# UBUS methods - hostapd

## bss_mgmt_enable
Enable 802.11k/v features.

### arguments
| Name | Type | Required | Description |
| neighbor_report | bool | no | enable 802.11k neighbor reports |
| beacon_report | bool | no | enable 802.11k beacon reports |
| link_measurements | bool | no | enable 802.11k link measurements |
| bss_transition | bool | no | enable 802.11v BSS transition support |

### example
`ubus call hostapd.wl5-fb bss_mgmt_enable '{ "neighbor_report": true, "beacon_report": true, "link_measurements": true, "bss_transition": true

## bss_transition_request
Initiate an 802.11v transition request.

### arguments
| Name | Type | Required | Description |
| addr | string | yes | client MAC address |
| disassociation_imminent | bool | no | set Disassociation Imminent bit |
| disassociation_timer | int32 | no | disassociate client if it doesn't roam after this time |
| validity_period | int32 | no | validity of the BSS Transition Candiate List |
| neighbors | array | no | BSS Transition Candidate List |
| abridged | bool | no | prefer APs in the BSS Transition Candidate List |
| dialog_token | int32 | no | identifier for the request/report transaction |
| mbo_reason | int32 | no | MBO Transition Reason Code Attribute |
| cell_pref | int32 | no | MBO Cellular Data Connection Preference Attribute |
| reassoc_delay | int32 | no | MBO Re-association retry delay |

### example
`ubus call hostapd.wl5-fb bss_transition_request '{ "addr": "68:2F:67:8B:98:ED", "disassociation_imminent": false, "disassociation_timer": 0, "validity_period": 30, "neighbors": ["b6a7b9cbeebabf5900008064090603026a00"], "abridged": 1 }'`

## config_add
Dynamically load a BSS configuration from a file. This is used by netifd's mac80211 support script to configure BSSes on multiple PHYs in a single hostapd instance.

### arguments
| Name | Type | Required | Description |
| iface | string | yes | WiFi interface name |
| config | string | yes | path to hostapd config file |

## config_remove
Dynamically remove a BSS configuration.

### arguments
| Name | Type | Required | Description |
| iface | string | yes | WiFi interface name |

## del_client
Kick a client off the network.

### arguments
| Name | Type | Required | Description |
| addr | string | yes | client MAC address |
| reason | int32 | no | 802.11 reason code |
| deauth | bool | no | deauthenticates client instead of disassociating |
| ban_time | int32 | no | ban client for N milliseconds |

### example
`ubus call hostapd.wl5-fb del_client '{ "addr": "68:2f:67:8b:98:ed", "reason": 5, "deauth": true, "ban_time": 10000 }'`

## get_clients
Show associated clients.

### example
`ubus call hostapd.wl5-fb get_clients`

### output
        "freq": 5260,
        "clients": {
                "68:2f:67:8b:98:ed": {
                        "auth": true,
                        "assoc": true,
                        "authorized": true,
                        "preauth": false,
                        "wds": false,
                        "wmm": true,
                        "ht": true,
                        "vht": true,
                        "he": false,
                        "wps": false,
                        "mfp": true,
                        "rrm": [
                        "extended_capabilities": [
                        "aid": 3,
                        "signature": "wifi4|probe:0,1,45,127,107,191,221(0017f2,10),221(001018,2),htcap:006f,htagg:1b,htmcs:0000ffff,vhtcap:0f825832,vhtrxmcs:0000ffea,vhttxmcs:0000ffea,extcap:0000008000000040|assoc:0,1,33,36,48,45,127,191,221(0017f2,10),221(001018,2),221(0050f2,2),htcap:006f,htagg:1b,htmcs:0000ffff,vhtcap:0f825832,vhtrxmcs:0000ffea,vhttxmcs:0000ffea,txpow:14f9,extcap:0000000000000040",
                        "bytes": {
                                "rx": 1933667,
                                "tx": 746805
                        "airtime": {
                                "rx": 208863,
                                "tx": 9037883
                        "packets": {
                                "rx": 3587,
                                "tx": 2185
                        "rate": {
                                "rx": 866700,
                                "tx": 866700
                        "signal": -50,
                        "capabilities": {
                                "vht": {
                                        "su_beamformee": true,
                                        "mu_beamformee": false,
                                        "mcs_map": {
                                                "rx": {
                                                        "1ss": 9,
                                                        "2ss": 9,
                                                        "3ss": 9,
                                                        "4ss": -1,
                                                        "5ss": -1,
                                                        "6ss": -1,
                                                        "7ss": -1,
                                                        "8ss": -1
                                                "tx": {
                                                        "1ss": 9,
                                                        "2ss": 9,
                                                        "3ss": 9,
                                                        "4ss": -1,
                                                        "5ss": -1,
                                                        "6ss": -1,
                                                        "7ss": -1,
                                                        "8ss": -1

## get_features
Show HT/VHT support.

### example
`ubus call hostapd.wl5-fb get_features`

### output
        "ht_supported": true,
        "vht_supported": true

## get_status
Get BSS status.

### example
`ubus call hostapd.wl5-fb get_status`

### output
        "status": "ENABLED",
        "bssid": "b6:a7:b9:cb:ee:bc",
        "ssid": "fb",
        "freq": 5260,
        "channel": 52,
        "op_class": 128,
        "beacon_interval": 100,
        "phy": "wl5-lan",
        "rrm": {
                "neighbor_report_tx": 0
        "wnm": {
                "bss_transition_query_rx": 0,
                "bss_transition_request_tx": 0,
                "bss_transition_response_rx": 0
        "airtime": {
                "time": 259561738,
                "time_busy": 2844249,
                "utilization": 0
        "dfs": {
                "cac_seconds": 60,
                "cac_active": false,
                "cac_seconds_left": 0

