diff --git a/target/linux/ath79/dts/ar724x_senao_loader-4k.dtsi b/target/linux/ath79/dts/ar724x_senao_loader-4k.dtsi
index 501ff26859f..0dff79eb467 100644
--- a/target/linux/ath79/dts/ar724x_senao_loader-4k.dtsi
+++ b/target/linux/ath79/dts/ar724x_senao_loader-4k.dtsi
@@ -56,7 +56,6 @@
 			partition@a0000 {
 				label = "loader";
 				reg = <0xa0000 0x1000>;
-				read-only;
 			fwconcat1: partition@a1000 {
diff --git a/target/linux/ath79/dts/ar724x_senao_loader-64k.dtsi b/target/linux/ath79/dts/ar724x_senao_loader-64k.dtsi
index 54dbec18b36..831f0385a9f 100644
--- a/target/linux/ath79/dts/ar724x_senao_loader-64k.dtsi
+++ b/target/linux/ath79/dts/ar724x_senao_loader-64k.dtsi
@@ -56,7 +56,6 @@
 			partition@a0000 {
 				label = "loader";
 				reg = <0xa0000 0x10000>;
-				read-only;
 			fwconcat1: partition@b0000 {
diff --git a/target/linux/ath79/dts/ar934x_senao_loader.dtsi b/target/linux/ath79/dts/ar934x_senao_loader.dtsi
index 35e5f135350..8247cc85dcd 100644
--- a/target/linux/ath79/dts/ar934x_senao_loader.dtsi
+++ b/target/linux/ath79/dts/ar934x_senao_loader.dtsi
@@ -60,7 +60,6 @@
 			partition@a0000 {
 				label = "loader";
 				reg = <0x0a0000 0x010000>;
-				read-only;
 			fwconcat1: partition@b0000 {
diff --git a/target/linux/ath79/dts/qca955x_senao_loader.dtsi b/target/linux/ath79/dts/qca955x_senao_loader.dtsi
index 77eabde80af..846d3ed0afb 100644
--- a/target/linux/ath79/dts/qca955x_senao_loader.dtsi
+++ b/target/linux/ath79/dts/qca955x_senao_loader.dtsi
@@ -58,7 +58,6 @@
 			partition@a0000 {
 				label = "loader";
 				reg = <0x0a0000 0x010000>;
-				read-only;
 			fwconcat1: partition@b0000 {
diff --git a/target/linux/ath79/generic/base-files/lib/upgrade/failsafe_datachk.sh b/target/linux/ath79/generic/base-files/lib/upgrade/failsafe_datachk.sh
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..de84233de10
--- /dev/null
+++ b/target/linux/ath79/generic/base-files/lib/upgrade/failsafe_datachk.sh
@@ -0,0 +1,64 @@
+# U-Boot with the datachk patchset requires image sizes, offsets,
+# and checksums to be provided in the U-Boot environment.
+# This script is based on the dualboot version for devices that come with 2 OS partitions.
+# For Senao boards with a "failsafe" partition image, the process is almost the same.
+# Instead of booting a secondary instalation on checksum failure,
+# the failsafe image is booted instead.
