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# Copyright (C) 2006-2013 OpenWrt.org
. /lib/functions.sh
. /usr/share/libubox/jshn.sh
get_mac_binary() {
local path="$1"
local offset="$2"
if ! [ -e "$path" ]; then
echo "get_mac_binary: file $path not found!" >&2
hexdump -v -n 6 -s $offset -e '5/1 "%02x:" 1/1 "%02x"' $path 2>/dev/null
get_mac_label_dt() {
local basepath="/proc/device-tree"
local macdevice="$(cat "$basepath/aliases/label-mac-device" 2>/dev/null)"
local macaddr
[ -n "$macdevice" ] || return
macaddr=$(get_mac_binary "$basepath/$macdevice/mac-address" 0 2>/dev/null)
[ -n "$macaddr" ] || macaddr=$(get_mac_binary "$basepath/$macdevice/local-mac-address" 0 2>/dev/null)
echo $macaddr
get_mac_label_json() {
local cfg="/etc/board.json"
local macaddr
[ -s "$cfg" ] || return
json_load "$(cat $cfg)"
if json_is_a system object; then
json_select system
json_get_var macaddr label_macaddr
json_select ..
echo $macaddr
get_mac_label() {
local macaddr=$(get_mac_label_dt)
[ -n "$macaddr" ] || macaddr=$(get_mac_label_json)
echo $macaddr
find_mtd_chardev() {
local INDEX=$(find_mtd_index "$1")
local PREFIX=/dev/mtd
[ -d /dev/mtd ] && PREFIX=/dev/mtd/
get_mac_ascii() {
local part="$1"
local key="$2"
local mac_dirty
mac_dirty=$(strings "$part" | sed -n 's/^'"$key"'=//p')
# "canonicalize" mac
[ -n "$mac_dirty" ] && macaddr_canonicalize "$mac_dirty"
mtd_get_mac_ascii() {
local mtdname="$1"
local key="$2"
local part
part=$(find_mtd_part "$mtdname")
if [ -z "$part" ]; then
echo "mtd_get_mac_ascii: partition $mtdname not found!" >&2
get_mac_ascii "$part" "$key"
mtd_get_mac_encrypted_arcadyan() {
local iv="00000000000000000000000000000000"
local key="2A4B303D7644395C3B2B7053553C5200"
local mac_dirty
local mtdname="$1"
local part
local size
part=$(find_mtd_part "$mtdname")
if [ -z "$part" ]; then
echo "mtd_get_mac_encrypted_arcadyan: partition $mtdname not found!" >&2
# Config decryption and getting mac. Trying uencrypt and openssl utils.
size=$((0x$(dd if=$part skip=9 bs=1 count=4 2>/dev/null | hexdump -v -e '1/4 "%08x"')))
if [[ -f "/usr/bin/uencrypt" ]]; then
mac_dirty=$(dd if=$part bs=1 count=$size skip=$((0x100)) 2>/dev/null | \
uencrypt -d -n -k $key -i $iv | grep mac | cut -c 5-)
elif [[ -f "/usr/bin/openssl" ]]; then
mac_dirty=$(dd if=$part bs=1 count=$size skip=$((0x100)) 2>/dev/null | \
openssl aes-128-cbc -d -nopad -K $key -iv $iv | grep mac | cut -c 5-)
echo "mtd_get_mac_encrypted_arcadyan: Neither uencrypt nor openssl was found!" >&2
# "canonicalize" mac
[ -n "$mac_dirty" ] && macaddr_canonicalize "$mac_dirty"
ath79: add support for TP-Link Deco S4 Add support for TP-Link Deco S4 wifi router The label refers to the device as S4R and the TP-Link firmware site calls it the Deco S4 v2. (There does not appear to be a v1) Hardware (and FCC id) are identical to the Deco M4R v2 but the flash layout is ordered differently and the OEM firmware encrypts some config parameters (including the label mac address) in flash In order to set the encrypted mac address, the wlan's caldata node is removed from the DTS so the mac can be decrypted with the help of the uencrypt tool and patched into the wlan fw via hotplug Specifications: SoC: QCA9563-AL3A RAM: Zentel A3R1GE40JBF Wireless 2.4GHz: QCA9563-AL3A (main SoC) Wireless 5GHz: QCA9886 Ethernet Switch: QCA8337N-AL3C Flash: 16 MB SPI NOR UART serial access (115200N1) on board via solder pads: RX = TP1 pad TX = TP2 pad GND = C201 (pad nearest board edge) The device's bootloader and web gui will only accept images that were signed using TP-Link's RSA key, however a memory safety bug in the bootloader can be leveraged to install openwrt without accessing the serial