294 lines
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. /usr/share/libubox/jshn.sh
local __tmp
if [ "$1" = 0 ] || [ "$1" = false ]; then
return 1
json_get_type __tmp "inactive"
if [ "$__tmp" = object ]; then
json_select "inactive"
eval "__NETWORK_CV_$1='\$$2'"
eval "[ -n \"\${__NETWORK_CV_$1+x}\" ] && export -- \"$2=\$__NETWORK_CV_$1\""
local __var="$1"
local __iface="$2"
local __family="$3"
local __prefix="$4"
local __key="ipaddr_${2}_${3}_${4}"
__network_get_cache "$__key" "$__var" && return 0
local __tmp="$(ubus call network.interface."$__iface" status 2>/dev/null)"
json_load "${__tmp:-{}}"
json_get_type __tmp "ipv${__family}_address"
if [ "$__tmp" = array ]; then
json_select "ipv${__family}_address"
json_get_type __tmp 1
if [ "$__tmp" = object ]; then
json_select 1
json_get_var $__var address
[ $__prefix -gt 0 ] && {
json_get_var __tmp mask
eval "export -- \"$__var=\${$__var}/$__tmp\""
__network_set_cache "$__key" "$__var"
return 0
return 1
# determine IPv4 address of given logical interface
# 1: destination variable
# 2: interface
network_get_ipaddr() { __network_ipaddr "$1" "$2" 4 0; }
# determine IPv6 address of given logical interface
# 1: destination variable
# 2: interface
network_get_ipaddr6() { __network_ipaddr "$1" "$2" 6 0; }
# determine IPv4 subnet of given logical interface
# 1: destination variable
# 2: interface
network_get_subnet() { __network_ipaddr "$1" "$2" 4 1; }
# determine IPv6 subnet of given logical interface
# 1: destination variable
# 2: interface
network_get_subnet6() { __network_ipaddr "$1" "$2" 6 1; }
local __var="$1"
local __iface="$2"
local __family="$3"
local __key="gateway_${2}_${3}"
__network_get_cache "$__key" "$__var" && return 0
local __tmp="$(ubus call network.interface."$__iface" status 2>/dev/null)"
json_load "${__tmp:-{}}"
for __tmp in 0 1; do
if json_get_type __tmp route && [ "$__tmp" = array ]; then
json_select route
local __idx=1
while json_get_type __tmp "$__idx" && [ "$__tmp" = object ]; do
json_select "$((__idx++))"
json_get_var __tmp target
case "${__family}/${__tmp}" in
json_get_var "$__var" nexthop
__network_set_cache "$__key" "$__var"
return $?
json_select ".."
json_select ".."
__network_switch_inactive "$4" || break
return 1
# determine IPv4 gateway of given logical interface
# 1: destination variable
# 2: interface
# 3: consider inactive gateway if "true" (optional)
network_get_gateway() { __network_gateway "$1" "$2" 4 "${3:-0}"; }
# determine IPv6 gateway of given logical interface
# 1: destination variable
# 2: interface
# 3: consider inactive gateway if "true" (optional)
network_get_gateway6() { __network_gateway "$1" "$2" 6 "${3:-0}"; }
__network_dns() {
local __var="$1"
local __iface="$2"
local __field="$3"
local __key="dns_${2}_${3}"
__network_get_cache "$__key" "$__var" && return 0
local __tmp="$(ubus call network.interface."$__iface" status 2>/dev/null)"
local __dns=""
json_load "${__tmp:-{}}"
for __tmp in 0 1; do
if json_get_type __tmp "$__field" && [ "$__tmp" = array ]; then
json_select "$__field"
local __idx=1
while json_get_type __tmp "$__idx" && [ "$__tmp" = string ]; do
json_get_var __tmp "$((__idx++))"
__dns="${__dns:+$__dns }$__tmp"
json_select ".."
__network_switch_inactive "$4" || break
if [ -n "$__dns" ]; then
eval "export -- \"$__var=$__dns\""
__network_set_cache "$__key" "$__var"
# determine the DNS servers of the given logical interface
# 1: destination variable
# 2: interface
# 3: consider inactive servers if "true" (optional)
network_get_dnsserver() { __network_dns "$1" "$2" dns_server "${3:-0}"; }
# determine the domains of the given logical interface
# 1: destination variable
# 2: interface
# 3: consider inactive servers if "true" (optional)
network_get_dnssearch() { __network_dns "$1" "$2" dns_search "${3:-0}"; }
__network_wan() {
local __var="$1"
local __family="$2"
local __key="wan_${2}"
local __iface
__network_get_cache "$__key" "$__var" && return 0
for __iface in $(ubus list | sed -ne 's/^network\.interface\.//p'); do
if __network_gateway "$__var" "$__iface" "$__family"; then
eval "export -- \"$__var=$__iface\""
__network_set_cache "$__key" "$__var"
return 0
eval "export -- \"$__var=\""
return 1
# find the logical interface which holds the current IPv4 default route
# 1: destination variable
network_find_wan() { __network_wan "$1" 4; }
# find the logical interface which holds the current IPv6 default route
# 1: destination variable
network_find_wan6() { __network_wan "$1" 6; }
local __var="$1"
local __iface="$2"
local __field="$3"
local __key="device_${2}_${3}"
__network_get_cache "$__key" "$__var" && return 0
local __tmp="$(ubus call network.interface."$__iface" status 2>/dev/null)"
[ -n "$__tmp" ] || return 1
json_load "$__tmp"
json_get_var "$__var" "$__field" && __network_set_cache "$__key" "$__var"
# test whether the given logical interface is running
# 1: interface
local __up
__network_device __up "$1" up && [ $__up -eq 1 ]
# determine the layer 3 linux network device of the given logical interface
# 1: destination variable
# 2: interface
network_get_device() { __network_device "$1" "$2" l3_device; }
# determine the layer 2 linux network device of the given logical interface
# 1: destination variable
# 2: interface
network_get_physdev() { __network_device "$1" "$2" device; }
local __device="$1"
local __defer="$2"
json_add_string name "$__device"
json_add_boolean defer "$__defer"
ubus call network.device set_state "$(json_dump)" 2>/dev/null
# defer netifd actions on the given linux network device
# 1: device name
network_defer_device() { __network_defer "$1" 1; }
# continue netifd actions on the given linux network device
# 1: device name
network_ready_device() { __network_defer "$1" 0; }
# flush the internal value cache to force re-reading values from ubus
local __tmp
for __tmp in $__NETWORK_CACHE __NETWORK_CACHE; do
unset "$__tmp"