+# These boards also use the OKLI lzma kernel loader and mtd-concat
+# So the kernel check is for the loader, the rootfs check is for kernel + rootfs
+platform_do_upgrade_failsafe_datachk() {
+	local setenv_script="/tmp/fw_env_upgrade"
+	local flash_base=0x9f000000
+	local kernel_mtd=$(find_mtd_index ${KERNEL_PART:-kernel})
+	local rootfs_mtd=$(find_mtd_index ${ROOTFS_PART:-rootfs})
+	local kernel_offset=$(cat /sys/class/mtd/mtd${kernel_mtd}/offset)
+	local rootfs_offset=$(cat /sys/class/mtd/mtd${rootfs_mtd}/offset)
+	if [ -n "$IMAGE_LIST" ]; then
+	fi
+	local kernel_size=$($IMAGE_CMD $KERNEL_FILE | wc -c)
+	local rootfs_size=$($IMAGE_CMD $ROOTFS_FILE | wc -c)
+	# rootfs without JFFS2
+	local rootfs_blocks=$((rootfs_size / 4096))
+	rootfs_size=$((rootfs_blocks * 4096))
+	local kernel_md5=$($IMAGE_CMD $KERNEL_FILE | md5sum | cut -d ' ' -f1)
+	local rootfs_md5=$($IMAGE_CMD $ROOTFS_FILE | dd bs=4k count=$rootfs_blocks iflag=fullblock | md5sum | cut -d ' ' -f1)
+	# prepare new u-boot-env vars
+	printf "vmlinux_start_addr 0x%08x\n" $((flash_base + kernel_offset)) >> $setenv_script
+	printf "vmlinux_size 0x%08x\n" ${kernel_size} >> $setenv_script
+	printf "vmlinux_checksum %s\n" ${kernel_md5} >> $setenv_script
+	printf "rootfs_start_addr 0x%08x\n" $((flash_base + rootfs_offset)) >> $setenv_script
+	printf "rootfs_size 0x%08x\n" ${rootfs_size} >> $setenv_script
+	printf "rootfs_checksum %s\n" ${rootfs_md5} >> $setenv_script
+	# store u-boot-env
+	mkdir -p /var/lock
+	fw_setenv -s $setenv_script || {
+		echo 'failed to update U-Boot environment'
+		exit 1
+	}
+	# sysupgrade
+	sleep 2
+	sync
+	echo 3 > /proc/sys/vm/drop_caches
+	$IMAGE_CMD $KERNEL_FILE | mtd $MTD_ARGS write - ${KERNEL_PART:-kernel}
+	sleep 2
+	sync
+	if [ -n "$UPGRADE_BACKUP" ]; then
+	else
+		$IMAGE_CMD $ROOTFS_FILE | mtd $MTD_ARGS write - ${ROOTFS_PART:-rootfs}
+	fi
diff --git a/target/linux/ath79/generic/base-files/lib/upgrade/platform.sh b/target/linux/ath79/generic/base-files/lib/upgrade/platform.sh
index 575761d0797..19699332fc2 100644
--- a/target/linux/ath79/generic/base-files/lib/upgrade/platform.sh
+++ b/target/linux/ath79/generic/base-files/lib/upgrade/platform.sh
@@ -47,6 +47,20 @@ platform_do_upgrade() {
 		redboot_fis_do_upgrade "$1" vmlinux_2
+	engenius,eap1200h|\
+	engenius,eap300-v2|\
+	engenius,eap600|\
+	engenius,ecb600|\
+	engenius,ens202ext-v1|\
+	engenius,enstationac-v1)
+		IMAGE_LIST="tar tzf $1"
+		IMAGE_CMD="tar xzOf $1"
+		KERNEL_PART="loader"
+		ROOTFS_PART="fwconcat0"
+		KERNEL_FILE="uImage-lzma.bin"
+		ROOTFS_FILE="root.squashfs"
+		platform_do_upgrade_failsafe_datachk "$1"
+		;;
 		redboot_fis_do_upgrade "$1" linux
diff --git a/target/linux/ath79/image/common-senao.mk b/target/linux/ath79/image/common-senao.mk
index 9b5903d8e7c..6784cf9aae4 100644
--- a/target/linux/ath79/image/common-senao.mk
+++ b/target/linux/ath79/image/common-senao.mk
@@ -36,4 +36,5 @@ define Device/senao_loader_okli
   IMAGES += factory.bin
   IMAGE/factory.bin := append-kernel | pad-to $$$$(BLOCKSIZE) | append-rootfs | pad-rootfs | \
 	check-size | senao-tar-gz $$$$(SENAO_IMGNAME)
+  IMAGE/sysupgrade.bin := $$(IMAGE/factory.bin) | append-metadata
diff --git a/target/linux/ath79/tiny/base-files/lib/upgrade/failsafe_datachk.sh b/target/linux/ath79/tiny/base-files/lib/upgrade/failsafe_datachk.sh
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..de84233de10
--- /dev/null
+++ b/target/linux/ath79/tiny/base-files/lib/upgrade/failsafe_datachk.sh
@@ -0,0 +1,64 @@
+# U-Boot with the datachk patchset requires image sizes, offsets,
+# and checksums to be provided in the U-Boot environment.