console. See developer forum S4 support page for link to a "firmware" file that starts a tftp client, or you may generate one on your own like this: ``` python - > deco_s4_faux_fw_tftp.bin <<EOF import sys from struct import pack b = pack('>I', 0x00008000) + b'X'*16 + b"fw-type:" \ + b'x'*256 + b"S000S001S002" + pack('>I', 0x80060200) \ b += b"\x00"*(0x200-len(b)) \ + pack(">33I", *[0x3c0887fc, 0x35083ddc, 0xad000000, 0x24050000, 0x3c048006, 0x348402a0, 0x3c1987f9, 0x373947f4, 0x0320f809, 0x00000000, 0x24050000, 0x3c048006, 0x348402d0, 0x3c1987f9, 0x373947f4, 0x0320f809, 0x00000000, 0x24050000, 0x3c048006, 0x34840300, 0x3c1987f9, 0x373947f4, 0x0320f809, 0x00000000, 0x24050000, 0x3c048006, 0x34840400, 0x3c1987f9, 0x373947f4, 0x0320f809, 0x00000000, 0x1000fff1, 0x00000000]) b += b"\xff"*(0x2A0-len(b)) + b"setenv serverip\x00" b += b"\xff"*(0x2D0-len(b)) + b"setenv ipaddr\x00" b += b"\xff"*(0x300-len(b)) + b"tftpboot 0x81000000 initramfs-kernel.bin\x00" b += b"\xff"*(0x400-len(b)) + b"bootm 0x81000000\x00" b += b"\xff"*(0x8000-len(b)) sys.stdout.buffer.write(b) EOF ``` Installation: 1. Run tftp server on pc with static ip 2. Place openwrt "initramfs-kernel.bin" image in tftp root dir 3. Connect pc to router ethernet port1 4. While holding in reset button on bottom of router, power on router 5. From pc access router webgui at 6. Upload deco_s4_faux_fw_tftp.bin 7. Router will load and execture in-memory openwrt 8. Switch pc back to dhcp or static 192.168.1.x 9. Flash openwrt sysupgrade image via luci/ssh at Revert to stock: Press and hold reset button while powering device to start the bootloader's recovery mode, where stock firmware can be uploaded via web gui at Please note that one additional non-github commits is also needed: firmware-utils: add tplink-safeloader support for Deco S4 Signed-off-by: Nick French <nickfrench@gmail.com>
2022-08-13 12:09:50 -05:00
mtd_get_mac_encrypted_deco() {
local mtdname="$1"
if ! [ -e "$mtdname" ]; then
echo "mtd_get_mac_encrypted_deco: file $mtdname not found!" >&2
key=$(dd if=$mtdname bs=1 skip=16 count=8 2>/dev/null | \
uencrypt -n -d -k $tplink_key -c des-ecb | hexdump -v -n 8 -e '1/1 "%02x"')
macaddr=$(dd if=$mtdname bs=1 skip=32 count=8 2>/dev/null | \
uencrypt -n -d -k $key -c des-ecb | hexdump -v -n 6 -e '5/1 "%02x:" 1/1 "%02x"')
echo $macaddr
ramips: add basic support for tp-link er605-v2 This is a MT7621-based device with 128MB NAND flash, 256MB RAM, and a USB port. The board has headers to attach console. In order for them to work two solder bridges near those pads need to be made. The defice has the following partition table: ``` 0x000000000000-0x000000080000 : "u-boot" 0x000000080000-0x000000100000 : "u-boot-env" 0x000000100000-0x000000140000 : "factory" 0x000000140000-0x000007e00000 : "firmware" 0x000007e00000-0x000008000000 : "panic-ops" ``` `firmware` partition contains UBI volumes. Unfortunately I accidentally wiped partition and I no longer have access to it. `firmware` partition contains 'secondary' U-Boot which is run by 'first' u-boot. It also contains various configuration partitions that include device info and MAC address. There also seems to be 'primary' and 'backup' set of 'main' volumes. U-boot has `mtkupgrade` command that just overrides data on firmware partitions. Firmware file provided by TP-Link cannot be used with that command. U-boot also has 'recovery' http server. Unfortunately I was not able to make it work with manufacturer's firmware. Manufacturer's firmware essentially contains multiple UBI volumes along with 'partition table'. Unfortunately I no longer can properly run manufacturer's firmware so I cannot at the moment try to a support for building 'factory' images. This patch adds support for initramfs image as well as sysupgrade image. This seems to be pretty standard MT7621 board otherwise. Things that work: * network * leds * usb * factory MAC detection Signed-off-by: Nikolay Martynov <mar.kolya@gmail.com>
