#!/bin/sh . /lib/functions.sh . /lib/functions/system.sh . /usr/share/libubox/jshn.sh # File-local constants CONF_TAR=/tmp/sysupgrade.tgz ETCBACKUP_DIR=/etc/backup INSTALLED_PACKAGES=${ETCBACKUP_DIR}/installed_packages.txt COMMAND=/lib/upgrade/do_stage2 # File-local globals SAVE_OVERLAY=0 SAVE_OVERLAY_PATH= SAVE_PARTITIONS=1 SAVE_INSTALLED_PKGS=0 SKIP_UNCHANGED=0 CONF_IMAGE= CONF_BACKUP_LIST=0 CONF_BACKUP= CONF_RESTORE= NEED_IMAGE= HELP=0 TEST=0 # Globals accessed in other files export MTD_ARGS="" export MTD_CONFIG_ARGS="" export INTERACTIVE=0 export VERBOSE=1 export SAVE_CONFIG=1 export IGNORE_MINOR_COMPAT=0 export FORCE=0 export CONFFILES=/tmp/sysupgrade.conffiles # parse options while [ -n "$1" ]; do case "$1" in -i) export INTERACTIVE=1;; -v) export VERBOSE="$(($VERBOSE + 1))";; -q) export VERBOSE="$(($VERBOSE - 1))";; -n) export SAVE_CONFIG=0;; -c) SAVE_OVERLAY=1 SAVE_OVERLAY_PATH=/etc;; -o) SAVE_OVERLAY=1 SAVE_OVERLAY_PATH=/;; -p) SAVE_PARTITIONS=0;; -k) SAVE_INSTALLED_PKGS=1;; -u) SKIP_UNCHANGED=1;; -b|--create-backup) CONF_BACKUP="$2" NEED_IMAGE=1; shift;; -r|--restore-backup) CONF_RESTORE="$2" NEED_IMAGE=1; shift;; -l|--list-backup) CONF_BACKUP_LIST=1;; -f) CONF_IMAGE="$2"; shift;; -F|--force) export FORCE=1;; -T|--test) TEST=1;; -h|--help) HELP=1; break;; --ignore-minor-compat-version) export IGNORE_MINOR_COMPAT=1;; -*) echo "Invalid option: $1" >&2 exit 1 ;; *) break;; esac shift; done print_help() { cat <...] $0 [-q] [-i] [-c] [-u] [-o] [-k] upgrade-option: -f restore configuration from .tar.gz (file or url) -i interactive mode -c attempt to preserve all changed files in /etc/ -o attempt to preserve all changed files in /, except those from packages but including changed confs. -u skip from backup files that are equal to those in /rom -n do not save configuration over reflash -p do not attempt to restore the partition table after flash. -k include in backup a list of current installed packages at $INSTALLED_PACKAGES -T | --test Verify image and config .tar.gz but do not actually flash. -F | --force Flash image even if image checks fail, this is dangerous! --ignore-minor-compat-version Flash image even if the minor compat version is incompatible. -q less verbose -v more verbose -h | --help display this help backup-command: -b | --create-backup create .tar.gz of files specified in sysupgrade.conf then exit. Does not flash an image. If file is '-', i.e. stdout, verbosity is set to 0 (i.e. quiet). -r | --restore-backup restore a .tar.gz created with sysupgrade -b then exit. Does not flash an image. If file is '-', the archive is read from stdin. -l | --list-backup list the files that would be backed up when calling sysupgrade -b. Does not create a backup file. EOF } IMAGE="$1" if [ $HELP -gt 0 ]; then print_help exit 0 fi if [ -z "$IMAGE" -a -z "$NEED_IMAGE" -a $CONF_BACKUP_LIST -eq 0 ]; then print_help exit 1 fi [ -n "$IMAGE" -a -n "$NEED_IMAGE" ] && { cat <<-EOF -b|--create-backup and -r|--restore-backup do not perform a firmware upgrade. Do not specify both -b|-r and a firmware image. EOF exit 1 } # prevent messages from clobbering the tarball when using stdout [ "$CONF_BACKUP" = "-" ] && export VERBOSE=0 list_conffiles() { awk ' BEGIN { conffiles = 0 } /^Conffiles:/ { conffiles = 1; next } !