## link_measurement_req
Initiate an 802.11k Link Measurement Request.

### arguments
| Name | Type | Required | Description |
| addr | string | yes | client MAC address |
| tx-power-used | int32 | no | transmit power used to transmit the Link Measurement Request frame |
| tx-power-max | int32 | no | upper limit of transmit power to be used by the client |

## list_bans
List banned clients.

### example
`ubus call hostapd.wl5-fb list_bans`

### output
        "clients": [

## notify_response
When enabled, hostapd will send a ubus notification and wait for a response before responding to various requests. This is used by e.g. usteer to make it possible to ignore probe requests.

:warning: enabling this will cause hostapd to stop responding to probe requests unless a ubus subscriber responds to the ubus notifications.

### arguments
| Name | Type | Required | Description |
| notify_response | int32 | yes | disable (0) or enable (!0) |

### example
`ubus call hostapd.wl5-fb notify_response '{ "notify_response": 1 }'`

## reload
Reload BSS configuration.

:warning: this can cause problems for certain configurations:

Mon May 16 16:09:08 2022 daemon.warn hostapd: Failed to check if DFS is required; ret=-1
Mon May 16 16:09:08 2022 daemon.warn hostapd: Failed to check if DFS is required; ret=-1
Mon May 16 16:09:08 2022 daemon.err hostapd: Wrong coupling between HT and VHT/HE channel setting

### example
`ubus call hostapd.wl5-fb reload`

## rrm_beacon_req
Send a Beacon Measurement Request to a client.

### arguments
| Name | Type | Required | Description |
| addr | string | yes | client MAC address |
| op_class | int32 | yes | the Regulatory Class for which this Measurement Request applies |
| channel | int32 | yes | channel to measure |
| duration | int32 | yes | compile Beacon Measurement Report after N TU |
| mode | int32 | yes | mode to be used for measurement (0: passive, 1: active, 2: beacon table) |
| bssid | string | no | filter BSSes in Beacon Measurement Report by BSSID |
| ssid | string | no | filter BSSes in Beacon Measurement Report by SSID|

## rrm_nr_get_own
Show Neighbor Report Element for this BSS.

### example
`ubus call hostapd.wl5-fb rrm_nr_get_own`

### output
        "value": [

## rrm_nr_list
Show Neighbor Report Elements for other BSSes in this ESS.

### example
`ubus call hostapd.wl5-fb rrm_nr_list`

### output
        "list": [

## rrm_nr_set
Set the Neighbor Report Elements. An element for the node on which this command is executed will always be added.

### arguments
| Name | Type | Required | Description |
| list | array | yes | array of Neighbor Report Elements in the format of the rrm_nr_list output |

### example
`ubus call hostapd.wl5-fb rrm_nr_set '{ "list": [ [ "b6:a7:b9:cb:ee:ba", "fb", "b6a7b9cbeebabf5900008064090603026a00" ] ] }'`

## set_vendor_elements
Configure Vendor-specific Information Elements for BSS.

### arguments
| Name | Type | Required | Description |
| vendor_elements | string | yes | Vendor-specific Information Elements as hex string |

### example
`ubus call hostapd.wl5-fb set_vendor_elements '{ "vendor_elements": "dd054857dd6662" }'`

## switch_chan
Initiate a channel switch.

:warning: trying to switch to the channel that is currently in use will fail: `Command failed: Operation not supported`

### arguments
| Name | Type | Required | Description |
| freq | int32 | yes | frequency in MHz to switch to |
| bcn_count | int32 | no | count in Beacon frames (TBTT) to perform the switch |
| center_freq1 | int32 | no | segment 0 center frequency in MHz (valid for HT and VHT) |
| center_freq2 | int32 | no | segment 1 center frequency in MHz (valid only for 80 MHz channel width and an 80+80 channel) |
| bandwidth | int32 | no | channel width to use |
| sec_channel_offset| int32 | no | secondary channel offset for HT40 (0 = disabled, 1 = HT40+, -1 = HT40-) |
| ht | bool | no | enable 802.11n |
| vht | bool | no | enable 802.11ac |
| he | bool | no | enable 802.11ax |
| block_tx | bool | no | block transmission during CSA period |
| csa_force | bool | no | restart the interface in case the CSA fails |

## example
`ubus call hostapd.wl5-fb switch_chan '{ "freq": 5180, "bcn_count": 10, "center_freq1": 5210, "bandwidth": 80, "he": 1, "block_tx": 1, "csa_force": 0 }'`

## update_airtime
Set dynamic airtime weight for client.

### arguments
| Name | Type | Required | Description |
| sta | string | yes | client MAC address |
| weight | int32 | yes | airtime weight |

## update_beacon
Force beacon frame content to be updated and to start beaconing on an interface that uses start_disabled=1.

### example
`ubus call hostapd.wl5-fb update_beacon`

## wps_status
Get WPS status for BSS.

### example
`ubus call hostapd.wl5-fb wps_status`

### output
        "pbc_status": "Disabled",
        "last_wps_result": "None"

## wps_cancel
Cancel WPS Push Button Configuration.

### example
`ubus call hostapd.wl5-fb wps_cancel`

## wps_start
Start WPS Push Button Configuration.

### example
`ubus call hostapd.wl5-fb wps_start`