2020-10-08 10:06:03 +02:00
`timescale 1ns/1ps
module dot11_side_ch_tb;
`include "common_params.v"
localparam integer TSF_TIMER_WIDTH = 64; // according to 802.11 standard
localparam integer GPIO_STATUS_WIDTH = 8;
localparam integer RSSI_HALF_DB_WIDTH = 11;
localparam integer ADC_PACK_DATA_WIDTH = 64;
localparam integer IQ_DATA_WIDTH = 16;
localparam integer RSSI_DATA_WIDTH = 10;
localparam integer C_S00_AXI_DATA_WIDTH = 32;
localparam integer C_S00_AXI_ADDR_WIDTH = 7;
localparam integer C_S00_AXIS_TDATA_WIDTH = 64;
localparam integer C_M00_AXIS_TDATA_WIDTH = 64;
localparam integer WAIT_COUNT_BITS = 5;
2020-10-19 09:22:54 +02:00
localparam integer MAX_NUM_DMA_SYMBOL = 8192; // the fifo depth inside m_axis
2020-10-08 10:06:03 +02:00
function integer clogb2 (input integer bit_depth);
for(clogb2=0; bit_depth>0; clogb2=clogb2+1)
bit_depth = bit_depth >> 1;
localparam integer MAX_BIT_NUM_DMA_SYMBOL = clogb2(MAX_NUM_DMA_SYMBOL);
reg clock;
reg reset;
reg enable;
reg [10:0] rssi_half_db;
reg[31:0] sample_in;
reg sample_in_strobe;
reg [15:0] clk_count;
wire [31:0] sync_short_metric;
wire short_preamble_detected;
wire power_trigger;
wire [31:0] sync_long_out;
wire sync_long_out_strobe;
wire [31:0] sync_long_metric;
wire sync_long_metric_stb;
wire long_preamble_detected;
2020-10-19 09:22:54 +02:00
wire [31:0] phase_offset_taken;
2020-10-08 10:06:03 +02:00
wire [31:0] equalizer_out;
wire equalizer_out_strobe;
wire [5:0] demod_out;
wire demod_out_strobe;
wire [7:0] deinterleave_erase_out;
wire deinterleave_erase_out_strobe;
wire conv_decoder_out;
wire conv_decoder_out_stb;
wire descramble_out;
wire descramble_out_strobe;
wire [3:0] legacy_rate;
wire legacy_sig_rsvd;
wire [11:0] legacy_len;
wire legacy_sig_parity;
wire [5:0] legacy_sig_tail;
wire legacy_sig_stb;
reg signal_done;
wire [3:0] dot11_state;
wire pkt_header_valid;
wire pkt_header_valid_strobe;
wire [7:0] byte_out;
wire byte_out_strobe;
wire [15:0] byte_count_total;
wire [15:0] byte_count;
wire [15:0] pkt_len_total;
wire [15:0] pkt_len;
// wire [63:0] word_out;
// wire word_out_strobe;
wire demod_is_ongoing;
wire ofdm_symbol_eq_out_pulse;
wire ht_unsupport;
wire [7:0] pkt_rate;
wire [(32-1):0] csi;
wire csi_valid;
wire [31:0] FC_DI;
wire FC_DI_valid;
wire [47:0] addr1;
wire addr1_valid;
wire [47:0] addr2;
wire addr2_valid;
wire [47:0] addr3;
wire addr3_valid;
wire m_axis_start_1trans;
wire [63:0] data_to_ps;
wire data_to_ps_valid;
2020-10-19 09:22:54 +02:00
wire [(MAX_BIT_NUM_DMA_SYMBOL-1):0] m_axis_data_count;
2020-10-08 10:06:03 +02:00
wire fulln_to_pl;
reg slv_reg_wren_signal;
reg [4:0] axi_awaddr_core;
reg [3:0] num_eq;
2020-10-19 09:22:54 +02:00
// iq capture configuration
reg iq_capture;
reg [3:0] iq_trigger_select;
reg signed [(RSSI_HALF_DB_WIDTH-1):0] rssi_th;
reg [(GPIO_STATUS_WIDTH-2):0] gain_th;
reg [MAX_BIT_NUM_DMA_SYMBOL-1 : 0] pre_trigger_len;
reg [MAX_BIT_NUM_DMA_SYMBOL-1 : 0] iq_len_target;
2020-10-08 10:06:03 +02:00
reg set_stb;
reg [7:0] set_addr;
reg [31:0] set_data;
wire fcs_out_strobe, fcs_ok;
integer addr;
integer bb_sample_fd;
integer power_trigger_fd;
integer short_preamble_detected_fd;
integer long_preamble_detected_fd;
integer sync_long_metric_fd;
integer sync_long_out_fd;
integer equalizer_out_fd;
integer demod_out_fd;
integer deinterleave_erase_out_fd;
integer conv_out_fd;
integer descramble_out_fd;
integer signal_fd;
integer byte_out_fd;
integer file_i, file_q, file_rssi_half_db, iq_sample_file;