/^ / { conffiles = 0; next } conffiles == 1 { print } ' /usr/lib/opkg/status } list_changed_conffiles() { # Cannot handle spaces in filenames - but opkg cannot either... list_conffiles | while read file csum; do [ -r "$file" ] || continue echo "${csum} ${file}" | busybox sha256sum -sc - || echo "$file" done } list_static_conffiles() { local filter=$1 find $(sed -ne '/^[[:space:]]*$/d; /^#/d; p' \ /etc/sysupgrade.conf /lib/upgrade/keep.d/* 2>/dev/null) \ \( -type f -o -type l \) $filter 2>/dev/null } build_list_of_backup_config_files() { local file="$1" ( list_static_conffiles "$find_filter"; list_changed_conffiles ) | sort -u > "$file" return 0 } build_list_of_backup_overlay_files() { local file="$1" local packagesfiles=$1.packagesfiles touch "$packagesfiles" if [ "$SAVE_OVERLAY_PATH" = / ]; then local conffiles=$1.conffiles local keepfiles=$1.keepfiles list_conffiles | cut -f2 -d ' ' | sort -u > "$conffiles" # backup files from /etc/sysupgrade.conf and /lib/upgrade/keep.d, but # ignore those aready controlled by opkg conffiles list_static_conffiles | sort -u | grep -h -v -x -F -f $conffiles > "$keepfiles" # backup conffiles, but only those changed if '-u' [ $SKIP_UNCHANGED = 1 ] && list_changed_conffiles | sort -u > "$conffiles" # do not backup files from packages, except those listed # in conffiles and keep.d { find /usr/lib/opkg/info -type f -name "*.list" -exec cat {} \; find /usr/lib/opkg/info -type f -name "*.control" -exec sed \ -ne '/^Alternatives/{s/^Alternatives: //;s/, /\n/g;p}' {} \; | cut -f2 -d: } | grep -v -x -F -f $conffiles | grep -v -x -F -f $keepfiles | sort -u > "$packagesfiles" rm -f "$keepfiles" "$conffiles" fi # busybox grep bug when file is empty [ -s "$packagesfiles" ] || echo > $packagesfiles ( cd /overlay/upper/; find .$SAVE_OVERLAY_PATH \( -type f -o -type l \) $find_filter | sed \ -e 's,^\.,,' \ -e '\,^/etc/board.json$,d' \ -e '\,/[^/]*-opkg$,d' \ -e '\,^/etc/urandom.seed$,d' \ -e "\,^$INSTALLED_PACKAGES$,d" \ -e '\,^/usr/lib/opkg/.*,d' \ ) | grep -v -x -F -f $packagesfiles > "$file" rm -f "$packagesfiles" return 0 } if [ $SAVE_OVERLAY = 1 ]; then [ ! -d /overlay/upper/etc ] && { echo "Cannot find '/overlay/upper/etc', required for '-c' or '-o'" >&2 exit 1 } sysupgrade_init_conffiles="build_list_of_backup_overlay_files" else sysupgrade_init_conffiles="build_list_of_backup_config_files" fi find_filter="" if [ $SKIP_UNCHANGED = 1 ]; then [ ! -d /rom/ ] && { echo "'/rom/' is required by '-u'" exit 1 } find_filter='( ( -exec test -e /rom/{} ; -exec cmp -s /{} /rom/{} ; ) -o -print )' fi include /lib/upgrade create_backup_archive() { local conf_tar="$1" local umount_etcbackup_dir=0 [ "$(rootfs_type)" = "tmpfs" ] && { echo "Cannot save config while running from ramdisk." >&2 ask_bool 0 "Abort" && exit rm -f "$conf_tar" return 0 } run_hooks "$CONFFILES" $sysupgrade_init_conffiles ask_bool 0 "Edit config file list" && vi "$CONFFILES" if [ "$SAVE_INSTALLED_PKGS" -eq 1 ]; then echo "${INSTALLED_PACKAGES}" >> "$CONFFILES" mkdir -p "$ETCBACKUP_DIR" # Avoid touching filesystem on each backup RAMFS="$(mktemp -d -t sysupgrade.XXXXXX)" mkdir -p "$RAMFS/upper" "$RAMFS/work" mount -t overlay overlay -o lowerdir=$ETCBACKUP_DIR,upperdir=$RAMFS/upper,workdir=$RAMFS/work $ETCBACKUP_DIR && umount_etcbackup_dir=1 || { echo "Cannot mount '$ETCBACKUP_DIR' as tmpfs to avoid touching disk while saving the list of installed packages." >&2 ask_bool 0 "Abort" && exit } # Format: pkg-name{rom,overlay,unknown} # rom is used for pkgs in /rom, even if updated later find /usr/lib/opkg/info -name "*.control" \( \ \( -exec test -f /rom/{} \; -exec echo {} rom \; \) -o \ \( -exec test -f /overlay/upper/{} \; -exec echo {} overlay \; \) -o \ \( -exec echo {} unknown \; \) \ \) | sed -e 's,.