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2017-04-03 15:48:25 -04:00
.. _freq_offset:
Frequency Offset Correction
2017-04-05 16:06:23 -04:00
2017-04-07 16:48:34 -04:00
:download:`This paper </files/vtc04_freq_offset.pdf>` [1]_ explains why
frequency offset occurs and how to correct it. In a nutshell, there are two
types of frequency offsets. The first is called **Carrier Frequency Offset
(CFO)** and is caused by the difference between the transmitter and receiver's
Local Oscillator (LO). This symptom of this offset is a phase rotation of
incoming I/Q samples (time domain). The second is **Sampling Frequency Offset
(SFO)** and is caused by the sampling effect. The symptom of this offset is a
phase rotation of constellation points after FFT (frequency domain).
2017-04-05 16:06:23 -04:00
The CFO can be corrected with the help of short preamble (Coarse) long preamble
(Fine). And the SFO can be corrected using the pilot sub-carriers in each OFDM
symbol. Before we get into how exactly the correction is done. Let's see
visually how each correction step helps in the final constellation plane.
.. _fig_cons:
.. figure:: /images/cons.png
:align: center
Constellation Points Without Any Correction
.. figure:: /images/cons_w_coarse.png
:align: center
Constellation Points With Only Coarse Correction
.. figure:: /images/cons_w_coarse_fine.png
:align: center
Constellation Points With both Coarse and Fine Correction
.. _fig_cons_full:
.. figure:: /images/cons_w_coarse_fine_pilot.png
:align: center
Constellation Points With Coarse, Fine and Pilot Correction
:numref:`fig_cons` to :numref:`fig_cons_full` shows the constellation points of
a 64-QAM modulated 802.11a packet.
Coarse CFO Correction
The coarse CFO can be estimated using the short preamble as follows:
.. math::
\alpha_{ST} = \frac{1}{16}\angle(\sum_{i=0}^{N}\overline{S[i]}S[i+16])
where :math:`\angle(\cdot)` is the phase of complex number and :math:`N \le 144
(160 - 16)` is the subset of short preambles utilized. The intuition is that the
phase difference between S[i] and S[i+16] represents the accumulated CFO over 16
After getting :math:`\alpha_{ST}`, each following I/Q samples (starting from
long preamble) are corrected as:
.. math::
S'[m] = S[m]e^{-jm\alpha_{ST}}, m = 0, 1, 2, \ldots
2017-04-07 16:48:34 -04:00
In |project|, the coarse CFO is calculated in the ``sync_short`` module, and we
2017-04-05 16:06:23 -04:00
set :math:`N=64`. The ``prod_avg`` in :numref:`fig_sync_short` is fed into a
``moving_avg`` module with window size set to 64.
2017-04-07 16:48:34 -04:00
.. [1] Sourour, Essam, Hussein El-Ghoroury, and Dale McNeill. "Frequency Offset Estimation and Correction in the IEEE 802.11 a WLAN." Vehicular Technology Conference, 2004. VTC2004-Fall. 2004 IEEE 60th. Vol. 7. IEEE, 2004.