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new file mode 100644
index 0000000..f7aa184
Binary files /dev/null and b/docs/source/images/dot11.png differ
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new file mode 100644
index 0000000..80b5a5e
Binary files /dev/null and b/docs/source/images/ht_sig_crc.png differ
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--- a/docs/source/index.rst
+++ b/docs/source/index.rst
@@ -3,14 +3,21 @@
You can adapt this file completely to your liking, but it should at least
contain the root `toctree` directive.
-|project|: Verilog Implementation of 802.11 OFDM Decoder
+|project|: Synthesizable, Modular Verilog Implementation of 802.11 OFDM Decoder
+|project| is a open source Verilog implementation of 802.11 OFDM decoder.
+Highlights are:
+- Supports 802.11a/g (all bit rates) and 802.11n (20MHz BW, MCS 0 - 7)
+- Modular design, easy to extend
+- Fully synthesizable, tested on USRP N210
.. toctree::
:maxdepth: 2
:caption: Contents:
- sample
+ overview
@@ -20,11 +27,3 @@
-Indices and tables
-* :ref:`genindex`
-* :ref:`modindex`
-* :ref:`search`
diff --git a/docs/source/overview.rst b/docs/source/overview.rst
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..d61de7e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/docs/source/overview.rst
@@ -0,0 +1,129 @@
+Once the RF signals are captured and down-converted to baseband, the decoding
+pipeline starts, including:
+1. Packet detection
+#. Center frequency offset correction
+#. FFT
+#. Channel gain estimation
+#. Demodulation
+#. Deinterleaving
+#. Convolutional decoding
+#. Descrambling
+This documentation walks through the decoding pipeline and explains how each
+step is implemented in |project|.
+Top Level Module
+.. _fig_dot11:
+.. figure:: /images/dot11.png
+ :align: center
+ :scale: 50%
+ Dot11 Core Schematic Symbol
+The top level module of |project| is :file:`dot11.v`. :numref:`fig_dot11` shows
+its input/output pins. It takes I/Q samples as input, and output 802.11 packet
+data bytes and various PHY properties.
+.. table:: Dot11 Module Pinout
+ :align: center
+ +---------------+------------+-----------+-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+
+ | Port Name | Port Width | Direction | Description |
+ +---------------+------------+-----------+-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+
+ | clock | 1 | Input | Rising edge clock |
+ +---------------+------------+-----------+-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+
+ | enable | 1 | Input | Module enable (active high) |
+ +---------------+------------+-----------+-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+
+ | reset | 1 | Input | Module reset (active high) |
+ +---------------+------------+-----------+-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+
+ | set_stb | 1 | Input | Setting register strobe |
+ +---------------+------------+-----------+-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+
+ | set_addr | 8 | Input | Setting register address |
+ +---------------+------------+-----------+-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+
+ | set_data | 32 | Input | Setting register value |
+ +---------------+------------+-----------+-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+
+ | sample_in | 32 | Input | High 16 bit I, low 16 bit Q |
+ +---------------+------------+-----------+-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+
+ | sample_in_stb | 1 | Input | Sample input strobe |
+ +---------------+------------+-----------+-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+
+ | pkt_begin | 1 | Output | Signal begin of a packet |
+ +---------------+------------+-----------+-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+
+ | pkt_ht | 1 | Output | HT (802.11n) or legacy (802.11a/g) packet |
+ +---------------+------------+-----------+-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+
+ | pkt_rate | 8 | Output | For HT, the lower 7 bits is MCS. For legacy, the lower 4 bits is the rate bits in SIGNAL |
+ +---------------+------------+-----------+-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+
+ | pkt_len | 16 | Output | Packet length in bytes |
+ +---------------+------------+-----------+-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+
+ | byte_out_stb | 1 | Output | Byte out strobe |
+ +---------------+------------+-----------+-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+
+ | byte_out | 8 | Output | Byte value |
+ +---------------+------------+-----------+-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+
+ | fcs_out_stb | 1 | Output | FCS output strobe |
+ +---------------+------------+-----------+-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+
+ | fcs_ok | 1 | Output | FCS correct (high) or wrong (low) |
+ +---------------+------------+-----------+-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+
+Project Structure
+In the :file:`verilog` sub-directory, you will find the Verilog implementations
+of various modules. The implementations were originally targeted for the Xilinx
+Spartan 3A-DSP 3400 FPGA inside the USRP N210 device, thus there are various
+dependences to Xilinx libraries and USRP code base. In particular:
+- :file:`verilog/Xilinx` contains the Xilinx specific libraries
+- :file:`verilog/coregen` contains generated IP cores from Xilinx ISE
+- :file:`verilog/usrp2` contains USRP specific modules
+However, the project is self-contained and is ready for simulation using `Icarus
+Verilog `_ tool chain, including ``iverilog`` and
+The :file:`scripts` directory contains various Python scripts that:
+- Generate look up tables (:file:`gen_atan_lut.py`, :file:`gen_rot_lut.py`,
+ :file:`gen_deinter_lut.py`)
+- Convert binary I/Q file into text format so it can be read in Verilog using
+ ``readmemh``.
