module sync_long ( input clock, input reset, input enable, input [31:0] sample_in, input sample_in_strobe, input signed [31:0] phase_offset, input short_gi, output [`ROTATE_LUT_LEN_SHIFT-1:0] rot_addr, input [31:0] rot_data, output [31:0] metric, output metric_stb, output reg long_preamble_detected, output reg [31:0] sample_out, output reg sample_out_strobe, output reg [2:0] state ); `include "common_params.v" localparam IN_BUF_LEN_SHIFT = 8; localparam NUM_STS_TAIL = 32; reg [15:0] in_offset; reg [IN_BUF_LEN_SHIFT-1:0] in_waddr; reg [IN_BUF_LEN_SHIFT-1:0] in_raddr; wire [IN_BUF_LEN_SHIFT-1:0] gi_skip = short_gi? 9: 17; reg signed [31:0] num_input_produced; reg signed [31:0] num_input_consumed; reg signed [31:0] num_input_avail; reg [2:0] mult_stage; reg [1:0] sum_stage; reg mult_strobe; wire signed [31:0] stage_sum_i; wire signed [31:0] stage_sum_q; wire stage_sum_stb; reg signed [31:0] sum_i; reg signed [31:0] sum_q; reg sum_stb; reg signed [31:0] phase_correction; reg signed [31:0] next_phase_correction; reg reset_delay ; // add reset signal for fft, somehow all kinds of event flag raises when feeding real rf signal, maybe reset will help wire fft_resetn ; always @(posedge clock) begin reset_delay = reset ; end assign fft_resetn = (~reset) & (~reset_delay); // make sure resetn is at least 2 clock cycles low complex_to_mag #(.DATA_WIDTH(32)) sum_mag_inst ( .clock(clock), .enable(enable), .reset(reset), .i(sum_i), .q(sum_q), .input_strobe(sum_stb), .mag(metric), .mag_stb(metric_stb) ); reg [31:0] metric_max1; reg [(IN_BUF_LEN_SHIFT-1):0] addr1; reg [31:0] metric_max2; reg [(IN_BUF_LEN_SHIFT-1):0] addr2; reg [15:0] gap; reg [31:0] cross_corr_buf[0:15]; reg [31:0] stage_X0; reg [31:0] stage_X1; reg [31:0] stage_X2; reg [31:0] stage_X3; reg [31:0] stage_Y0; reg [31:0] stage_Y1; reg [31:0] stage_Y2; reg [31:0] stage_Y3; stage_mult stage_mult_inst ( .clock(clock), .enable(enable), .reset(reset), .X0(stage_X0[31:16]), .X1(stage_X0[15:0]), .X2(stage_X1[31:16]), .X3(stage_X1[15:0]), .X4(stage_X2[31:16]), .X5(stage_X2[15:0]), .X6(stage_X3[31:16]), .X7(stage_X3[15:0]), .Y0(stage_Y0[31:16]), .Y1(stage_Y0[15:0]), .Y2(stage_Y1[31:16]), .Y3(stage_Y1[15:0]), .Y4(stage_Y2[31:16]), .Y5(stage_Y2[15:0]), .Y6(stage_Y3[31:16]), .Y7(stage_Y3[15:0]), .input_strobe(mult_strobe), .sum({stage_sum_i, stage_sum_q}), .output_strobe(stage_sum_stb) ); localparam S_SKIPPING = 0; localparam S_WAIT_FOR_FIRST_PEAK = 1; localparam S_WAIT_FOR_SECOND_PEAK = 2; localparam S_IDLE = 3; localparam S_FFT = 4; reg fft_start; //wire fft_start_delayed; wire fft_in_stb; reg fft_loading; wire signed [15:0] fft_in_re; wire signed [15:0] fft_in_im; wire [22:0] fft_out_re; wire [22:0] fft_out_im; wire fft_ready; wire fft_done; wire fft_busy; wire fft_valid; wire [31:0] fft_out = {fft_out_re[22:7], fft_out_im[22:7]}; wire signed [15:0] raw_i; wire signed [15:0] raw_q; reg raw_stb; wire idle_line1, idle_line2 ; reg fft_din_data_tlast ; wire fft_din_data_tlast_delayed ; wire event_frame_started; wire