# # openwifi side info receive and display program # Xianjun jiao. putaoshu@msn.com; xianjun.jiao@imec.be # import os import sys import socket import numpy as np import matplotlib.pyplot as plt def display_iq(iq_capture, agc_gain, rssi_half_db): fig_iq_capture = plt.figure(0) fig_iq_capture.clf() plt.xlabel("sample") plt.ylabel("I/Q") plt.title("I (blue) and Q (red) capture") plt.plot(iq_capture.real, 'b') plt.plot(iq_capture.imag, 'r') plt.ylim(-32767, 32767) fig_iq_capture.show() plt.pause(0.0001) agc_gain_lock = np.copy(agc_gain) agc_gain_lock[agc_gain>127] = 80 # agc lock agc_gain_lock[agc_gain<=127] = 0 # agc not lock agc_gain_value = np.copy(agc_gain) agc_gain_value[agc_gain>127] = agc_gain[agc_gain>127] - 128 fig_agc_gain = plt.figure(1) fig_agc_gain.clf() plt.xlabel("sample") plt.ylabel("gain/lock") plt.title("AGC gain (blue) and lock status (red)") plt.plot(agc_gain_value, 'b') plt.plot(agc_gain_lock, 'r') plt.ylim(0, 82) fig_agc_gain.show() plt.pause(0.0001) fig_rssi_half_db = plt.figure(2) fig_rssi_half_db.clf() plt.xlabel("sample") plt.ylabel("dB") plt.title("RSSI half dB (uncalibrated)") plt.plot(rssi_half_db) plt.ylim(100, 270) fig_rssi_half_db.show() plt.pause(0.0001) def parse_iq(iq, iq_len): # print(len(iq), iq_len) num_dma_symbol_per_trans = 1 + iq_len num_int16_per_trans = num_dma_symbol_per_trans*4 # 64bit per dma symbol num_trans = round(len(iq)/num_int16_per_trans) # print(len(iq), iq.dtype, num_trans) iq = iq.reshape([num_trans, num_int16_per_trans]) timestamp = iq[:,0] + pow(2,16)*iq[:,1] + pow(2,32)*iq[:,2] + pow(2,48)*iq[:,3] iq_capture = iq[:,4::4] + iq[:,5::4]*1j agc_gain = iq[:,6::4] rssi_half_db = iq[:,7::4] # print(num_trans, iq_len, iq_capture.shape, agc_gain.shape, rssi_half_db.shape) iq_capture = iq_capture.reshape([num_trans*iq_len,]) agc_gain = agc_gain.reshape([num_trans*iq_len,]) rssi_half_db = rssi_half_db.reshape([num_trans*iq_len,]) return timestamp, iq_capture, agc_gain, rssi_half_db UDP_IP = "" #Local IP to listen UDP_PORT = 4000 #Local port to listen sock = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_DGRAM) # UDP sock.bind((UDP_IP, UDP_PORT)) # align with side_ch_control.v and all related user space, remote files MAX_NUM_DMA_SYMBOL = 8192 if len(sys.argv)<2: print("Assume iq_len = 8187! (Max UDP 65507 bytes; (65507/8)-1 = 8187)") iq_len = 8187 else: iq_len = int(sys.argv[1]) print(iq_len) # print(type(num_eq)) if iq_len>8187: iq_len = 8187 print('Limit iq_len to 8187! (Max UDP 65507 bytes; (65507/8)-1 = 8187)') num_dma_symbol_per_trans = 1 + iq_len num_byte_per_trans = 8*num_dma_symbol_per_trans if os.path.exists("iq.txt"): os.remove("iq.txt") iq_fd=open('iq.txt','a') while True: try: data, addr = sock.recvfrom(MAX_NUM_DMA_SYMBOL*8) # buffer size # print(addr) test_residual = len(data)%num_byte_per_trans # print(len(data)/8, num_dma_symbol_per_trans, test_residual) if (test_residual != 0): print("Abnormal length") iq = np.frombuffer(data, dtype='int16') np.savetxt(iq_fd, iq) timestamp, iq_capture, agc_gain, rssi_half_db = parse_iq(iq, iq_len) print(timestamp) display_iq(iq_capture, agc_gain, rssi_half_db) except KeyboardInterrupt: print('User quit') break print('close()') side_info_fd.close() sock.close()