#!/bin/bash # Author: Xianjun Jiao # SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2022 UGent # SPDX-License-Identifier: AGPL-3.0-or-later print_usage () { echo "usage:" echo " Script for load (or download+load) different driver and FPGA img without rebooting" echo " no argument: Load .ko driver files and FPGA img (if system_top.bit.bin exist) in current dir with test_mode=0." echo " 1st argument: If it is a NUMBER, it will be assigned to test_mode. Then load everything from current dir." echo " 1st argument: If it is a string called \"remote\", it will download driver/FPGA and load everything." echo " - 2nd argument (if exist) is the target directory name for downloading and reloading" echo " - 3rd argument (if exist) is the value for test_mode" echo " 1st argument: neither NUMBER nor \"remote\" nor a .tar.gz file, it is regarded as a directory and load everything from it." echo " - 2nd argument (if exist) is the value for test_mode" echo " 1st argument: a .tar.gz file, it will be unpacked then load from that unpacked directory" echo " - 2nd argument (if exist) is the value for test_mode" echo " " } checkModule () { MODULE_input="$1" if lsmod | grep "$MODULE_input" &> /dev/null ; then echo "$MODULE_input is loaded!" return 0 else echo "$MODULE_input is not loaded!" return 1 fi } download_module () { MODULE_input="$1" TARGET_DIR_input="$2" mkdir -p $TARGET_DIR_input if [ "$MODULE_input" == "fpga" ]; then wget -O $TARGET_DIR_input/system_top.bit.bin else if [ "$MODULE_input" == "sdr" ]; then wget -O $TARGET_DIR_input/$MODULE_input.ko$MODULE_input.ko else wget -O $TARGET_DIR_input/$MODULE_input.ko$MODULE_input/$MODULE_input.ko fi fi sync } insert_check_module () { TARGET_DIR_input="$1" MODULE_input="$2" rmmod $MODULE_input if [[ -n $3 ]]; then (set -x; insmod $TARGET_DIR_input/$MODULE_input.ko test_mode=$3) else (set -x; insmod $TARGET_DIR_input/$MODULE_input.ko) fi checkModule $MODULE_input if [ $? -eq 1 ]; then exit 1 fi } print_usage sync TARGET_DIR=./ DOWNLOAD_FLAG=0 test_mode=0 if [[ -n $1 ]]; then re='^[0-9]+$' if ! [[ $1 =~ $re ]] ; then # not a number if [ "$1" == "remote" ]; then DOWNLOAD_FLAG=1 if [[ -n $2 ]]; then TARGET_DIR=$2 fi if [[ -n $3 ]]; then test_mode=$3 fi else if [[ "$1" == *".tar.gz"* ]]; then set -x tar_gz_filename=$1 TARGET_DIR=${tar_gz_filename%".tar.gz"} mkdir -p $TARGET_DIR rm -rf $TARGET_DIR/* tar -zxvf $1 -C $TARGET_DIR find $TARGET_DIR/ -name \*.ko -exec cp {} $TARGET_DIR/ \; find $TARGET_DIR/ -name \*.bit.bin -exec cp {} $TARGET_DIR/ \; set +x else TARGET_DIR=$1 fi if [[ -n $2 ]]; then test_mode=$2 fi fi else # is a number test_mode=$1 fi fi echo TARGET_DIR $TARGET_DIR echo DOWNLOAD_FLAG $DOWNLOAD_FLAG echo test_mode $test_mode sync #if ((($test_mode & 0x2) != 0)); then tx_offset_tuning_enable=0 #else # tx_offset_tuning_enable=1 #fi echo tx_offset_tuning_enable $tx_offset_tuning_enable if [ -d "$TARGET_DIR" ]; then echo "\$TARGET_DIR is found!" else if [ $DOWNLOAD_FLAG -eq 0 ]; then echo "\$TARGET_DIR is not correct. Please check!" exit 1 fi fi echo " " service network-manager stop rmmod sdr insert_check_module ./ ad9361_drv if [ $DOWNLOAD_FLAG -eq 1 ]; then download_module fpga $TARGET_DIR fi if [ -f "$TARGET_DIR/system_top.bit.bin" ]; then ./load_fpga_img.sh $TARGET_DIR/system_top.bit.bin else echo $TARGET_DIR/system_top.bit.bin not found. Skip reloading FPGA. fi ./rf_init_11n.sh insert_check_module ./ xilinx_dma depmod modprobe mac80211 lsmod MODULE_ALL="tx_intf rx_intf openofdm_tx openofdm_rx xpu sdr" for MODULE in $MODULE_ALL do if [ $DOWNLOAD_FLAG -eq 1 ]; then download_module $MODULE $TARGET_DIR fi if [ "$MODULE" == "sdr" ]; then insert_check_module $TARGET_DIR $MODULE $test_mode else insert_check_module $TARGET_DIR $MODULE fi done if ps -p $( /dev/null then kill $(