We implement the **IQ sample capture** with interesting extensions: many **trigger conditions**; **RSSI**, RF chip **AGC****status (lock/unlock)** and **gain**.
(By default, openwifi Rx baseband is muted during self Tx, to unmute Rx baseband and capture self Tx signal you need to run "./sdrctl dev sdr0 set reg xpu 1 1" after the test running)
- Connect a computer to the SDR board via Ethernet cable. The computer should have static IP Open a terminal on the computer, and then in the terminal:
ssh root@
(password: openwifi)
cd openwifi
(Wait for the script completed)
./monitor_ch.sh sdr0 11
(Monitor on channel 11. You can change 11 to other channel that is busy)
If the second number (side info count 61, 99, ...) keeps increasing, that means the trigger condition is met from time to time and the IQ sample is going to the computer smoothly.
The python script needs "matplotlib.pyplot" and "numpy" packages installed. Now you should see 3 figures showing run-time **IQ sample**, **AGC gain and lock status** and **RSSI (uncalibrated)**. Meanwhile the python script prints the **timestamp**.
While running, all information is also stored into a file **iq.txt**. A matlab script **test_iq_file_display.m** is offered to help you do analysis on the IQ Information offline. For zed, adrv9364z7020, zc702 board, do not forget to change the **iq_len** in the matlab script to 4095.
The IQ information is extracted via the openwifi **side channel** infrastructure. This figure explains the related modules (also related source code file name) and how the information goes from the SDR board to the computer.

The IQ information format is shown in this figure.

For each element, the actual size is 64bit.
- timestamp: 64bit TSF timer value when the capture is triggered.
- The 3rd 16bit is AD9361 AGC gain (bit7 -- lock/unlock; bit6~0 -- gain value)
- The 4th 16bit is RSSI (half dB, uncalibrated). Please check xpu.v and sdr.c to understand how the raw RSSI value is finally calibrated and reported to Linux mac80211.
The quick start guide captures a period of history IQ when the packet FCS checksum is checked by Wifi receiver (no matter pass or fail). To initiate the capture with different trigger conditions and length, configuration commands should be issued before executing "**side_ch_ctl g**". The configuration command is realized by feeding a different parameter to "**side_ch_ctl**". The main parameters that are configurable are explained in this figure.
**iq_len** is the number of IQ samples captured per trigger condition met. The capture is started from the time **pre_trigger_len** IQ samples before the trigger moment. **iq_len** is set only one time when you insert the side_ch.ko. Please check the next section for **iq_len** configuration. This section introduces the setting of pre_trigger_len and trigger condition.
The parameter **Y** specifies the pre_trigger_len. Valid range 0 ~ 8190. It is limited by the FPGA fifo size. For **small FPGA** (zed_fmcs2, adrv9364z7020, zc702), the valid range is 0 ~ **4094**.
The **iq_len** (number of IQ sample per capture) is configurable in case you want less IQ samples per capture so that it can be triggered more times during a specific analysis period. The valid value is 1~**8187**. For **small FPGA** (zed_fmcs2, adrv9364z7020, zc702), the valid range is 0 ~ **4095**. It is independent from pre_trigger_len, and it can be less than pre_trigger_len if you want. You should align the **iq_len** value at the side_ch.ko, iq_capture.py and test_iq_file_display.m.
Here 3000 is an example. **ATTENTION:** You need to specify **iq_len_init** explicitly to turn on IQ capture, which will turn off the default CSI mode. Insert the side_ch.ko without any parameter will run the default CSI mode.
(For Zynq 7000, ARCH_BIT should be 32, for Zynq MPSoC, ARCH_BIT should be 64)
- side_ch_ctl (take user_space/side_ch_ctl_src/side_ch_ctl.c and compile it on board!)
gcc -o side_ch_ctl side_ch_ctl.c
## Run the IQ capture together with modes other than monitor
The openwifi IQ capture feature could run with not only monitor mode but also other modes, such as AP-Client or ad-hoc mode. After the communication functionality is fully up in those modes, you can start IQ capture from "**insmod side_ch.ko**" and "**./side_ch_ctl g**" on board as described in the previous sections to extract IQ information to your computer.
## Map the IQ information to the WiFi packet
If you want to relate the IQ information to the WiFi packet, you need to capture WiFi packets (tcpdump/wireshark/etc) while capturing IQ. Then you can relate the timestamp between WiFi packet and IQ information. Please be noticed that the timestamp in the IQ information is the moment when capture is triggered, which could be different from the timestamp reported in the packet capture program. But since they share the same time base (TSF timer), you can relate them easily by analyzing the WiFi packet and IQ sample sequence.
Please learn the python and Matlab script to extract IQ information per capture according to your requirement.