config files (e.g. subtargets) only.' echo " -p Optional Platform name (e.g. 'ath79' [PLATFORM_NAME]" echo " -r Optional comma separated list of sub-targets (e.g. 'rtl930x' [SUBTARGET_NAMES]" echo " -s Source version of kernel (e.g. 'v6.1' [SOURCE_VERSION])" echo " -t Target version of kernel (e.g. 'v6.6' [TARGET_VERSION]')" echo echo 'All options can also be passed in environment variables (listed between [BRACKETS]).' echo 'Note that this script must be run from within the OpenWrt git repository.' echo 'Example: scripts/kernel_bump.sh -p realtek -s v6.1 -t v6.6' } cleanup() { trap - EXIT HUP INT QUIT ABRT ALRM TERM if [ -n "${initial_branch:-}" ] && \ [ "$(git rev-parse --abbrev-ref HEAD)" != "${initial_branch:-}" ]; then git switch "${initial_branch}" fi } init() { src_file="$(readlink -f "${0}")" src_dir="${src_file%%"${src_file##*'/'}"}" initial_branch="$(git rev-parse --abbrev-ref HEAD)" initial_commitish="$(git rev-parse HEAD)" if [ -n "$(git status --porcelain | grep -v '^?? .*')" ]; then echo 'Git respository not in a clean state, will not continue.' exit 1 fi if [ -n "${src_dir##*'/scripts/'}" ]; then echo "This script '${src_file}' is not in the scripts subdirectory, this is unexpected, cannot continue." exit 1 fi source_version="${source_version#v}" target_version="${target_version#v}" trap cleanup EXIT HUP INT QUIT ABRT ALRM TERM } bump_kernel() { if [ -z "${platform_name}" ] || \ [ -d "${PWD}/image" ]; then platform_name="${PWD}" fi platform_name="${platform_name##*'/'}" _target_dir="${src_dir}/../target/linux/${platform_name}" if [ ! -d "${_target_dir}/image" ]; then e_err "Cannot find target linux directory '${_target_dir:-not defined}'. Not in a platform directory, or -p not set." exit 1 fi git switch --force-create '__openwrt_kernel_files_mover' if [ "${config_only:-false}" != 'true' ]; then for _path in $(git ls-tree -d -r --name-only '__openwrt_kernel_files_mover' "${_target_dir}" | sed -n "s|^\(.*-${source_version}\).*|\1|p" | sort -u); do if [ ! -e "${_path}" ] || \ [ "${_path}" = "${_path%%"-${source_version}"}" ]; then continue fi _target_path="${_path%%"-${source_version}"}-${target_version}" if [ -e "${_target_path}" ]; then e_err "Target '${_target_path}' already exists!" exit 1 fi git mv \ "${_path}" \ "${_target_path}" done fi for _config in $(git ls-files "${_target_dir}" | sed -n "s|^\(.*config-${source_version}\).*|\1|p" | sort -u); do if [ ! -e "${_config}" ]; then continue fi _subtarget="${_config%%"/config-${source_version}"}" if [ -n "${subtarget_names:-}" ]; then echo "${subtarget_names:-}" | while IFS=',' read -r _subtarget_name; do if [ "${_subtarget_name}" = "${_subtarget##*'/'}" ]; then git mv "${_config}" "${_subtarget}/config-${target_version}" fi done else git mv "${_config}" "${_subtarget}/config-${target_version}" fi done git commit \ --signoff \ --message "kernel/${platform_name}: Create kernel files for v${target_version} (from v${source_version})" \ --message 'This is an automatically generated commit.' \ --message 'When doing `git bisect`, consider `git bisect --skip`.' git checkout 'HEAD~' "${_target_dir}" git commit \ --signoff \ --message "kernel/${platform_name}: Restore kernel files for v${source_version}" \ --message "$(printf "This is an automatically generated commit which aids following Kernel patch\nhistory, as git will see the move and copy as a rename thus defeating the\npurpose.\n\nFor the original discussion see:\nhttps://lists.openwrt.org/pipermail/openwrt-devel/2023-October/041673.html")" git switch "${initial_branch:?Unable to switch back to original branch. Quitting.}" GIT_EDITOR=true git merge --no-ff '__openwrt_kernel_files_mover' git branch --delete '__openwrt_kernel_files_mover' echo "Deleting merge commit ($(git rev-parse HEAD))." git rebase HEAD~1 echo "Original commitish was '${initial_commitish}'." echo 'Kernel bump complete. Remember to use `git log --follow`.' } check_requirements() { for _cmd in ${REQUIRED_COMMANDS}; do if ! _test_result="$(command -V "${_cmd}")"; then _test_result_fail="${_test_result_fail:-}${_test_result}\n" else _test_result_pass="${_test_result_pass:-}${_test_result}\n" fi done echo 'Available commands:' # As the results contain \n, we expect these to be interpreted. # shellcheck disable=SC2059 printf "${_test_result_pass:-none\n}" echo echo 'Missing commands:' # shellcheck disable=SC2059 printf "${_test_result_fail:-none\n}" echo if [ -n "${_test_result_fail:-}" ]; then echo 'Command test failed, missing programs.' test_failed=1 fi } main() { while getopts 'chp:r:s:t:' _options; do case "${_options}" in 'c') config_only='true' ;; 'h') usage exit 0 ;; 'p') platform_name="${OPTARG}" ;; 'r') subtarget_names="${OPTARG}" ;; 's') source_version="${OPTARG}" ;; 't') target_version="${OPTARG}" ;; ':') e_err "Option -${OPTARG} requires an argument." exit 1 ;; *) e_err "Invalid option: -${OPTARG}" exit 1 ;; esac done shift "$((OPTIND - 1))" platform_name="${platform_name:-${PLATFORM_NAME:-}}" subtarget_names="${subtarget_names:-${SUBTARGET_NAMES:-}}" source_version="${source_version:-${SOURCE_VERSION:-}}" target_version="${target_version:-${TARGET_VERSION:-}}" if [ -z "${source_version:-}" ] || [ -z "${target_version:-}" ]; then e_err "Source (${source_version:-missing source version}) and target (${target_version:-missing target version}) versions need to be defined." echo usage exit 1 fi check_requirements init bump_kernel cleanup } main "${@}" exit 0