+- Consolidate sample files by removing *silent* signals (:file:`condense.py`).
+- Test each step of decoding process (:file:`test.py`)
+- 802.11 decoder in Python for cross validation (:file:`decode.py`)
+It also contains a modified copy of the `CommPy `_ library.
+The :file:`test.py` script is for cross validation between the Python decoder
+and |project| decoder. It first uses the :file:`decode.py` script to decode the
+sample file and stores the expected output of each step. It then performs
+Verilog simulation using ``vvp`` and compare the Verilog output against the
+expected output step by step.
+The :file:`testing_inputs` directory contains various sample files collected in
+a conducted or over the air setup. These files covers all the bit rates (legacy
+and HT) supported in |project|.
+.. _sec_sample:
+Sample File
+Throughout this documentation we will be using a sample file that contains the
+I/Q samples of a 802.11a packet at 24 Mbps (16-QAM). It'll be helpful to use a
+interactive iPython session and exercise various steps discussed in the
+Download the sample file from :download:`here `, the data
+can be loaded as follows:
+.. code-block:: python
+ import scipy
+ wave = scipy.fromfile('samples.dat', dtype=scipy.int16)
+ samples = [complex(i, q) for i, q in zip(wave[::2], wave[1::2])]
diff --git a/docs/source/sample.rst b/docs/source/sample.rst
index e45ddbf..8b13789 100644
--- a/docs/source/sample.rst
+++ b/docs/source/sample.rst
@@ -1,19 +1 @@
-.. _sec_sample:
-Sample File
-Throughout this documentation we will be using a sample file that contains the
-I/Q samples of a 802.11a packet at 24 Mbps (16-QAM). It'll be helpful to use a
-interactive iPython session and exercise various steps discussed in the
-Download the sample file from :download:`here `, the data
-can be loaded as follows:
-.. code-block:: python
- import scipy
- wave = scipy.fromfile('samples.dat', dtype=scipy.int16)
- samples = [complex(i, q) for i, q in zip(wave[::2], wave[1::2])]
diff --git a/docs/source/sig.rst b/docs/source/sig.rst
index c540770..9b84c3c 100644
--- a/docs/source/sig.rst
+++ b/docs/source/sig.rst
@@ -102,4 +102,33 @@ in |project|:
- Tail bits: must all be 0.
+.. _fig_ht_sig_crc:
+.. figure:: /images/ht_sig_crc.png
+ :align: center
+ :scale: 80%
+ CRC Calculation of HT-SIG
+:numref:`fig_ht_sig_crc` shows the logic to calculate the CRC in HT-SIG. The
+shift registers :math:`C_0,\ldots,C_7` are initialized with all ones. For each
+data bit :math:`m_0,\ldots,m_{33}`, the shift register is updated as:
+.. math::
+ C^{i+1}_7 &= C^{i}_6\\
+ C^{i+1}_6 &= C^{i}_5\\
+ C^{i+1}_5 &= C^{i}_4\\
+ C^{i+1}_4 &= C^{i}_3\\
+ C^{i+1}_3 &= C^{i}_2\\
+ C^{i+1}_2 &= C^{i}_1 \oplus C^{i}_7 \oplus m_i\\
+ C^{i+1}_1 &= C^{i}_0 \oplus C^{i}_7 \oplus m_i\\
+ C^{i+1}_0 &= C^{i}_7 \oplus m_i\\
+The CRC is then :math:`\overline{C^{34}_7},\ldots,\overline{C^{34}_0}`. Note the
+bits are inverted.
+The next OFDM symbol after HT-SIG is HT short preamble, which is skipped in
+|project|. The following OFDM symbol contains HT long training sequence, which
+replaces the legacy channel gain inside :file:`equalizer.v` module. The rest
+decoding logic is similar to 802.11a/g, except the number of data sub-carriers
+is adjusted from 48 to 52.