event_tlast_unexpected; wire event_tlast_missing; wire event_status_channel_halt; wire event_data_in_channel_halt; wire event_data_out_channel_halt; wire s_axis_config_tready; wire m_axis_data_tlast; ram_2port #(.DWIDTH(32), .AWIDTH(IN_BUF_LEN_SHIFT)) in_buf ( .clka(clock), .ena(1), .wea(sample_in_strobe), .addra(in_waddr), .dia(sample_in), .doa(), .clkb(clock), .enb(fft_start | fft_loading), .web(1'b0), .addrb(in_raddr), .dib(32'hFFFF), .dob({raw_i, raw_q}) ); rotate rotate_inst ( .clock(clock), .enable(enable), .reset(reset), .in_i(raw_i), .in_q(raw_q), .phase(phase_correction), .input_strobe(raw_stb), .rot_addr(rot_addr), .rot_data(rot_data), .out_i(fft_in_re), .out_q(fft_in_im), .output_strobe(fft_in_stb) ); delayT #(.DATA_WIDTH(1), .DELAY(10)) fft_delay_inst ( .clock(clock), .reset(reset), .data_in(fft_din_data_tlast), .data_out(fft_din_data_tlast_delayed) ); ///the fft7_1 isntance is commented out, as it is upgraded to fft9 version /*xfft_v7_1 dft_inst ( .clk(clock), .fwd_inv(1), .start(fft_start_delayed), .fwd_inv_we(1), .xn_re(fft_in_re), .xn_im(fft_in_im), .xk_re(fft_out_re), .xk_im(fft_out_im), .rfd(fft_ready), .done(fft_done), .busy(fft_busy), .dv(fft_valid) );*/ xfft_v9 dft_inst ( .aclk(clock), // input wire aclk .aresetn(fft_resetn), .s_axis_config_tdata({7'b0, 1'b1}), // input wire [7 : 0] s_axis_config_tdata, use LSB to indicate it is forward transform, the rest should be ignored .s_axis_config_tvalid(1'b1), // input wire s_axis_config_tvalid .s_axis_config_tready(s_axis_config_tready), // output wire s_axis_config_tready .s_axis_data_tdata({fft_in_im, fft_in_re}), // input wire [31 : 0] s_axis_data_tdata .s_axis_data_tvalid(fft_in_stb), // input wire s_axis_data_tvalid .s_axis_data_tready(fft_ready), // output wire s_axis_data_tready .s_axis_data_tlast(fft_din_data_tlast_delayed), // input wire s_axis_data_tlast .m_axis_data_tdata({idle_line1,fft_out_im, idle_line2, fft_out_re}), // output wire [47 : 0] m_axis_data_tdata .m_axis_data_tvalid(fft_valid), // output wire m_axis_data_tvalid .m_axis_data_tready(1'b1), // input wire m_axis_data_tready .m_axis_data_tlast(m_axis_data_tlast), // output wire m_axis_data_tlast .event_frame_started(event_frame_started), // output wire event_frame_started .event_tlast_unexpected(event_tlast_unexpected), // output wire event_tlast_unexpected .event_tlast_missing(event_tlast_missing), // output wire event_tlast_missing .event_status_channel_halt(event_status_channel_halt), // output wire event_status_channel_halt .event_data_in_channel_halt(event_data_in_channel_halt), // output wire event_data_in_channel_halt .event_data_out_channel_halt(event_data_out_channel_halt) // output wire event_data_out_channel_halt ); reg [15:0] num_sample; reg [15:0] num_ofdm_symbol; integer i; integer j; always @(posedge clock) begin if (reset) begin for (j = 0; j < 16; j= j+1) begin cross_corr_buf[j] <= 0; end do_clear(); state <= S_SKIPPING; fft_din_data_tlast <= 1'b0; end else if (enable) begin