+# This script is based on the dualboot version for devices that come with 2 OS partitions.
+# For Senao boards with a "failsafe" partition image, the process is almost the same.
+# Instead of booting a secondary instalation on checksum failure,
+# the failsafe image is booted instead.
+# These boards also use the OKLI lzma kernel loader and mtd-concat
+# So the kernel check is for the loader, the rootfs check is for kernel + rootfs
+platform_do_upgrade_failsafe_datachk() {
+	local setenv_script="/tmp/fw_env_upgrade"
+	local flash_base=0x9f000000
+	local kernel_mtd=$(find_mtd_index ${KERNEL_PART:-kernel})
+	local rootfs_mtd=$(find_mtd_index ${ROOTFS_PART:-rootfs})
+	local kernel_offset=$(cat /sys/class/mtd/mtd${kernel_mtd}/offset)
+	local rootfs_offset=$(cat /sys/class/mtd/mtd${rootfs_mtd}/offset)
+	if [ -n "$IMAGE_LIST" ]; then
+	fi
+	local kernel_size=$($IMAGE_CMD $KERNEL_FILE | wc -c)
+	local rootfs_size=$($IMAGE_CMD $ROOTFS_FILE | wc -c)
+	# rootfs without JFFS2
+	local rootfs_blocks=$((rootfs_size / 4096))
+	rootfs_size=$((rootfs_blocks * 4096))
+	local kernel_md5=$($IMAGE_CMD $KERNEL_FILE | md5sum | cut -d ' ' -f1)
+	local rootfs_md5=$($IMAGE_CMD $ROOTFS_FILE | dd bs=4k count=$rootfs_blocks iflag=fullblock | md5sum | cut -d ' ' -f1)
+	# prepare new u-boot-env vars
+	printf "vmlinux_start_addr 0x%08x\n" $((flash_base + kernel_offset)) >> $setenv_script
+	printf "vmlinux_size 0x%08x\n" ${kernel_size} >> $setenv_script
+	printf "vmlinux_checksum %s\n" ${kernel_md5} >> $setenv_script
+	printf "rootfs_start_addr 0x%08x\n" $((flash_base + rootfs_offset)) >> $setenv_script
+	printf "rootfs_size 0x%08x\n" ${rootfs_size} >> $setenv_script
+	printf "rootfs_checksum %s\n" ${rootfs_md5} >> $setenv_script
+	# store u-boot-env
+	mkdir -p /var/lock
+	fw_setenv -s $setenv_script || {
+		echo 'failed to update U-Boot environment'
+		exit 1
+	}
+	# sysupgrade
+	sleep 2
+	sync
+	echo 3 > /proc/sys/vm/drop_caches
+	$IMAGE_CMD $KERNEL_FILE | mtd $MTD_ARGS write - ${KERNEL_PART:-kernel}
+	sleep 2
+	sync
+	if [ -n "$UPGRADE_BACKUP" ]; then
+	else
+		$IMAGE_CMD $ROOTFS_FILE | mtd $MTD_ARGS write - ${ROOTFS_PART:-rootfs}
+	fi
diff --git a/target/linux/ath79/tiny/base-files/lib/upgrade/platform.sh b/target/linux/ath79/tiny/base-files/lib/upgrade/platform.sh
index b02ab9a0805..6d05b88d45c 100644
--- a/target/linux/ath79/tiny/base-files/lib/upgrade/platform.sh
+++ b/target/linux/ath79/tiny/base-files/lib/upgrade/platform.sh
@@ -5,6 +5,9 @@
 platform_check_image() {
 	return 0
@@ -13,6 +16,17 @@ platform_do_upgrade() {
 	local board=$(board_name)
 	case "$board" in
+	engenius,eap350-v1|\
+	engenius,ecb350-v1|\
+	engenius,enh202-v1)
+		IMAGE_LIST="tar tzf $1"
+		IMAGE_CMD="tar xzOf $1"
+		KERNEL_PART="loader"
+		ROOTFS_PART="fwconcat0"
+		KERNEL_FILE="uImage-lzma.bin"
+		ROOTFS_FILE="root.squashfs"
+		platform_do_upgrade_failsafe_datachk "$1"
+		;;
 		default_do_upgrade "$1"