#!/bin/bash set -ex HDF_FILE=$1 UBOOT_FILE=$2 ATF_FILE=${3:-download} BUILD_DIR=build_boot_bin OUTPUT_DIR=output_boot_bin usage () { echo "usage: $0 system_top. u-boot.elf (download | bl31.elf | ) [output-archive]" exit 1 } depends () { echo "Xilinx $1 must be installed and in your PATH" echo "try: source /opt/Xilinx/Vivado/201x.x/settings64.sh" exit 1 } ### Check command line parameters echo $HDF_FILE | grep -q ".hdf\|.xsa" || usage echo $UBOOT_FILE | grep -q -e ".elf" -e "uboot" -e "u-boot" || usage if [ ! -f $HDF_FILE ]; then echo $HDF_FILE: File not found! usage else if [[ "$HDF_FILE" =~ ".hdf" ]]; then TOOL="xsdk";else TOOL="vitis";fi fi if [ ! -f $UBOOT_FILE ]; then echo $UBOOT_FILE: File not found! usage fi ### Check for required Xilinx tools (starting with 2019.2 there is no hsi anymore) command -v xsct >/dev/null 2>&1 || depends xsct command -v bootgen >/dev/null 2>&1 || depends bootgen if [[ "$HDF_FILE" =~ ".hdf" ]];then (command -v hsi >/dev/null 2>&1 || depends hsi);fi rm -Rf $BUILD_DIR $OUTPUT_DIR mkdir -p $OUTPUT_DIR mkdir -p $BUILD_DIR # 2017.4 use 47af34b94a52b8cdc8abbac44b6f3ffab33a2206 # 2018.1 use df4a7e97d57494c7d79de51b1e0e450d982cea98 # 2018.2 use 93a69a5a3bc318027da4af5911124537f4907642 # 2018.3 use 08560c36ea5b6f48b962cb4bd9a79b35bb3d95ce # 2019.3 use 713dace94b259845fd8eede11061fbd8f039011e # 2020.1 use bf72e4d494f3be10665b94c0e88766eb2096ef71 # 2021.2 use 799131a3b063f6f24f87baa74e46906c076aebcd tool_version=$($TOOL -version | sed -n '3p' | cut -d' ' -f 3) if [ -z "$tool_version" ] ; then echo "Could not determine Vivado version" exit 1 fi atf_version=xilinx-$tool_version if [[ "$atf_version" == "xilinx-v2021.1" ]];then atf_version="xlnx_rebase_v2.4_2021.1";fi if [[ "$atf_version" == "xilinx-v2021.1.1" ]];then atf_version="xlnx_rebase_v2.4_2021.1_update1";fi if [[ "$atf_version" == "xilinx-v2021.2" ]];then atf_version="xlnx-v2021.2";fi if [[ "$4" == "uart1" ]];then console="cadence1";else console="cadence0";fi ### Check if ATF_FILE is .elf or path to arm-trusted-firmware if [ "$ATF_FILE" != "" ] && [ -d $ATF_FILE ]; then ### Build arm-trusted-firmware bl31.elf ( cd $ATF_FILE make distclean git checkout $atf_version make CROSS_COMPILE=aarch64-linux-gnu- PLAT=zynqmp RESET_TO_BL31=1 ZYNQMP_CONSOLE=$console ) cp $ATF_FILE/build/zynqmp/release/bl31/bl31.elf $OUTPUT_DIR/bl31.elf elif [ "$ATF_FILE" == "download" ]; then ( command -v git >/dev/null 2>&1 || depends git cd $BUILD_DIR git clone https://github.com/Xilinx/arm-trusted-firmware.git cd arm-trusted-firmware git checkout $atf_version make CROSS_COMPILE=aarch64-linux-gnu- PLAT=zynqmp RESET_TO_BL31=1 ZYNQMP_CONSOLE=$console ) cp $BUILD_DIR/arm-trusted-firmware/build/zynqmp/release/bl31/bl31.elf $OUTPUT_DIR/bl31.elf else echo $ATF_FILE | grep -q -e "bl31.elf" || usage if [ ! -f $ATF_FILE ]; then echo $ATF_FILE: File not found! usage fi cp $ATF_FILE $OUTPUT_DIR/bl31.elf fi cp "$HDF_FILE" "$BUILD_DIR/" cp "$UBOOT_FILE" "$OUTPUT_DIR/u-boot.elf" cp "$HDF_FILE" "$OUTPUT_DIR/" # Work-around for MPSoC ZCU102 and ZCU106 Evaluation Kits - DDR4 SODIMM change # (https://www.xilinx.com/support/answers/71961.html) if [ $tool_version == "v2018.3" ];then ( wget https://www.xilinx.com/Attachment/72113-files.zip -P $BUILD_DIR unzip $BUILD_DIR/72113-files.zip -d $BUILD_DIR ) fi ### Create create_fsbl_project.tcl file used by xsct to create the fsbl. echo "hsi open_hw_design `basename $HDF_FILE`" > $BUILD_DIR/create_fsbl_project.tcl echo 'set cpu_name [lindex [hsi