2024-09-14 17:17:44 -04:00
# SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0-or-later
# Copyright (C) 2024 OpenWrt.org
# This script creates a tar file for the Linksys switches of the LGS3xxC/LGS3xxMPC
# series. It contains not only the OpenWrt firmware but additional scripts that
# are needed for the upgrade.
# ./linksys-image.py <ImageFile> <ImageFileOut> <LinksysModel>
# Known values for LinksysModel are currently
# LGS310MPC 60402010
# LGS310C 60402060
# LGS328PC 60401070
# LGS328PC(RTL8218D) 60401080
# LGS310MPCv2 60402090
# LGS328MPC 60412020
# LGS328C 60412040
# LGS328MPCv2 60412060
# LGS352MPC 60422030
# LGS352C 60422050
# LGS352MPCv2 60422070
# The check script that verifies if the images matches the hardware model
gen_imagecheck() {
echo '#!/bin/sh'
echo 'if [ "$1" = "'${1}'" ]; then'
echo 'echo 0'
echo 'else'
echo 'echo 1'
echo 'fi'
# Generic attributes
gen_fwinfo() {
echo 'FW_VERSION=1.01.100\nBOOT_VERSION=01.00.01'
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# NOR upgrade script. It allows to install OpenWrt only to first partition.
gen_nor_upgrade() {
2024-09-14 17:17:44 -04:00
echo '#!/bin/sh'
echo 'flash_bank=65536'
echo 'filesize=`stat --format=%s ./series_vmlinux.bix`'
echo 'num_bank=`expr \( ${filesize} + ${flash_bank} - 1 \) / ${flash_bank}`'
echo 'filesize_bank=`expr ${num_bank} \* ${flash_bank}`'
echo 'case $1 in'
echo '1)'
echo 'mtd_debug erase $2 0 ${filesize_bank} >/dev/null 2>&1'
echo 'mtd_debug write $2 0 ${filesize} ./series_vmlinux.bix >/dev/null 2>&1'
echo 'mtd_debug read $2 0 100 image1.img >/dev/null 2>&1'
echo 'CreateImage -r ./image1.img > /tmp/app/image1.txt'
echo 'echo 0'
echo ';;'
echo '*)'
echo 'echo 1'
echo 'esac'
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# NAND upgrade script. It allows to install OpenWrt only to first partition.
gen_nand_upgrade() {
echo '#!/bin/sh'
echo 'case $1 in'
echo '1)'
echo 'flash_eraseall $2 >/dev/null 2>&1'
echo 'nandwrite -p $2 ./series_vmlinux.bix >/dev/null 2>&1'
echo 'mtd_debug read $2 0 100 image1.img >/dev/null 2>&1'
echo 'CreateImage -r ./image1.img > /tmp/app/image1.txt'
echo 'echo 0'
echo ';;'
echo '*)'
echo 'echo 1'
echo 'esac'
2024-09-14 17:17:44 -04:00
tmpdir="$( mktemp -d 2> /dev/null )"
mkdir $imgdir
gen_imagecheck $3 > $imgdir/iss_imagecheck.sh
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gen_nor_upgrade > $imgdir/iss_imageupgrade.sh
gen_nand_upgrade > $imgdir/iss_nand_imageupgrade.sh
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gen_fwinfo > $imgdir/firmware_information.txt
chmod +x $imgdir/iss_imagecheck.sh
chmod +x $imgdir/iss_imageupgrade.sh
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chmod +x $imgdir/iss_nand_imageupgrade.sh
2024-09-14 17:17:44 -04:00
cp $1 $imgdir/series_vmlinux.bix
tar cf $2 -C $tmpdir image/
rm -rf $tmpdir