(based on support for ASUS RT-AX59U by liushiyou006)
SOC: MediaTek MT7986
FLASH: 128MB SPI-NAND (Winbond W25N01GV)
WIFI: Mediatek MT7986 DBDC 802.11ax 2.4/5 GHz
ETH: MediaTek MT7531 Switch
UART: 3V3 115200 8N1 (Pinout silkscreened / Do not connect VCC)
Upgrade from AsusWRT to OpenWRT using UART
Download the OpenWrt initramfs image.
Copy the image to a TFTP server reachable at Rename the image to rtax59u.bin.
Connect the PC with TFTP server to the RT-AX59U.
Set a static ip on the ethernet interface of your PC.
(ip address:, subnet mask:
Conect to the serial console, interrupt the autoboot process by pressing '4' when prompted.
Download & Boot the OpenWrt initramfs image.
$ setenv ipaddr
$ setenv serverip
$ tftpboot 0x46000000 rtax59u.bin
$ bootm 0x46000000
Wait for OpenWrt to boot. Transfer the sysupgrade image to the device using scp and install using sysupgrade.
$ sysupgrade -n <path-to-sysupgrade.bin>
Upgrade from AsusWRT to OpenWRT using WebUI
Download transit TRX file from https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1A20QdjK7Udagu31FSszpWAk8-cGlCwsq
Upgrade firmware from WebUI ( using downloaded TRX file
Wait for OpenWRT to boot (
Upgrade system with sysupgrade image using luci or uploading it through scp and executing sysupgrade command
MAC Address for WLAN 5g is not following the same algorithm as in AsusWRT.
We have increased by one the WLAN 5g to avoid collisions with other networks from WLAN 2g
when bit 28 is already set.
: Stock : OpenWrt
WLAN 2g (1) : C8:xx:xx:0D:xx:D4 : C8:xx:xx:0D:xx:D4
WLAN 2g (2) : : CA:xx:xx:0D:xx:D4
WLAN 2g (3) : : CE:xx:xx:0D:xx:D4
WLAN 5g (1) : CA:xx:xx:1D:xx:D4 : CA:xx:xx:1D:xx:D5
WLAN 5g (2) : : CE:xx:xx:1D:xx:D5
WLAN 5g (3) : : C2:xx:xx:1D:xx:D5
WLAN 2g (1) : 08:xx:xx:76:xx:BE : 08:xx:xx:76:xx:BE
WLAN 2g (2) : : 0A:xx:xx:76:xx:BE
WLAN 2g (3) : : 0E:xx:xx:76:xx:BE
WLAN 5g (1) : 0A:xx:xx:76:xx:BE : 0A:xx:xx:76:xx:BF
WLAN 5g (2) : : 0E:xx:xx:76:xx:BF
WLAN 5g (3) : : 02:xx:xx:76:xx:BF
Signed-off-by: Xavier Franquet <xavier@franquet.es>
(cherry picked from commit 782eb050082acac93c2f9b3eb22348234bc93e99)
Reorder scripts and image recipes to keep alphabetical order.
Signed-off-by: Chukun Pan <amadeus@jmu.edu.cn>
(cherry picked from commit 07482d15af5dd79fc38dd0eb23319934fe4d7a7a)
Hardware specification:
SoC: MediaTek MT7981B 2x A53
Flash: Winbond 128MB
Ethernet: 4x 10/100/1000 Mbps
Switch: MediaTek MT7531AE
WiFi: MediaTek MT7976C
Button: Reset
Power: DC 12V 1A
Flash instructions:
1. Connect to your PC via the Gigabit port of the router,
set a static ip on the ethernet interface of your PC.
(ip, gateway
2. Attach UART, pause at u-boot menu.
3. Select "Upgrade ATF BL2", then use preloader.bin
4. Select "Upgrade ATF FIP", then use bl31-uboot.fip
5. Download the initramfs image, and type "reset",
waiting for tftp recovery to complete.
6. After openwrt boots up, perform sysupgrade.
1. Since NMBM is disabled, we must back up all partitions.
2. Although we can upgrade new firmware in the stock firmware,
we need the special fit image signature of MediaTek and
dual boot (hack kernel) to make u-boot boot it. So just
abandon these hacks and flash it via the serial port.
Signed-off-by: Chukun Pan <amadeus@jmu.edu.cn>
(cherry picked from commit 626344c9926dcf2db2e10681c19aab0328fee160)
SOC: MediaTek MT7986
WIFI: Mediatek MT7986 DBDC 802.11ax 2.4/5 GHz 4T4R
ETH: MediaTek MT7530 Switch (LAN)
MaxLinear GPY211C 2.5 N-Base-T PHY (WAN)
MaxLinear GPY211C 2.5 N-Base-T PHY (LAN)
UART: 3V3 115200 8N1 (Do not connect VCC)
USB 3.1
Download the OpenWrt initramfs image. Copy the image to a TFTP server
reachable at Rename the image to TUF-AX6000.bin.
Connect to the serial console, interrupt the auto boot process by
pressing '4' when prompted or press '1' and set client IP, server
IP and name of the image.
yOU don't need to open the case or even soldering anything.
use three goldpin wires, remove their plastic cover and connect
them to the console pinout via the case holes.
You can see three holes
From Bottom: RX, TX, Ground - partially covered
Download & Boot the OpenWrt initramfs image.
In case of option '4'
$ setenv ipaddr
$ setenv serverip
$ tftpboot 0x46000000 TUF-AX6000.bin
$ bootm 0x46000000
In case of option '1'
1: Load System code to SDRAM via TFTP.
