`include "common_defs.v" module dot11 ( input clock, input enable, input reset, // setting registers input set_stb, input [7:0] set_addr, input [31:0] set_data, // INPUT: I/Q sample input [31:0] sample_in, input sample_in_strobe, // OUTPUT: bytes and FCS status output [7:0] byte_out, output byte_out_strobe, output reg fcs_out_strobe, output reg fcs_ok, ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // DEBUG PORTS ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // decode status output reg [3:0] state, output reg [3:0] status_code, output state_changed, // power trigger output power_trigger, // sync short output short_preamble_detected, output [31:0] phase_offset, // sync long output [31:0] sync_long_metric, output sync_long_metric_stb, output long_preamble_detected, output [31:0] sync_long_out, output sync_long_out_strobe, output [2:0] sync_long_state, // equalizer output [31:0] equalizer_out, output equalizer_out_strobe, output [2:0] equalizer_state, // signal info output reg signal_out_strobe, output [3:0] data_rate, output signal_reserved, output [11:0] length, output parity, output parity_ok, output [5:0] signal_tail, // ht signal info output reg ht_sig_strobe, output [6:0] mcs, output cbw, output [15:0] ht_len, output smoothing, output not_sounding, output aggregation, output [1:0] stbc, output fec_coding, output ht_sgi, output [1:0] num_ext_spatial, output reg ht_sig_crc_ok, // OFDM stuff output [5:0] demod_out, output demod_out_strobe, output [1:0] deinterleave_out, output deinterleave_out_strobe, output conv_decoder_out, output conv_decoder_out_stb, output descramble_out, output descramble_out_strobe ); `include "common_params.v" //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Shared rotation LUT for sync_long and equalizer //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// wire [`ROTATE_LUT_LEN_SHIFT-1:0] sync_long_rot_addr; wire [31:0] sync_long_rot_data; wire [`ROTATE_LUT_LEN_SHIFT-1:0] eq_rot_addr; wire [31:0] eq_rot_data; rot_lut rot_lut_inst ( .clka(clock), .addra(sync_long_rot_addr), .douta(sync_long_rot_data), .clkb(clock), .addrb(eq_rot_addr), .doutb(eq_rot_data) ); //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Shared phase module for sync_short and equalizer //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// wire [31:0] sync_short_phase_in_i; wire [31:0] sync_short_phase_in_q; wire sync_short_phase_in_stb; wire [31:0] sync_short_phase_out; wire sync_short_phase_out_stb; wire [31:0] eq_phase_in_i; wire [31:0] eq_phase_in_q; wire eq_phase_in_stb; wire [31:0] eq_phase_out; wire eq_phase_out_stb; wire[31:0] phase_in_i = state == S_SYNC_SHORT? sync_short_phase_in_i: eq_phase_in_i; wire[31:0] phase_in_q = state == S_SYNC_SHORT? sync_short_phase_in_q: eq_phase_in_q; wire phase_in_stb = state == S_SYNC_SHORT? sync_short_phase_in_stb: eq_phase_in_stb; wire [31:0] phase_out; wire phase_out_stb; assign sync_short_phase_out = phase_out; assign sync_short_phase_out_stb = phase_out_stb; assign eq_phase_out = phase_out; assign eq_phase_out_stb = phase_out_stb; phase phase_inst ( .clock(clock), .reset(reset), .enable(enable), .in_i(phase_in_i), .in_q(phase_in_q), .input_strobe(phase_in_stb), .phase(phase_out), .output_strobe(phase_out_stb) ); //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// reg