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# Copyright (C) 2006-2015 OpenWrt.org
# This is free software, licensed under the GNU General Public License v2.
# See /LICENSE for more information.
include $(TOPDIR)/rules.mk
include $(INCLUDE_DIR)/kernel.mk
include $(INCLUDE_DIR)/version.mk
include $(INCLUDE_DIR)/feeds.mk
override MAKEFLAGS=
IB_LDIR:=$(patsubst $(TOPDIR)/%,$(PKG_BUILD_DIR)/%,$(LINUX_DIR))
IB_DTSDIR:=$(patsubst $(TOPDIR)/%,$(PKG_BUILD_DIR)/%,$(LINUX_DIR))/arch/$(LINUX_KARCH)/boot/dts/
BUNDLER_PATH := $(subst $(space),:,$(filter-out $(TOPDIR)/%,$(subst :,$(space),$(PATH))))
BUNDLER_COMMAND := PATH=$(BUNDLER_PATH) $(XARGS) $(SCRIPT_DIR)/bundle-libraries.sh $(PKG_BUILD_DIR)/staging_dir/host
all: compile
$(BIN_DIR)/$(IB_NAME).tar.zst: clean
rm -rf $(PKG_BUILD_DIR)
mkdir -p $(IB_KDIR) $(IB_LDIR) $(PKG_BUILD_DIR)/staging_dir/host/lib \
$(PKG_BUILD_DIR)/target/linux $(PKG_BUILD_DIR)/scripts $(IB_DTSDIR)
-cp $(TOPDIR)/.config $(PKG_BUILD_DIR)/.config
$(CP) -L \
$(TOPDIR)/rules.mk \
./files/Makefile \
$(TMP_DIR)/.targetinfo \
$(TMP_DIR)/.packageinfo \
ifneq ($(CONFIG_USE_APK),)
$(call FeedSourcesAppendAPK,$(PKG_BUILD_DIR)/repositories)
echo "packages/packages.adb" >> $(PKG_BUILD_DIR)/repositories
$(INSTALL_DATA) ./files/README.apk.md $(PKG_BUILD_DIR)/packages/README.md
echo '## Remote package repositories' >> $(PKG_BUILD_DIR)/repositories.conf
$(call FeedSourcesAppendOPKG,$(PKG_BUILD_DIR)/repositories.conf)
$(VERSION_SED_SCRIPT) $(PKG_BUILD_DIR)/repositories.conf
# create an empty package index so `opkg` doesn't report an error
touch $(PKG_BUILD_DIR)/packages/Packages
$(INSTALL_DATA) ./files/README.opkg.md $(PKG_BUILD_DIR)/packages/README.md
echo '' >> $(PKG_BUILD_DIR)/repositories.conf
echo '## This is the local package repository, do not remove!' >> $(PKG_BUILD_DIR)/repositories.conf
echo 'src imagebuilder file:packages' >> $(PKG_BUILD_DIR)/repositories.conf
$(FIND) $(call FeedPackageDir,libc) -type f \
\( \
-name 'base-files-*.$(PACKAGE_SUFFIX)' -or \
-name 'libc-*.$(PACKAGE_SUFFIX)' -or \
-name 'kernel-*.$(PACKAGE_SUFFIX)' \) \
-exec $(CP) -t $(PKG_BUILD_DIR)/packages {} +
$(FIND) $(wildcard $(PACKAGE_SUBDIRS)) -type f -name '*.$(PACKAGE_SUFFIX)' \
-exec $(CP) -t $(PKG_BUILD_DIR)/packages/ {} +
imagebuilder: add package signature verification The ImageBuilder downloads pre-built packages and adds them to images. This process uses `opkg` which has the capability to verify package list signatures via `usign`, as enabled per default on running OpenWrt devices. Until now this was disabled for ImageBuilders because neither the `opkg` keys nor the `opkg-add` script was present during first packagelist update. To harden the ImageBuilder against *drive-by-download-attacks* both keys and verification script are added to the ImageBuilder allowing `opkg` to verify downloaded package indices. This commit adds `opkg-add` to the ImageBuilder scripts folder. The keys folder is added to ImageBuilder $TOPDIR to have an obvious place for users to store their own keys. The `option check_signature` is appended to the repositories.conf file. All of the above only happens if the Buildbot runs with the SIGNATURE_CHECK option. The keys stored in the ImageBuilder keys/ are the same as included in the openwrt-keyring package. To avoid the chicken-egg problem of downloading and verifying a package, containing signing keys, the keys are added during the ImageBuilder generation. They are same as in shipped images (stored at `/etc/opkg/keys/`). To allow a local package feed in which the user can add additional packages, a local