module ofdm_decoder ( input clock, input enable, input reset, input [31:0] sample_in, input sample_in_strobe, // decode instructions input [7:0] rate, input do_descramble, input [31:0] num_bits_to_decode, (* mark_debug = "false" *) output [5:0] demod_out, (* mark_debug = "false" *) output demod_out_strobe, (* mark_debug = "false" *) output [3:0] deinterleave_erase_out, (* mark_debug = "false" *) output deinterleave_erase_out_strobe, (* mark_debug = "false" *) output conv_decoder_out, (* mark_debug = "false" *) output conv_decoder_out_stb, (* mark_debug = "false" *) output descramble_out, (* mark_debug = "false" *) output descramble_out_strobe, output [7:0] byte_out, output byte_out_strobe ); reg conv_in_stb, conv_in_stb_dly, do_descramble_dly; reg [2:0] conv_in0, conv_in0_dly; reg [2:0] conv_in1, conv_in1_dly; reg [1:0] conv_erase, conv_erase_dly; wire [15:0] input_i = sample_in[31:16]; wire [15:0] input_q = sample_in[15:0]; wire vit_ce = reset | (enable & conv_in_stb) | conv_in_stb_dly; //wire vit_ce = 1'b1 ; wire vit_clr = reset; reg vit_clr_dly; wire vit_rdy; wire [1:0] deinterleave_out; wire deinterleave_out_strobe; wire [1:0] erase; // assign conv_decoder_out_stb = vit_ce & vit_rdy; assign conv_decoder_out_stb = m_axis_data_tvalid; // vit_rdy was used as data valid in the old version of the core, which is no longer the case reg [3:0] skip_bit; reg bit_in; reg bit_in_stb; reg [31:0] deinter_out_count; //reg flush; assign deinterleave_erase_out = {erase,deinterleave_out}; assign deinterleave_erase_out_strobe = deinterleave_out_strobe; demodulate demod_inst ( .clock(clock), .reset(reset), .enable(enable), .rate(rate), .cons_i(input_i), .cons_q(input_q), .input_strobe(sample_in_strobe), .bits(demod_out), .output_strobe(demod_out_strobe) ); deinterleave deinterleave_inst ( .clock(clock), .reset(reset), .enable(enable), .rate(rate), .in_bits(demod_out), .input_strobe(demod_out_strobe), .out_bits(deinterleave_out), .output_strobe(deinterleave_out_strobe), .erase(erase) ); /* viterbi_v7_0 viterbi_inst ( .clk(clock), .ce(vit_ce), .sclr(vit_clr), .data_in0(conv_in0), .data_in1(conv_in1), .erase(conv_erase), .rdy(vit_rdy), .data_out(conv_decoder_out) ); */ wire m_axis_data_tvalid ; //reg [4:0] idle_wire_5bit ; //wire [6:0] idle_wire_7bit ; viterbi_v7_0 viterbi_inst ( .aclk(clock), // input wire aclk .aresetn(~vit_clr), // input wire aresetn .aclken(vit_ce), // input wire aclken .s_axis_data_tdata({5'b0,conv_in1_dly,5'b0,conv_in0_dly}), // input wire [15 : 0] s_axis_data_tdata .s_axis_data_tuser({6'b0,conv_erase_dly}), // input wire [7 : 0] s_axis_data_tuser .s_axis_data_tvalid(conv_in_stb_dly), // input wire s_axis_data_tvalid .s_axis_data_tready(vit_rdy), // output wire s_axis_data_tready .m_axis_data_tdata({idle_wire_7bit, conv_decoder_out}), // output wire [7 : 0] m_axis_data_tdata .m_axis_data_tvalid(m_axis_data_tvalid) // output wire m_axis_data_tvalid ); descramble decramble_inst ( .clock(clock), .enable(enable), .reset(reset), .in_bit(conv_decoder_out), .input_strobe(conv_decoder_out_stb), .out_bit(descramble_out), .output_strobe(descramble_out_strobe) ); bits_to_bytes byte_inst ( .clock(clock), .enable(enable), .reset(reset), .bit_in(bit_in), .input_strobe(bit_in_stb), .byte_out(byte_out), .output_strobe(byte_out_strobe) ); always @(posedge clock) begin if (reset) begin conv_in_stb <= 0; conv_in0 <= 0; conv_in1 <= 0; conv_erase <= 0; bit_in <= 0; // skip the first 9 bits of descramble out (service bits) skip_bit <= 9; bit_in_stb <= 0; //flush <= 0; deinter_out_count <= 0; end else if (enable) begin if (deinterleave_out_strobe) begin deinter_out_count <= deinter_out_count + 2; end //else begin // wait for finishing deinterleaving current symbol // only do flush for non-DATA bits, such as SIG and HT-SIG, which // are not scrambled //if (~do_descramble && deinter_out_count >= num_bits_to_decode) begin //if (deinter_out_count >= num_bits_to_decode) begin // careful! deinter_out_count is only correct from 6M ~ 48M! under 54M, it should be 2*216, but actual value is 288! //flush <= 1; //end //end //if (!flush) begin if (!(deinter_out_count >= num_bits_to_decode)) begin conv_in_stb <= deinterleave_out_strobe; conv_in0 <= deinterleave_out[0]? 3'b111: 3'b011; conv_in1 <= deinterleave_out[1]? 3'b111: 3'b011; conv_erase <= erase; end else begin conv_in_stb <= 1; conv_in0 <= 3'b011; conv_in1 <= 3'b011; conv_erase <= 0; end if (deinter_out_count > 0) begin if (~do_descramble_dly) begin bit_in <= conv_decoder_out; bit_in_stb <= conv_decoder_out_stb; end else begin bit_in <= descramble_out; if (descramble_out_strobe) begin if (skip_bit > 0 ) begin skip_bit <= skip_bit - 1; bit_in_stb <= 0; end else begin bit_in_stb <= 1; end end else begin bit_in_stb <= 0; end end end end end // process used to delay things // TODO: this is only a temp solution, as tready only rise one clock after ce goes high, delay statically by one clock, in future should take into account tready always @(posedge clock) begin conv_in1_dly <= conv_in1; conv_in0_dly <= conv_in0; conv_erase_dly <= conv_erase; conv_in_stb_dly <= conv_in_stb ; do_descramble_dly <= do_descramble; end endmodule