Please Input new ones /or Ctrl-C to discard
Input device IP ( ==:
Input server IP ( ==:
Input Linux Kernel filename (TUF-AX6000.trx) ==:
Wait for OpenWrt to boot. Transfer the sysupgrade
image to the device using scp and install using sysupgrade.
$ sysupgrade -n <path-to-sysupgrade.bin>
Missing features
2.5Gb LAN port LED is ON during boot or when the LAN cable is disconnected
The cover yellow light is not supported. (only blue one)
Signed-off-by: Patryk Kowalczyk <patryk@kowalczyk.ws>
(cherry picked from commit d522ccecb28f941aadcaf7a50cd6daa861f468a7)
Commit mt76: drop default eeprom file for mt7986-firmware
(e3aa645b267ca4f08773b5366583e9b0020fc3e9) breaks eeprom loading for
Mercusys MR90X v1. As a result WiFi is not working at all.
This commit adds Mercusus MR90x to the caldata script (it works after the
commit mentioned above). And we can safely drop "81_fix_eeprom" script
as it's no longer required.
Fixes: 5a0bdab24c0f ("mt76: drop default eeprom file for mt7986-firmware")
Signed-off-by: Mikhail Zhilkin <csharper2005@gmail.com>
(cherry picked from commit 85b0d7592c454f2e4e02be043a1e433c67df4e41)
[rmilecki: fix commit hash in Fixes]
Signed-off-by: Rafał Miłecki <rafal@milecki.pl>
Hardware specification:
SoC: MediaTek MT7981B 2x A53
Flash: 64GB eMMC or 128 MB SPI-NAND
RAM: 512MB
Ethernet: 4x 10/100/1000 Mbps
Switch: MediaTek MT7531AE
WiFi: MediaTek MT7976C
Button: Reset, Mesh
Power: DC 12V 1A
- UART: 3.3v, 115200n8
| Layout |
| ----------------- |
| 4 | GND TX VCC RX | <= |
| ----------------- |
Gain SSH access:
1. Login into web interface, and download the configuration.
2. Enter fakeroot, decompress the configuration:
tar -zxf cfg_export_config_file.conf
3. Edit 'etc/config/dropbear', set 'enable' to '1'.
4. Edit 'etc/shadow', update (remove) root password:
5. Repack 'etc' directory:
tar -zcf cfg_export_config_file.conf etc/
* If you find an error about 'etc/wireless/mediatek/DBDC_card0.dat',
just ignore it.
6. Upload new configuration via web interface, now you can SSH to RAX3000M.
Check stroage type:
Check the label on the back of the device:
"CH EC CMIIT ID: xxxx" is eMMC version
"CH CMIIT ID: xxxx" is NAND version
eMMC Flash instructions:
1. SSH to RAX3000M, and backup everything, especially 'factory' part.
('data' partition can be ignored, it's useless.)
2. Write new GPT table:
dd if=openwrt-mediatek-filogic-cmcc_rax3000m-emmc-gpt.bin of=/dev/mmcblk0 bs=512 seek=0 count=34 conv=fsync
3. Erase and write new BL2:
echo 0 > /sys/block/mmcblk0boot0/force_ro
dd if=/dev/zero of=/dev/mmcblk0boot0 bs=512 count=8192 conv=fsync
dd if=openwrt-mediatek-filogic-cmcc_rax3000m-emmc-preloader.bin of=/dev/mmcblk0boot0 bs=512 conv=fsync
4. Erase and write new FIP:
dd if=/dev/zero of=/dev/mmcblk0 bs=512 seek=13312 count=8192 conv=fsync
dd if=openwrt-mediatek-filogic-cmcc_rax3000m-emmc-bl31-uboot.fip of=/dev/mmcblk0 bs=512 seek=13312 conv=fsync
5. Set static IP on your PC:
6. Serve OpenWrt initramfs image using TFTP server.
7. Cut off the power and re-engage, wait for TFTP recovery to complete.
8. After OpenWrt has booted, perform sysupgrade.
9. Additionally, if you want to have eMMC recovery boot feature:
(Don't worry! You will always have TFTP recovery boot feature.)
dd if=openwrt-mediatek-filogic-cmcc_rax3000m-initramfs-recovery.itb of=/dev/mmcblk0p4 bs=512 conv=fsync
NAND Flash instructions:
1. SSH to RAX3000M, and backup everything, especially 'Factory' part.
2. Erase and write new BL2:
mtd erase BL2
mtd write openwrt-mediatek-filogic-cmcc_rax3000m-nand-preloader.bin BL2
3. Erase and write new FIP:
mtd erase FIP
mtd write openwrt-mediatek-filogic-cmcc_rax3000m-nand-bl31-uboot.fip FIP
4. Set static IP on your PC:
5. Serve OpenWrt initramfs image using TFTP server.
6. Cut off the power and re-engage, wait for TFTP recovery to complete.
7. After OpenWrt has booted, erase UBI volumes:
ubidetach -p /dev/mtd0
ubiformat -y /dev/mtd0
ubiattach -p /dev/mtd0
8. Create new ubootenv volumes:
ubimkvol /dev/ubi0 -n 0 -N ubootenv -s 128KiB
ubimkvol /dev/ubi0 -n 1 -N ubootenv2 -s 128KiB
9. Additionally, if you want to have NAND recovery boot feature:
(Don't worry! You will always have TFTP recovery boot feature.)
ubimkvol /dev/ubi0 -n 2 -N recovery -s 20MiB
ubiupdatevol /dev/ubi0_2 openwrt-mediatek-filogic-cmcc_rax3000m-initramfs-recovery.itb
10. Perform sysupgrade.
Signed-off-by: Tianling Shen <cnsztl@immortalwrt.org>
(cherry picked from commit 423186d7d8b4f23aee91fca4f1774a195eba00d8)
[rebased to 23.05]
Signed-off-by: Tianling Shen <cnsztl@immortalwrt.org>
Add build for the MTK3943 reference board for MT7981B+MT7976C.