*/,,;s/\.control /\t/' > ${INSTALLED_PACKAGES} fi v "Saving config files..." [ "$VERBOSE" -gt 1 ] && TAR_V="v" || TAR_V="" sed -i -e 's,^/,,' "$CONFFILES" tar c${TAR_V}zf "$conf_tar" -C / -T "$CONFFILES" local err=$? if [ "$err" -ne 0 ]; then echo "Failed to create the configuration backup." rm -f "$conf_tar" fi [ "$umount_etcbackup_dir" -eq 1 ] && { umount "$ETCBACKUP_DIR" rm -rf "$RAMFS" } rm -f "$CONFFILES" return "$err" } if [ $CONF_BACKUP_LIST -eq 1 ]; then run_hooks "$CONFFILES" $sysupgrade_init_conffiles [ "$SAVE_INSTALLED_PKGS" -eq 1 ] && echo ${INSTALLED_PACKAGES} >> "$CONFFILES" cat "$CONFFILES" rm -f "$CONFFILES" exit 0 fi if [ -n "$CONF_BACKUP" ]; then create_backup_archive "$CONF_BACKUP" exit fi if [ -n "$CONF_RESTORE" ]; then if [ "$CONF_RESTORE" != "-" ] && [ ! -f "$CONF_RESTORE" ]; then echo "Backup archive '$CONF_RESTORE' not found." >&2 exit 1 fi [ "$VERBOSE" -gt 1 ] && TAR_V="v" || TAR_V="" v "Restoring config files..." tar -C / -x${TAR_V}zf "$CONF_RESTORE" exit $? fi type platform_check_image >/dev/null 2>/dev/null || { echo "Firmware upgrade is not implemented for this platform." >&2 exit 1 } case "$IMAGE" in http://*|\ https://*) wget -O/tmp/sysupgrade.img "$IMAGE" || exit 1 IMAGE=/tmp/sysupgrade.img ;; esac IMAGE="$(readlink -f "$IMAGE")" case "$IMAGE" in '') echo "Image file not found." >&2 exit 1 ;; /tmp/*) ;; *) v "Image not in /tmp, copying..." cp -f "$IMAGE" /tmp/sysupgrade.img IMAGE=/tmp/sysupgrade.img ;; esac json_load "$(/usr/libexec/validate_firmware_image "$IMAGE")" || { echo "Failed to check image" exit 1 } json_get_var valid "valid" [ "$valid" -eq 0 ] && { if [ $FORCE -eq 1 ]; then echo "Image check failed but --force given - will update anyway!" >&2 else echo "Image check failed." >&2 exit 1 fi } if [ -n "$CONF_IMAGE" ]; then case "$(get_magic_word $CONF_IMAGE cat)" in # .gz files 1f8b) ;; *) echo "Invalid config file. Please use only .tar.gz files" >&2 exit 1 ;; esac get_image "$CONF_IMAGE" "cat" > "$CONF_TAR" export SAVE_CONFIG=1 elif ask_bool $SAVE_CONFIG "Keep config files over reflash"; then [ $TEST -eq 1 ] || create_backup_archive "$CONF_TAR" || exit export SAVE_CONFIG=1 else [ $TEST -eq 1 ] || rm -f "$CONF_TAR" export SAVE_CONFIG=0 fi if [ $TEST -eq 1 ]; then exit 0 fi install_bin /sbin/upgraded v "Commencing upgrade. Closing all shell sessions." if [ -n "$FAILSAFE" ]; then printf '%s\x00%s\x00%s' "$RAM_ROOT" "$IMAGE" "$COMMAND" >/tmp/sysupgrade lock -u /tmp/.failsafe else json_init json_add_string prefix "$RAM_ROOT" json_add_string path "$IMAGE" [ $FORCE -eq 1 ] && json_add_boolean force 1 [ $SAVE_CONFIG -eq 1 ] && json_add_string backup "$CONF_TAR" json_add_string command "$COMMAND" json_add_object options json_add_int save_partitions "$SAVE_PARTITIONS" json_close_object ubus call system sysupgrade "$(json_dump)" fi