#!/usr/bin/awk -f function bitcount(c) { c=and(rshift(c, 1),0x55555555)+and(c,0x55555555) c=and(rshift(c, 2),0x33333333)+and(c,0x33333333) c=and(rshift(c, 4),0x0f0f0f0f)+and(c,0x0f0f0f0f) c=and(rshift(c, 8),0x00ff00ff)+and(c,0x00ff00ff) c=and(rshift(c,16),0x0000ffff)+and(c,0x0000ffff) return c } function ip2int(ip) { ret=0 n=split(ip,a,"\\.") for (x=1;x<=n;x++) ret=or(lshift(ret,8),a[x]) return ret } function int2ip(ip,ret,x) { ret=and(ip,255) ip=rshift(ip,8) for(;x<3;x++) { ret=and(ip,255)"."ret ip=rshift(ip,8) } return ret } function compl32(v) { ret=xor(v, 0xffffffff) return ret } BEGIN { slpos=index(ARGV[1],"/") if (slpos != 0) { # rearrange arguments to not use compound notation ARGV[4]=ARGV[3] ARGV[3]=ARGV[2] ARGV[2]=substr(ARGV[1],slpos+1) ARGV[1]=substr(ARGV[1],0,slpos-1) } ipaddr=ip2int(ARGV[1]) dotpos=index(ARGV[2],".") if (dotpos == 0) netmask=compl32(2**(32-int(ARGV[2]))-1) else netmask=ip2int(ARGV[2]) network=and(ipaddr,netmask) prefix=32-bitcount(compl32(netmask)) print "IP="int2ip(ipaddr) print "NETMASK="int2ip(netmask) print "NETWORK="int2ip(network) if (prefix<=30) { broadcast=or(network,compl32(netmask)) print "BROADCAST="int2ip(broadcast) } print "PREFIX="prefix # range calculations: # ipcalc if (ARGC <= 3) exit(0) if (prefix<=30) limit=network+1 else limit=network start=or(network,and(ip2int(ARGV[3]),compl32(netmask))) if (startlimit) end=limit if (end==ipaddr) end=ipaddr-1 if (start>end) { print "network ("int2ip(network)"/"prefix") too small" > "/dev/stderr" exit(1) } if (ipaddr >= start && ipaddr <= end) { print "warning: ipaddr inside range - this might not be supported in future releases of Openwrt" > "/dev/stderr" # turn this into an error after Openwrt 24 has been released # exit(1) } print "START="int2ip(start) print "END="int2ip(end) }