**Hardware specification:**
- SoC: MediaTek MT7981B 2x A53
- Flash: various options
- RAM: 256MB DDR3
- Ethernet: 4 x 10/100/1000 Mbps via MT7531AE switch
EITHER 1 x 10/100/1000 Mbps built-in PHY
OR 1 x 10/100/1000/2500 Mbps MaxLinear GPY211C
- Switch: MediaTek MT7531AE
- WiFi: MediaTek MT7976C
- Button: RST, WPS
**Flash instructions for SPIM-NAND:**
- write *mt7981-rfb-spim-nand-preloader.bin to 'BL2' partition
- write *mt7981-rfb-spim-nand-bl31-uboot.fip to 'FIP' partition
- erase 'ubi' partition
- reset board
- create ubootenv and ubootenv2 UBI volumes in U-Boot
- edit environment and set bootcmd, e.g.
setenv bootconf 'config-1#mt7981-rfb-spim-nand#mt7981-rfb-mxl-2p5g-phy-eth1'
setenv bootcmd 'ubi read $loadaddr fit; bootm $loadaddr#$bootconf'
- load initramfs image via TFTP:
setenv serverip
setenv ipaddr
setenv bootfile openwrt-mediatek-filogic-mediatek_mt7981-rfb-initramfs.itb
saveenv ; saveenv
bootm $loadaddr#$bootconf
- Now use sysupgrade to write OpenWrt firmware to flash.
SNFI-NAND, SPIM-NOR and eMMC all work very similar, a bootable SD card image
is also being generated. However, as the board I've been provided only comes
with SPIM-NAND all other boot media are untested.
Signed-off-by: Daniel Golle <daniel@makrotopia.org>
(cherry picked from commit ce7209bd21661e3daa4a7f2f58dafdff990da19f)
Enable building a factory image which can be flashed through the OEM
firmware's web interface. It seems that the web interface requires a
minimum file size of 10MiB, otherwise it will not accept the image.
The update image is a regular sysupgrade tarball packed in a Netgear
encrypted image. The Netgear encrypted image is the same as used in
WAX202 or WAX206, including the encryption keys and IV.
This adds a script which creates the rootfs_data volume on first
startup. This is required since the OEM firmware's sysupgrade scripts
do not create such a paritition. Note that any script ordered after
70_initramfs_test will not get executed on initramfs. Hence this new
script 75_rootfs_prepare won't create the rootfs_data volume when
using the recovery initramfs.
Also, this deletes the kernel_backup and rootfs_backup volumes in case
we have to create the rootfs_data volumes. This makes sure that
OpenWrt is the actual backup firmware instead of the stock firmware.
References in WAX220 GPL source:
* package/base-files/files/lib/upgrade/nand.sh:186
Creation of rootfs_data is disabled
* Uboot-upstream/board/mediatek/common/ubi_helper.c
Automatic creation of UBI backup volumes
Signed-off-by: Stefan Agner <stefan@agner.ch>
(cherry picked from commit fa9d977f979461628161085dcd0e9dd8b9e2c66b)
Changes introduced in commit 54dc1cde48a4 ("mediatek: filogic: add
support for Xiaomi WR30U") missed to end the case item with mandatory
`;;` which lead to a broken sysupgrade.
Fixes: 54dc1cde48a4 ("mediatek: filogic: add support for Xiaomi WR30U")
Signed-off-by: Petr Štetiar <ynezz@true.cz>
Because this device enable NMBM by default, most users use custom
U-Boot with NMBM-Enabled in Chinese forums.
This layout is the same as the ubootmod layout but enabling NMBM.
Signed-off-by: Hank Moretti <mchank9999@gmail.com>
Hardware specification:
SoC: MediaTek MT7981B 2x A53
Flash: ESMT F50L1G41LB 128MB
RAM: NT52B128M16JR-FL 256MB
Ethernet: 4x 10/100/1000 Mbps
Switch: MediaTek MT7531AE
WiFi: MediaTek MT7976C
Button: Reset, Mesh
Power: DC 12V 1A
Flash instructions:
1. Get ssh access
Check this link: https://forum.openwrt.org/t/openwrt-support-for-xiaomi-ax3000ne/153769/22
2. Backup import partitions
dev: size erasesize name
mtd1: 00100000 00020000 "BL2"
mtd2: 00040000 00020000 "Nvram"
mtd3: 00040000 00020000 "Bdata"
mtd4: 00200000 00020000 "Factory"
mtd5: 00200000 00020000 "FIP"
mtd8: 02200000 00020000 "ubi"
mtd9: 02200000 00020000 "ubi1"
mtd12: 00040000 00020000 "KF"
Use these commands blow to backup your stock partitions.
nanddump -f /tmp/BL2.bin /dev/mtd1
nanddump -f /tmp/Nvram.bin /dev/mtd2
nanddump -f /tmp/Bdata.bin /dev/mtd3
nanddump -f /tmp/Factory.bin /dev/mtd4
nanddump -f /tmp/FIP.bin /dev/mtd5
nanddump -f /tmp/ubi.bin /dev/mtd8
nanddump -f /tmp/KF.bin /dev/mtd12
Then, transfer them to your computer via scp, netcat, tftp
or others and keep them in a safe place.
