build: move elx-header into

ELECOM WAB-I1750-PS will need this in ath79, so move it to common

Signed-off-by: Yanase Yuki <>
Signed-off-by: maurerr <>
This commit is contained in:
Yanase Yuki 2020-11-05 19:59:06 +09:00 committed by maurerr
parent 75d6700069
commit ed5a254e24
2 changed files with 20 additions and 20 deletions

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@ -167,6 +167,26 @@ define Build/elecom-product-header
mv $(fw).new $(fw)
define Build/elx-header
$(eval hw_id=$(word 1,$(1)))
$(eval xor_pattern=$(word 2,$(1)))
( \
echo -ne "\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x03" | \
dd bs=42 count=1 conv=sync; \
hw_id="$(hw_id)"; \
echo -ne "\x$${hw_id:0:2}\x$${hw_id:2:2}\x$${hw_id:4:2}\x$${hw_id:6:2}" | \
dd bs=20 count=1 conv=sync; \
echo -ne "$$(printf '%08x' $$(stat -c%s $@) | fold -s2 | xargs -I {} echo \\x{} | tr -d '\n')" | \
dd bs=8 count=1 conv=sync; \
echo -ne "$$($(STAGING_DIR_HOST)/bin/mkhash md5 $@ | fold -s2 | xargs -I {} echo \\x{} | tr -d '\n')" | \
dd bs=58 count=1 conv=sync; \
) > $(KDIR)/tmp/$(DEVICE_NAME).header
$(call Build/xor-image,-p $(xor_pattern) -x)
cat $(KDIR)/tmp/$(DEVICE_NAME).header $@ > $
mv $ $@
rm -rf $(KDIR)/tmp/$(DEVICE_NAME).header
define Build/eva-image
mv $ $@

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@ -35,26 +35,6 @@ define Build/edimax-header
@mv $ $@
define Build/elx-header
$(eval hw_id=$(word 1,$(1)))
$(eval xor_pattern=$(word 2,$(1)))
( \
echo -ne "\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x03" | \
dd bs=42 count=1 conv=sync; \
hw_id="$(hw_id)"; \
echo -ne "\x$${hw_id:0:2}\x$${hw_id:2:2}\x$${hw_id:4:2}\x$${hw_id:6:2}" | \
dd bs=20 count=1 conv=sync; \
echo -ne "$$(printf '%08x' $$(stat -c%s $@) | fold -s2 | xargs -I {} echo \\x{} | tr -d '\n')" | \
dd bs=8 count=1 conv=sync; \
echo -ne "$$($(STAGING_DIR_HOST)/bin/mkhash md5 $@ | fold -s2 | xargs -I {} echo \\x{} | tr -d '\n')" | \
dd bs=58 count=1 conv=sync; \
) > $(KDIR)/tmp/$(DEVICE_NAME).header
$(call Build/xor-image,-p $(xor_pattern) -x)
cat $(KDIR)/tmp/$(DEVICE_NAME).header $@ > $
mv $ $@
rm -rf $(KDIR)/tmp/$(DEVICE_NAME).header
define Build/jcg-header
$(STAGING_DIR_HOST)/bin/jcgimage -v $(1) \
$(if $(JCG_MAXSIZE), -m $$(($(subst k, * 1024,$(JCG_MAXSIZE)))),) \