if (sample_in_strobe && state != S_SKIPPING) begin in_waddr <= in_waddr + 1; num_input_produced <= num_input_produced + 1; end num_input_avail <= num_input_produced - num_input_consumed; case(state) S_SKIPPING: begin // skip the tail of short preamble if (num_sample >= NUM_STS_TAIL) begin num_sample <= 0; state <= S_WAIT_FOR_FIRST_PEAK; end else if (sample_in_strobe) begin num_sample <= num_sample + 1; end end S_WAIT_FOR_FIRST_PEAK: begin do_mult(); if (metric_stb && (metric > metric_max1)) begin metric_max1 <= metric; addr1 <= in_raddr - 1; end if (num_sample >= 64) begin num_sample <= 0; addr2 <= 0; state <= S_WAIT_FOR_SECOND_PEAK; end else if (metric_stb) begin num_sample <= num_sample + 1; end end S_WAIT_FOR_SECOND_PEAK: begin do_mult(); if (metric_stb && (metric > metric_max2)) begin metric_max2 <= metric; addr2 <= in_raddr - 1; end gap <= addr2 - addr1; if (num_sample >= 64) begin `ifdef DEBUG_PRINT $display("PEAK GAP: %d (%d - %d)", gap, addr2, addr1); $display("PHASE OFFSET: %d", phase_offset); `endif if (gap > 62 && gap < 66) begin long_preamble_detected <= 1; num_sample <= 0; mult_strobe <= 0; sum_stb <= 0; // offset it by the length of cross correlation buffer // size in_raddr <= addr1 - 16; num_input_consumed <= addr1 - 16; in_offset <= 0; num_ofdm_symbol <= 0; phase_correction <= 0; next_phase_correction <= phase_offset; state <= S_FFT; end else begin state <= S_IDLE; end end else if (metric_stb) begin num_sample <= num_sample + 1; end end S_FFT: begin if (long_preamble_detected) begin `ifdef DEBUG_PRINT $display("Long preamble detected"); `endif long_preamble_detected <= 0; end if (~fft_loading && num_input_avail > 64) begin fft_start <= 1; in_offset <= 0; end if (fft_start) begin fft_start <= 0; fft_loading <= 1; end raw_stb <= fft_start | fft_loading; if (raw_stb) begin if (phase_offset > 0) begin if (next_phase_correction > PI) begin phase_correction <= next_phase_correction - DOUBLE_PI; next_phase_correction <= next_phase_correction + phase_offset - DOUBLE_PI; end else begin phase_correction <= next_phase_correction; next_phase_correction <= next_phase_correction + phase_offset; end end else begin if (next_phase_correction < -PI) begin phase_correction <= next_phase_correction + DOUBLE_PI; phase_correction <= next_phase_correction + DOUBLE_PI + phase_offset; end else begin phase_correction <= next_phase_correction; phase_correction <= next_phase_correction + phase_offset; end end end if (fft_start | fft_loading) begin in_offset <= in_offset + 1; if( in_offset == 62) begin fft_din_data_tlast <= 1'b1; end if (in_offset == 63) begin fft_din_data_tlast <= 1'b0; fft_loading <= 0; num_ofdm_symbol <= num_ofdm_symbol + 1; if (num_ofdm_symbol > 0) begin // skip the Guard Interval for data symbols in_raddr <= in_raddr + gi_skip; num_input_consumed <= num_input_consumed + gi_skip; end else begin in_raddr <= in_raddr + 1; num_input_consumed <= num_input_consumed + 1; end end else begin in_raddr <= in_raddr + 1; num_input_consumed <= num_input_consumed + 1; end end sample_out_strobe <= fft_valid; sample_out <= fft_out; end S_IDLE: begin end default: begin state <= S_WAIT_FOR_FIRST_PEAK; end endcase end else begin sample_out_strobe <= 0; end end integer do_mult_i; task do_mult; begin // cross correlation of the first 16 samples of LTS if (sample_in_strobe) begin cross_corr_buf[15] <= sample_in; for (do_mult_i = 0; do_mult_i < 15; do_mult_i = do_mult_i+1) begin cross_corr_buf[do_mult_i] <= cross_corr_buf[do_mult_i+1]; end sum_stage <= 0; sum_i <= 0; sum_q <= 0; sum_stb <= 0; stage_X0 <= cross_corr_buf[1]; stage_X1 <= cross_corr_buf[2]; stage_X2 <= cross_corr_buf[3]; stage_X3 <= cross_corr_buf[4]; stage_Y0[31:16] <= 156; stage_Y0[15:0] <= 0; stage_Y1[31:16] <= -5; stage_Y1[15:0] <= 120; stage_Y2[31:16] <= 40; stage_Y2[15:0] <= 111; stage_Y3[31:16] <= 97; stage_Y3[15:0] <= -83; mult_strobe <= 1; mult_stage <= 1; end if (mult_stage == 1) begin stage_X0 <= cross_corr_buf[4]; stage_X1 <= cross_corr_buf[5]; stage_X2 <= cross_corr_buf[6]; stage_X3 <= cross_corr_buf[7]; stage_Y0[31:16] <= 21; stage_Y0[15:0] <= -28; stage_Y1[31:16] <= 60; stage_Y1[15:0] <= 88; stage_Y2[31:16] <= -115; stage_Y2[15:0] <= 55; stage_Y3[31:16] <= -38; stage_Y3[15:0] <= 106; mult_stage <= 2; end else if (mult_stage == 2) begin stage_X0 <= cross_corr_buf[8]; stage_X1 <= cross_corr_buf[9]; stage_X2 <= cross_corr_buf[10]; stage_X3 <= cross_corr_buf[11]; stage_Y0[31:16] <= 98; stage_Y0[15:0] <= 26; stage_Y1[31:16] <= 53; stage_Y1[15:0] <= -4; stage_Y2[31:16] <= 1; stage_Y2[15:0] <= 115; stage_Y3[31:16] <= -137; stage_Y3[15:0] <= 47; mult_stage <= 3; end else if (mult_stage == 3) begin stage_X0 <= cross_corr_buf[12]; stage_X1 <= cross_corr_buf[13]; stage_X2 <= cross_corr_buf[14]; stage_X3 <= cross_corr_buf[15]; stage_Y0[31:16] <= 24; stage_Y0[15:0] <= 59; stage_Y1[31:16] <= 59; stage_Y1[15:0] <= 15; stage_Y2[31:16] <= -22; stage_Y2[15:0] <= -161; stage_Y3[31:16] <= 119; stage_Y3[15:0] <= 4; mult_stage <= 4; end else if (mult_stage == 4) begin mult_stage <= 0; mult_strobe <= 0; in_raddr <= in_raddr + 1; num_input_consumed <= num_input_consumed + 1; end if (stage_sum_stb) begin sum_stage <= sum_stage + 1; sum_i <= sum_i + stage_sum_i; sum_q <= sum_q + stage_sum_q; if (sum_stage == 3) begin sum_stb <= 1; end end else begin sum_stb <= 0; sum_i <= 0; sum_q <= 0; end end endtask task do_clear; begin gap <= 0; in_waddr <= 0; in_raddr <= 0; in_offset <= 0; num_input_produced <= 0; num_input_consumed <= 0; num_input_avail <= 0; phase_correction <= 0; next_phase_correction <= 0; raw_stb <= 0; sum_i <= 0; sum_q <= 0; sum_stb <= 0; sum_stage <= 0; mult_strobe <= 0; metric_max1 <= 0; addr1 <= 0; metric_max2 <= 0; addr2 <= 0; mult_stage <= 0; long_preamble_detected <= 0; num_sample <= 0; num_ofdm_symbol <= 0; fft_start <= 0; fft_loading <= 0; sample_out_strobe <= 0; sample_out <= 0; stage_X0 <= 0; stage_X1 <= 0; stage_X2 <= 0; stage_X3 <= 0; stage_Y0 <= 0; stage_Y1 <= 0; stage_Y2 <= 0; stage_Y3 <= 0; end endtask endmodule