set of `usign` and `ucert` keys is generated, same as building OpenWrt from source. The private key signs the local repository inside the packages/ folder. The local public key is added to the keys/ folder to be considered by `opkg` when updating repositories. This way a local package feed can be modified while requiring `opkg` to check signatures for remote feed, making HTTPS optional. The new option `ADD_LOCAL_KEY` allows to add the local key inside the created images, adding the advantage that sysupgrades can validate the ImageBuilders local key. Signed-off-by: Paul Spooren <mail@aparcar.org>
2020-11-02 12:15:05 -10:00
ifneq ($(CONFIG_USE_APK),y)
imagebuilder: add package signature verification The ImageBuilder downloads pre-built packages and adds them to images. This process uses `opkg` which has the capability to verify package list signatures via `usign`, as enabled per default on running OpenWrt devices. Until now this was disabled for ImageBuilders because neither the `opkg` keys nor the `opkg-add` script was present during first packagelist update. To harden the ImageBuilder against *drive-by-download-attacks* both keys and verification script are added to the ImageBuilder allowing `opkg` to verify downloaded package indices. This commit adds `opkg-add` to the ImageBuilder scripts folder. The keys folder is added to ImageBuilder $TOPDIR to have an obvious place for users to store their own keys. The `option check_signature` is appended to the repositories.conf file. All of the above only happens if the Buildbot runs with the SIGNATURE_CHECK option. The keys stored in the ImageBuilder keys/ are the same as included in the openwrt-keyring package. To avoid the chicken-egg problem of downloading and verifying a package, containing signing keys, the keys are added during the ImageBuilder generation. They are same as in shipped images (stored at `/etc/opkg/keys/`). To allow a local package feed in which the user can add additional packages, a local set of `usign` and `ucert` keys is generated, same as building OpenWrt from source. The private key signs the local repository inside the packages/ folder. The local public key is added to the keys/ folder to be considered by `opkg` when updating repositories. This way a local package feed can be modified while requiring `opkg` to check signatures for remote feed, making HTTPS optional. The new option `ADD_LOCAL_KEY` allows to add the local key inside the created images, adding the advantage that sysupgrades can validate the ImageBuilders local key. Signed-off-by: Paul Spooren <mail@aparcar.org>
2020-11-02 12:15:05 -10:00
echo '' >> $(PKG_BUILD_DIR)/repositories.conf
echo 'option check_signature' >> $(PKG_BUILD_DIR)/repositories.conf
$(CP) -L $(STAGING_DIR_ROOT)/etc/opkg/keys/ $(PKG_BUILD_DIR)/
$(CP) -L $(STAGING_DIR_ROOT)/usr/sbin/opkg-key $(PKG_BUILD_DIR)/scripts/
$(CP) -L $(STAGING_DIR_ROOT)/etc/apk/keys/ $(PKG_BUILD_DIR)/
imagebuilder: add package signature verification The ImageBuilder downloads pre-built packages and adds them to images. This process uses `opkg` which has the capability to verify package list signatures via `usign`, as enabled per default on running OpenWrt devices. Until now this was disabled for ImageBuilders because neither the `opkg` keys nor the `opkg-add` script was present during first packagelist update. To harden the ImageBuilder against *drive-by-download-attacks* both keys and verification script are added to the ImageBuilder allowing `opkg` to verify downloaded package indices. This commit adds `opkg-add` to the ImageBuilder scripts