sync_short_reset; reg sync_long_reset; wire sync_short_enable = state == S_SYNC_SHORT; reg sync_long_enable; reg equalizer_reset; reg equalizer_enable; reg ht_next; wire eq_out_stb_delayed; wire [15:0] eq_out_i = equalizer_out[31:16]; wire [15:0] eq_out_q = equalizer_out[15:0]; wire [15:0] eq_out_i_delayed; wire [15:0] eq_out_q_delayed; reg [15:0] abs_eq_i; reg [15:0] abs_eq_q; reg [3:0] rot_eq_count; reg [3:0] normal_eq_count; // OFDM control reg ofdm_reset; reg ofdm_enable; reg ofdm_in_stb; reg [15:0] ofdm_in_i; reg [15:0] ofdm_in_q; reg do_descramble; reg [7:0] rate; reg [31:0] num_bits_to_decode; reg short_gi; reg [3:0] old_state; assign state_changed = state != old_state; // SIGNAL information reg [23:0] signal_bits; reg [31:0] byte_count; assign data_rate = signal_bits[3:0]; assign signal_reserved = signal_bits[4]; assign length = signal_bits[16:5]; assign parity = signal_bits[17]; assign signal_tail = signal_bits[23:18]; assign parity_ok = ~^signal_bits[17:0]; // HT-SIG information reg [23:0] ht_sig1; reg [23:0] ht_sig2; assign mcs = ht_sig1[6:0]; assign cbw = ht_sig1[7]; assign ht_len = ht_sig1[23:8]; assign smoothing = ht_sig2[0]; assign not_sounding = ht_sig2[1]; assign aggregation = ht_sig2[3]; assign stbc = ht_sig2[5:4]; assign fec_coding = ht_sig2[6]; assign ht_sgi = ht_sig2[7]; assign num_ext_spatial = ht_sig2[9:8]; wire ht_rsvd = ht_sig2[2]; wire [7:0] crc = ht_sig2[17:10]; wire [5:0] ht_sig_tail = ht_sig2[23:18]; reg crc_in_stb; reg crc_in; reg [7:0] crc_count; reg crc_reset; wire [7:0] crc_out; reg [31:0] pkt_length; reg [31:0] sample_count; wire fcs_enable = state == S_DECODE_DATA && byte_out_strobe; wire fcs_reset = state_changed && state == S_DECODE_DATA; wire [7:0] byte_reversed; wire [31:0] pkt_fcs; assign byte_reversed[0] = byte_out[7]; assign byte_reversed[1] = byte_out[6]; assign byte_reversed[2] = byte_out[5]; assign byte_reversed[3] = byte_out[4]; assign byte_reversed[4] = byte_out[3]; assign byte_reversed[5] = byte_out[2]; assign byte_reversed[6] = byte_out[1]; assign byte_reversed[7] = byte_out[0]; reg [15:0] sync_long_out_count; integer i; power_trigger power_trigger_inst ( .clock(clock), .enable(enable), .reset(reset), .sample_in(sample_in), .sample_in_strobe(sample_in_strobe), .set_stb(set_stb), .set_addr(set_addr), .set_data(set_data), .trigger(power_trigger) ); sync_short sync_short_inst ( .clock(clock), .reset(reset | sync_short_reset), .enable(enable & sync_short_enable), .set_stb(set_stb), .set_addr(set_addr), .set_data(set_data), .sample_in(sample_in), .sample_in_strobe(sample_in_strobe), .phase_in_i(sync_short_phase_in_i), .phase_in_q(sync_short_phase_in_q), .phase_in_stb(sync_short_phase_in_stb), .phase_out(sync_short_phase_out), .phase_out_stb(sync_short_phase_out_stb), .short_preamble_detected(short_preamble_detected), .phase_offset(phase_offset) ); sync_long sync_long_inst ( .clock(clock), .reset(reset | sync_long_reset), .enable(enable & sync_long_enable), .set_stb(set_stb), .set_addr(set_addr), .set_data(set_data), .sample_in(sample_in), .sample_in_strobe(sample_in_strobe), .phase_offset(phase_offset), .short_gi(short_gi), .rot_addr(sync_long_rot_addr), .rot_data(sync_long_rot_data), .metric(sync_long_metric), .metric_stb(sync_long_metric_stb), .long_preamble_detected(long_preamble_detected), .state(sync_long_state), .sample_out(sync_long_out), .sample_out_strobe(sync_long_out_strobe) ); equalizer equalizer_inst ( .clock(clock), .reset(reset | equalizer_reset), .enable(enable & equalizer_enable), .sample_in(sync_long_out), .sample_in_strobe(sync_long_out_strobe), .ht_next(ht_next), .phase_in_i(eq_phase_in_i), .phase_in_q(eq_phase_in_q), .phase_in_stb(eq_phase_in_stb), .phase_out(eq_phase_out), .phase_out_stb(eq_phase_out_stb), .rot_addr(eq_rot_addr), .rot_data(eq_rot_data), .sample_out(equalizer_out), .sample_out_strobe(equalizer_out_strobe), .state(equalizer_state) ); delayT #(.DATA_WIDTH(33), .DELAY(6)) eq_delay_inst ( .clock(clock), .reset(reset), .data_in({equalizer_out_strobe, equalizer_out}), .data_out({eq_out_stb_delayed, eq_out_i_delayed, eq_out_q_delayed}) ); ofdm_decoder ofdm_decoder_inst ( .clock(clock), .reset(reset|ofdm_reset), .enable(enable & ofdm_enable), .sample_in({ofdm_in_i, ofdm_in_q}), .sample_in_strobe(ofdm_in_stb), .do_descramble(do_descramble), .num_bits_to_decode(num_bits_to_decode), .rate(rate), .byte_out(byte_out), .byte_out_strobe(byte_out_strobe), .demod_out(demod_out), .demod_out_strobe(demod_out_strobe), .deinterleave_out(deinterleave_out), .deinterleave_out_strobe(deinterleave_out_strobe), .conv_decoder_out(conv_decoder_out), .conv_decoder_out_stb(conv_decoder_out_stb), .descramble_out(descramble_out), .descramble_out_strobe(descramble_out_strobe) ); ht_sig_crc crc_inst ( .clock(clock), .enable(enable), .reset(reset | crc_reset), .bit(crc_in), .input_strobe(crc_in_stb), .crc(crc_out) ); crc32 fcs_inst ( .clk(clock), .crc_en(enable & fcs_enable), .rst(reset | fcs_reset), .data_in(byte_reversed), .crc_out(pkt_fcs) ); always @(posedge clock) begin if (reset) begin status_code <= E_OK; state <= S_WAIT_POWER_TRIGGER; old_state <= 0; sync_short_reset <= 0; sync_long_reset <= 0; sync_long_enable <= 0; byte_count <= 0; rot_eq_count <= 0; normal_eq_count <= 0; abs_eq_i <= 0; abs_eq_q <= 0; do_descramble <= 0; num_bits_to_decode <= 0; short_gi <= 0; rate <= 0; equalizer_reset <= 0; equalizer_enable <= 0; ht_next <= 0; pkt_length <= 0; ofdm_reset <= 0; ofdm_enable <= 0; ofdm_in_stb <= 0; ofdm_in_i <= 0; ofdm_in_q <= 0; sample_count <= 0; sync_long_out_count <= 0; signal_bits <= 0; signal_out_strobe <= 0; ht_sig1 <= 0; ht_sig2 <= 0; crc_in_stb <= 0; crc_in <= 0; crc_count <= 0; crc_reset <= 0; ht_sig_crc_ok <= 0; ht_sig_strobe <= 0; fcs_out_strobe <= 0; fcs_ok <= 0; end else if (enable) begin old_state <= state; case(state) S_WAIT_POWER_TRIGGER: begin sync_long_enable <= 0; equalizer_enable <= 0; ofdm_enable <= 0; if (power_trigger) begin `ifdef DEBUG_PRINT $display("Power triggered."); `endif sync_short_reset <= 1; state <= S_SYNC_SHORT; end end S_SYNC_SHORT: begin if (sync_short_reset) begin sync_short_reset <= 0; end if (~power_trigger) begin // power level drops before finding STS state <= S_WAIT_POWER_TRIGGER; end if (short_preamble_detected) begin `ifdef DEBUG_PRINT $display("Short preamble detected"); `endif