3. Setup Nvram
Get the current stock: `cat /proc/cmdline`
If you find `firmware=0` or `mtd=ubi`, use these commands:
nvram set boot_wait=on
nvram set uart_en=1
nvram set flag_boot_rootfs=1
nvram set flag_last_success=1
nvram set flag_boot_success=1
nvram set flag_try_sys1_failed=0
nvram set flag_try_sys2_failed=0
nvram commit
If you find `firmware=1` or `mtd=ubi1`, use these commands:
nvram set boot_wait=on
nvram set uart_en=1
nvram set flag_boot_rootfs=0
nvram set flag_last_success=0
nvram set flag_boot_success=1
nvram set flag_try_sys1_failed=0
nvram set flag_try_sys2_failed=0
nvram commit
4. Flash stock-initramfs-factory.ubi
If you find `firmware=0` or `mtd=ubi`:
`ubiformat /dev/mtd9 -y -f /tmp/stock-initramfs-factory.ubi`
If you find `firmware=1` or `mtd=ubi1`:
`ubiformat /dev/mtd8 -y -f /tmp/stock-initramfs-factory.ubi`
Then reboot your router, it should boot to the openwrt
initramfs system now.
5. Setup uboot-env
Now it will be setup automatically in upgrade process,
you can skip this step.
If your `fw_setenv` did not work, you need run this command:
`echo "/dev/mtd1 0x0 0x10000 0x20000" > /etc/fw_env.config`
Then setup uboot-env:
fw_setenv boot_wait on
fw_setenv uart_en 1
fw_setenv flag_boot_rootfs 0
fw_setenv flag_last_success 1
fw_setenv flag_boot_success 1
fw_setenv flag_try_sys1_failed 8
fw_setenv flag_try_sys2_failed 8
fw_setenv mtdparts "nmbm0:1024k(bl2),256k(Nvram),256k(Bdata),
6. Flash stock-squashfs-sysupgrade.bin
Use shell command:
`sysupgrade -n /tmp/stock-squashfs-sysupgrade.bin`
Or go to luci web.
If you need to change to Openwrt U-Boot layout, do next. If you
do not need, please ignore it.
Change to OpenWrt U-Boot:
1. Flash ubootmod-initramfs-factory.ubi
Check mtd partitions: `cat /proc/mtd`
mtd7: 00040000 00020000 "KF"
mtd8: 02200000 00020000 "ubi_kernel"
mtd9: 04e00000 00020000 "ubi"
Run following command:
`ubiformat /dev/mtd8 -y -f /tmp/ubootmod-initramfs-factory.ubi`
Then reboot your router, it should boot to the openwrt initramfs
system now.
2. Check mtd again
mtd7: 00040000 00020000 "KF"
mtd8: 07000000 00020000 "ubi"
Make sure mtd8 is ubi.
3. Install kmod-mtd-rw
Run command: `opkg update && opkg install kmod-mtd-rw`
Or get it in openwrt server, or build it yourself, then install
it manually
Then run this command:
`insmod /lib/modules/$(uname -r)/mtd-rw.ko i_want_a_brick=1`
4. Clean up pstore
Run Command: `rm -f /sys/fs/pstore/*`
5. Format ubi and create new ubootenv volume
ubidetach -p /dev/mtd8; ubiformat /dev/mtd8 -y; ubiattach -p /dev/mtd8
ubimkvol /dev/ubi0 -n 0 -N ubootenv -s 128KiB
ubimkvol /dev/ubi0 -n 1 -N ubootenv2 -s 128KiB
6. (Optional) Add recovery boot feature.
ubimkvol /dev/ubi0 -n 2 -N recovery -s 10MiB
ubiupdatevol /dev/ubi0_2 /tmp/ubootmod-initramfs-recovery.itb
7. Flash Openwrt U-Boot
mtd write /tmp/ubootmod-preloader.bin BL2
mtd write /tmp/ubootmod-bl31-uboot.fip FIP
6. Flash ubootmod-squashfs-sysupgrade.itb
Use shell command:
`sysupgrade -n /tmp/ubootmod-squashfs-sysupgrade.itb`
Or go to luci web.
Now everything is done, Enjoy!
Go Back to stock from Openwrt U-Boot:
1. Force flash ubootmod-initramfs-recovery.itb
Use shell command:
`sysupgrade -F -n /tmp/ubootmod-initramfs-recovery.itb`
Or go to luci web.
Then it should boot to the openwrt initramfs system now.
2. Format ubi and Nvram
ubidetach -p /dev/mtd8; ubiformat /dev/mtd8 -y; ubiattach -p /dev/mtd8
mtd erase Nvram
3. Install kmod-mtd-rw
Run command: `opkg update && opkg install kmod-mtd-rw`
Or get it in openwrt server, or build it yourself, then install
it manually
Then run this command:
`insmod /lib/modules/$(uname -r)/mtd-rw.ko i_want_a_brick=1`
4. Flash stock U-Boot and ubi
mtd write /tmp/BL2.bin BL2
mtd write /tmp/FIP.bin FIP
mtd write /tmp/ubi.bin ubi
Then reboot your router, waiting it finished rollback in minutes.