folder. The keys folder is added to ImageBuilder $TOPDIR to have an obvious place for users to store their own keys. The `option check_signature` is appended to the repositories.conf file. All of the above only happens if the Buildbot runs with the SIGNATURE_CHECK option. The keys stored in the ImageBuilder keys/ are the same as included in the openwrt-keyring package. To avoid the chicken-egg problem of downloading and verifying a package, containing signing keys, the keys are added during the ImageBuilder generation. They are same as in shipped images (stored at `/etc/opkg/keys/`). To allow a local package feed in which the user can add additional packages, a local set of `usign` and `ucert` keys is generated, same as building OpenWrt from source. The private key signs the local repository inside the packages/ folder. The local public key is added to the keys/ folder to be considered by `opkg` when updating repositories. This way a local package feed can be modified while requiring `opkg` to check signatures for remote feed, making HTTPS optional. The new option `ADD_LOCAL_KEY` allows to add the local key inside the created images, adding the advantage that sysupgrades can validate the ImageBuilders local key. Signed-off-by: Paul Spooren <mail@aparcar.org>
2020-11-02 12:15:05 -10:00
$(CP) -L $(TOPDIR)/target/linux/Makefile $(PKG_BUILD_DIR)/target/linux
$(CP) -L $(TOPDIR)/target/linux/generic $(PKG_BUILD_DIR)/target/linux
# check if board is installed from a feeds subdirectory
if [ -d $(TOPDIR)/target/linux/feeds/$(BOARD) ]; then \
mkdir -p $(PKG_BUILD_DIR)/target/linux/feeds; \
$(CP) -L $(TOPDIR)/target/linux/feeds/$(BOARD) $(PKG_BUILD_DIR)/target/linux/feeds; \
else \
$(CP) -L $(TOPDIR)/target/linux/$(BOARD) $(PKG_BUILD_DIR)/target/linux; \
if [ -d $(TOPDIR)/staging_dir/host/lib/grub ]; then \
$(CP) $(TOPDIR)/staging_dir/host/lib/grub/ $(PKG_BUILD_DIR)/staging_dir/host/lib; \
rm -rf \
$(PKG_BUILD_DIR)/target/linux/*/files{,-*} \
$(PKG_BUILD_DIR)/target/linux/*/patches{,-*} \
-cp $(KERNEL_BUILD_DIR)/* $(IB_KDIR)/ # don't copy subdirectories here
-cp $(LINUX_DIR)/.config $(IB_LDIR)/
rm -f $(IB_KDIR)/root.*
rm -f $(IB_KDIR)/vmlinux.debug
# remove any file for initramfs and Per Device Rootfs initramfs files
rm -f $(IB_KDIR)/vmlinux-initramfs*
rm -f $(IB_KDIR)/vmlinuz-initramfs*
rm -f $(IB_KDIR)/Image-initramfs*
if [ -x $(LINUX_DIR)/scripts/dtc/dtc ]; then \
$(INSTALL_DIR) $(IB_LDIR)/scripts/dtc; \
$(INSTALL_BIN) $(LINUX_DIR)/scripts/dtc/dtc $(IB_LDIR)/scripts/dtc/dtc; \
if [ -d $(LINUX_DIR)/arch/$(LINUX_KARCH)/boot/dts ]; then \
$(CP) -L $(LINUX_DIR)/arch/$(LINUX_KARCH)/boot/dts/* $(IB_DTSDIR); \
$(SED) 's,^# REVISION:=.*,REVISION:=$(REVISION),g' $(PKG_BUILD_DIR)/include/version.mk
$(SED) '/LINUX_VERMAGIC:=/ { s,unknown,$(LINUX_VERMAGIC),g }' $(PKG_BUILD_DIR)/include/kernel.mk
find $(PKG_BUILD_DIR) -name CVS -o -name .git -o -name .svn \
| $(XARGS) rm -rf
$(INSTALL_DIR) $(PKG_BUILD_DIR)/staging_dir/host/bin
$(CP) $(STAGING_DIR_HOST)/bin/* $(PKG_BUILD_DIR)/staging_dir/host/bin/
(cd $(PKG_BUILD_DIR); find staging_dir/host/bin/ $(IB_LDIR)/scripts/dtc/ -type f | \
$(CP) $(TOPDIR)/staging_dir/host/lib/libfakeroot* $(PKG_BUILD_DIR)/staging_dir/host/lib
STRIP=$(STAGING_DIR_HOST)/bin/sstrip $(SCRIPT_DIR)/rstrip.sh $(PKG_BUILD_DIR)/staging_dir/host/bin/
(cd $(BUILD_DIR); \
tar -I '$(STAGING_DIR_HOST)/bin/zstd -T0 --ultra -20' -cf $@ $(IB_NAME) \
--mtime="$(shell date --date=@$(SOURCE_DATE_EPOCH))"; \
compile: $(BIN_DIR)/$(IB_NAME).tar.zst
install: compile
clean: FORCE
rm -rf $(PKG_BUILD_DIR) $(BIN_DIR)/$(IB_NAME).tar.zst