sync_long_reset <= 1; sync_long_enable <= 1; sample_count <= 0; state <= S_SYNC_LONG; end end S_SYNC_LONG: begin if (sync_long_reset) begin sync_long_reset <= 0; end if (sample_in_strobe) begin sample_count <= sample_count + 1; end if (sample_count > 320) begin state <= S_WAIT_POWER_TRIGGER; end if (~power_trigger) begin state <= S_WAIT_POWER_TRIGGER; end if (long_preamble_detected) begin rate <= {1'b0, 3'b0, 4'b1011}; do_descramble <= 0; num_bits_to_decode <= 48; ofdm_reset <= 1; ofdm_enable <= 1; equalizer_enable <= 1; equalizer_reset <= 1; byte_count <= 0; state <= S_DECODE_SIGNAL; end end S_DECODE_SIGNAL: begin if (ofdm_reset) begin ofdm_reset <= 0; end if (equalizer_reset) begin equalizer_reset <= 0; end ofdm_in_stb <= equalizer_out_strobe; ofdm_in_i <= eq_out_i; ofdm_in_q <= eq_out_q; if (byte_out_strobe) begin signal_bits <= {byte_out, signal_bits[23:8]}; byte_count <= byte_count + 1; end if (byte_count == 3) begin byte_count <= 0; `ifdef DEBUG_PRINT $display("[SIGNAL] rate = %04b, ", data_rate, "length = %012b (%d), ", length, length, "parity = %b, ", parity, "tail = %6b", signal_tail); `endif ofdm_reset <= 1; state <= S_CHECK_SIGNAL; end end S_CHECK_SIGNAL: begin if (ofdm_reset) begin ofdm_reset <= 0; end if (~parity_ok) begin status_code <= E_PARITY_FAIL; state <= S_SIGNAL_ERROR; end else if (signal_reserved) begin status_code <= E_WRONG_RSVD; state <= S_SIGNAL_ERROR; end else if (|signal_tail) begin status_code <= E_WRONG_TAIL; state <= S_SIGNAL_ERROR; end else begin signal_out_strobe <= 1; status_code <= E_OK; if (data_rate == 4'b1011) begin abs_eq_i <= 0; abs_eq_q <= 0; rot_eq_count <= 0; normal_eq_count <= 0; state <= S_DETECT_HT; end else begin rate <= {1'b0, 3'b0, data_rate}; num_bits_to_decode <= (length+3)<<4; do_descramble <= 1; ofdm_reset <= 1; byte_count <= 0; pkt_length <= length; byte_count <= 0; state <= S_DECODE_DATA; end end end S_SIGNAL_ERROR: begin state <= S_WAIT_POWER_TRIGGER; end S_DETECT_HT: begin signal_out_strobe <= 0; if (equalizer_out_strobe) begin abs_eq_i <= eq_out_i[15]? ~eq_out_i+1: eq_out_i; abs_eq_q <= eq_out_q[15]? ~eq_out_q+1: eq_out_q; if (abs_eq_q > abs_eq_i) begin rot_eq_count <= rot_eq_count + 1; end else begin normal_eq_count <= normal_eq_count + 1; end end if (rot_eq_count >= 4) begin // HT-SIG detected byte_count <= 0; rate <= {1'b0, 3'b0, 4'b1011}; num_bits_to_decode <= 96; do_descramble <= 0; ofdm_reset <= 1; state <= S_HT_SIGNAL; end else if (normal_eq_count > 4) begin pkt_length <= length; num_bits_to_decode <= (length+3)<<4; do_descramble <= 1; ofdm_reset <= 1; byte_count <= 0; state <= S_DECODE_DATA; end end S_HT_SIGNAL: begin if (ofdm_reset) begin ofdm_reset <= 0; end ofdm_in_stb <= eq_out_stb_delayed; // rotate clockwise by 90 degree ofdm_in_i <= eq_out_q_delayed; ofdm_in_q <= ~eq_out_i_delayed+1; if (byte_out_strobe) begin if (byte_count < 3) begin ht_sig1 <= {byte_out, ht_sig1[23:8]}; end else begin ht_sig2 <= {byte_out, ht_sig2[23:8]}; end byte_count <= byte_count + 1; end if (byte_count == 6) begin byte_count <= 0; `ifdef DEBUG_PRINT $display("[HT SIGNAL] mcs = %07b (%d), ", mcs, mcs, "CBW: %d, ", cbw? 40: 20, "length = %012b (%d), ", ht_len, ht_len, "rsvd = %d, ", ht_rsvd, "aggr = %d, ", aggregation, "stbd = %02b, ", stbc, "fec = %d, ", fec_coding, "sgi = %d, ", ht_sgi, "num_ext = %d, ", num_ext_spatial, "crc = %08b, ", crc, "tail = %06b", ht_sig_tail); `endif crc_count <= 0; crc_reset <= 1; crc_in_stb <= 0; ht_sig_crc_ok <= 0; state <= S_CHECK_HT_SIG_CRC; end end S_CHECK_HT_SIG_CRC: begin crc_reset <= 0; crc_count <= crc_count + 1; if (crc_count < 24) begin crc_in_stb <= 1; crc_in <= ht_sig1[crc_count]; end else if (crc_count < 34) begin crc_in_stb <= 1; crc_in <= ht_sig2[crc_count-24]; end else if (crc_count == 34) begin crc_in_stb <= 0; end else if (crc_count == 35) begin if (crc_out ^ crc) begin status_code <= E_WRONG_CRC; ht_sig_strobe <= 1; state <= S_HT_SIG_ERROR; end else begin `ifdef DEBUG_PRINT $display("[HT SIGNAL] CRC OK"); `endif ht_sig_crc_ok <= 1; ht_sig_strobe <= 1; ofdm_reset <= 1; state <= S_CHECK_HT_SIG; end end end S_CHECK_HT_SIG: begin ofdm_reset <= 0; ht_sig_strobe <= 0; if (mcs > 7) begin status_code <= E_UNSUPPORTED_MCS; state <= S_HT_SIG_ERROR; end else if (cbw) begin status_code <= E_UNSUPPORTED_CBW; state <= S_HT_SIG_ERROR; end else if (ht_rsvd == 0) begin status_code <= E_HT_WRONG_RSVD; state <= S_HT_SIG_ERROR; end else if (stbc != 0) begin status_code <= E_UNSUPPORTED_STBC; state <= S_HT_SIG_ERROR; end else if (fec_coding) begin status_code <= E_UNSUPPORTED_FEC; state <= S_HT_SIG_ERROR; end else if (short_gi) begin status_code <= E_UNSUPPORTED_SGI; state <= S_HT_SIG_ERROR; end else if (num_ext_spatial != 0) begin status_code <= E_UNSUPPORTED_SPATIAL; state <= S_HT_SIG_ERROR; end else if (ht_sig_tail != 0) begin status_code <= E_HT_WRONG_TAIL; state <= S_HT_SIG_ERROR; end else begin sync_long_out_count <= 0; state <= S_HT_STS; end end S_HT_SIG_ERROR: begin ht_sig_strobe <= 0; state <= S_WAIT_POWER_TRIGGER; end S_HT_STS: begin if (sync_long_out_strobe) begin sync_long_out_count <= sync_long_out_count + 1; end if (sync_long_out_count == 64) begin sync_long_out_count <= 0; ht_next <= 1; state <= S_HT_LTS; end end S_HT_LTS: begin short_gi <= ht_sgi; if (sync_long_out_strobe) begin sync_long_out_count <= sync_long_out_count + 1; end if (sync_long_out_count == 64) begin ht_next <= 0; num_bits_to_decode <= (ht_len+3)<<4; rate <= {1'b1, mcs}; do_descramble <= 1; ofdm_reset <= 1; byte_count <= 0; pkt_length <= ht_len; state <= S_DECODE_DATA; end end S_DECODE_DATA: begin signal_out_strobe <= 0; if (ofdm_reset) begin ofdm_reset <= 0; end ofdm_in_stb <= eq_out_stb_delayed; ofdm_in_i <= eq_out_i_delayed; ofdm_in_q <= eq_out_q_delayed; if (byte_out_strobe) begin `ifdef DEBUG_PRINT $display("[BYTE] [%4d/%4d] %02x", byte_count, pkt_length, byte_out); `endif byte_count <= byte_count + 1; end if (byte_count >= pkt_length) begin fcs_out_strobe <= 1; if (pkt_fcs == EXPECTED_FCS) begin fcs_ok <= 1; status_code <= E_OK; end else begin fcs_ok <= 0; status_code <= E_WRONG_FCS; end state <= S_DECODE_DONE; end end S_DECODE_DONE: begin `ifdef DEBUG_PRINT $display("===== PACKET DECODE DONE ====="); if (status_code == E_OK) begin $display("FCS CORRECT"); end else begin $display("FCS WRONG"); end `endif fcs_out_strobe <= 0; state <= S_WAIT_POWER_TRIGGER; end default: begin state <= S_WAIT_POWER_TRIGGER; end endcase end end endmodule