Go Back to stock from stock layout Openwrt:
Just run command: `ubiformat /dev/mtd8 -y -f /tmp/ubi.bin`
Then reboot your router, waiting it finished rollback in minutes.
1. Openwrt U-Boot and ubootmod openwrt did not enable NMBM.
Please make your backup safe.
Signed-off-by: Hank Moretti <mchank9999@gmail.com>
SOC: MediaTek MT7986A
WiFi: 2x2 2.4 GHz 802.11 b/g/n/ax MT7916 DBDC
4x4 5 GHz 802.11 a/n/ac/ax MT7986
2x2 6 GHz 802.11ax MT7916 DBDC
ETH: 4x LAN 1Gbit/s (MT7531)
1x WAN 2.5Gbit/s (GPY211)
LED: Antenna LEDs (GPIO)
Mood-LED (Kinetic KTD2601) - unsupported
UART: Header nest to USB port - 3V3 115200 8N1
1. Connect to the device using serial console.
2. Interrupt the Autoboot process when promted by sending '0' twice.
3. Serve the OpenWrt initramfs image using TFTP at Name
the image "predator.bin" and conenct the TFTP server to the routers
LAN port.
4. Configure U-Boot to allow loading unsigned images from MMC
$ setenv bootcmd 'mmc read 0x40000000 0x00004400 0x0010000;
fdt addr $(fdtcontroladdr); fdt rm /signature; bootm 0x40000000';
5. Transfer the image from U-Boot
$ setenv serverip; setenv ipaddr;
tftpboot 0x46000000 predator.bin; fdt addr $(fdtcontroladdr);
fdt rm /signature; bootm
6. Wait for OpenWrt to boot
7. Transfer the OpenWrt sysupgrade image to the router using scp.
8. Install OpenWrt using sysupgrade.
Signed-off-by: David Bauer <mail@david-bauer.net>
(cherry picked from commit 7e7eb5312d7810084547bb54a4b6867c2da08182)
Hardware specification:
SoC: MediaTek MT7981B 2x A53
Flash: W25N01GVZEIG 128MB
Ethernet: 4x 10/100/1000 Mbps
Switch: MediaTek MT7531AE
WiFi: MediaTek MT7976C
Button: Reset, WPS
Power: DC 12V 1A
Flash instructions:
1. PC run command: "telnet 99"
Username: H3C, password is the web login
password of the router.
2. Download preloader.bin and bl31-uboot.fip
3. PC run command: "python3 -m http.server 80"
4. Download files in the telnet window:
"wget http://192.168.124.xx/xxx.bin"
Replace xx with your PC's IP and
the preloader.bin and bl31-uboot.fip.
5. Flushing openwrt's uboot:
"mtd write xxx-preloader.bin BL2"
"mtd write xxx-bl31-uboot.fip FIP"
6. Connect to the router via the Lan port,
set a static ip of your PC.
(ip, gateway
7. Download initramfs image, reboot router,
waiting for tftp recovery to complete.
8. After openwrt boots up, perform sysupgrade.
1. The u-boot-env partition on mtd is empty,
OEM stores their env on ubi:u-boot-env.
2. Back up all mtd partitions before flashing.
Signed-off-by: Chukun Pan <amadeus@jmu.edu.cn>
(cherry picked from commit e78d1a06c8a47be9ea5a306bfb43f3d7ceb89646)
This commit adds support for Mercusys MR90X(EU) v1 router.
Device specification
SoC Type: MediaTek MT7986BLA, Cortex-A53, 64-bit
RAM: MediaTek MT7986BLA (512MB)
Flash: SPI NAND GigaDevice GD5F1GQ5UEYIGY (128 MB)
Ethernet: MediaTek MT7531AE + 2.5GbE MaxLinear GPY211C0VC (SLNW8)
Ethernet: 1x2.5Gbe (WAN/LAN 2.5Gbps), 3xGbE (WAN/LAN 1Gbps, LAN1, LAN2)
WLAN 2g: MediaTek MT7975N, b/g/n/ax, MIMO 4x4
WLAN 5g: MediaTek MT7975P(N), a/n/ac/ax, MIMO 4x4
LEDs: 1 orange and 1 green status LEDs, 4 green gpio-controlled
LEDs on ethernet ports
Button: 1 (Reset)
USB ports: No
Power: 12 VDC, 2 A
Connector: Barrel
Bootloader: Main U-Boot - U-Boot 2022.01-rc4. Additionally, both UBI
slots contain "seconduboot" (also U-Boot 2022.01-rc4)
Serial console (UART)
| +3.3V | GND | TX | RX |
+--- Don't connect
The R3 (TX line) and R6 (RX line) are absent on the PCB. You should
solder them or solder the jumpers.