`define SPEED_100M // remove this to use 200M
2020-10-19 09:22:54 +02:00
localparam integer IQ_CAPTURE = 1; //0 -- CSI; 1 -- IQ
localparam integer IQ_TRIGGER_SELECT = 6;
localparam integer PRE_TRIGGER_LEN = 3;
localparam integer IQ_LEN_TARGET = 7;
2020-10-08 10:06:03 +02:00
//`define SAMPLE_FILE "../../../../../testing_inputs/simulated/iq_11n_mcs7_gi0_100B_ht_unsupport_openwifi.txt"
//`define SAMPLE_FILE "../../../../../testing_inputs/simulated/iq_11n_mcs7_gi0_100B_wrong_ht_sig_openwifi.txt"
//`define SAMPLE_FILE "../../../../../testing_inputs/simulated/iq_11n_mcs7_gi0_100B_wrong_sig_openwifi.txt"
//`define SAMPLE_FILE "../../../../../testing_inputs/simulated/iq_11n_mcs7_gi0_100B_openwifi.txt"
// `define SAMPLE_FILE "../../../../../testing_inputs/conducted/dot11n_6.5mbps_98_5f_d3_c7_06_27_e8_de_27_90_6e_42_openwifi.txt"
// `define SAMPLE_FILE "../../../../../testing_inputs/conducted/dot11n_52mbps_98_5f_d3_c7_06_27_e8_de_27_90_6e_42_openwifi.txt"
// `define SAMPLE_FILE "../../../../../testing_inputs/radiated/dot11n_19.5mbps_openwifi.txt"
//`define SAMPLE_FILE "../../../../../testing_inputs/conducted/dot11n_58.5mbps_98_5f_d3_c7_06_27_e8_de_27_90_6e_42_openwifi.txt"
// `define SAMPLE_FILE "../../../../../testing_inputs/conducted/dot11n_65mbps_98_5f_d3_c7_06_27_e8_de_27_90_6e_42_openwifi.txt"
// `define SAMPLE_FILE "../../../../../testing_inputs/conducted/dot11a_48mbps_qos_data_e4_90_7e_15_2a_16_e8_de_27_90_6e_42_openwifi.txt"
//`define SAMPLE_FILE "../../../../../testing_inputs/radiated/ack-ok-openwifi.txt"
`define SAMPLE_FILE "../../../../../testing_inputs/simulated/iq_mixed_for_side_ch_openwifi.txt"
`define NUM_SAMPLE 18560
//`define SAMPLE_FILE "../../../../../testing_inputs/simulated/openofdm_tx/PL_100Bytes/54Mbps.txt"
//`define NUM_SAMPLE 2048
initial begin
slv_reg_wren_signal = 0;
axi_awaddr_core = 0;
2020-10-19 09:22:54 +02:00
iq_capture = IQ_CAPTURE;
iq_trigger_select = IQ_TRIGGER_SELECT;
rssi_th = 0;
gain_th = 0;
pre_trigger_len = PRE_TRIGGER_LEN;
iq_len_target = IQ_LEN_TARGET;
2020-10-08 10:06:03 +02:00
clock = 0;
reset = 1;
enable = 0;
signal_done <= 0;
# 20 reset = 0;
enable = 1;
set_stb = 1;
# 20
// do not skip sample
set_addr = SR_SKIP_SAMPLE;
set_data = 0;
# 20 set_stb = 0;
integer file_open_trigger = 0;
always @(posedge clock) begin
file_open_trigger = file_open_trigger + 1;
if (file_open_trigger==1) begin
iq_sample_file = $fopen(`SAMPLE_FILE, "r");
bb_sample_fd = $fopen("./sample_in.txt", "w");
power_trigger_fd = $fopen("./power_trigger.txt", "w");
short_preamble_detected_fd = $fopen("./short_preamble_detected.txt", "w");
sync_long_metric_fd = $fopen("./sync_long_metric.txt", "w");
long_preamble_detected_fd = $fopen("./sync_long_frame_detected.txt", "w");
sync_long_out_fd = $fopen("./sync_long_out.txt", "w");
equalizer_out_fd = $fopen("./equalizer_out.txt", "w");
demod_out_fd = $fopen("./demod_out.txt", "w");
deinterleave_erase_out_fd = $fopen("./deinterleave_erase_out.txt", "w");
conv_out_fd = $fopen("./conv_out.txt", "w");
descramble_out_fd = $fopen("./descramble_out.txt", "w");
signal_fd = $fopen("./signal_out.txt", "w");
byte_out_fd = $fopen("./byte_out.txt", "w");
`ifdef SPEED_100M
always begin //100MHz
#5 clock = !clock;
always begin //200MHz
#2.5 clock = !clock;
always @(posedge clock) begin
if (reset) begin
sample_in <= 0;
clk_count <= 0;
sample_in_strobe <= 0;
addr <= 0;
num_eq <= 5;
end else if (enable) begin