2022-12-14 20:26:38 -05:00
mtd_get_mac_uci_config_ubi() {
local volumename="$1"
. /lib/upgrade/nand.sh
local ubidev=$(nand_attach_ubi $CI_UBIPART)
local part=$(nand_find_volume $ubidev $volumename)
cat "/dev/$part" | sed -n 's/^\s*option macaddr\s*'"'"'\?\([0-9A-F:]\+\)'"'"'\?/\1/Ip'
mtd_get_mac_text() {
local mtdname="$1"
local offset=$((${2:-0}))
local length="${3:-17}"
local part
part=$(find_mtd_part "$mtdname")
if [ -z "$part" ]; then
echo "mtd_get_mac_text: partition $mtdname not found!" >&2
[ $((offset + length)) -le $(mtd_get_part_size "$mtdname") ] || return
macaddr_canonicalize $(dd bs=1 if="$part" skip="$offset" count="$length" 2>/dev/null)
mtd_get_mac_binary() {
local mtdname="$1"
local offset="$2"
local part
part=$(find_mtd_part "$mtdname")
get_mac_binary "$part" "$offset"
mtd_get_mac_binary_ubi() {
local mtdname="$1"
local offset="$2"
. /lib/upgrade/nand.sh
local ubidev=$(nand_find_ubi $CI_UBIPART)
local part=$(nand_find_volume $ubidev $1)
get_mac_binary "/dev/$part" "$offset"
mtd_get_part_size() {
local part_name=$1
local first dev size erasesize name
while read dev size erasesize name; do
name=${name#'"'}; name=${name%'"'}
if [ "$name" = "$part_name" ]; then
echo $((0x$size))
done < /proc/mtd
mmc_get_mac_ascii() {
local part_name="$1"
local key="$2"
local part
part=$(find_mmc_part "$part_name")
if [ -z "$part" ]; then
echo "mmc_get_mac_ascii: partition $part_name not found!" >&2
get_mac_ascii "$part" "$key"
mmc_get_mac_binary() {
local part_name="$1"
local offset="$2"
local part
part=$(find_mmc_part "$part_name")
get_mac_binary "$part" "$offset"
macaddr_add() {
local mac=$1
local val=$2
local oui=${mac%:*:*:*}
local nic=${mac#*:*:*:}
nic=$(printf "%06x" $((0x${nic//:/} + val & 0xffffff)) | sed 's/^\(.\{2\}\)\(.\{2\}\)\(.\{2\}\)/\1:\2:\3/')
echo $oui:$nic
macaddr_generate_from_mmc_cid() {
local mmc_dev=$1
local sd_hash=$(sha256sum /sys/class/block/$mmc_dev/device/cid)
local mac_base=$(macaddr_canonicalize "$(echo "${sd_hash}" | dd bs=1 count=12 2>/dev/null)")
echo "$(macaddr_unsetbit_mc "$(macaddr_setbit_la "${mac_base}")")"
macaddr_geteui() {
local mac=$1
local sep=$2
echo ${mac:9:2}$sep${mac:12:2}$sep${mac:15:2}
macaddr_setbit() {
local mac=$1
local bit=${2:-0}
[ $bit -gt 0 -a $bit -le 48 ] || return
printf "%012x" $(( 0x${mac//:/} | 2**(48-bit) )) | sed -e 's/\(.\{2\}\)/\1:/g' -e 's/:$//'
macaddr_unsetbit() {
local mac=$1
local bit=${2:-0}
[ $bit -gt 0 -a $bit -le 48 ] || return
printf "%012x" $(( 0x${mac//:/} & ~(2**(48-bit)) )) | sed -e 's/\(.\{2\}\)/\1:/g' -e 's/:$//'
macaddr_setbit_la() {
macaddr_setbit $1 7
macaddr_unsetbit_mc() {
local mac=$1
printf "%02x:%s" $((0x${mac%%:*} & ~0x01)) ${mac#*:}
macaddr_random() {
local randsrc=$(get_mac_binary /dev/urandom 0)
echo "$(macaddr_unsetbit_mc "$(macaddr_setbit_la "${randsrc}")")"
macaddr_2bin() {
local mac=$1
echo -ne \\x${mac//:/\\x}
macaddr_canonicalize() {
local mac="$1"
local canon=""
mac=$(echo -n $mac | tr -d \")
[ ${#mac} -gt 17 ] && return
[ -n "${mac//[a-fA-F0-9\.: -]/}" ] && return
for octet in ${mac//[\.:-]/ }; do
case "${#octet}" in
octet="${octet:0:2} ${octet:2:2}"
octet="${octet:0:2} ${octet:2:2} ${octet:4:2} ${octet:6:2} ${octet:8:2} ${octet:10:2}"
canon=${canon}${canon:+ }${octet}
[ ${#canon} -ne 17 ] && return
printf "%02x:%02x:%02x:%02x:%02x:%02x" 0x${canon// / 0x} 2>/dev/null
dt_is_enabled() {
grep -q okay "/proc/device-tree/$1/status"