Installation (UART)
1. Place OpenWrt initramfs image on tftp server with IP
2. Attach UART, switch on the router and interrupt the boot process by
pressing 'Ctrl-C'
3. Load and run OpenWrt initramfs image:
tftpboot initramfs-kernel.bin
4. Once inside OpenWrt, set / update env variables:
fw_setenv baudrate 115200
fw_setenv bootargs "ubi.mtd=ubi0 console=ttyS0,115200n1 loglevel=8 earlycon=uart8250,mmio32,0x11002000 init=/etc/preinit"
fw_setenv fdtcontroladdr 5ffc0e70
fw_setenv ipaddr
fw_setenv loadaddr 0x46000000
fw_setenv mtdids "spi-nand0=spi-nand0"
fw_setenv mtdparts "spi-nand0:2M(boot),1M(u-boot-env),50M(ubi0),50M(ubi1),8M(userconfig),4M(tp_data)"
fw_setenv netmask
fw_setenv serverip
fw_setenv stderr serial@11002000
fw_setenv stdin serial@11002000
fw_setenv stdout serial@11002000
fw_setenv tp_boot_idx 0
5. Run 'sysupgrade -n' with the sysupgrade OpenWrt image
Installation (without UART)
1. Login as root via SSH (router IP, port 20001, password - your web
interface password)
2. Open for editing /etc/hotplug.d/iface/65-iptv (e.g., using WinSCP and
SSH settings from the p.1)
3. Add a newline after "#!/bin/sh":
telnetd -l /bin/login.sh
4. Save "65-iptv" file
5. Toggle "IPTV/VLAN Enable" checkbox in the router web interface and
6. Make sure that telnetd is running:
netstat -ltunp | grep 23
7. Login via telnet to router IP, port 23 (no username and password are
8 Upload OpenWrt "initramfs-kernel.bin" to the "/tmp" folder of the
router (e.g., using WinSCP and SSH settings from the p.1)
9. Stock busybox doesn't contain ubiupdatevol command. Hence, we need to
download and upload the full version of busybox to the router. For
example, from here:
Upload busybox-arm64 to the /tmp dir of the router and run:
in the telnet shell:
cd /tmp
chmod a+x busybox-arm64
10. Check "initramfs-kernel.bin" size:
du -h initramfs-kernel.bin
11. Delete old and create new "kernel" volume with appropriate size
(greater than "initramfs-kernel.bin" size):
ubirmvol /dev/ubi0 -N kernel
ubimkvol /dev/ubi0 -n 1 -N kernel -s 9MiB
12. Write OpenWrt "initramfs-kernel.bin" to the flash:
./busybox-arm64 ubiupdatevol /dev/ubi0_1 /tmp/initramfs-kernel.bin
13. u-boot-env can be empty so lets create it (or overwrite it if it
already exists) with the necessary values:
fw_setenv baudrate 115200
fw_setenv bootargs "ubi.mtd=ubi0 console=ttyS0,115200n1 loglevel=8 earlycon=uart8250,mmio32,0x11002000 init=/etc/preinit"
fw_setenv fdtcontroladdr 5ffc0e70
fw_setenv ipaddr
fw_setenv loadaddr 0x46000000
fw_setenv mtdids "spi-nand0=spi-nand0"
fw_setenv mtdparts "spi-nand0:2M(boot),1M(u-boot-env),50M(ubi0),50M(ubi1),8M(userconfig),4M(tp_data)"
fw_setenv netmask
fw_setenv serverip
fw_setenv stderr serial@11002000
fw_setenv stdin serial@11002000
fw_setenv stdout serial@11002000
fw_setenv tp_boot_idx 0
14. Reboot to OpenWrt initramfs:
15. Login as root via SSH (IP, port 22)
16. Upload OpenWrt sysupgrade.bin image to the /tmp dir of the router
17. Run sysupgrade:
sysupgrade -n /tmp/sysupgrade.bin
1. Press Reset button and power on the router
2. Navigate to U-Boot recovery web server ( and
upload the OEM firmware
Recovery (UART)
1. Place OpenWrt initramfs image on tftp server with IP
2. Attach UART, switch on the router and interrupt the boot process by
pressing 'Ctrl-C'
3. Load and run OpenWrt initramfs image:
tftpboot initramfs-kernel.bin
4. Do what you need (restore partitions from a backup, install OpenWrt
Stock layout
0x000000000000-0x000000200000 : "boot"
0x000000200000-0x000000300000 : "u-boot-env"
0x000000300000-0x000003500000 : "ubi0"
0x000003500000-0x000006700000 : "ubi1"
0x000006700000-0x000006f00000 : "userconfig"
0x000006f00000-0x000007300000 : "tp_data"
ubi0/ubi1 format
U-Boot at boot checks that all volumes are in place:
| Volume Name: uboot Vol ID: 0|
| Volume Name: kernel Vol ID: 1|
| Volume Name: rootfs Vol ID: 2|
MAC addresses
| | MAC | Algorithm |
| label | 00:eb:xx:xx:xx:be | label |
| LAN | 00:eb:xx:xx:xx:be | label |
| WAN | 00:eb:xx:xx:xx:bf | label+1 |
| WLAN 2g | 00:eb:xx:xx:xx:be | label |
| WLAN 5g | 00:eb:xx:xx:xx:bd | label-1 |
label MAC address was found in UBI partition "tp_data", file
"default-mac". OEM wireless eeprom is also there (file
Signed-off-by: Mikhail Zhilkin <csharper2005@gmail.com>
(cherry picked from commit e4fe3097ef6a961874b66932a0ac4be18070630a)
[Fix merging conflict]
Signed-off-by: Mikhail Zhilkin <csharper2005@gmail.com>
Hardware specification:
SoC: MediaTek MT7981B 2x A53
Flash: ESMT F50L1G41LB 128MB
Ethernet: 4x 10/100/1000 Mbps
Switch: MediaTek MT7531AE
WiFi: MediaTek MT7976C
Button: Reset, WPS
Power: DC 12V 1A
Flash instructions:
1. Attach UART, boot the stock firmware until
the message about failsafe mode appears.