`ifdef SPEED_100M
if (clk_count == 4) begin // for 100M; 100/20 = 5
if (clk_count == 9) begin // for 200M; 200/20 = 10
sample_in_strobe <= 1;
//$fscanf(iq_sample_file, "%d %d %d", file_i, file_q, file_rssi_half_db);
$fscanf(iq_sample_file, "%d %d", file_i, file_q);
sample_in[15:0] <= file_q;
sample_in[31:16]<= file_i;
//rssi_half_db <= file_rssi_half_db;
rssi_half_db <= 0;
addr <= addr + 1;
clk_count <= 0;
end else begin
sample_in_strobe <= 0;
clk_count <= clk_count + 1;
if (short_preamble_detected) begin
num_eq <= num_eq + 3;
if (legacy_sig_stb) begin
//if (sample_in_strobe && power_trigger) begin
if (sample_in_strobe) begin
$fwrite(bb_sample_fd, "%d %d %d\n", $time/2, $signed(sample_in[31:16]), $signed(sample_in[15:0]));
$fwrite(power_trigger_fd, "%d %d\n", $time/2, power_trigger);
$fwrite(short_preamble_detected_fd, "%d %d\n", $time/2, short_preamble_detected);
$fwrite(long_preamble_detected_fd, "%d %d\n", $time/2, long_preamble_detected);
if ((addr % 100) == 0) begin
$display("%d", addr);
if (addr == `NUM_SAMPLE) begin
if (sync_long_metric_stb) begin
$fwrite(sync_long_metric_fd, "%d %d\n", $time/2, sync_long_metric);
if (sync_long_out_strobe) begin
$fwrite(sync_long_out_fd, "%d %d\n", $signed(sync_long_out[31:16]), $signed(sync_long_out[15:0]));
if (equalizer_out_strobe) begin
$fwrite(equalizer_out_fd, "%d %d\n", $signed(equalizer_out[31:16]), $signed(equalizer_out[15:0]));
if (legacy_sig_stb) begin
signal_done <= 1;
$fwrite(signal_fd, "%04b %b %012b %b %06b", legacy_rate, legacy_sig_rsvd, legacy_len, legacy_sig_parity, legacy_sig_tail);
if (dot11_state == S_DECODE_DATA && demod_out_strobe) begin
$fwrite(demod_out_fd, "%b %b %b %b %b %b\n",demod_out[0],demod_out[1],demod_out[2],demod_out[3],demod_out[4],demod_out[5]);
if (dot11_state == S_DECODE_DATA && deinterleave_erase_out_strobe) begin
$fwrite(deinterleave_erase_out_fd, "%b %b %b %b %b %b %b %b\n", deinterleave_erase_out[0], deinterleave_erase_out[1], deinterleave_erase_out[2], deinterleave_erase_out[3], deinterleave_erase_out[4], deinterleave_erase_out[5], deinterleave_erase_out[6], deinterleave_erase_out[7]);
if (dot11_state == S_DECODE_DATA && conv_decoder_out_stb) begin
$fwrite(conv_out_fd, "%b\n", conv_decoder_out);
if (dot11_state == S_DECODE_DATA && descramble_out_strobe) begin
$fwrite(descramble_out_fd, "%b\n", descramble_out);
if (dot11_state == S_DECODE_DATA && byte_out_strobe) begin
$fwrite(byte_out_fd, "%02x\n", byte_out);
side_ch_control # (
.TSF_TIMER_WIDTH(TSF_TIMER_WIDTH), // according to 802.11 standard
2020-10-19 09:22:54 +02:00
2020-10-08 10:06:03 +02:00
) side_ch_control_i (
// from pl
2020-10-19 09:22:54 +02:00
2020-10-08 10:06:03 +02:00
2020-10-19 09:22:54 +02:00
2020-10-08 10:06:03 +02:00
2020-10-19 09:22:54 +02:00
2020-10-08 10:06:03 +02:00
2020-10-19 09:22:54 +02:00
2020-10-08 10:06:03 +02:00
// from arm
.slv_reg_wren_signal(slv_reg_wren_signal), // to capture m axis num dma symbol write, so that auto trigger start
2020-10-19 09:22:54 +02:00
2020-10-08 10:06:03 +02:00
2020-10-19 09:22:54 +02:00
2020-10-08 10:06:03 +02:00
.num_eq({1'd0, num_eq[2:0]}),
2020-10-19 09:22:54 +02:00
2020-10-08 10:06:03 +02:00
// s_axis
// m_axis
side_ch_m_axis # (
) side_ch_m_axis_i (
.M_AXIS_ARESETN( ~reset ),
phy_rx_parse phy_rx_parse_inst (
.rstn( ~reset ),
dot11 dot11_inst (
2020-10-19 09:22:54 +02:00
2020-10-08 10:06:03 +02:00
byte_to_word_fcs_sn_insert byte_to_word_fcs_sn_insert_inst (