#!/bin/bash set -ex HDF_FILE=$1 UBOOT_FILE=$2 BUILD_DIR=build_boot_bin OUTPUT_DIR=output_boot_bin usage () { echo "usage: $0 system_top. u-boot.elf [output-archive]" exit 1 } depends () { echo Xilinx $1 must be installed and in your PATH echo try: source /opt/Xilinx/Vivado/201x.x/settings64.sh exit 1 } ### Check command line parameters echo $HDF_FILE | grep -q ".hdf\|.xsa" || usage echo $UBOOT_FILE | grep -q -e ".elf" -e "uboot" -e "u-boot"|| usage if [ ! -f $HDF_FILE ]; then echo $HDF_FILE: File not found! usage fi if [ ! -f $UBOOT_FILE ]; then echo $UBOOT_FILE: File not found! usage fi ### Check for required Xilinx tools (xcst is equivalent with 'xsdk -batch') command -v xsct >/dev/null 2>&1 || depends xsct command -v bootgen >/dev/null 2>&1 || depends bootgen rm -Rf $BUILD_DIR $OUTPUT_DIR mkdir -p $OUTPUT_DIR mkdir -p $BUILD_DIR cp $HDF_FILE $BUILD_DIR/ cp $UBOOT_FILE $OUTPUT_DIR/u-boot.elf cp $HDF_FILE $OUTPUT_DIR/ ### Create create_fsbl_project.tcl file used by xsct to create the fsbl. echo "hsi open_hw_design `basename $HDF_FILE`" > $BUILD_DIR/create_fsbl_project.tcl echo 'set cpu_name [lindex [hsi get_cells -filter {IP_TYPE==PROCESSOR}] 0]' >> $BUILD_DIR/create_fsbl_project.tcl ### The fsbl creating flow is different starting with 2019.2 Xilinx version if [[ "$HDF_FILE" =~ ".hdf" ]];then echo 'sdk setws ./build/sdk' >> $BUILD_DIR/create_fsbl_project.tcl echo "sdk createhw -name hw_0 -hwspec `basename $HDF_FILE`" >> $BUILD_DIR/create_fsbl_project.tcl echo 'sdk createapp -name fsbl -hwproject hw_0 -proc $cpu_name -os standalone -lang C -app {Zynq FSBL}' >> $BUILD_DIR/create_fsbl_project.tcl echo 'configapp -app fsbl build-config release' >> $BUILD_DIR/create_fsbl_project.tcl echo 'sdk projects -build -type all' >> $BUILD_DIR/create_fsbl_project.tcl FSBL_PATH="$BUILD_DIR/build/sdk/fsbl/Release/fsbl.elf" SYSTEM_TOP_BIT_PATH="$BUILD_DIR/build/sdk/hw_0/system_top.bit" else echo 'platform create -name hw0 -hw system_top.xsa -os standalone -out ./build/sdk -proc $cpu_name' >> $BUILD_DIR/create_fsbl_project.tcl echo 'platform generate' >> $BUILD_DIR/create_fsbl_project.tcl FSBL_PATH="$BUILD_DIR/build/sdk/hw0/export/hw0/sw/hw0/boot/fsbl.elf" SYSTEM_TOP_BIT_PATH="$BUILD_DIR/build/sdk/hw0/hw/system_top.bit" fi ### Create zynq.bif file used by bootgen echo 'the_ROM_image:' > $OUTPUT_DIR/zynq.bif echo '{' >> $OUTPUT_DIR/zynq.bif echo '[bootloader] fsbl.elf' >> $OUTPUT_DIR/zynq.bif echo 'system_top.bit' >> $OUTPUT_DIR/zynq.bif echo 'u-boot.elf' >> $OUTPUT_DIR/zynq.bif echo '}' >> $OUTPUT_DIR/zynq.bif ### Build fsbl.elf ( cd $BUILD_DIR xsct create_fsbl_project.tcl ) ### Copy fsbl and system_top.bit into the output folder cp $FSBL_PATH $OUTPUT_DIR/fsbl.elf cp $SYSTEM_TOP_BIT_PATH $OUTPUT_DIR/system_top.bit ### Build BOOT.BIN ( cd $OUTPUT_DIR bootgen -arch zynq -image zynq.bif -o BOOT.BIN -w ) ### Optionally tar.gz the entire output folder with the name given in argument 3 if [ ${#3} -ne 0 ]; then tar czvf $3.tar.gz $OUTPUT_DIR fi