2. Enter failsafe mode by pressing "f" and "Enter"
3. Type "mount_root", then run
"fw_setenv bootmenu_delay 3"
4. Back up all mtd partitions before flashing.
5. Reboot, U-Boot now presents a menu.
6. Connect to your PC via the Gigabit port of the router,
set a static ip on the ethernet interface of your PC.
(ip, gateway
7. Select "Upgrade ATF BL2", then use this file:
8. Select "Upgrade ATF FIP", then use this file:
9. Download the initramfs image, and type "reset",
waiting for tftp recovery to complete.
a. After openwrt boots up, perform sysupgrade.
1. Since NMBM is disabled, we must back up all partitions.
2. Flash instructions is based on commit 28df7f7.
Signed-off-by: Chukun Pan <amadeus@jmu.edu.cn>
(cherry picked from commit dc2d4d73939c3d86a8e9d968c5c3462f92771bc6)
Signed-off-by: Daniel Golle <daniel@makrotopia.org>
MediaTek MT7981 WiSoC
MediaTek MT7981 2x2 DBDC 802.11ax 2T2R (2.4 / 5)
UART: 115200 8N1 3.3V
Header is located below the heatsink
Unscrew the 4 bottom screws. Remove the top of the case by inserting a
small screwdriver into the ventilation holes and lift the top cover.
This works best by beginning near the ETH-ports. The top is clipped on
the front near the LEDs with two plastic clips. The back has a single
clip in the middle. Start at one of the back edges.
80:AF:CA:00:F9:C6 LAN
80:AF:CA:00:F9:C7 WAN
80:AF:CA:00:F9:C6 W2
82:AF:CA:30:F9:C6 W5
1. Connect to the serial port as described in the "Hardware" section.
2. Power on the device. Keep pressing the "0" key to enter the U-Boot
3. Download the OpenWrt initramfs image. Place it on an TFTP server
connected to the Cudy LAN ports. Make sure the server is reachable at Rename the image to "cudy3000.bin"
4. Download and boot the OpenWrt initramfs image.
$ tftpboot 0x46000000 cudy3000.bin; bootm 0x46000000
5. Transfer the OpenWrt sysupgrade image to the device using scp.
Install with sysupgrade.
Note: Cudy does not yet provide a image for disabling their
signature-protection. This has happened in the past. Make sure to check
the wiki for a possible easier installation method.
Signed-off-by: David Bauer <mail@david-bauer.net>
Hardware specification:
SoC: MediaTek MT7986A 4x A53
Flash: ESMT F50L1G41LB 128MB
RAM: ESMT M15T4G16256A 512MB
Ethernet (Max Speed):
XDR4288: 1x 2.5G Wan, 1x 2.5G Lan, 4x 1G Lan
XDR6086: 1x 2.5G Wan, 1x 2.5G Lan, 1x 1G Lan
XDR6088: 1x 2.5G Wan, 1x 2.5G Lan, 4x 1G Lan
XDR4288: MT7976DAN (2.4G 2T2R, 5G 3T3R)
WiFi1: MT7976GN 2.4GHz 4T4R
WiFi2: MT7976AN 5GHz 4T4R
Button: Reset, WPS, Turbo
USB: 1 x USB 3.0
Power: DC 12V 4A
Flash instructions:
1. Execute the following operation to open nc shell:
2. Replace the stock bootloader to OpenWrt's:
dd bs=131072 conv=sync of=/dev/mtdblock9 if=/tmp/xxx-preloader.bin
dd bs=131072 conv=sync of=/dev/mtdblock9 seek=28 if=/tmp/xxx-bl31-uboot.fip
3. Connect to your PC via the Gigabit port of the router,
set a static ip on the ethernet interface of your PC.
(ip, gateway
4. Download the initramfs image, and restart the router,
waiting for tftp recovery to complete.
5. After openwrt boots up, perform sysupgrade.
Signed-off-by: Chukun Pan <amadeus@jmu.edu.cn>
[Add uboot build, fit and sysupgrade support, fix RealTek PHYs]
Signed-off-by: Daniel Golle <daniel@makrotopia.org>
SOC: MediaTek MT7986
FLASH: 256MB SPI-NAND (Winbond W25N02KV)
WIFI: Mediatek MT7986 DBDC 802.11ax 2.4/5 GHz
ETH: MediaTek MT7531 Switch
MaxLinear GPY211C 2.5 N-Base-T PHY
UART: 3V3 115200 8N1 (Pinout silkscreened / Do not ocnnect VCC)
1. Download the OpenWrt initramfs image. Copy the image to a TFTP server
reachable at Rename the image to tufax4200.bin.
2. Connect the TFTP server to the AX4200. Conect to the serial console,
interrupt the autoboot process by pressing '4' when prompted.
3. Download & Boot the OpenWrt initramfs image.
$ setenv ipaddr
$ setenv serverip
$ tftpboot 0x46000000 tufax4200.bin
$ bootm 0x46000000
4. Wait for OpenWrt to boot. Transfer the sysupgrade image to the device
using scp and install using sysupgrade.
$ sysupgrade -n <path-to-sysupgrade.bin>
Missing features
- The LAN port LEDs are driven by the switch but OpenWrt does not
correctly configure the output.
Signed-off-by: David Bauer <mail@david-bauer.net>
A previous attempt to simplify things went wrong and now sysupgrade
is broken on this device. Fix that.
Fixes: de94587e70 ("mediatek: filogic: don't rely on image preset in flash or sysupgrade")
Signed-off-by: Daniel Golle <daniel@makrotopia.org>
This new layout is only bootable with OpenWrt U-Boot. It reuses the
two crash partions and expands the ubi partion to the end of whole flash.