get_cells -filter {IP_TYPE==PROCESSOR}] 0]' >> $BUILD_DIR/create_fsbl_project.tcl ### The fsbl creating flow is different starting with 2019.2 Xilinx version if [[ "$HDF_FILE" =~ ".hdf" ]];then echo 'sdk setws ./build/sdk' >> $BUILD_DIR/create_fsbl_project.tcl echo "sdk createhw -name hw_0 -hwspec `basename $HDF_FILE`" >> $BUILD_DIR/create_fsbl_project.tcl echo 'sdk createapp -name fsbl -hwproject hw_0 -proc $cpu_name -os standalone -lang C -app {Zynq MP FSBL}' >> $BUILD_DIR/create_fsbl_project.tcl echo 'configapp -app fsbl build-config release' >> $BUILD_DIR/create_fsbl_project.tcl if [ $tool_version == "v2018.3" ];then echo "file copy -force xfsbl_ddr_init.c ./build/sdk/fsbl/src" >> $BUILD_DIR/create_fsbl_project.tcl echo "file copy -force xfsbl_hooks.c ./build/sdk/fsbl/src" >> $BUILD_DIR/create_fsbl_project.tcl echo "file copy -force xfsbl_hooks.h ./build/sdk/fsbl/src" >> $BUILD_DIR/create_fsbl_project.tcl fi echo 'sdk projects -build -type all' >> $BUILD_DIR/create_fsbl_project.tcl ### Create create_pmufw_project.tcl echo "set hwdsgn [open_hw_design `basename $HDF_FILE`]" > $BUILD_DIR/create_pmufw_project.tcl echo 'generate_app -hw $hwdsgn -os standalone -proc psu_pmu_0 -app zynqmp_pmufw -compile -sw pmufw -dir pmufw' >> $BUILD_DIR/create_pmufw_project.tcl echo 'quit' >> $BUILD_DIR/create_pmufw_project.tcl FSBL_PATH="$BUILD_DIR/build/sdk/fsbl/Release/fsbl.elf" SYSTEM_TOP_BIT_PATH="$BUILD_DIR/build/sdk/hw_0/system_top.bit" PMUFW_PATH="$BUILD_DIR/pmufw/executable.elf" else # Flow got changed starting with 2019.2 version (when Vitis replaced SDK) and pmufw is generated automatically with fsbl echo 'platform create -name hw0 -hw system_top.xsa -os standalone -out ./build/sdk -proc $cpu_name' >> $BUILD_DIR/create_fsbl_project.tcl echo 'platform generate' >> $BUILD_DIR/create_fsbl_project.tcl FSBL_PATH="$BUILD_DIR/build/sdk/hw0/export/hw0/sw/hw0/boot/fsbl.elf" SYSTEM_TOP_BIT_PATH="$BUILD_DIR/build/sdk/hw0/hw/system_top.bit" PMUFW_PATH="$BUILD_DIR/build/sdk/hw0/export/hw0/sw/hw0/boot/pmufw.elf" fi ### Create zynq.bif file used by bootgen echo "the_ROM_image:" > $OUTPUT_DIR/zynq.bif echo "{" >> $OUTPUT_DIR/zynq.bif echo "[bootloader,destination_cpu=a53-0] fsbl.elf" >> $OUTPUT_DIR/zynq.bif echo "[pmufw_image] pmufw.elf" >> $OUTPUT_DIR/zynq.bif echo "[destination_device=pl] system_top.bit" >> $OUTPUT_DIR/zynq.bif echo "[destination_cpu=a53-0,exception_level=el-3,trustzone] bl31.elf" >> $OUTPUT_DIR/zynq.bif echo "[destination_cpu=a53-0, exception_level=el-2] u-boot.elf" >> $OUTPUT_DIR/zynq.bif echo "}" >> $OUTPUT_DIR/zynq.bif ### Build fsbl.elf & pmufw.elf ( cd $BUILD_DIR xsct create_fsbl_project.tcl if [[ "$HDF_FILE" =~ ".hdf" ]];then hsi -source create_pmufw_project.tcl ### There was a bug in some vivado version where they build would fail -> check CC_FLAGS grep "CC_FLAGS :=" pmufw/Makefile | grep -e "-Os" || sed -i '/-mxl-soft-mul/ s/$/ -Os -flto -ffat-lto-objects/' pmufw/Makefile cd pmufw make fi ) ### Copy fsbl and system_top.bit into the output folder cp "$FSBL_PATH" "$OUTPUT_DIR/fsbl.elf" cp "$SYSTEM_TOP_BIT_PATH" "$OUTPUT_DIR/system_top.bit" cp "$PMUFW_PATH" "$OUTPUT_DIR/pmufw.elf" ### Build BOOT.BIN ( cd $OUTPUT_DIR bootgen -arch zynqmp -image zynq.bif -o BOOT.BIN -w ) ### Optionally tar.gz the entire output folder with the name given in argument 4/5 if [[ ( $4 == "uart"* && ${#5} -ne 0 ) ]]; then tar czvf $5.tar.gz $OUTPUT_DIR fi if [[ ( ${#4} -ne 0 && $4 != "uart"* && ${#5} -eq 0 ) ]]; then tar czvf $4.tar.gz $OUTPUT_DIR fi