Do not use this layout with stock U-Boot!
Signed-off-by: Furong Xu <xfr@outlook.com>
In this implementation, the flash partition layout is adjusted to avoid
modifying the uboot environment of mtdparts. This ensures that the 30M
ubi_kernel partition remains aligned with the stock ubi partition, and
the kernel volume is placed in it. This allows the stock uboot to boot
from it without changing the mtdparts, which is useful for reverting back
to the stock firmware using Xiaomi Firmware Tools. In actual testing,
modifying mtdparts has been found to break Xiaomi Firmware Tools.
1. use ARTIFACTS to generate initramfs-factory.ubi for easy installation.
2. The NAND flash layout is changed to allow for reverting back to the
stock firmware.
3. Before performing sysupgrade, do some cleanup in platform_pre_upgrade
to ensure a clean installation of OpenWRT.
4. Setup the uboot env to ensure that the system always boot, which can
be helpful for users who may forget to do this before sysupgrade in
the initramfs.
New flash instructions:
1. Gain ssh access. Please refer to:
2. Check which system current u-boot is loading from:
COMMAND: `cat /proc/cmdline`
sample OUTPUT: `console=ttyS0,115200n1 loglevel=8 firmware=1 uart_en=1`
if firmware=1, current system is ubi1
if firmware=0, current system is ubi0
3. Setup nvram and write the firmware:
If the current system is ubi1, please set it up so that the next time
it will boot from ubi, and write the firmware to ubi:
nvram set boot_wait=on
nvram set uart_en=1
nvram set flag_boot_rootfs=0
nvram set flag_last_success=0
nvram set flag_boot_success=1
nvram set flag_try_sys1_failed=0
nvram set flag_try_sys2_failed=0
nvram commit
ubiformat /dev/mtd8 -y -f /tmp/initramfs-factory.ubi
If the current system is ubi, please set it up so that the next time
it will boot from ubi1, and write the firmware to ubi1:
nvram set boot_wait=on
nvram set uart_en=1
nvram set flag_boot_rootfs=1
nvram set flag_last_success=1
nvram set flag_boot_success=1
nvram set flag_try_sys1_failed=0
nvram set flag_try_sys2_failed=0
nvram commit
ubiformat /dev/mtd9 -y -f /tmp/initramfs-factory.ubi
4. After rebooting, the system should now boot into the openwrt initramfs.
Flash the squashfs-sysupgrade.bin via using ssh or luci.
sysupgrade -n /tmp/squashfs-sysupgrade.bin
For existing users of the Redmi AX6000 running OpenWrt, here are the steps to
switch to this new layout:
1. Flash initramfs-factory.ubi
mtd -r -e ubi write /tmp/initramfs-factory.ubi ubi
2. After rebooting, the system will boot into the new openwrt-initramfs.
Log in and perform a sysupgrade to complete the process.
sysupgrade -n /tmp/squashfs-sysupgrade.bin
Signed-off-by: Chen Minqiang <ptpt52@gmail.com>
Signed-off-by: Chuanhong Guo <gch981213@gmail.com>
Instead of trying to figure out the actual root device, just use the
kernel 'root' cmdline parameter as a hint to decide which device to
flash to.
Signed-off-by: Daniel Golle <daniel@makrotopia.org>
A line in platform.sh was accidentally removed when adding support
for the Bananapi BPi-R3.
Re-add it to fix sysupgrade on the MTK7986 rfba AP.
Fixes: a96382c1bb ("mediatek: add support for Bananapi BPi-R3")
Signed-off-by: Daniel Golle <daniel@makrotopia.org>
The Bananapi BPi-R3 is a development router board built around the
MediaTek Filogic 830 (MT7986A) SoC.
The board can boot either from microSD, SPI-NAND, SPI-NOR or eMMC.
Only either SPI-NAND or SPI-NOR can be used at the same time, also only
either microSD or eMMC can be used. The various storage options can be
selected using small SMD switches on the board.
* MediaTek MT7986A (Filogic 830) 4x ARM Cortex A53
* 4T4R 2.4G 802.11bgnax (MT7975N)
* 4T4R 5G 802.11anac/ax (MT7975P)
* 8 GB eMMC
* 128 MB SPI-NAND flash
* 32 MB SPI-NOR flash
* on-board MT7531 GbE switch
* 2x SFP+ (1 GbE / 2.5 GbE)
* 5x GbE network port
* miniPCIe slot (only USB 2.0 connected)
* uSIM slot (connected to miniPCIe interface)
* M.2 KEY-E PCIe interface (PCIe x2)
* microSD card interface
Hardware details: https://wiki.banana-pi.org/Banana_Pi_BPI-R3
* all 4 boot methods incl. installation via U-Boot, sysupgrade, ...
* copper LAN and WAN ports
* SFP1 (connected to gmac1, eth1 in Linux)
* WiFi
* LEDs
* Buttons
* PSTORE/ramoops based dual-boot
Not Working (missing driver features):
* SFP2 (connected to MT7531 switch)
* M.2/NGFF slot (PCIe x2)
* mPCIe slot (USB 2.0 + SIM)
Signed-off-by: Daniel Golle <daniel@makrotopia.org>
Initially this covers MT7986 only, but it will later be expanded to cover other
Filogic branded platforms by MediaTek
Signed-off-by: Felix Fietkau <nbd@nbd.name>
Signed-off-by: Daniel Golle <daniel@makrotopia.org>